250128 'GNAX' http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/gea_i.htm or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de/gea_i.htm.

Go to this page in German gga_i.htm

Chapter A: Colour Image Technology and Colour Management (2019)
Introduction, content list and summary: AEAI, AEA_I, AEA_S in English or AGAI, AGA_I, AGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: AEAS, ae2s in English or AGAS, ag2s in German.

Chapter B: Colour Vision and Colorimetry (2020)
Introduction, content list and summary: BEAI, BEA_I, BEA_S in English or BGAI, BGA_I, BGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: BEAS, be2s in English or BGAS, bg2s in German.

Chapter C: Colour Spaces, Colour Differences, and Line Elements (2021)
Introduction, content list and summary: CEAI, CEA_I, CEA_S in English or CGAI, CGA_I, CGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: CEAS, ce2s in English or CGAS, cg2s in German.

Chapter D: Colour Appearance, Elementary Colours, and Metrics (2022)
Introduction, content list and summary: DEAI, DEA_I, DEA_S in English or DGAI, DGA_I, DGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: DEAS, de2s in English or DGAS, dg2s in German.

Chapter E: Colour Metrics, Differences, and Appearance (2023)
Introduction, content list and summary: eeai, eea_i, eea_s in English or egai, ega_i, ega_s in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: eeas, ee2s in English or egas, eg2s in German.

Chapter F: Colour metrics for chromatic and luminance adaptation (2024)
Introduction and content list: feai, fea_i in English or fgai (under work), fga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: feas, fe2s in English or fgas, fg2s in German.

Chapter G: Equally spaced colour scales for optimal colour-image quality (2024b)
Content list: gea_i in English or gga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: geas ge2s in English or ggas, gg2s in German.

Chapter H: SDR and HDR-colour metric for optimal colour-image quality (2025)
Content list: hea_i in English or hga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 (and 260, under work) image series: heas he2s in English or hgas, hg2s in German.

Chapter I: Output linearization of visual data for scaling and thresholds (2025b) , under work
Content list: iea_i in English or iga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 (and 260, under work) image series: ieas ie2s in English or igas, ig2s in German.

Any large image file with 260 pages, for example he2s.htm, can be printed as image series.
Also the content can be saved as a pdf file for any of the chapters A to H.
In addition a download of the corresponding pdf file, for example he2s.pdf (about 150MB) is possible.

Project title: Colour and colour vision with Ostwald, device, and elementary colours -
Antagonistic colour-vision model TUBJND and properties for many applications

Chapter G: Equally spaced colour scales for optimal colour-image quality (2024b), Main part gea_i

Each chapter includes main parts (I) with information to an image part (S).
There are 26 image parts (S), each with 10 figure pages.
The 10 figure pages (0 to 9) include up to 16 figures, and each figure with up to six formats.

Structure, content, and order of files and figures on the example chapter
Colour Vision and Colorimetry

Figure 1 shows the structure of the web site BE(A..Z)I.HTM und BE(A..Z)S.HTM.
For the download of this figure in the VG-PDF format, see AEX00-5N.PDF.

Structure, content, and order of files and figures on the web site http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de.

Figure 2 shows the structure, the content, and the order of files and figures on the web site http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de.
For the download of this figure in the VG-PDF format, see AEX0L0NP.PDF.

List of links to the contents of all image parts

Image part geas in English or ggas in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling and Gamma calculation;
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps of the series N-WRGBCMY and RGBCMY-W with 3 or 5 of 17 steps.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. 3, 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Advantages and disadvantages of the part and complete scaling;
4. Calculation of visual Gamma for 33 grey steps and of the inverse Gamma;
5. Applications and discussion.
Remarks: For the 3 or 5-step similar scaling see the serie fets.htm.
For the 5 or 9-step similar scaling see the serie feys.htm.
go to the image part geas to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gebs in English or ggbs in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling;
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps of the series N-WRGBCMY-N und RGB-W with 3 or 5 or 17 steps.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. 3 or 5 or 17-step intervall scaling;
3. Advantages and disadvantages of the part and complete scaling;
4. Calculation of visual Gamma and of the inverse Gamma;
5. Applications and discussion.
Remarks: For the 5 or 9-step similar scaling see the serie feys.htm.
For many 3-step examples, and a W-U-N example with 33 steps see fess.htm.
go to the image part gebs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gecs in English or ggcs in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling;
Evaluation of colour steps of the series N-WRGBCMY and RGB-W with 5 or 9 of 17 steps; Surround mean Grey U=N08w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Evaluation of the head room with 5 samples on surround N and U;
4. Applications and discussion.
Remark: For the 3 or 5-step similar scaling of the series
N-WRGBCMY and RGBCMY-W see the serie geas.htm.
go to the image part gecs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part geds in English or ggds in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling;
Evaluation of colour steps of the series N-WRGBCMY and RGB-W with 5 or 9 of 17 steps; Surround dark Grey D=N04w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Evaluation of the head room with 5 samples on surround N and U;
4. Applications and discussion.
Remark: For the 3 or 5-step similar scaling of the series
N-WRGBCMY and RGBCMY-W see the serie geas.htm.
go to the image part geds to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gees in English or gges in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling;
Evaluation of colour steps of the series N-WRGBCMY and RGB-W with 5 or 9 of 17 steps; Surround light Grey H=N12w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Evaluation of the head room with 5 samples on surround N and U;
4. Applications and discussion.
Remark: For the 3 or 5-step similar scaling of the series
N-WRGBCMY and RGBCMY-W see the serie geas.htm.
go to the image part gees to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gefs in English or ggfs in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling;
Evaluation of colour steps of the series NCMY-W with 3 or 5 of 17 steps; Three surrounds: mean Grey U=N08w, dark Grey D=N04w, light Grey H=N12w

1. Introduction and goals.
2. 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Evaluation of the head room with 5 samples on surround N and U;
4. Applications and discussion.
Remark: For the 3 or 5-step similar scaling of the series
RGBCMY-W see the serie geas.htm.
go to the image part gefs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gegs in English or gggs in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling;
Evaluation example of colour steps of the series N-WRGBCMY and RGB-W with 3 or 5 of 17 steps; Surround mean Grey U=N08w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Evaluation example of the head room with 5 samples on surround N and U;
4. Applications of greyish and luminous colours and discussion.
Remarks: For the 3 or 5-step similar scaling of the series
N-WRGBCMY and RGBCMY-W, see the series geas.htm.
For the 5 or 9-step similar scaling of the series
N-WRGBCMY and RGB-W, see the series gecs.htm.
go to the image part gegs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gehs in English or gghs in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling;
Evaluation example of colour steps of the series N-WRGBCMY and RGB-W with 3 or 5 of 17 steps; Surround dark Grey D=N04w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Evaluation example of the head room with 5 samples on surround N and U;
4. Applications of greyish and luminous colours and discussion.
Remarks: For the 3 or 5-step similar scaling of the series
N-WRGBCMY and RGBCMY-W, see the series geas.htm.
For the 5 or 9-step similar scaling of the series
N-WRGBCMY and RGB-W, see the series geds.htm.
go to the image part gehs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part geis in English or ggis in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling;
Evaluation example of colour steps of the series N-WRGBCMY and RGB-W with 3 or 5 of 17 steps; Surround light Grey H=N12w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Evaluation example of the head room with 5 samples on surround N and U;
4. Applications of greyish and luminous colours and discussion.
Remarks: For the 3 or 5-step similar scaling of the series
N-WRGBCMY and RGBCMY-W, see the series geas.htm.
For the 5 or 9-step similar scaling of the series
N-WRGBCMY and RGB-W, see the series gees.htm.
go to the image part geis to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gejs in English or ggjs in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling;
Evaluation example of colour steps of the series NCMY-W with 5 or 9 of 17 steps; Three surrounds mean Grey U=N08w, dark Grey D=N04w, light Grey H=N12w

1. Introduction and goals.
2. 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Evaluation example of the head room with 5 samples on surround N and U;
4. Applications of greyish and luminous colours and discussion.
Remark: For the 5 or 9-step similar scaling of the series
NCMY-W, see the series gefs.htm.
go to the image part gejs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part geks in English or ggks in German.
Title: Output on displays: luminous or blackish colours;
NCS and Ostwald colours of equal blackness

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Hue triangle red with luminous or blackish colours;
3. Affine systematic reduction of the grey rgb-values;
4. 1080 colours according to ISO 9241-306 with luminous or blackish colours;
5. NCS and Ostwald colours of equal blackness;
6. Application of the results.
go to the image part geks to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gels in English or ggls in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling;
Series N-WRGB and dark and light N-W scales;
Four surrounds mean Grey U=N08w, dark Grey D=N04w, light Grey H=N12w, and darker mean Grey d=N06w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Visual 3, 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Visual samples on surrounds U, D, H, and d;
4. Visual numeric specification and calculation of scaling with example.
5. Application for the linearisation of the scales with inverse functions.
Remark: For similar test charts see gens.htm.
go to the image part gels to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gems in English or ggms in German.
Title: 1080 display coplours for the SDR and HDR range;
Different Gamma for large and small image
for 16 ambient reflections accoprding to ISO 9241-306

1. Introduction and goals;
2. 1080 colours according to ISO 9241-306;
3. Gamma change gP for 9 steps according to ISO 9241-306;
4. Extention of the sRGB files for the display range HDR;
5. Determination of visual Gamma for the HDR-white range W-P2 with 9 and 17 colour steps;
6. Applications for an ergonomic image technology for the consumer area.
Remark: For older and similar test charts see fexs.htm.
go to the image part gems to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gens in English or ggns in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate grey samples for interval scaling;
Series N-W, and dark and light N-W scales;
Four surrounds mean Grey U=N08w, dark Grey D=N04w, light Grey H=N12w, and darker mean Grey d=N06w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Visual 3, 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Visual samples on surrounds U, D, H, and d;
4. Visual numeric specification and calculation of scaling with example.
5. Application for the linearisation of the scales with inverse functions.
Remark: For similar test charts see gels.htm.
go to the image part gens to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part geos in English or ggos in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate grey samples for interval scaling;
Series N-W, and dark and light N-W scales;
Four surrounds mean Grey U=N08w, dark Grey D=N04w, light Grey H=N12w, and darker mean Grey d=N06w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Visual 3, 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Visual samples on surrounds U, D, H, and d;
4. Visual numeric specification and calculation of scaling with example.
5. Application for the linearisation of the scales with inverse functions.
Remark: For similar test charts see gels.htm.
go to the image part geos to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part geps in English or ggps in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate grey samples for interval scaling;
Series N-W, and dark and light N-W scales;
Four surrounds mean Grey U=N08w, dark Grey D=N04w, light Grey H=N12w, and darker mean Grey d=N06w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Visual 3, 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Visual samples on surrounds U, D, H, and d;
4. Visual numeric specification and calculation of scaling with example.
5. Application for the linearisation of the scales with inverse functions.
Remark: For similar test charts see gels.htm.
go to the image part geps to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part geqs in English or ggqs in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate grey samples for interval scaling;
Series N-W, and dark and light N-W scales;
Four surrounds mean Grey U=N08w, dark Grey D=N04w, light Grey H=N12w, and darker mean Grey d=N06w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Visual 3, 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Visual samples on surrounds U, D, H, and d;
4. Visual numeric specification and calculation of scaling with example.
5. Application for the linearisation of the scales with inverse functions.
Remark: For similar test charts see gels.htm.
go to the image part geqs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gers in English or ggrs in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate grey samples for interval scaling;
Series N-W, and dark and light N-W scales;
Four surrounds mean Grey U=N08w, dark Grey D=N04w, light Grey H=N12w, and darker mean Grey d=N06w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Visual 3, 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Visual samples on surrounds U, D, H, and d;
4. Visual numeric specification and calculation of scaling with example.
5. Application for the linearisation of the scales with inverse functions.
Remark: For similar test charts see geps.htm.
go to the image part gers to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gess in English or ggss in German.
Title: PostScript EPS Code;
Colour Management for output linearization of 9 step colour scales;
Tables xyreh_256 and xyrinh_256 of real (re) and inverse (in) colours
in hex (h) or decimal (d), and for inverse gamma=2 and 0,5 or 1,5 and 0,667.

1. Introduction and goals;
2. Colour management for output linearization;
3. Tables xyreh_256 and xyrinh_256 of real (re) and inverse (in) colours;
4. Relation between data in hex (h 0:255) and decimal (d 0:1,000);
5. Procedure for fast output linearization of xyreh_256 by xyinh_256 data;
6. Application of the procedure FF_CM_xchart_gamma for fast output linearization;
7. Discussion.
Remark: For similar test charts see gets.htm.
go to the image part gess to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gets in English or ggts in German.
Title: PostScript EPS Code;
Colour Management for output linearization of 9 step colour scales;
Tables xyreh_1024 and xyrinh_1024 of real (re) and inverse (in) colours
in hex (h) or decimal (d), and for inverse gamma=2 and 0,5 or 1,5 and 0,667;
ISO-colour file and loop: File ->Print ->Scan ->File;
1080 colours with Gamma(rel)=1,000, 0,775, and 0,500 for output linearization,

1. Introduction and goals;
2. Colour management for output linearization;
3. Tables xyreh_1024 and xyrinh_1024 of real (re) and inverse (in) colours;
4. Relation between data in hex (h 0:1023) and decimal (d 0:1,000);
5. Procedure for fast output linearization of xyreh_1024 by xyinh_1024 data;
6. Application of the procedure FF_CM_xchart_gamma for fast output linearization;
7. ISO-colour file and loop: File ->Print ->Scan ->File;
8. 1080 colours (rgb, cmyk, w, k) with 9 step colour series according to ISO 9241-306;
Output with Gamma(rel)=1, 0,775, and 0,5 for output linearisation;
9. Discussion.
Remark: For similar test charts see gess.htm.
go to the image part gets to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part geus in English or ggus in German.
Title: Colour metric SED (Spacing Equal Difference) and SLD (Spacing Luminous Difference) on SDR and HDR displays;
Border between luminous and blackish colours;
Colour metric SED for equally spaced colour series;
Colour metric SLD for luminous and blackish colours;
Realization and applications in colour loop

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Visual equally spaced surface and display colours for equally spaced data
in pdf files according to ISO 9241-306:2019 and ISO/IEC 15775:2022;
3. Realization of luminous surface and display colours;
4. Border between luminous and blackish colours according to CIE R1-57:2014;
5. Creation of luminous and blackish colours according to ISO 9241-306, Annex X, on SDR and HDR displays;
6. SDR and HDR displays with the luminance 200 and 1000 cd/m^2 according to ISO 22028-5:2023;
7. Colour metrics SED (Spacing Equal Difference) and SLD (Spacing Luminous Difference)
according to the TUB-Relativity model of colour vision;
8. Approximately equal colour metric SED-200 and SED-1000;
9. Approximately equal colour metric SLD-200 and SLD-1000;
10. Colour metric for the transfer SLD-SED in both directions (Tone Mapping without a GainMap by equations);
11. Use of colour metric in ISO-colour loop file - print - scan - file;
12. Discussion of results.

go to the image part geus to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gevs in English or ggvs in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate grey samples for interval scaling;
Series N-W, and dark and light N-W scales;
Four surrounds mean Grey U=N08w, dark Grey D=N04w, light Grey H=N12w, and darker mean Grey d=N06w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Visual 3, 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Visual samples on surrounds U, D, H, and d;
4. Visual numeric specification and calculation of scaling with example.
5. Application for the linearisation of the scales with inverse functions.
Remark: For similar test charts see gels.htm.
go to the image part gevs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gews in English or ggws in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate grey samples for interval scaling;
Series N-W, and dark and light N-W scales;
Four surrounds mean Grey U=N08w, dark Grey D=N04w, light Grey H=N12w, and darker mean Grey d=N06w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Visual 3, 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Visual samples on surrounds U, D, H, and d;
4. Visual numeric specification and calculation of scaling with example.
5. Application for the linearisation of the scales with inverse functions.
Remark: For similar test charts see gels.htm.
go to the image part gews to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gexs in English or ggxs in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate grey samples for interval scaling;
Series N-W, and dark and light N-W scales;
Four surrounds mean Grey U=N08w, dark Grey D=N04w, light Grey H=N12w, and darker mean Grey d=N06w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Visual 3, 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Visual samples on surrounds U, D, H, and d;
4. Visual numeric specification and calculation of scaling with example.
5. Application for the linearisation of the scales with inverse functions.
Remark: For similar test charts see gels.htm.
go to the image part gexs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part geys in English or ggys in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate grey samples for interval scaling;
Series N-W, and dark and light N-W scales;
Four surrounds mean Grey U=N08w, dark Grey D=N04w, light Grey H=N12w, and darker mean Grey d=N06w.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Visual 3, 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Visual samples on surrounds U, D, H, and d;
4. Visual numeric specification and calculation of scaling with example.
5. Application for the linearisation of the scales with inverse functions.
Remark: For similar test charts see gels.htm.
go to the image part geys to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part gezs in English or ggzs in German.
Title: Layout of images in TUB-test charts;
Example evaluation of Grey scales with 3, 5, and 9 samples
Colour samples and rgb values of the 1080 colours according to ISO 9241-306
Colour differences according to CIELAB and TUBsRGB as function of luminance

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Up to 16 images within a TUB-test chart;
3. Numbering, size, and layout of the images;
4. Example evaluation of Grey scales with 3, 5, and 9 samples;
5. Colour samples and rgb values of the 1080 colours according to ISO 9241-306;
6. Colour differences according to CIELAB and TUBsRGB as function of luminance;
7. Discussion of results.

go to the image part gezs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

For the start TUB web site (not archive), see
index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.

For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.