241201 1L2L0X0H_K2710.KTS/YEjlHIN.KTS http://color.li.tu-berlin.de/hejs.htm or http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/hejs.htm

For links to the Section 2, Chapter H SDR and HDR-colour metric for optimal colour-image quality (2025) , under work, see
For this image page with 10 colour series, see hejs in English, hgjs in German.
For the previous image page, see heis in English, hgis in German.
For the next image page, see heks in English, hgks in German.
For the first image page of the previous chapter G, see geas in English, ggas in German.
For the first image page of the next chapter I (under work), see ieas in English, igas in German.

Content list of chapter H (under work): hea_i in English or hga_i in German.
Summary of chapter H: hea_s in English or hga_s in German.
For the large image page of chapter H with 260 colour series, see he2s in English or hg2s in German.

Section 2, Chapter H
SDR and HDR-colour metric for optimal colour-image quality (2025), Image part hejs

Title: Experimental equal colour scaling of two series N-M and N-Y
Interval scaling of tone mapping at display work places
Colour differences and production of equal differences
for adjacent and separate 3, 5, and 9 step colour scales

1. Introduction and goals;
2. Experimental equal colour-tone mapping, two series N-M (J0-J4), N-Y (J5-J9);
3. Adjacent and separate 3, 5, and 9 step scales;
4. Evaluation of spacing and production of visual equidistant steps;
5. Applications with software products and discussion.

The following ten pages hej0 to hej9 of this chapter
show the content with links to the single figures in up to six formats.

Figure hej0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file hej0l0np.pdf, see
hej0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

hej0: TUB-test chart hej0; adjacent (a) and separate (s) samples
N-M for visual interval scaling of 3, 5, and 9 steps
output without data a&s, (rgb*)^1 & manuel, surround U=N08w

Figure hej1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file hej1l0np.pdf, see
hej1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

hej1: TUB-test chart hej1; adjacent (a) and separate (s) samples
N-M for visual interval scaling of 3, 5, and 9 steps
output with data a&s, (rgb*)^1 & manuel, surround U=N08w

Figure hej2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file hej2l0np.pdf, see
hej2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

hej2: TUB-test chart hej2; adjacent (a) samples
N-M for visual interval scaling of 3, 5, and 9 steps
with data & graphic a, (rgb*)^1 & manuel, surround U=N08w

Figure hej3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file hej3l0np.pdf, see
hej3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

hej3: TUB-test chart hej3; adjacent (a) samples
N-M for visual interval scaling of 3, 5, and 9 steps
with graphic a, (rgb*)^1 & manuel, surround U=N08w

Figure hej4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file hej4l0np.pdf, see
hej4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

hej4: TUB-test chart hej4; separate (s) samples
N-M for visual interval scaling of 3, 5, and 9 steps
with graphic s, (rgb*)^1 & manuel, surround U=N08w

Figure hej5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file hej5l0np.pdf, see
hej5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

hej5: TUB-test chart hej5; adjacent (a) and separate (s) samples
N-Y for visual interval scaling of 3, 5, and 9 steps
output without data a&s, (rgb*)^1 & manuel, surround U=N08w

Figure hej6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file hej6l0np.pdf, see
hej6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

hej6: TUB-test chart hej6; adjacent (a) and separate (s) samples
N-Y for visual interval scaling of 3, 5, and 9 steps
output with data a&s, (rgb*)^1 & manuel, surround U=N08w

Figure hej7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file hej7l0np.pdf, see
hej7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

hej7: TUB-test chart hej7; adjacent (a) samples
N-Y for visual interval scaling of 3, 5, and 9 steps
with data & graphic a, (rgb*)^1 & manuel, surround U=N08w

Figure hej8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file hej8l0np.pdf, see
hej8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

hej8: TUB-test chart hej8; adjacent (a) samples
N-Y for visual interval scaling of 3, 5, and 9 steps
with graphic a, (rgb*)^1 & manuel, surround U=N08w

Figure hej9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file hej9l0np.pdf, see
hej9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

hej9: TUB-test chart hej9; separate (s) samples
N-Y for visual interval scaling of 3, 5, and 9 steps
with graphic s, (rgb*)^1 & manuel, surround U=N08w

For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

Back to the main page of this TUB web site (NOT archive), see index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.