240115 1L2L000X_S2710.HTK, http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/xe1s.htm or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de/xe1s.htm
formats: YE1L2L000X_S2710.HTK,Y(A_Z)E_TIT1.HTM, YE8XYX1N.HTK

Section 1, Chapter X: Colour-difference datasets and performance
of colour difference formulae

This image page with 100 image series: xe1s in English, xg1s in German.
Previous image page: we1s in English, wg1s in German.
Next image page: ye1s in English, yg1s in German.
Content list without images: XE in English or XG in German.
Content list with additional images: XEI in English or XGI in German.

Section 1: Colourimetry and Colour Image Technology (2011-2018), Image part xe1s

Section 1, Chapter X: Colour-difference datasets and performance
of colour difference formulae

The following 100 image series between XE00 and XE99 show the content
with links to the single figures in up to six formats.

Figure XE00L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE00L0NP.PDF, see
XE00L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE00: TUB-Test chart XE00; Relative and scaled colour differences
colour triplets and colour pairs
separated and adjacent colours

Figure XE01L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE01L0NP.PDF, see
XE01L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE01: TUB-Test chart XE01; Relative and scaled colour differences
3 and 5 step colour pairs
separated and adjacent colours

Figure XE02L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE02L0NP.PDF, see
XE02L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE02: TUB-Test chart XE02; Colour threshold data
RI experiments: series WPN, GDR, BDY in directions WN, RG, BY;
CIE-Yxy- and CIE-Yxy-difference data, LABJND(A&D65)

Figure XE03L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE03L0NP.PDF, see
XE03L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE03: TUB-Test chart XE03; Colour threshold data
RI experiments: series WPN, GDR, BDY in directions WN, RG, BY;
CIE-Yxy- and CIE-Yxy-difference data, LABJND(0,7 1,3 1,2)

Figure XE04L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE04L0NP.PDF, see
XE04L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE04: TUB-Test chart XE04; Colour threshold data
RI experiments: series W(P/D)N, GDR, BDY, directions WN, RG, BY;
CIE-Yxy- and CIE-Yxy-difference data, LABJND(0,7 1,3 1,2)

Figure XE05L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE05L0NP.PDF, see
XE05L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE05: TUB-Test chart XE05; Colour threshold data
RI experiments: series W(P/D)N, GDR, BDY, directions WN, RG, BY;
CIE-Yxy- and CIE-Yxy-difference data, LABJND(0,7 1,3 1,2)

Figure XE06L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE06L0NP.PDF, see
XE06L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE06: TUB-Test chart XE06; Colour threshold data
RI experiments: series WPN, GDR, BDY in directions WN, RG, BY;
CIE-Yxy- and CIE-Yxy-difference data, LABJND(A&D65)

Figure XE07L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE07L0NP.PDF, see
XE07L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE07: TUB-Test chart XE07; Colour vision and properties
Elementary hues
Colour difference formulae

Figure XE08L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE08L0NP.PDF, see
XE08L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE08: TUB-Test chart XE08; Relative and scaled differences
Colour triplets and colour pairs
separate and adjacent colours, achromatic series N-W

Figure XE09L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE09L0NP.PDF, see
XE09L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE09: TUB-Test chart XE09; Relative and scaled differences
Colour triplets and colour pairs
separate and adjacent colours, achromatic series G-R

Figure XE10L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE10L0NP.PDF, see
XE10L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE10: TUB-Test chart XE10; Relative and scaled differences
Colour triplets and colour pairs
separate and adjacent colours, achromatic series B-Y

Figure XE11L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE11L0NP.PDF, see
XE11L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE11: TUB-Test chart XE11; Relative and scaled differences
Colour triplets and colour pairs; separate colours
2x16 series with 4 interval colours = 160 colours

Figure XE12L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE12L0NP.PDF, see
XE12L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE12: TUB-Test chart XE12; Relative and scaled differences
Colour triplets and colour pairs; separate colours
2x16 series without interval colours = 32 colours

Figure XE13L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE13L0NP.PDF, see
XE13L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE13: TUB-Test chart XE13; Relative and scaled differences
Colour triplets and colour pairs; separate colours
16 series with 4 interval colours = 160 colours

Figure XE14L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE14L0NP.PDF, see
XE14L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE14: TUB-Test chart XE14; Offset LCD colour series, rgb & LCh* tables
rgb device (d) colour input and LCh* device colour output
CIELAB diagrams (a*, b*) and (L*, C*ab) for 6 device hues

Figure XE15L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE15L0NP.PDF, see
XE15L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE15: TUB-Test chart XE15; BAM LCD colour series, rgb & LCh* tables
rgb device (d) colour input and LCh* device colour output
CIELAB diagrams (a*, b*) and (L*, C*ab) for 6 device hues

Figure XE16L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE16L0NP.PDF, see
XE16L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE16: TUB-Test chart XE16; offset and BAM LCD colour series
rgb device (d) colour input and LCh* device colour output
CIELAB diagrams (a*, b*) and (L*, C*ab) for 6 device hues

Figure XE17L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE17L0NP.PDF, see
XE17L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE17: TUB-Test chart XE17; Relative and scaled colour differences
colour triplets and colour pairs
separate and adjacent colours; triplets and 6 steps

Figure XE18L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE18L0NP.PDF, see
XE18L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE18: TUB-Test chart XE18; Relative and scaled colour differences
colour triplets and colour pairs
separated and adjacent colours

Figure XE19L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE19L0NP.PDF, see
XE19L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE19: TUB-Test chart XE19; Relative and scaled colour differences
colour triplets and colour pairs
separated and adjacent colours

Figure XE20L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE20L0NP.PDF, see
XE20L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE20: TUB-Test chart XE20; Relative and scaled colour differences
colour triplets and colour pairs
separated and adjacent colours

Figure XE21L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE21L0NP.PDF, see
XE21L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE21: TUB-Test chart XE21; Colour difference experiments
Names, colorimetric properties, and download of
the colour difference data sets SCD, TCD, and VTCD

Figure XE22L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE22L0NP.PDF, see
XE22L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE22: TUB-Test chart XE22; Colour difference experiments
Names, colorimetric properties, and download of
the colour difference data sets LCD, and ELCD

Figure XE23L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE23L0NP.PDF, see
XE23L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE23: TUB-Test chart XE23; Colour threshold data
RI experiments: series WPN, GDR, BDY in directions WN, RG, BY;
CIE-Yxy-Lab* and CIE-Yxy-Lab*-difference data, LABJND(A&D65)

Figure XE24L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE24L0NP.PDF, see
XE24L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE24: TUB-Test chart XE24; STRESS of colour difference data
Tables for Small Colour Differences (SCD)
DE* & STRESS: datasets WI_S, RD_S, LE_S, BF_S, SS_S

Figure XE25L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE25L0NP.PDF, see
XE25L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE25: TUB-Test chart XE25; STRESS of colour difference data
PF_Tables for Small Colour Differences (SCD)
DE* & STRESS: datasets WI_S, RD_S, LE_S, BF_S, SS_S

Figure XE26L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE26L0NP.PDF, see
XE26L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE26: TUB-Test chart XE26; STRESS of colour difference data
Tables for Threshold Colour Differences (TCD)
DE* & STRESS: datasets WA_T, 1S_T, 2M_T, 2S_T, 2G_T

Figure XE27L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE27L0NP.PDF, see
XE27L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE27: TUB-Test chart XE26; STRESS of colour difference data
PF_Tables for Threshold Colour Differences (TCD)
DE* & STRESS: datasets WA_T, 1S_T, 2M_T, 2S_T, 2G_T

Figure XE28L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE28L0NP.PDF, see
XE28L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE28: TUB-Test chart XE28; STRESS of colour difference data
Tables for Visual Treshold Colour Differences (VTCD)
DE* & STRESS: datasets RI_V, KI_V, AV_V

Figure XE29L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE29L0NP.PDF, see
XE29L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE29: TUB-Test chart XE29; STRESS of colour difference data
PF_Tables for Visual Treshold Colour Differences (VTCD)
DE* & STRESS: datasets RI_V, KI_V, AV_V

Figure XE30L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE30L0NP.PDF, see
XE30L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE30: TUB-Test chart XE30; colour difference formulae
114 or 106 colour pairs Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
pair comparison & DE*: data VA_LC114, VA_LD114, VA_LW106

Figure XE31L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE31L0NP.PDF, see
XE31L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE31: TUB-Test chart XE31; colour difference formulae
114 or 106 colour pairs Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
interval scaling & DE*: data VA_LC114, VA_LD114, VA_LW106

Figure XE32L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE32L0NP.PDF, see
XE32L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE32: TUB-Test chart XE32; colour difference formulae
114 or 106 colour pairs Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
XYZ, Lab*, DE*: datasets VA_LC114, VA_LD114, VA_LW106

Figure XE33L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE33L0NP.PDF, see
XE33L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE33: TUB-Test chart XE33; colour difference formulae
114 or 98 colour pairs Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
pair comparison & DE*: VA_LC114,KA_LC114,KS_LC114,MA_LC098

Figure XE34L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE34L0NP.PDF, see
XE34L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE34: TUB-Test chart XE34; colour difference formulae
114 or 98 colour pairs Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
interval scaling & DE*: VA_LC114,KA_LC114,KS_LC114,MA_LC098

Figure XE35L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE35L0NP.PDF, see
XE35L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE35: TUB-Test chart XE35; colour difference formulae
114 or 98 colour pairs Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
XYZ, Lab*, DE*: VA_LC114, KA_LC114, KS_LC114, MA_LC098

Figure XE36L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE36L0NP.PDF, see
XE36L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE36: TUB-Test chart XE36; colour difference formulae
114 or 98 colour pairs Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
pair compar.&DE*: VA_LX114,KA_LX114,KS_LX114,MA_LX098(X=C,D,W)

Figure XE37L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE37L0NP.PDF, see
XE37L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE37: TUB-Test chart XE37; colour difference formulae
114 or 98 colour pairs Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)

Figure XE38L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE38L0NP.PDF, see
XE38L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE38: TUB-Test chart XE38; colour difference formulae
114 or 98 colour pairs Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
XYZ, Lab*, DE*: VA_LX114,KA_LX114,KS_LX114,MA_LX098(X=C,D,W)

Figure XE39L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE39L0NP.PDF, see
XE39L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE39: TUB-Test chart XE39; BAM 5 step colour series
different anchor colours W, N. and CVMOLV
CIELAB and visual differences of colour steps

Figure XE40L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE40L0NP.PDF, see
XE40L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE40: TUB-Test chart XE40; Relative and scaled colour differences
Colour triplets and pairs; separated and adjacent colours
Examples for the calulation of scaled visual differences

Figure XE41L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE41L0NP.PDF, see
XE41L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE41: TUB-Test chart XE41; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset Va_EW098

Figure XE42L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE42L0NP.PDF, see
XE42L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE42: TUB-Test chart XE42; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset Ka_EW098

Figure XE43L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE43L0NP.PDF, see
XE43L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE43: TUB-Test chart XE43; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset Ks_EW098

Figure XE44L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE44L0NP.PDF, see
XE44L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE44: TUB-Test chart XE44; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset Ma_EW098

Figure XE45L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE45L0NP.PDF, see
XE45L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE45: TUB-Test chart XE45; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset Va_EV098

Figure XE46L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE46L0NP.PDF, see
XE46L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE46: TUB-Test chart XE46; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset Ka_EV098

Figure XE47L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE47L0NP.PDF, see
XE47L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE47: TUB-Test chart XE47; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset Ks_EV098

Figure XE48L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE48L0NP.PDF, see
XE48L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE48: TUB-Test chart XE48; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset Ma_EV098

Figure XE49L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE49L0NP.PDF, see
XE49L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE49: TUB-Test chart XE49; colour difference formulae; test file
114 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset VA_EC114

Figure XE50L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE50L0NP.PDF, see
XE50L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE50: TUB-Test chart XE50; colour difference formulae; test file
114 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset VA_EC114

Figure XE51L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE51L0NP.PDF, see
XE51L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE51: TUB-Test chart XE51; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset VA_EC098

Figure XE52L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE52L0NP.PDF, see
XE52L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE52: TUB-Test chart XE52; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset KA_EC098

Figure XE53L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE53L0NP.PDF, see
XE53L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE53: TUB-Test chart XE53; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset KS_EC098

Figure XE54L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE54L0NP.PDF, see
XE54L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE54: TUB-Test chart XE54; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset MA_EC098

Figure XE55L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE55L0NP.PDF, see
XE55L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE55: TUB-Test chart XE55; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset VS_ED098

Figure XE56L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE56L0NP.PDF, see
XE56L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE56: TUB-Test chart XE56; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset KA_ED098

Figure XE57L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE57L0NP.PDF, see
XE57L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE57: TUB-Test chart XE57; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset KS_ED098

Figure XE58L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE58L0NP.PDF, see
XE58L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE58: TUB-Test chart XE58; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset MA_ED098

Figure XE59L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE59L0NP.PDF, see
XE59L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE59: TUB-Test chart XE59; colour difference formulae; test file
114 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset VA_EC114

Figure XE60L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE60L0NP.PDF, see
XE60L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE60: TUB-Test chart XE60; colour difference formulae; test file
114 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset VA_EC114

Figure XE61L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE61L0NP.PDF, see
XE61L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE61: TUB-Test chart XE61; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset VA_EW098

Figure XE62L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE62L0NP.PDF, see
XE62L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE62: TUB-Test chart XE62; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset KA_EW098

Figure XE63L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE63L0NP.PDF, see
XE63L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE63: TUB-Test chart XE63; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset KS_EW098

Figure XE64L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE64L0NP.PDF, see
XE64L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE64: TUB-Test chart XE64; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset MA_EW098

Figure XE65L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE65L0NP.PDF, see
XE65L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE65: TUB-Test chart XE65; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset VA_EV098

Figure XE66L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE66L0NP.PDF, see
XE66L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE66: TUB-Test chart XE66; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset KA_EV098

Figure XE67L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE67L0NP.PDF, see
XE67L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE67: TUB-Test chart XE67; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset KS_EV098

Figure XE68L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE68L0NP.PDF, see
XE68L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE68: TUB-Test chart XE68; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset MA_EV098

Figure XE69L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE69L0NP.PDF, see
XE69L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE69: TUB-Test chart XE69; Colour threshold data
RI experiments: series WPN, GDR, BDY in directions WN, RG, BY;
CIE-Yxy- and CIE-Yxy-difference data, LABJND(A&D65)

Figure XE70L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE70L0NP.PDF, see
XE70L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE70: TUB-Test chart XE70; Colour threshold data
RI experiments: series WPN, GDR, BDY in directions WN, RG, BY;
CIE-Lab*- and CIE-Lab*-difference data, LABJND(A&D65)

Figure XE71L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE71L0NP.PDF, see
XE71L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE71: TUB-Test chart XE71; colour difference formulae
100 colour pairs of threshold colour differences (TCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset WA_T0100

Figure XE72L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE72L0NP.PDF, see
XE72L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE72: TUB-Test chart XE72; colour difference formulae
890 colour pairs of threshold colour differences (TCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset sA_T0890

Figure XE73L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE73L0NP.PDF, see
XE73L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE73: TUB-Test chart XE73; colour difference formulae
399 colour pairs of threshold colour differences (TCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset MA_T0399

Figure XE74L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE74L0NP.PDF, see
XE74L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE74: TUB-Test chart XE74; colour difference formulae
446 colour pairs of threshold colour differences (TCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset SA_T0446

Figure XE75L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE75L0NP.PDF, see
XE75L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE75: TUB-Test chart XE75; colour difference formulae
379 colour pairs of threshold colour differences (TCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset GA_T0379

Figure XE76L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE76L0NP.PDF, see
XE76L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE76: TUB-Test chart XE76; colour difference formulae
96 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset RS_EI096

Figure XE77L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE77L0NP.PDF, see
XE77L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE77: TUB-Test chart XE77; colour difference formulae
96 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset RS_EP096

Figure XE78L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE78L0NP.PDF, see
XE78L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE78: TUB-Test chart XE78; colour difference formulae
80 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset RS_EI080

Figure XE79L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE79L0NP.PDF, see
XE79L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE79: TUB-Test chart XE79; colour difference formulae
80 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset RS_EP080

Figure XE80L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE80L0NP.PDF, see
XE80L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE80: TUB-Test chart XE80; colour difference formulae
160 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset RS_ER160

Figure XE81L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE81L0NP.PDF, see
XE81L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE81: TUB-Test chart XE81; colour difference formulae
128 colour pairs of large colour differences (LCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset OS_L0128

Figure XE82L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE82L0NP.PDF, see
XE82L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE82: TUB-Test chart XE82; colour difference formulae
844 colour pairs of large colour differences (LCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset MS_L0844

Figure XE83L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE83L0NP.PDF, see
XE83L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE83: TUB-Test chart XE83; colour difference formulae
1308 colour pairs of large colour differences (LCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset PA_L1308

Figure XE84L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE84L0NP.PDF, see
XE84L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE84: TUB-Test chart XE84; colour difference formulae
292 colour pairs of large colour differences (LCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset GA_L0292

Figure XE85L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE85L0NP.PDF, see
XE85L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE85: TUB-Test chart XE85; colour difference formulae
144 colour pairs of large colour differences (LCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset ZA_L0144

Figure XE86L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE86L0NP.PDF, see
XE86L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE86: TUB-Test chart XE86; colour difference formulae
238 colour pairs of large colour differences (LCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset BA_L0238

Figure XE87L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE87L0NP.PDF, see
XE87L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE87: TUB-Test chart XE87; colour difference formulae
60 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset WA_EW060

Figure XE88L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE88L0NP.PDF, see
XE88L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE88: TUB-Test chart XE88; colour difference formulae
98 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset VS_ES098

Figure XE89L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE89L0NP.PDF, see
XE89L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE89: TUB-Test chart XE89; colour difference formulae
32 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset RS_ER032

Figure XE90L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE90L0NP.PDF, see
XE90L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE90: TUB-Test chart XE90; colour difference formulae
192 colour pairs of extra large colour differences (ELCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset RS_ER192

Figure XE91L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE91L0NP.PDF, see
XE91L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE91: TUB-Test chart XE91; colour difference formulae
330 colour pairs of visual threshold colour differences (VTCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset RA_V0330

Figure XE92L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE92L0NP.PDF, see
XE92L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE92: TUB-Test chart XE92; colour difference formulae
393 colour pairs of visual threshold colour differences (VTCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset KA_V0392

Figure XE93L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE93L0NP.PDF, see
XE93L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE93: TUB-Test chart XE93; colour difference formulae
132 colour pairs of visual threshold colour differences (VTCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset AA_V0106

Figure XE94L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE94L0NP.PDF, see
XE94L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE94: TUB-Test chart XE94; colour difference formulae
418 colour pairs of small colour differences (SCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset WA_S0418

Figure XE95L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE95L0NP.PDF, see
XE95L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE95: TUB-Test chart XE95; colour difference formulae
312 colour pairs of small colour differences (SCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset RA_S0312

Figure XE96L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE96L0NP.PDF, see
XE96L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE96: TUB-Test chart XE96; colour difference formulae
307 colour pairs of small colour differences (SCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset LA_S0307

Figure XE97L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE97L0NP.PDF, see
XE97L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE97: TUB-Test chart XE97; colour difference formulae
2776 colour pairs of small colour differences (SCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset BA_S2776

Figure XE98L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE98L0NP.PDF, see
XE98L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE98: TUB-Test chart XE98; colour difference formulae
446 colour pairs of small colour differences (SCD)
XYZ, visual, and delta_E* data for dataset SA_S0446

Figure XE99L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file XE99L0NP.PDF, see
XE99L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

XE99: TUB-Test chart XE99; Under development

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For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
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