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ZE in English, ZG in German.
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ZEI in English, ZGI in German.

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YE in English, YG in German.
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YEI in English, YGI in German.

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Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology

Some basic colorimetric and colour vision data for thresholds, and for antichromatic optimal Ostwald colours.

Figures and data of "Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology" are in the folders ZEXX (colour series Y, E=English, XX=00 to 99).

Folder and Title
Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology
Information about test charts of ISO, IEC, CEN, and DIN
according to ISO CEN 9241-306:2018 for the test of display output, and for eight contrast steps in english (E), german (G), and french (F).
The test charts are on the ISO Standards Maintenance Portal in the file formats PDF, and PostScript (PS, TXT), see

See also the booklet of K. Richter (2015, 80 pages, 2,5 MB) Colour, Colour Vision and Elementary Colours in Colour Information Technology

For the application of "antichromatic Ostwald optimal colours"
download the following two reports. The following two alternative links are in the standard MLA format. If the first link to a CIE web site is not working then the second link may be used for the download from an archive server. .

Thorstein Seim, Reportership Report CIE R1-47, Hue angles of elementary colours, 2009, see (35 pages),
[http://files.cie.co.at/526.pdf]._Internet Archive_.[ http://web.archive.org/web/20160304130704/http://files.cie.co.at/526.pdf].

Thorstein Seim, Reportership Report CIE R1-57, Border between Blackish and Luminous Colours, 2013, see (23 pages),
[ http://files.cie.co.at/716_CIE%20R1-57%20Report%20Jul-13%20v.2.pdf]._Internet Archive_.[ http://web.archive.org/web/20150413002133/http://files.cie.co.at/716_CIE%20R1-57%20Report%20Jul-13%20v.2.pdf].

Test chart ZE00 or G according to CIE R8-09:2015
ZE00: 1080 standard colours, Outputs for laser printer HRS16_96
cmyk/rgb/00n/w start output, rgb output, output with separations rgb->cmyn6, 3 pages

BAM-2005-test charts; test of visual equidistant steps
ZE65: 3 step scales white - chromatic and chromatic - black
ZE66: 5 step scales white - chromatic and chromatic - black
ZE67: 3 step scales white - chromatic and hue circle

CIELAB, LABJND, and CIEDE2000 line element formula for lightness with and without derivation formulae
for dY, Y-based contrast dY/Y, and Y-based sensitivity Y/dY
ZE68: CIELAB line element formula for lightness
ZE69: LABJND line element formula no. 1 for lightness and other functions
ZE70: LABJND line element formula no. 2 for lightness and other functions
ZE71: LABJND line element formula no. 3 for lightness and other functions
ZE72: Comparison CIELAB formula and CIEDE2000 for lightness and other functions
ZE73: Comparison LABJND formula and CIEDE2000 for lightness and other functions
ZE74: Comparison CIELAB formula and LABJND for lightness and other functions
ZE75: Comparison LABJND formula and CIELAB for lightness and other functions

Relative elementary colour vision; log[colour sensitivities PDT (LMS) and combinations]
log[colour thresholds ta=0,00 and ta=0,01].
ZE76: log[sensitivities PDT (LMS) and thresholds]
ZE77: log[sensitivities PDT (LMS) and thresholds]
ZE78: log[sensitivities PDT (LMS) and thresholds]
ZE79: lin[sensitivities PDT (LMS) and thresholds]
ZE80: log[sensitivities PDT (LMS) and thresholds]
ZE81: lin[sensitivities PDT (LMS) and thresholds]
ZE82: log[sensitivities PDT (LMS) and thresholds]
ZE83: lin[sensitivities PDT (LMS) and thresholds]

Chromaticity diagrams; 2 or 10 degree observer
(x,y) and (ai,bi) or (x10,y10) and (a10i, b10i) (i=0 to 6)
ZE84: 2 degree observer; illuminants P60, P55, P50, P45, P40, P35, P30, P25 (right)
ZE85: 2 degree observer; illuminants D65, D50, P40, A00, E00, C00, P00, Q00 (right)
ZE86: 10 degree observer; illuminants P60, P55, P50, P45, P40, P35, P30, P25 (right)
ZE87: 10 degree observer; illuminants D65, D50, P40, A00, E00, C00, P00, Q00 (right)

Chromaticity diagrams; 2 or 10 degree observer
(x,y) and (ai,bi) or (x10,y10) and (a10i, b10i) (i=0 to 6)
MacAdam ellipses, OSA- and Munsell-colour system
ZE88: 2 degree observer; illuminant E00, MacAdam-ellipses (right)
ZE89: 10 degree observer; illuminant D65, OSA-colour system, lightness L=-4 (right)
ZE90: 10 degree observer; illuminant D65, OSA-colour system, lightness L=0 (right)
ZE91: 10 degree observer; illuminant D65, OSA-colour system, lightness L=4 (right)
ZE92: 2 degree observer; illuminant C00, Munsell-colour system, lightness Value=2 (right)
ZE93: 2 degree observer; illuminant C00, Munsell-colour system, lightness Value=5 (right)
ZE94: 2 degree observer; illuminant C00, Munsell-colour system, lightness Value=8 (right)

Test chart ISO 9241-306; Test of achromatic test chart output
ZE99: for the computer display or the external display.

For this page without additional image information, see
ZE in English, ZG in German.
For this page with additional image information (internet speed > 1MB/s recommended), see
ZEI in English, ZGI in German.

For the preceding page without additional image information, see
YE in English, YG in German.
For the preceding page with additional image information, see
YEI in English, YGI in German.

For the next page without additional image information, see
AE in English, AG in German, AF in French, AS in Spanish, AI in Italian, AN in Norwegian.
For the next page with additional image information, see
AEI in English, AGI in German, AFI in French, ASI in Spanish, AII in Italian, ANI in Norwegian

For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

Back to the main page of this TUB web site (not archive), see
index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.