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Utilisation de la méthode de linéarisation du fichier-cadre (FF_LM) pour les sorties écran et imprimante, sur le lieu de travail

Quelques paramètres colorimétriques et de contraste pour les sorties écran et projecteur.
Utilisation de FF_LM pour une sortie standard sRGB, une sortie standard offset CMYK et CMY0 ainsi qu'une sortie imprimante laser CMYK.

Les images et les paramètres de l'Utilisation de la méthode de linéarisation du fichier cadre FF_LM (Frame File Linearization Method) pour sorties écran et imprimante se trouvent dans les dossiers PFXX (série de couleur P, F=français, XX=00 à 99).

Dossiers et titres :
Paramètres fondamentaux de colorimétrie et de contraste pour sorties écran et projecteur et utilisation de la méthode de linéarisation du fichier cadre (Frame File Linearization Method FF_LM)

PF00: Couleurs noircies et lumineuses
PF01: Couleurs de même brillance
PF02: Test ISO/IEC 2 et 4
PF03: Echelonnement de contrastes d’écrans émetteurs et de luminances
PF04: Echelonnement de constrastes de projecteurs et de luminances
PF05: Echelonnement de constrastes d’écrans émetteurs et gamma
PF06: Echelonnement de constrastes de projecteurs et de luminances
PF07 à PF09: Test sur 54 couleurs standard, différentes coordonnées rgb et CIELAB LabCh* de ces couleurs, et écarts CIELAB pour quatre méthodes de sortie

Test 1 pour 54 couleurs standard afin de déterminer les propriétés du rendu
des couleurs pour l’illuminant D65 et les écarts CIELAB ; Utilisation de 3 ou 4 couleurs (CMYK ou CMY0 ou RGB) pour la sortie
PF10 à PF12, écran standard avec sortie sRGB
PF13 à PF15, offset standard avec sortie CMYK
PF16 à PF18, offset standard avec sortie CMY0
PF19, imprimante laser PostScript avec sortie CMYK

Test 2 sur des couleurs métamères pour les illuminants CIE D65 et D50
Cercle chromatique à 8 paliers et 9 nuances de gris ; Utilisation de 3 ou 4 couleurs (CMYK ou CMY0 ou RGB) pour la sortie du test sur les propriétés du rendu des couleurs
PF20 à PF22, écran standard avec sortie sRGB
PF23 à PF25, offset standard avec sortie CMYK
PF26 à PF28, offset standard avec sortie CMY0
PF29, imprimante laser PostScript avec sortie CMYK

Test 3 sur des couleurs métamères pour les illuminants CIE A et P 4000
Cercle chromatique à 8 paliers et 9 nuances de gris ; Utilisation de 3 ou 4 couleurs ((CMYK ou CMY0 ou RGB) pour la sortie du test sur les propriétés du rendu des couleurs
PF30 à PF32, écran standard avec sortie sRGB
PF33 à PF35, offset standard avec sortie CMYK
PF36 à PF38, offset standard avec sortie CMY0
PF39, imprimante laser PostScript avec sortie CMYK

Test selon DIN 33872 sur 1080 couleurs séries de couleurs rgb à 9x9 paliers
Utilisation de 3 ou 4 couleurs ((CMYK ou CMY0 ou RGB) pour la sortie linéarisée d’écrans, d’impressions offset et d’imprimantes couleurs
PF40 à PF42, écran standard avec sortie sRGB
PF43 à PF45, offset standard avec sortie CMYK
PF46 à PF48, offset standard avec sortie CMY0
PF49, imprimante laser PostScript avec sortie CMYK

Test sur cercles colorimétriques à 16 et à 8 paliers
sortie de périphériques et sortie de couleurs élémentaires ; Utilisation de 3 ou 4 couleurs (CMYK ou CMY0 ou RGB) pour la sortie
PF50 à PF52, écran standard avec sortie sRGB
PF53 à PF55, offset standard avec sortie CMYK
PF56 à PF58, offset standard avec sortie CMY0-
PF59, imprimante laser PostScript avec sortie CMYK

Test sur le champ rouge-vert ; sortie de périphériques et sortie des couleurs élémentaires
Utilisation de 3 ou 4 couleurs (CMYK ou CMY0 ou RGB) pour la sortie
PF60 à PF62, écran standard avec sortie sRGB
PF63 à PF65, offset standard avec sortie CMYK
PF66 à PF68, offset standard avec sortie CMY0
PF69, imprimante laser PostScript avec sortie CMYK

Test sur le champ bleu-jaune ; sortie de périphériques et sortie des couleurs élémentaires
Utilisation de 3 ou 4 couleurs (CMYK ou CMY0 ou RGB) pour la sortie
PF70 à PF72, écran standard avec sortie sRGB
PF73 à PF75, offset standard avec sortie CMYK
PF76 à PF78, offset standard avec sortie CMY0
PF79, imprimante laser PostScript avec sortie CMYK

Test selon DIN 33872 sur un cercle chromatiques à 16 couleurs élémentaires pour l'illuminant D65
et les écarts CIELAB pour quatre méthodes de sortie ; Utilisation de 3 ou 4 couleurs (CMYK ou CMY0 ou RGB) pour la sortie
PF80 à PF82, écran standard avec sortie sRGB
PF83 à PF85, offset standard avec sortie CMYK
PF86 à PF88, offset standard avec sortie CMY0
PF89, imprimante laser PostScript avec sortie CMYK

Test selon DIN 33872 avec des séries de couleurs à 5 et 16 paliers pour l'illuminant CIE D65
et les écarts CIELAB pour quatre méthodes de sortie ; Utilisation de 3 ou 4 couleurs (CMYK ou CMY0 ou RGB) pour la sortie teinte R00Y:
PF90 à PF92, écran standard avec sortie sRGB
PF93 à PF95, offset standard avec sortie CMYK
PF96 à PF98, offset standard avec sortie CMY0
PF99, imprimante laser PostScript avec sortie CMYK.


Application of Frame File Linearization Method (FF_LM) for Display and Print Output at Work Places

Some basic colorimetric and contrast data for display and data projector output
and application of FF_LM for a standard sRGB device output, a standard offset CMYK and CMY0 output and a laser printer CMYK output

Basic colorimetric and contrast data for display and data projector output
and application of the Frame File Linearization Method (FF_LM)

PF00: Blackish and luminous colours
Change of the CIE tristimulues values XYZ and rgb data of displays
Example file (1 page, 4 images, 70 KB) PF00/PF00L0NP.PDF

PF01: Colours of equal brilliance
Colour samples in hue triangles for 8 hues and colour rendering
Example file (1 page, 4 images, 70 KB) PF01/PF01L0NP.PDF

PF02: ISO/IEC-test charts 2 and 4
Image and 16-step colour scales; Yes/No-questions for output
Example file (1 page, 4 images, 70 KB) PF02/PF02L0NP.PDF

PF03: Contrast steps of emittive displays and luminances
Eight contrast steps and illuminances for 500 lux
Example file (1 page, 4 images, 70 KB) PF03/PF03L0NP.PDF

PF04: Contrast steps of data projectors and luminances
Eight contrast steps and illuminances for 500 lux
Example file (1 page, 4 images, 70 KB) PF04/PF04L0NP.PDF

PF05: Contrast steps of emittive displays and gamma
Eight contrast steps and illuminances for 500 lux
Example file (1 page, 4 images, 70 KB) PF05/PF05L0NP.PDF

PF06: Contrast steps of data projectors and luminances
Eight contrast steps and illuminances for 500 lux
Example file (1 page, 4 images, 70 KB) PF06/PF06L0NP.PDF

Application of the 1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and four output methods
device hue output (d) and elementary hue output (e), and 3D-Linearization device to device hue output (dd) and to elementary hue output (de)

Test chart with 54 standard colours
different rgb and CIELAB data LabCh* of these colours, and CIELAB colour differences for four output methods

PF07 to PF09: Standard sRGB device, Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e,
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF07/PF07L0NP.PDF

PF07: 3D-Linearizations rgb -> rgb*dd and rgb*de
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF07/PF07L0FP.PDF

PF08: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF08/PF08L0NP.PDF
PF08: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF08/PF08L0FP.PDF

PF09: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF09/PF09L0NP.PDF
PF09: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF09/PF09L0FP.PDF

Application of the Frame File Linearization Method (FF_LM) for important test charts

Application of the 1-minus-relation (1MR) and of the device (d) or the elementary (e) hue ouput
according to the report CIE R1-47 (Device Hue DH or Device to Elementary Hue DEH)
Calculation of mean colour differences for the output between 54 and 1080 standard colours for the device (d) and elementary (e) hue output:
1. for the colorimetric (CIELAB) transfers rgb -> rgb*d, rgb*e (files PFXYL0NP.PS/TXT/pdf, X=1 to 6, Y=0 to 9)
2. for the colorimetric (CIELAB) 3D-Linearization rgb -> rgb*dd, rgb*de (files PFXYL0FP.PS/TXT/pdf, X=1 to 6, Y=0 to 9)
3. for the standard sRGB output (files PFX0 to PFX2, X=1 to 6)
4. for the standard offset CMYK output (files PFX3 to PFX5, X=1 to 6)
5. for a standard offset CMY0 output (files PFX6 to PFX9, X=1 to 6)
6. for a PostScript laser printer with CMYK output (files PFX9, X=1 to 6)

Test chart with 54 standard colours for CIE illuminant D65, and CIELAB colour differences for four output methods

Standard sRGB device output
PF10: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF10/PF10L0NP.PDF

PF10: 3D-Linearizations rgb -> rgb*dd and rgb*de
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF10/PF10L0FP.PDF

PF11: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF11/PF11L0NP.PDF
PF11: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF11/PF11L0FP.PDF

PF12: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF12/PF12L0NP.PDF
PF12: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF12/PF12L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMYK output and colour separations
PF13: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e

Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF13/PF13L0NP.PDF
PF13: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF13/PF13L0FP.PDF

PF14: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF14/PF14L0NP.PDF
PF14: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF14/PF14L0FP.PDF

PF15: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF15/PF15L0NP.PDF
PF15: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF15/PF15L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMY0 output and colour separations
PF16: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF16/PF16L0NP.PDF
PF16: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF16/PF16L0FP.PDF

PF17: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF17/PF17L0NP.PDF
PF17: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF17/PF17L0FP.PDF

PF18: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF18/PF18L0NP.PDF
PF18: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF18/PF18L0FP.PDF

PostScript Laser Printer with RGB -> CMYK device output and colour separations
PF19: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d, and rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (40 pages, 1,7 MB) PF19/PF19L0NP.PDF
PF19: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd, and rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (40 pages, 1,6 MB) PF19/PF19L0FP.PDF

Test chart with 54 metameric colours for the CIE illuminants D65 and D50, and CIELAB colour differences for four output methods
Standard sRGB device output
PF20: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF20/PF20L0NP.PDF

PF20: 3D-Linearizations rgb -> rgb*dd and rgb*de
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF20/PF20L0FP.PDF

PF21: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF21/PF21L0NP.PDF
PF21: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF21/PF21L0FP.PDF

PF22: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF22/PF22L0NP.PDF
PF22: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF22/PF22L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMYK output and colour separations
PF23: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e

Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF23/PF23L0NP.PDF
PF23: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF23/PF23L0FP.PDF

PF24: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF24/PF24L0NP.PDF
PF24: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF24/PF24L0FP.PDF

PF25: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF25/PF25L0NP.PDF
PF25: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF25/PF25L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMY0 output and colour separations
PF26: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF26/PF26L0NP.PDF
PF26: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF26/PF26L0FP.PDF

PF27: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF27/PF27L0NP.PDF
PF27: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF27/PF27L0FP.PDF

PF28: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF28/PF28L0NP.PDF
PF28: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF28/PF28L0FP.PDF

PostScript Laser Printer with RGB -> CMYK device output and colour separations
PF29: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d, and rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (40 pages, 1,7 MB) PF29/PF29L0NP.PDF
PF29: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd, and rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (40 pages, 1,6 MB) PF29/PF29L0FP.PDF

Test chart with 54 metameric colours for the CIE illuminants A and P 4000K, and CIELAB colour differences for four output methods
Standard sRGB device output
PF30: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF30/PF30L0NP.PDF

PF30: 3D-Linearizations rgb -> rgb*dd and rgb*de
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF30/PF30L0FP.PDF

PF31: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF31/PF31L0NP.PDF
PF31: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF31/PF31L0FP.PDF

PF32: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF32/PF32L0NP.PDF
PF32: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF32/PF32L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMYK output and colour separations
PF33: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF33/PF33L0NP.PDF
PF33: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF33/PF33L0FP.PDF

PF34: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF34/PF34L0NP.PDF
PF34: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF34/PF34L0FP.PDF

PF35: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF35/PF35L0NP.PDF
PF35: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF35/PF35L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMY0 output and colour separations
PF36: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF36/PF36L0NP.PDF
PF36: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF36/PF36L0FP.PDF

PF37: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF37/PF37L0NP.PDF
PF37: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF37/PF37L0FP.PDF

PF38: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF38/PF38L0NP.PDF
PF38: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF38/PF38L0FP.PDF

PostScript Laser Printer with RGB -> CMYK device output and colour separations
PF39: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d, and rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (40 pages, 1,7 MB) PF39/PF39L0NP.PDF
PF39: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd, and rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (40 pages, 1,6 MB) PF39/PF39L0FP.PDF

Test chart with 1080 standard colours for the CIE illuminant D65, and CIELAB colour differences for four output methods
Standard sRGB device output
PF40: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF40/PF40L0NP.PDF

PF40: 3D-Linearizations rgb -> rgb*dd and rgb*de
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF40/PF40L0FP.PDF

PF41: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF41/PF41L0NP.PDF
PF41: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF41/PF41L0FP.PDF

PF42: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF42/PF42L0NP.PDF
PF42: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF42/PF42L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMYK output and colour separations
PF43: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF43/PF43L0NP.PDF
PF43: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF43/PF43L0FP.PDF

PF44: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF44/PF44L0NP.PDF
PF44: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF44/PF44L0FP.PDF

PF45: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF45/PF45L0NP.PDF
PF45: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF45/PF45L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMY0 output and colour separations
PF46: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF46/PF46L0NP.PDF
PF46: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF46/PF46L0FP.PDF

PF47: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF47/PF47L0NP.PDF
PF47: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF47/PF47L0FP.PDF

PF48: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF48/PF48L0NP.PDF
PF48: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF48/PF48L0FP.PDF

PostScript Laser Printer with RGB -> CMYK device output and colour separations
PF49: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d, and rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (40 pages, 1,7 MB) PF49/PF49L0NP.PDF
PF49: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd, and rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (40 pages, 1,6 MB) PF49/PF49L0FP.PDF

Test chart with 13 standard colours in the hue plane Red-Green for the CIE standard illuminant D65
and CIELAB colour differences for four output methods

Standard sRGB device output
PF50: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF50/PF50L0NP.PDF

PF50: 3D-Linearizations rgb -> rgb*dd and rgb*de
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF50/PF50L0FP.PDF

PF51: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF51/PF51L0NP.PDF
PF51: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF51/PF51L0FP.PDF

PF52: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF52/PF52L0NP.PDF
PF52: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF52/PF52L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMYK output and colour separations
PF53: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF53/PF53L0NP.PDF
PF53: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF53/PF53L0FP.PDF

PF54: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF54/PF54L0NP.PDF
PF54: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF54/PF54L0FP.PDF

PF55: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF55/PF55L0NP.PDF
PF55: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF55/PF55L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMY0 output and colour separations
PF56: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF56/PF56L0NP.PDF
PF56: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF56/PF56L0FP.PDF

PF57: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF57/PF57L0NP.PDF
PF57: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF57/PF57L0FP.PDF

PF58: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF58/PF58L0NP.PDF
PF58: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF58/PF58L0FP.PDF

PostScript Laser Printer with RGB -> CMYK device output and colour separations
PF59: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d, and rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (40 pages, 1,7 MB) PF59/PF59L0NP.PDF
PF59: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd, and rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (40 pages, 1,6 MB) PF59/PF59L0FP.PDF

Test chart with 13 standard colours in the hue plane Yellow-Blue for the CIE standard illuminant D65
and CIELAB colour differences for four output methods

Standard sRGB device output
PF60: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF60/PF60L0NP.PDF

PF60: 3D-Linearizations rgb -> rgb*dd and rgb*de
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF60/PF60L0FP.PDF

PF61: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF61/PF61L0NP.PDF
PF61: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF61/PF61L0FP.PDF

PF62: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF62/PF62L0NP.PDF
PF62: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF62/PF62L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMYK output and colour separations
PF63: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF63/PF63L0NP.PDF
PF63: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF63/PF63L0FP.PDF

PF64: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF64/PF64L0NP.PDF
PF64: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF64/PF64L0FP.PDF

PF65: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF65/PF65L0NP.PDF
PF65: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF65/PF65L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMY0 output and colour separations
PF66: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF66/PF66L0NP.PDF
PF66: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF66/PF66L0FP.PDF

PF67: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF67/PF67L0NP.PDF
PF67: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF67/PF67L0FP.PDF

PF68: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF68/PF68L0NP.PDF
PF68: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF68/PF68L0FP.PDF

PostScript Laser Printer with RGB -> CMYK device output and colour separations
PF69: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d, and rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (40 pages, 1,7 MB) PF69/PF69L0NP.PDF
PF69: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd, and rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (40 pages, 1,6 MB) PF69/PF69L0FP.PDF

Test chart with a 16 and 8 step hue circle for the CIE standard illuminant D65
and CIELAB colour differences for four output methods

Standard sRGB device output
PF70: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF70/PF70L0NP.PDF

PF70: 3D-Linearizations rgb -> rgb*dd and rgb*de
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF70/PF70L0FP.PDF

PF71: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF71/PF71L0NP.PDF
PF71: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF71/PF71L0FP.PDF

PF72: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF72/PF72L0NP.PDF
PF72: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF72/PF72L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMYK output and colour separations
PF73: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF73/PF73L0NP.PDF
PF73: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF73/PF73L0FP.PDF

PF74: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF74/PF74L0NP.PDF
PF74: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF74/PF74L0FP.PDF

PF75: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF75/PF75L0NP.PDF
PF75: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF75/PF75L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMY0 output and colour separations
PF76: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 90 KB) PF76/PF76L0NP.PDF
PF76: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF76/PF76L0FP.PDF

PF77: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF77/PF77L0NP.PDF
PF77: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF77/PF77L0FP.PDF

PF78: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF78/PF78L0NP.PDF
PF78: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (22 pages, 1 MB) PF78/PF78L0FP.PDF

PostScript Laser Printer with RGB -> CMYK device output and colour separations
PF79: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d, and rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (40 pages, 1,7 MB) PF79/PF79L0NP.PDF
PF79: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd, and rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (40 pages, 1,6 MB) PF79/PF79L0FP.PDF

Test chart with two equal 16 step hue circles for the CIE standard illuminant D65
and CIELAB colour differences for four output methods

Standard sRGB device output
PF80: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF80/PF80L0NP.PDF

PF80: 3D-Linearizations rgb -> rgb*dd and rgb*de
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF80/PF80L0FP.PDF

PF81: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (28 pages, 1,5 MB) PF81/PF81L0NP.PDF
PF81: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (28 pages, 1,5 MB) PF81/PF81L0FP.PDF

PF82: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (28 pages, 1,5 MB) PF82/PF82L0NP.PDF
PF82: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (28 pages, 1,5 MB) PF82/PF82L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMYK output and colour separations
PF83: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF83/PF83L0NP.PDF
PF83: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF83/PF83L0FP.PDF

PF84: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF84/PF84L0NP.PDF
PF84: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF84/PF84L0FP.PDF

PF85: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF85/PF85L0NP.PDF
PF85: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF85/PF85L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMY0 output and colour separations
PF86: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF86/PF86L0NP.PDF
PF86: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF86/PF86L0FP.PDF

PF87: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF87/PF87L0NP.PDF
PF87: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF87/PF87L0FP.PDF

PF88: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF88/PF88L0NP.PDF
PF88: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF88/PF88L0FP.PDF

PostScript Laser Printer with RGB -> CMYK device output and colour separations
PF89: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d, and rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (60 pages, 3 MB) PF89/PF89L0NP.PDF
PF89: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd, and rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (60 pages, 3 MB) PF89/PF89L0FP.PDF

Test chart with 5 and 16 step colour series for the elementary hue R00Y for the CIE standard illuminant D65
and CIELAB colour differences for four output methods

Standard sRGB device output
PF90: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF90/PF90L0NP.PDF

PF90: 3D-Linearizations rgb -> rgb*dd and rgb*de
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF90/PF90L0FP.PDF

PF91: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (28 pages, 1,5 MB) PF91/PF91L0NP.PDF
PF91: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (28 pages, 1,5 MB) PF91/PF91L0FP.PDF

PF92: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (28 pages, 1,5 MB) PF92/PF92L0NP.PDF
PF92: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (28 pages, 1,5 MB) PF92/PF92L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMYK output and colour separations
PF93: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF93/PF93L0NP.PDF
PF93: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF93/PF93L0FP.PDF

PF94: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF94/PF94L0NP.PDF
PF94: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF94/PF94L0FP.PDF

PF95: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF95/PF95L0NP.PDF
PF95: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF95/PF95L0FP.PDF

Standard offset with CMY0 output and colour separations
PF96: Transfers rgb -> rgb*d and rgb*e
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF96/PF96L0NP.PDF
PF96: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (4 pages, 200 KB) PF96/PF96L0FP.PDF

PF97: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF97/PF97L0NP.PDF
PF97: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF97/PF97L0FP.PDF

PF98: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF98/PF98L0NP.PDF
PF98: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (30 pages, 1,5 MB) PF98/PF98L0FP.PDF

PostScript Laser Printer with RGB -> CMYK device output and colour separations
PF99: Transfer and table data rgb -> rgb*d and LabCh*d, and rgb -> rgb*e and LabCh*e
Example file (60 pages, 3 MB) PF99/PF99L0NP.PDF
PF99: 3D-Linearization and table data rgb -> rgb*dd and LabCh*dd, and rgb -> rgb*de and LabCh*de
Example file (60 pages, 3 MB) PF99/PF99L0FP.PDF.

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