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Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology

Some basic colorimetric and colour vision data for thresholds, and for antichromatic optimal Ostwald colours.

Figures and data of "Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology" are in the folders TEXX (colour series T, E=English, XX=00 to 99).

Folder and Title
Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology

See also the booklet of K. Richter (2015, 80 pages, 2,5 MB) Colour, Colour Vision and Elementary Colours in Colour Information Technology

CIE data of offset print colours
TE00: Offset print colours; CIE data YABCh and LabCH* of 16 step elementary colour circle and 5 step grey scale.

Physiological signals, luminance discriminability L/(delta L), and Ostwald colours
TE01: Colour vision and colorimetry; Physiological signals and colour chromaticity; Luminance discriminability L/(delta L).

Comparison of 80 step NCS hue circle of maximum NCS chromaticness and 80 step hue circle of maximum chromatic value CAB
TE02: Ostwald optimal colours; CAB-Y diagrams of equal hue planes for; Ym=520-770, with XYZ, YABCh data for D65, Yw=100.
TE03: CIE data of NCS colour system; 80 step NCS hue circle of maximum chromaticness; XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh data for Yw=100 and Yw=89.
TE04: CIE data of Ostwald colours; 80 step hue circle of maximum chromatic value CAB; XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh data for Yw=100 and Yw=89.
TE05: CIE data of Ostwald colours; comparison with CIE data of the NCS colour system for D65; XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh data as function of hue.
TE06: CIE data of Ostwald colours; comparison with CIE data of the sRGB colour space; XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh data as function of hue.

Data of hue circles with 80, 48, 40, and 16 steps, and data of Ostwald colours
TE07: CIE data of sRGB colour system; 48 step sRGB hue circle of maximum chromatic value CAB; XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh data for Yw=100 and Yw=89.
TE08: Ostwald optimal colours; 40 step device and 16 step elementary hue circle; XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh colour calculations.
TE09: Ostwald optimal colours; 16 step elementary hue circle and 5 grey steps; XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh colour data.
TE10: Ostwald optimal colours; CAB-Y diagrams of equal hue planes for; Ym=520-770, with XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh data for D65, Yw=100.
TE11: CIE data of the NCS colour system; 4 elementary colours R, B, G, and 21 grey steps; XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh data for Yw=100 and Yw=89.

Test of continues hue data for the CIE 2- and 10-degree observer
TE12: Test of continues hue data for 2 observers; CIEXYZ data for 8 illuminants without and with purple data for CIE illuminant E.
TE13: Spectral data for 8 illuminants; 2 and 10 degree observer; XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh* data, wavelength lambda_d and lambda_c.
TE14: Data of YB and GM colours for 8 illuminants; 2 and 10 degree observer; XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh data, wavelength lambda_d and lambda_c.

Colorimetry and colour vision
TE15: Yellow-Blue- and Red-Green spectral values.

Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data XYZ, xyz, h for eight illuminants for the 2 and 10 degree observer
TE16: Yw=100, Ym=520-770.
TE17: Yw=88,6, Ym=520-770.
TE18: Yw=100, Ym=495-770.
TE19: Yw=88,6, Ym=495-770.

Light and colour metric
TE20: Normalized exponential functions for line elements, see K. Richter (1996), Computer graphic and colorimetry.

ISO resolutions and CIE reports
TE21: Methods for output linearization of colour devices: displays, data projectors, printers, and offset print.

Maximum (m) CAB colours, Go & Mo; CIE data XYZ, xyz, h for eight illuminants, 2 & 10 degree observer
TE22: Yw=100, Ym=520-770m, Parameter: N.
TE23: Yw=88,6, Ym=520-770, Parameter: N.
TE24: Yw=100, Ym=520-770, Parameter: Y.
TE25: Yw=88,6, Ym=520-770, Parameter: Y.
TE26: Yw=100, Ym=520-770, Parameter: CAB.
TE27: Yw=88,6, Ym=520-770, Parameter: CAB.
TE28: Yw=100, Ym=520-770, Parameter: cab.
TE29: Yw=88,6, Ym=520-770, Parameter: cab.

Colour vision and colorimetry; cone sensitivity and cone saturation for cone distance
TE30: delta_lambda = 100nm.
TE31: delta_lambda = 50nm.
TE32: delta_lambda = 25nm.

Colour vision and colorimetry; cone sensitivity and cone U0-saturation for cone distance
TE33: delta_lambda = 100nm.
TE34: delta_lambda = 50nm.
TE35: delta_lambda = 25nm.

Colour threshold experiments; Viewing situations of different experiments
TE36: colour series in CIE (x,y) chromaticity diagram.

Colour threshold experiments of Avramopolous (1989)
TE37: 3 luminances, observer AD, short and long presentation time tp=0,1 and 26s.
TE38: 3 luminances, observer AD, short and long presentation time tp=0,1 and 26s.

Colour threshold experiments; Richter (1988) formula
TE39: for Lingelbach (1977) experiments; short time presentation tp=0,4s, 5 white suround luminances.

Device colours of sRGB display; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants, 2 and 10 degree observer
TE40: Yw=100, Parameter: N.
TE41: Yw=88,6, Parameter: N.

Device & elementary colours of sRGB display; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants, 2 and 10 degree observer
TE42: Yw=100, Parameter: N.
TE43: Yw=88,6, Parameter: N.
TE44: Yw=100, Parameter: Y.
TE45: Yw=88,6, Parameter: Y.
TE46: Yw=100, Parameter: CAB.
TE47: Yw=88,6, Parameter: CAB.
TE48: Yw=100, Parameter: cab.
TE49: Yw=88,6, Parameter: cab.

Threshold experiments; Avramopoulos (1989); Presentation time tp=26s, 4 observers
TE50: 3 repeats, adaptation to grey surround luminance 6,3cd/m**2.
TE51: average of 3 repeats, adaptation to grey surround luminance 6,3cd/m**2.

Threshold experiments; Avramopoulos (1989); Presentation time tp=0,1s, 4 observers
TE52: 3 repeats, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.
TE53: average of 3 repeats, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.

Threshold experiments; Avramopoulos (1988); Presentation time tp=26s, 4 observers
TE54: 3 repeats, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.
TE55: average of 3 repeats, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.

Threshold experiments; Lingelbach (1977); tp=0,4s, 9 observers
TE56: Richter (1988) potential A3-equations, 2 times 5 surround luminances, range 0,1 to 6000 cd/m**2.
TE57: equations and exponential A2-fit, 2 times 5 surround luminances, range 0,1 to 6000cd/m**2.
TE58: equations and exponential A4-fit, 2 times 5 surround luminances, range 0,1 to 6000cd/m**2.

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1989); tp=0,1s
TE59: average of observers, data and exponential A2-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1989); tp=0,1s
TE60: 4 observers, 3 repeats, data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.
TE61: 4 observers, average, data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.
TE62: 4 observers, average, data and potential A3-pc-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.
TE63: average of all observers data and potential A3-pc-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1989); tp=26s
TE64: 4 observers, 3 repeats data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 cd/m**2.
TE65: average data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 cd/m**2.
TE66: average data and potential A3-pc-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 cd/m**2.
TE67: average of all observers data and potential A3-pc-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 cd/m**2.

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1989); tp=0,1 and 26s
TE68: 4 observers, average data and potential A3-pc-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 cd/m**2.
TE69: average all observers data and potential A3-pc-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 cd/m**2.

Achromatic test chart no. 3 (N) according to ISO/IEC 15775, ISO/IEC TR 24705, and ISO 9241-306, Annex D
TE70: Standard device sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgb*d/e and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd/de.
TE71: rgb-LabCh* tables for sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=0, 29 pages; Transfer to rgb*d and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd.
TE72: rgb-LabCh* tables for sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=1, 29 pages; Transfer to rgb*e and 3D-Linearization rgb*de.

TE73: offset device ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgb*d/e and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd/de.
TE74: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0, 33 pages; Transfer to rgb*d and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd.
TE75: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=1, 33 pages; Transfer to rgb*e and 3D-Linearization rgb*de.

TE76: offset device ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgb*d/e and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd/de.
TE77: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=0, 33 pages; Transfer to rgb*d and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd.
TE78: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=1, 33 pages; Transfer to rgb*e and 3D-Linearization rgb*de.

TE79: rgb-LabCh* tables for LRS18-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 66 pages; Transfer to rgb*d/e and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd/de.

Chromatic test chart no. 4 (RGB) according to ISO/IEC 15775, ISO/IEC TR 24705, and ISO 9241-306, Annex D
TE80: standard device sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgb*d/e and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd/de.
TE81: rgb-LabCh* tables for sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=0, 29 pages; Transfer to rgb*d and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd.
TE82: rgb-LabCh* tables for sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=1, 29 pages; Transfer to rgb*e and 3D-Linearization rgb*de.

TE83: offset device ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgb*d/e and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd/de.
TE84: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0, 33 pages; Transfer to rgb*d and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd.
TE85: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=1, 33 pages; Transfer to rgb*e and 3D-Linearization rgb*de.

TE86: offset device ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgb*d/e and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd/de.
TE87: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=0, 33 pages; Transfer to rgb*d and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd.
TE88: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=1, 33 pages; Transfer to rgb*e and 3D-Linearization rgb*de.

TE89: rgb-LabCh* tables for LRS18-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 66 pages; Transfer to rgb*d/e and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd/de.

Chromatic test chart no. 2 (CMY) according to ISO/IEC 15775, and ISO/IEC TR 24705
TE90: standard device sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgb*d/e and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd/de.
TE91: rgb-LabCh* tables for sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=0, 29 pages; Transfer to rgb*d and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd.
TE92: rgb-LabCh* tables for sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=1, 29 pages; Transfer to rgb*e and 3D-Linearization rgb*de.

TE93: offset device ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgb*d/e and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd/de.
TE94: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0, 33 pages; Transfer to rgb*d and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd.
TE95: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=1, 33 pages; Transfer to rgb*e and 3D-Linearization rgb*de.

TE96: offset device ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgb*d/e and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd/de.
TE97: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=0, 33 pages; Transfer to rgb*d and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd.
TE98: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=1, 33 pages; Transfer to rgb*e and 3D-Linearization rgb*de.

TE99: rgb-LabCh* tables for LRS18-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 66 pages; Transfer to rgb*d/e and 3D-Linearization rgb*dd/de.

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about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

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