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Examples of test charts and/or colorimetric calculations

Physiological signals, luminance discriminability L/(delta L), and Ostwald colours
TS01: Physiological signals and Luminance discriminability L/(delta L).
example file (1 page, 240 KB) TS01/TS01L0NP.PDF

Colours of maximum (m) chromatic value CAB, and antichromatic optimal Ostwald colours
for the CIE 2 and 10 degree observer, and for eigth illuminants; comparison with NCS and sRGB system
TS05: CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh*; Data for hue angles hAB and hab and dominant wavelength lamda_d.
example file (16 pages, 2,4 MB) TS05/TS05L0NP.PDF

optimal colours
TS09: 16 step elementary hue circle and 5 grey steps; XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh colour data.
example file (1 page, 320 KB) TS09/TS09L0NP.PDF

Test of continues hue data for the CIE 2- and 10-degree observer
TS12: Test of continues hue data for 2 observers; CIEXYZ data for 8 illuminants without and with purple data for CIE illuminant E.
example file (16 pages, 720 KB) TS12/TS12L0NP.PDF

Colorimetry and colour vision
TS15: Yellow-Blue- and Red-Green spectral values.
example file (1 page, 100 KB) TS15/TS15L0NP.PDF

Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data XYZ, xyz, h for eight illuminants for the 2 and 10 degree observer
TS16: Yw=100, Ym=520-770
example file (16 pages, 1,9 MB) TS16/TS16L0NP.PDF

Light and colour metric
TS20: Normalized exponential functions for line elements, see K. Richter (1996), Computer graphic and colorimetry.
example file (1 page, 120 KB) TS20/TS20L0NP.PDF

ISO resolutions and CIE reports
TS21: Methods for output linearization of colour devices: displays, data projectors, printers, and offset print.
example file (1 pages, 20 KB) TS21/TS21L0NP.PDF

Maximum (m) CAB colours, Go & Mo; CIE data XYZ, xyz, h for eight illuminants, 2 & 10 degree observer
TS22: Yw=100, Ym=520-770m, Parameter: N.
example file (16 pages, 2,2 MB) TS22/TS22L0NP.PDF

Colour vision and colorimetry; cone sensitivity and cone saturation for cone distance
TS30: delta_lambda = 100nm.
example file (1 page, 180 KB) TS30/TS30L0NP.PDF

Colour vision and colorimetry; cone sensitivity and cone U0-saturation for cone distance
TS33: delta_lambda = 100nm.
example file (1 page, 230 KB) TS33/TS33L0NP.PDF

Colour threshold experiments; Viewing situations of different experiments
TS36: colour series in CIE (x,y) chromaticity diagram.
example file (1 page, 110 KB) TS36/TS36L0NP.PDF

Colour threshold experiments of Avramopolous (1989)
TS37: 3 luminances, observer AD, short and long presentation time tp=0,1 and 26s.
example file (1 page, 200 KB) TS37/TS37L0NP.PDF

Colour threshold experiments; Richter (1988) formula
TS39: for Lingelbach (1977) experiments; short time presentation tp=0,4s, 5 white suround luminances.
example file (1 page, 150 KB) TS39/TS39L0NP.PDF

Device colours of sRGB display; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants, 2 and 10 degree observer
TS40: Yw=100, Parameter: N.
example file (16 pages, 1,8 MB) TS40/TS40L0NP.PDF

Device & elementary colours of sRGB display; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants, 2 and 10 degree observer
TS42: Yw=100, Parameter: N.
example file (16 pages, 1,8 MB) TS42/TS42L0NP.PDF

TS44: Yw=100, Parameter: Y.
example file (16 pages, 2 MB) TS44/TS44L0NP.PDF

Threshold experiments; Avramopoulos (1989); Presentation time tp=26s, 4 observers
TS50: 3 repeats, adaptation to grey surround luminance 6,3cd/m**2.
example file (3 pages, 500 KB) TS50/TS50L0NP.PDF

Threshold experiments; Avramopoulos (1989); Presentation time tp=0,1s, 4 observers
TS52: 3 repeats, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.
example file (9 pages, 1,3 MB) TS52/TS52L0NP.PDF

Threshold experiments; Avramopoulos (1988); Presentation time tp=26s, 4 observers
TS54: 3 repeats, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.
example file (9 pages, 2 MB) TS54/TS54L0NP.PDF

Threshold experiments; Lingelbach (1977); tp=0,4s, 9 observers
TS56: Richter (1988) potential A3-equations, 2 times 5 surround luminances, range 0,1 to 6000 cd/m**2.
example file (5 pages, 300 KB) TS56/TS56L0NP.PDF

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1989); tp=0,1s
TS59: average of observers, data and exponential A2-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.
example file (9 pages, 1 MB) TS59/TS59L0NP.PDF

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1989); tp=0,1s
TS60: 4 observers, 3 repeats, data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.
example file (9 pages, 1,5 MB) TS60/TS60L0NP.PDF

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1989); tp=26s
TS64: 4 observers, 3 repeats data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 cd/m**2.
example file (3 pages, 600 KB) TS64/TS64L0NP.PDF

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1989); tp=0,1 and 26s
TS68: 4 observers, average data and potential A3-pc-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 cd/m**2.
example file (3 pages, 500 KB) TS68/TS68L0NP.PDF

Examples of ISO/IEC-test charts for different output
Achromatic test chart no. 2 (CMY): Standard device sRGB
TS70: Transfer rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e.
example file (4 pages, 900 KB) TS70/TS70L0NP.PDF

TS70: 3D-linearization rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e.
example file (4 pages, 900 KB) TS70/TS70L0FP.PDF

Chromatic test chart no. 4 (RGB): Standard device sRGB
TS80: No Transfer.
example file (1 page, 1,7 MB) TS80/TS80L0NP.PDF

TS80: 3D-linearization rgb -> rgb*de.
example file (1 page, 1,7 MB) TS80/TS8011SP.PDF

Chromatic test chart no. 2 (CMY): Standard device sRGB
TS90: No Transfer.
example file (1 page, 1,7 MB) TS90/TS90L0NP.PDF

TS90: 3D-linearization rgb -> rgb*de.
example file (1 page, 1,7 MB) TS90/TS9011SP.PDF.

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Para la información de archivo (2000-2009) del servidor BAM "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
sobre tablas de prueba de color, cálculos colorimétricos, normas, y publicaciones, ver
indexAE.html en inglés, indexAG.html en alemán.

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index.html en inglés, indexDE.html en alemán.