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Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology

Some basic colorimetric and colour vision data for thresholds, and for antichromatic optimal Ostwald colours.

Figures and data of "Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology" are in the folders SEXX (colour series S, E=English, XX=00 to 99).

Folder and Title
Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology
See also the booklet of K. Richter (2015, 80 pages, 2,5 MB) Colour, Colour Vision and Elementary Colours in Colour Information Technology

TUB-test charts; 16 step hue circle for D65
standard sRGB device output (SE00_02), and offset and printer device (SE03_09) output on offset standard paper APCO
SE00: standard device sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgbd/e and 3D-Linearization rgbdd/de.
SE01: rgb-LabCh* tables for sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=0, 29 pages; Transfer to rgbd and 3D-Linearization rgbdd.
SE02: rgb-LabCh* tables for sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=1, 29 pages; Transfer to rgbe and 3D-Linearization rgbde.

SE03: offset device ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgbd/e and 3D-Linearization rgbdd/de.
SE04: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0, 33 pages; Transfer to rgbd and 3D-Linearization rgbdd.
SE05: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=1, 33 pages; Transfer to rgbe and 3D-Linearization rgbde.

SE06: offset device ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgbd/e and 3D-Linearization rgbdd/de.
SE07: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=0, 33 pages; Transfer to rgbd and 3D-Linearization rgbdd.
SE08: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=1, 33 pages; Transfer to rgbe and 3D-Linearization rgbde.

SE09: rgb-LabCh* tables for LRS18-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 66 pages; Transfer to rgbd/e and 3D-Linearization rgbdd/de.

TUB-test charts: 1080 standard colours; image technology
standard sRGB device output (SE10_12), and offset and printer device (SE13_19) output on offset standard paper APCO
SE10: Standard device sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgbd/e and 3D-Linearization rgbdd/de.
SE11: rgb-LabCh* tables for sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=0, 29 pages; Transfer to rgbd and 3D-Linearization rgbdd.
SE12: rgb-LabCh* tables for sRGB, 3D=0&1, de=1, 29 pages; Transfer to rgbe and 3D-Linearization rgbde.

SE13: offset device ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgbd/e and 3D-Linearization rgbdd/de.
SE14: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0, 33 pages; Transfer to rgbd and 3D-Linearization rgbdd.
SE15: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS20-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=1, 33 pages; Transfer to rgbe and 3D-Linearization rgbde.

SE16: offset device ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 4 pages; Transfer to rgbd/e and 3D-Linearization rgbdd/de.
SE17: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=0, 33 pages; Transfer to rgbd and 3D-Linearization rgbdd.
SE18: rgb-LabCh* tables for ORS27-CMY0, 3D=0&1, de=1, 33 pages; Transfer to rgbe and 3D-Linearization rgbde.

SE19: rgb-LabCh* tables for LRS18-CMYK, 3D=0&1, de=0&1, 66 pages; Transfer to rgbd/e and 3D-Linearization rgbdd/de.

Colour image input and output
ISO/IEC Standards and Technical Reports; Output linearization, 3D colour cone.
SE20: colour image reproduction; ISO/IEC Standards and Technical Reports; Output linearization, 3D colour cone.
SE21: 3D colour cones; 8 device colours in CIELAB, device (d); elementary hue (h) and elementary colour (e) system.
SE22: PostScipt file output; Files with different input PS operators; Workflow and achromatic and chromatic colour output.

Colour scaling
tables: colour valence and higher colour metric.
SE23: Colour scaling; Lightness and scaling functions and area coverage.
SE24: CIE data sRGB display; luminance reflection Lr=0%; tables: colour valence and higher colour metric.
SE25: colour space and coordinates; 5 step colour scales and PS operator; User friendly colour coordinates.

Device and elementary hues in CIELAB diagrams and hue planes
minimum colour difference and affine reproduction
SE26: elementary hue circle; Device colour position in the 48 step hue circle; Luminance reflection Lr=0, 0,6, 1,2, and 2,5%.
SE27: Image reproduction; elementary hue; 4 device systems and CIE elementary hues; Data in CIELAB chroma diagram (a*,b*).
SE28: Device colour reproduction; absolute and relative device colour space; workflow, hue planes and afine reproduction.
SE29: Image reproduction; elementary hue; 4 device systems and CIE elementary hues; Data in CIELAB chroma diagram (a*,b*).

CIE data sRGB display
16 step elementary hue circle and mixture colours; luminance reflection between Lr=0 and 40%.
SE30: CIE data sRGB display; 16 step elementary hue circle and mixture colours; luminance reflection Lr=0 to 2,5%.
SE31: CIE data sRGB display; 16 step elementary hue circle and mixture colours; luminance reflection Lr=5 to 40%.
SE32: CIE data sRGB display; 16 step elementary hue circle and 5 grey steps; luminance reflection Lr=0 to 2,5%.
SE33: CIE data sRGB display; 16 step elementary hue circle and 5 grey steps; luminance reflection Lr=5 to 40%.

Frame File PostScript code (FF_PS) with loops
FF_PS with 1-Minus-Relation for set(rgb/cymk)color
SE34: Frame File PS code (FF_PS); Frame File PostScript code (FF_PS) with loops; FF_PS with 1-Minus-Relation for set(rgb/cymk)color.

Quality of colour image reproduction
colour differences delta E*ab of CIELAB
for outputs of displays, offset print, and printers
SE35: quality of colour image reproduction; colour differences delta E*ab of CIELAB; for outputs of displays, offset print, and printers.
SE36: quality of colour image reproduction; colour differences delta E*ab of CIELAB; for outputs of displays, offset print, and printers.
SE37: quality of colour image reproduction; colour differences delta E*ab of CIELAB; for outputs of displays, offset print, and printers.

ISO resolutions and CIE reports
elementary colours and colours of blackness cero
SE38: ISO resolutions and CIE reports; elementary colours and colours of blackness cero; methods for output linearization of colour devices.

Relative device colour system; 9 step series; offset print, 2 laser and a photographic printer
start and linearized output in different hue planes
SE39: Relative offset colour system; offset according to ISO/IEC 15775; model ORS18aS; start and linearized output, 2 pages.
SE40: Relative offset colour system; offset according to ISO/IEC 15775; model ORS18aS; start output, and colour series of 100% black overprint, 1 page.
SE41: Laser Printer H (Reflective System); output rgbd; HRS16_96; start and linearized output, 2 pages.
SE42: Laser Printer H (Reflective System); separation cmy0; HRS27_96; start and linearized output, 2 pages.
SE43: Laser Printer H (Reflective System); separation cmyn4; HRS16_95; start and linearized output, 2 pages.
SE44: Laser Printer H (Reflective System); separation cmyn5; HRS16_95; start and linearized output, 2 pages.
SE45: Photographic Printer F (Reflective System); output rgbd_cmy0; FRS09_91; start and linearized output, 2 pages.
SE46: Laser Printer L (Reflective System); output rgbd; LRS16_95; start and linearized output, 2 pages.
SE47: Laser Printer L (Reflective System); separation cmy0; LRS24_95; start and linearized output, 2 pages.
SE48: Laser Printer L (Reflective System); separation cmy4; LRS22_95; start and linearized output, 2 pages.
SE49: Laser Printer L Reflective System; separation cmyn5; LRS22_95; start and linearized output, 2 pages.

Contrast change and steps of displays and data projectors
according to ISO 9241-306, Annex D and E
SE50: L* difference of 16 grey steps; change of spacing by two reflections: Lr=2,5% and 40%, sRGB display.
SE51: Contrast steps of emissive displays; Eight contrast steps, range and applications; Calculation for standard office illuminance 500 lux.
SE52: Contrast steps of data projectors; Eight contrast steps and illuminances at display; Calculation for standard office illuminance 500 lux.
SE53: Contrast steps of emissive displays; Eight contrast steps; Gamma changes; Calculation for standard office illuminance 500 lux.
SE54: Contrast steps of data projectors; Eight contrast steps and illuminances at display; Calculation for standard office illuminance 500 lux.

CIE data of offset and display systems, and data projectors
according to ISO 9241-306, Annex D and E
SE55: Relative colour television system; Standard sRGB device according to IEC 61966-2-1; CIE data of 3 basic and 3 mixture colours, Yw=100.
SE56: Relative colour television system; Standard sRGB device according to IEC 61966-2-1; CIE data of 3 basic and 3 mixture colours, Yw=88,6.
SE57: Relative offset colour system; Standard offset according to ISO/IEC 15775; CIE data of 3 basic and 3 mixture colours, Yw=88,6.
SE58: Colour coordinates DIN 33872-1; Definition of basic and maximum colours; CIELAB adapted and relative colorimetric data.

Files for colour measurement of display systems, and data projectors
colour measurement of 1080 colours for display systems
SE59: Colorimetric display system; Files for output linearization of displays; 57 colours for measurement.
SE60: Colorimetric display system; Files for output linearization of displays; 1080 colours for measurement.
SE61: Colorimetric display system; Measurement no.1 for 1080 colours of LECD display; LECD: rgb, x,y and Ym & Yn (n=normalized=100).
SE62: Colorimetric display system; Measurement no.1 for 1080 colours of LECD display; LECD: XYZ & LCh* (n=89) and rgbdd (3D linearized).

Colours of maximum (m) chromatic value CAB, and antichromatic Ostwald optimal colours
for the CIE 2 and 10 degree observer, and for eigth illuminants
SE63: Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data XYZ, xy, h for 8 illuminants; antichromatic calculations; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100, Ym=520-770.
SE64: Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data YABCh for 8 illuminants; antichromatic calculations; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100, Ym=520-770.
SE65: Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data LabCh* for 8 illuminants; antichromatic calculations; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=88,6, Ym=520-770.
SE66: Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data YABCh & LabCh* for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100, Ym=520-770.
SE67: Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data YABCh & LabCh* for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=88,6, Ym=520-770.

Colour vision and cone sensitivities
SE68: Hues and cone sensitivity; Hue change to elementary colours; Change of LMS cone sensitivity and excitation.
SE69: Hues and cone sensitivity; Hue change to elementary colours; Change of PDT (LMS) cone sensitivity and excitation.

Colours of maximum (m) chromatic value CAB, and antichromatic optimal Ostwald colours
for the CIE 2 and 10 degree observer, and for eigth illuminants
SE70: Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data XYZ, xy, h for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100, Ym=520-770.
SE71: Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data XYZ, xy, h for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=88,6, Ym=520-770.
SE72: Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data XYZ, xy, h for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100, Ym=495-770.
SE73: Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data XYZ, xy, h for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=88,6, Ym=495-770.
SE74: 2 optimal (o), 4 maximum (m) colours; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100.
SE75: 2 optimal (o), 4 maximum (m) colours; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=88,6.
SE76: 6 maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100.
SE77: 6 maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=88,6.

Basic, device, and mixture colours, and CIE data of sRGB displays
for the CIE 2 and 10 degree observer, and for eigth illuminants
SE78: Basic and mixture colours of sRGB display; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100.
SE79: Basic and mixture colours of sRGB display; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=88,6.
SE80: Device and elementary sRGB display colours; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100.
SE81: Device and elementary sRGB display colours; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=88,6.

Colours of offset print
for the CIE 2 and 10 degree observer, and for eigth illuminants
SE82: Offset device and elementary colours; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants; CIE data for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100.
SE83: Offset device and CIE elementary colours; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh* for eight illuminants; CIE data for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100.

Colours of maximum (m) chromatic value CAB, and antichromatic optimal Ostwald colours
for the CIE 2 and 10 degree observer, and for eigth illuminants
SE84: Ostwald-optimal colours, 2 degree observer; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh*, lamdba(d) for 8 illuminants; Data for hue angles hAB, hab and dominant wavelength lamda (d).
SE85: Ostwald-optimal colours, 10 degree observer; CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh*, lamdba(d) for 8 illuminants; Data for hue angles hAB, hab and dominant wavelength lamda (d).
SE86: Optimal (o) colours, Yw=100; in chromaticity and chroma diagrams, Ym=520-770; Bandwidth 50 and antichromatic colours.

Colorimetric coordinate transfer from rgb* to nce*
and colours of the relative elementary colours system RECS
SE87: colorimetric coordinate transfer; Equations of the transfer between rgb, LCh*, and nce*; for device (d) and elementary (e) colours.
SE88: offset print colours RECS and data LabCh*; Reflection and CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh*; for 24-step elementary colour circle and 5 grey steps.
SE89: offset print colours RECS and data YABCh; Reflection and CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh*; for 24-step elementary colour circle and 5 grey steps.

Colours of maximum (m) chromatic value CAB, and antichromatic optimal Ostwald colours
for the CIE 2 and 10 degree observer, and for eigth illuminants
SE90: Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data YABCh & LabCh* for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100, Ym=495-770.
SE91: Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data YABCh & LabCh* for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=88,6, Ym=495-770.

Image output for a A4- or A0-layout
an output is produced for up to nine test charts; without and with output linearization; uses CIE-measurement data for output: on sRGB displays, and offset on different papers
Attention: file size may be up to 10 MB!
SE92: Image output of A4-layout no. 1; test charts without and with output linearization; uses CIE-measurement data for sRGB display output.
SE93: Image output of A4-layout no. 2; test charts without and with output linearization; uses CIE-measurement data for sRGB display output.
SE94: Image output of A4-layout no. 1; test charts without and with output linearization; uses CIE-measurement data for offset output on paper L.
SE95: Image output of A4-layout no. 2; test charts without and with output linearization; uses CIE-measurement data for offset output on paper L.
SE96: Image output of A4-layout no. 1; test charts without and with output linearization; uses CIE-measurement data for offset output on paper A.
SE97: Image output of A4-layout no. 2; test charts without and with output linearization; uses CIE-measurement data for offset output on paper A.
SE98: image output of A0-layout no. 1; test charts without and with output linearization; uses CIE-measurement data for offset output on paper A.
SE99: Image output of A0-layout no. 2; test charts without and with output linearization; uses CIE-measurement data for offset output on paper A.


Examples of test charts

TUB-test charts; 16 step hue circle for D65
standard sRGB device output (SE00_02), and offset and printer device (SE03_09) output on offset standard paper APCO
SE00: standard sRGB device output; original and transfer to rgbd/e
example file (4 pages, 120 KB) SE00/SE00L0NP.PDF

SE00: original and 3D-linearization to rgbdd/de
example file (4 pages, 120 KB) SE00/SE00L0FP.PDF

TUB-test charts: 1080 standard colours; image technology
standard sRGB device output (SE10_12), and offset and printer device (SE13_19) output on offset standard paper APCO
SE10: standard sRGB device output; original and transfer to rgbd/e
example file (4 pages, 500 KB) SE10/SE10L0NP.PDF

SE10: original and 3D-linearization to rgbdd/de
example file (4 pages, 500 KB) SE10/SE10L0FP.PDF

Colour image input and output
ISO/IEC Standards and Technical Reports; Output linearization, 3D colour cone.
SE20: ISO/IEC Standards and Technical Reports
example file (1 page, 50 KB) SE20/SE20L0NP.PDF

Colour scaling
tables: colour valence and higher colour metric.
SE23: Colour scaling
example file (1 page, 50 KB) SE23/SE23L0NP.PDF

SE24: Tables: colour valence and higher colour metric
example file (1 page, 40 KB) SE24/SE24L0NP.PDF

Device and elementary hues in CIELAB diagrams and hue planes
minimum colour difference and affine reproduction
SE26: Tables: device and elementary hues for different Lr
example file (1 page, 30 KB) SE26/SE26L0NP.PDF

CIE data of sRGB displays for different Lr
16 step elementary hue circle and mixture colours; luminance reflection between Lr=0 and 40%.
SE30: 16 step elementary hue circle and mixture colours for Lr0 to 2,5%
example file (1 page, 80 KB) SE30/SE30L0NP.PDF

Frame File PostScript code (FF_PS) with loops
FF_PS with 1-Minus-Relation for set(rgb/cymk)color
SE34: Frame File PostScript code (FF_PS)
example file (1 page, 20 KB) SE34/SE34L0NP.PDF

Quality of colour image reproduction
colour differences delta E*ab of CIELAB
for outputs of displays, offset print, and printers
SE35: Colour differences delta E*ab of CIELAB
example file (1 page, 30 KB) SE35/SE35L0NP.PDF

ISO resolutions, CIE reports and methods for output linearization
elementary colours and colours of blackness cero
SE38: ISO resolutions, CIE reports, and linearization
example file (1 page, 30 KB) SE38/SE38L0NP.PDF

Relative device colour system; 9 step series; offset according to ISO 15775
start and linearized output in different hue planes
SE39: Start and linearized output for 9 step series
example file (2 pages, 900 KB) SE39/SE39L0NP.PDF

Contrast change and steps of displays and data projectors
according to ISO 9241-306, Annex D and E
SE50: L* difference of 16 grey steps for different Lr
example file (1 page, 80 KB) SE50/SE50L0NP.PDF

SE51: Eight contrast steps, range and applications
example file (1 page, 50 KB) SE51/SE51L0NP.PDF

CIE data of offset and display systems, and data projectors
according to ISO 9241-306, Annex D and E
SE55: Standard sRGB device according to IEC 61966-2-1
example file (1 page, 33 KB) SE55/SE55L0NP.PDF

Files for colour measurement of display systems, and data projectors
colour measurement of 1080 colours for display systems
SE59: Files for output linearization of displays; 57 colours for measurement
example file (57 pages, 700 KB) SE59/SE59L0NP.PDF

Colours of maximum (m) chromatic value CAB, and antichromatic optimal Ostwald colours
for the CIE 2 and 10 degree observer, and for eigth illuminants
SE63: Tables: CIE data XYZ, xy, h for 8 illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100, Ym=520-770
example file (16 pages, 600 KB) SE63/SE63L0NP.PDF

Colour vision and cone sensitivities
SE68: Hue change to elementary colours; Change of LMS cone sensitivity and excitation
example file (1 pages, 200 KB) SE68/SE68L0NP.PDF

Colours of maximum (m) chromatic value CAB, and antichromatic optimal Ostwald colours
for the CIE 2 and 10 degree observer, and for eigth illuminants
SE70: Tables: CIE data XYZ, xy, h for 8 illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100, Ym=520-770
example file (16 pages, 1,9 MB) SE70/SE70L0NP.PDF

Basic and mixture colours and CIE data of sRGB displays
for the CIE 2 and 10 degree observer, and for eigth illuminants
SE78: CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh*; for the 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100
example file (16 pages, 1,8 MB) SE78/SE78L0NP.PDF

Colours of offset print
for the CIE 2 and 10 degree observer, and for eigth illuminants
SE82: CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh*; CIE data for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100
example file (16 pages, 2,1 MB) SE82/SE82L0NP.PDF

Colours of maximum (m) chromatic value CAB, and antichromatic optimal Ostwald colours
for the CIE 2 and 10 degree observer, and for eigth illuminants
SE84: CIE data XYZ, YABCh, LabCh*; Data for hue angles hAB, hab and dominant wavelength lamda (d)
example file (16 pages, 2,4 MB) SE84/SE84L0NP.PDF

Colorimetric coordinate transfer from rgb* to nce*
and colours of the relative elementary colours system RECS
SE87: Equations of the transfer between rgb, LCh*, and nce*; for device (d) and elementary (e) colours
example file (1 pages, 60 KB) SE87/SE87L0NP.PDF

Colours of maximum (m) chromatic value CAB, and antichromatic optimal Ostwald colours
for the CIE 2 and 10 degree observer, and for eigth illuminants
SE90: Maximum (m) CAB colours; CIE data YABCh & LabCh* for eight illuminants; for 2 and 10 degree observer, Yw=100, Ym=495-770
example file (16 pages, 600 KB) SE90/SE90L0NP.PDF

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For this page with additional image information (internet speed > 1MB/s recommended), see
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For the preceding page without additional image information, see
RE in English, RG in German, RF in French, RS in Spanish, RI in Italian, RN in Norwegian.
For the preceding page with additional image information, see
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TE in English, TG in German, TF in French, TS in Spanish, TI in Italian, TN in Norwegian.
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For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

Back to the main page of this TUB web site (not archive), see
index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.