231014 'HAND' http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/eea_s.htm or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de/eea_s.htm.

For links to the chapter A Colour Image Technology and Colour Management (2019), see
Content list of chapter A: AEA_I in English or AGA_I in German.
Summary of chapter A: AEA_S in English or AGA_S in German.
Example content part AEAI of some available parts AEAI to AEZI: AEAI in English or AGAI in German.
Example images part AEAS of all 26 parts AEAS to AEZS: AEAS in English or AGAS in German.

For links to the chapter B Colour Vision and Colorimetry (2020), see
Content list of chapter B: BEA_I in English or BGA_I in German.
Summary of chapter B: BEA_S in English or BGA_S in German.
Example content part BEAI of some available parts BEAI to BEZI: BEAI in English or BGAI in German.
Example images part BEAS of all 26 parts BEAS to BEZS: BEAS in English or BGAS in German.

For links to the chapter C Colour Spaces, Colour Differences, and Line Elements (2021), see
Content list of chapter C: CEA_I in English or CGA_I in German.
Summary of chapter C: CEA_S in English or CGA_S in German.
Example content part CEAI of some available parts CEAI to CEZI: CEAI in English or CGAI in German.
Example images part CEAS of all 26 parts CEAS to CEZS: CEAS in English or CGAS in German.

For links to the chapter D Colour Appearance, Elementary Colours, and Metrics (2022), see
Content list of chapter D: DEA_I in English or DGA_I in German.
Summary of chapter D: DEA_S in English or DGA_S in German.
Example content part DEAI of some available parts DEAI to DEZI: DEAI in English or DGAI in German.
Example images part DEAS of all 26 parts DEAS to DEZS: DEAS in English or DGAS in German.

For links to the chapter E Colour Metrics, Differences, and Appearance (2023), under work, see
Content list of chapter E (links and file names use small letters): eea_i in English or ega_i in German.
Summary of chapter E: eea_s in English or ega_s in German.
Example content part eeaI of some available parts eeai to eezi: eeai in English or egai in German.
Example images part eeas of all 26 parts eeas to eezs: eeas in English or egas in German.

Project title: Antagonistic TUB-relativity model of colour vision for a wide range of luminance and chromatic adaptation

The antagonistic TUB-relativity model of colour vision is based on the linear CIE colourimetry. The TUB model for both luminance and chromatic adaptation uses basic psychophysical and physiological data. Therefore the TUB model is often applicable for both surface and light colours, for example on HDR displays.

The antagonistic Ostwald optimal colours for different chromatic adaptation are described by a special linear CIE colourimetry, see for example CIE 230:2019. The chromatic adaptation data are combined with phychophysical data of Lingelbach and physiological data of Van Nooren which include luminance adaptation for more than five log units. Therefore the TUB model includes both the chromatic and the luminance adaptation.

It may be proofed, if the TUB model for chromatic and luminance adaptation may reduce the 12 step forwards and the 7 steps backwards of the CIELAM 16 model to about two steps forwards and backwards.

Proposals and information: Study the figures and the text in the following sections 4.1 and 4.2 with the TUB model for surface colours. More images and text will follow for the sections 4.3 to 4.6 for both surface and light colours. However, many images for these sections are allready avaiable under the 25 links (a..z), for example
eeas.htm, eebs.htm, .., eezs.htm.

I thank Thorstein Seim (Norway), Detlef Ruschin, and Florian Suessel (both Germany) for many discussions and improvements of the TUB model. For comments and question one may use the email address klaus.richter@mac.com.

Titles and links to six different topics (all under work in 2023)
Title of part 4.1: Achromatic colour metric for the surface colour range for adjacent (a) and separated (s) samples
eea_s41 in English or ega_s41 in German.

Title of part 4.2: Achromatic and chromatic colour metric for the surface colour range
eea_s42 in English or ega_s42 in German.

Title of part 4.3: Achromatic colour metric for a wide luminance range between the Low, Standard and High Dynamic Range (LDR, SDR, and HDR)
eea_s43 in English or ega_s43 in German.

Title of part 4.4: Achromatic and chromatic colour metric for a wide luminance range between the Low, Standard and High Dynamic Range (LDR, SDR, and HDR)
eea_s44 in English or ega_s44 in German.

Title of part 4.5: Research results and connections of special CIE and TUB colourimetries
eea_s45 in English or ega_s45 in German.

Title of part 4.6: Research results on the colour appearance attribute colourfullness
eea_s46 in English or ega_s46 in German.
For links to the main chapter E
Colour Metrics, Differences, and Appearance (2023), under work.
Content list of chapter E (links and file names use small letters), see
eea_s in English or ega_s in German.

This web page is since 2023 under work.
In future the figures and the text may be improved.

Link to the first topic (under work in 2023)
Title of part 4.1: Achromatic colour metric for the surface colour range for adjacent (a) and separated (s) samples
eea_s41 in English or ega_s41 in German.

For the TUB start site (not archive), see
index.html in English, or indexDE.html in German.

For the TUB archive site (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

For similar Information of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" from the WBM server (WayBackMachine)