250213 XY91FEN Colour Metric and publications

For this page in German, see

This page incudes publications from the year 2009 until today.
For older publications (2000-2008) see A/XY91AE.html in English or A/XY91AG.html in German.

back to the main web site of this TU server
Books on Colour, Colour Vision, Colorimetry and Colour Atlas
Remark: the newest publications are at the top

160115: Richter, Klaus, Colour and Colour Vision - Elementary Colours in Image Technology,
85 pages, 130 colour figures, 15 ISO/IEC, CIE and DIN test charts, format A5/A4, in six languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Norwegian. For further information see
color/index.html. For order see

220801: Richter, Klaus, Relative Elementary Colour Sytem RECS as analog and digital colour atlas.
18 pages with about 2000 colour samples according to DIN 33872-1 to -6:2010 and
18 pages with ISO/IEC-test charts according to ISO/IEC 15775/ed-2:2022, format A4.
For further information see
RECS/index.html. For order see

The book of Klaus Richter "Computergrafik und Farbmetrik - Colour Order Systems, PostScript and device independent CIE-Colours" describes the technical basic information about the standards of ISO/IEC-, CEN- and DIN with 500 colour pictures, VDE-Verlag with CD-ROM, 1999, 288 pages, ISBN 3-8007-1775-1, Remainders available for 20 EURO instead of 61 EURO, format A5.
For further information see
buche.html. For order see

Technical publications, meeting reports, and workshops (2009 until today)
Date (year, month, day), name, content and URL
Remark: the newest publications are at the top.

Publications, Oral presentations, and Workshops
Special publications and copyright of images of this TUB website
Four publications which are marked with a *) describe recent research results and applications since 2019. After download of any one of these publications there are links within the pfd files which reference directly to the images in vector graphic.

The images are in four parts, compare index.html

A Colour Image Technology and Colour Management (2019),
B Colour Vision and Colorimetry (2020),
C Colour Spaces, Colour Differences, and Line Elements (2021),
D Colour Appearance, Elementary Colours, and Metrics (2022, under work).

About 10.000 images developed since 2000 up to now on this TUB website are from the Author Klaus Richter. Any author may use many images according to the free copyright in the file CGV1/CGV10-3N.PDF in his author publications.

Any author may use in his publication the TUB weblinks. However, an actual WBM link to the server WayBackMachine is recommended. The image content with a date stamp remains constant on the WBM server. This avoids problems in the case of broken links to the TUB server or if the image content is changed on the TUB server.

Many authors and bibliographies of the world use as reference WBM links in publications and for free download of publications. For application examples see the many WBM links on the page CGV1/CGV1L0NP.PDF.

Publications 2024
A * (star) indicates links to papers since 2019 which use parts of the following TUB model:
Antagonistic TUB-relativity model of colour vision for a wide range of luminance and chromatic adaptation., see
(under development since 2019, in 2024 100 of 300 pages available).

241001 *) Richter, Klaus,
Colourimetric Scaling of Luminance and Chromaticity of rgb* images on SDR and HDR displays by a TUB colour-vision model, see
Chapter 4 to 6 of this paper includes new research results
compared to the paper of 240701:

240701 *) Richter, Klaus,
Colourimetric Reproduction of Luminance and Chromaticity of rgb* images on SDR and HDR displays by a TUB colour-vision model, see
The above is a smaler revision of the older version 240401:

240701 *) Richter, Klaus,
Frame File Colour Management (FF_CM) for the ergonomic Display Output of SDR and HDR-rgb* images on SDR and HDR displays, see
The above is a smaler revision of the older version 240401:

240207 Richter, Klaus, Content and applicaton of the TUB text_image_vocabulary (tubtiv), see three different Sections 2, 1, 0 and all (a)
Section 2 (2019-today), 0,4 MB, , 8.000 lines, 1000 images in A4 size, tubtiv_2he.htm
Section 1 (2011-2018), 0,9 MB, , 14.000 lines, 2500 images in A4 size, tubtiv_1he.htm
Section 0 (1998_2010), 0,9 MB, , 14.000 lines, 2500 images in A4 size, tubtiv_0he.htm
Section a (1998-today), 2,2 MB, 36.000 lines, 6000 images in A4 size, tubtiv_ahe.htm

Start with your browser by a click on the following link, which opens a new window, see http://color.li.tu-berlin.de/index.html Replace this window by a click to tubtiv_2he.htm

Remarks: The waiting time until you see the tubtiv information is very different, depending on the browser, for example:
FireFox 2 sec, and Safari 10 sec for Aection 2, and the internet speed 2MB/s. The waiting time of the four times larger section a may increase by a factor 4. The reason seems the large amount of links within any tubtiv file.
After the tubtiv start the responding time is fast.

The following papers includes further usefull information for beginners and users with technical interests on colour-image technology. 240207 Richter, Klaus, Minimum Informaton for the search in the
TUB text_image_vocabulary (tubtiv)
for colour education and standardization, see

240207 Richter, Klaus, Historic image-technology developments between 1998 and today included in the
TUB text_image_vocabulary (tubtiv)
for colour education and standardization, see
The content is especially useful for references to previous and ergonomic future developments.

Publications 2023
231015 *) Richter, Klaus, Global and Local Colour Management for the ergonomic Display Output of SDR and HDR images, see in German
see in English
. Remark: This paper is a improvement and extension of a former paper of the date 221128, see below.

231006 *) Richter, Klaus, Deductive and inductive antagonistic TUB colorimetry to extend the CIE colorimetry for a wide range of luminance and chromatic adaptation,
Meeting of the German Society for Colour Science and Application (DfwG) in Potsdam, October 5&6, 2023, see a summary in German
see a summary in English

Version presented (2023-10-06): see in German
see in English

Publications 2022
221006 *) Richter, Klaus, TUB-relativity model of colour vision for light and surface colours, Annual conference of the German Society for Color Science (DfwG),
Stuttgart, October 2022, printed in DfwG-Report 2023/2, pages 18 to 31, ISSN 1860-2835, see in German
see in English

221128 *) Richter, Klaus, Global and Local Colour Management for the ergonomic Display Output of SDR and HDR images, see in German
see in English

221002 Richter, Klaus, Obituary for Prof. Klaus Palm (1932-2022) see in German
see in English
printed in German: DfwG-Report 2022/3, German Society for Colour Science, ISSN 1860-2825, pages 11-12

221001 Richter, Klaus, Obituary for Prof. Dr. Arne Valberg (1938-2022), see in German
see in English
printed in German: DfwG-Report 2022/3, German Society for Colour Science, ISSN 1860-2825, pages 8-10

2208: *) Richter, Klaus, Goals for an ergonomic and sustainable information technology (ESIT) of colour images by an expert group (EGIT) for applications in regulation authorities, in standards, and in hardware and software, see in German
see in English

220510: Ruschin, Detlef, A Note on Changing Display Colors on Computers Running Windows (only English)

Publications 2021
211005: *) Richter, Klaus, 20 Years Colour Vision, Colorimetry and Colour Appearance on http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de, Annual conference of the German Society for Color Science (DfwG),
Cologne, October 2021, printed in DfwG-Report 2022/2, pages 40 to 50, ISSN 1860-2835, see in German
see in English

Publications 2020 with applications of ISO-test charts according to ISO 9241-306:2018
200801: *) Richter, Klaus, Goals, problems and realization of a colour loop:
ISO-colour file - print - scan - back to ISO-colour file,
22 pages, 2,7 MB, , see in German
see in English

Publications 2019 with remarks
200901: *) Richter, Klaus, Colour Topics in the CIE and Applications, Annual conference of the German Society for Color Science (DfwG),
Leipzig, October 2019, printed in DfwG-Report 2020/2, pages 16-26, ISSN 1860-2835, see in german
see in english

Three digitized older publications in 2019
191107: Richter, Klaus, Description of problems of higher colorimetry with the help of the opponent colour system (german title: Beschreibung von Problemen der höheren Farbmetrik mit Hilfe des Gegenfarbensystems),
Forschungsbericht 61 der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) (Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing (BAM)), 1979,
116 pages, 108 figures, 40 tables, 11,4 MB, ISSN 0172-7613, "Open Access" since 2015, see
In addition habilitaton paper D83 of Dr. K. Richter in the section Umwelttechnik der Technischen Universität Berlin,
Opening of the habilitation procedure: 1977-04-20
Handing over the habilitation certificate: 1978-07-03.
191107: Richter, Klaus, The colour-perception attribute elementary hue, and chroma differences as function of chromaticity and luminance of center and surround field (german title: Farbempfindungsmerkmal Elementarbuntton und Buntheitsabstände als Funktion von Farbart und Leuchtdichte von In- und Umfeld).
Forschungsbericht 115, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), (Research report 115, Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing (BAM)), 1985,
119 pages, 87 figures, 50 tables, 184 MB, ISSN 0938-5533, ISBN 3-88314-420-7, "Open Access" since 2015, see
This paper was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Az. Ri. 156/4, ID: Hue
191023: Richter, Klaus, Antagonistic signals in colour vision and their relationship with the perceived colour order. (in German with the title: Antagonistische Signale beim Farbensehen und ihr Zusammenhang mit der empfindungsgemässen Farbordnung.) Dissertation, University of Basel 1969, Digital scan of the University of Basel, 155 pages, 74 MB, "Open Access" since 2019, see the original file under the URL
_https://edoc.unibas.ch/72306/ or see a copy on this TUB-server _DISS_1969_7397_Richter.pdf

190501: Richter, Klaus, Colorimetric scan, display, and print for archiving based on the ergonomic International Standard ISO 9241-306:2018 at work places, Proc. IS&T Archiving 2019, pp 111-112, see for free download in pdf, https://doi.org/10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2019.1.0.25.

190101: CIE 230:2019, Validity of formulae for prediction small colour differences, developed by CIE TC1-81 with the chairman: Klaus Richter, see for a summary at

Remarks: CIE 230 has used CIE datasets with about 7000 pairs of adjacent colours from different countries, see
The files are provided in three different formats: .TXT (text), .PS (PostScript), and .PDF (Portable Document).

CIE 230 has studied the validity of colour difference formulae. The performance of the formula LABJND 1985 of Klaus Richter for adjacent colours is compared with the formula CIELAB for separate colours on a grey background. LABJND uses the logarithmic Weber-Fechner law, and CIELAB the cube root Stevens law. For example out of 8 CIE datasets, and for colour difference < 2 CIELAB, the formula LABJND_PF performs best in 7 and CIEDE2000_PF in one case. For example out of 13 (all) CIE datasets, and for colour difference < 5 CIELAB, the formula CIEDE2000_PF performs best in 6, and LABJND_PF in 5 cases. CIELAB is best in 1 case, see section "7 Conclusions" of CIE 230. Publications 2018 with applications of ISO-test charts
180801: ISO 9241-306/ed-2:2018, Ergomomics of human-system interaction - Part 306: Field assessment methods for electronic visual displays, available in English, French, and German, ISO-project editor: Klaus Richter.

Remarks: Applications of ISO-test charts with visual or colorimetric ISO-output questions
Standard test charts according to ISO EN DIN 9241-306:2018 are available for the test of display (and printer) output, and for eight contrast steps in English (E), German (G), and French (F).
These digital ISO-test charts are for free download from the ISO Standards Maintenance Portal (ISMP) in the file formats PDF, and PostScript (PS, TXT), see
Start a test: Download for example the achomatic ISO-test chart (24 pages, 1,8 MB)
Test your display (or printer) output according to the ISO-output questions on page 2. Usually all steps of the 16 steps of the grey scale can be distinguished on only one test page of the eight pages 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22. In this case the minimum user wish is fullfilled. With increasing reflection of the ambient light on the (projector) display the ISO questions are fulfilled on the more higher pages. Even then usually only one of the eight pages fullfills the minimum user wish. On the eight pages the relative gamma decreases from 1,000 on page no. 1 to 0,475 on the last page no. 22.

The page no. 10 (and not no. 1) may appear visually equally spaced, if in the standard offices the standard light reflection is 2,5% (compared to 90% of white).

The professional wish of equal spacing can roughly be evaluated visually. However, in this case a colour measurement is recommended, and the regularity index g* defined in ISO/IEC 15775 is calculated. The regularity index has the value g*=0, if two steps are not distinguishable. and has the value g*=100, if all steps are equally spaced. For the production of an analog ISO-test chart the value g*=90 may be reached. The analog ISO-test charts are used with colour copiers and for the colour input with scanners or with photo technic.

For a print output it is the user wish to distinguish the 16 steps on page 1 with the gamma value 1. If another page fullfills the ISO-question, then the print of page 1 uses to much toner or ink for the output. The printer manufacturers may have an interest to sell more colorants compared to what is needed for a colorimetric and ergonomic output.

If a user prefers a printer which fullfills the minimum and the ergonomic user wishes, then the user may ask the printer manufacturer for solutions. Usually a professional proof printer fulfills these wishes. This may be a printer of the same type, only with another driver. It is espected, that there will be in future an increasing amout of device drivers according to ISO 9241-306 which for example allow any user to choose one of the eight gamma options between 1 and 0,475.

For basics and applications the following paper of 12016 seems important.
190601: Richter, Klaus, Output linearization method OLM16 for displays, printers, and offset print (61 pages, 1,3 MB, format A4), with revised links in 2019, see

Publications 2017
171001: Richter, Klaus, Colour vision properties of surface colours based on complementary optimal colours
Proceedings of the colour meeting AIC 2017, Jeju, Korea, paper OS07_06, public proceedings expected, see https://aic_color.org/page-18077, see draft:
170101: Richter, Klaus, How to find the public Web Pages with broken links to historic public Pages and Files
Remark about the content: This paper shows the free download possibility, for example of the two CIE Reportership Reports of Thorstein Seim (Norway)
CIE R1-47:2009, Hue angles of elementary colours (35 pages) and
CIE R1-57:2013, Border between Blackish and Luminous Colours (23 pages).
Since September 2016 the links to the both scientific papers are deleted on the CIE Division 1 web site under REPORTS.

Publications 2016
161201: Richter, Klaus, Output linearization method OLM16 for displays, printers, and offset print (61 pages, 1,3 MB, Format A4) with updated links in 2019, see
for more information see

Publications 2014
141201: Richter, Klaus & CIE Division 8; Output Linearization Methods for Displays and Printers. Terms of Reference: To make proposals for the application of Output Linearization Methods and for the content of CIE Technical Reports. The reports may cover the device and the elementary hue output on displays and printers., see
under CIE Div. 8, MEETINGS, Internet, December 2014, Minutes, pages 59-63

141201: Richter, Klaus & CIE Division 8; Liaison Report from ISO/IEC SC28 to CIE Division 8, see
under CIE Div. 8, MEETINGS, Internet, December 2014, Minutes, pages 100-103

140914: Richter, Klaus, Trends for CIE-ISO-colour standards for input and output of all colour devices with relative CIELAB colour coordinates rgb* (15 pages, 600KB, Format A4, also available in German), see

Publications 2013
131101: Richter, Klaus, Output Linearization Methods for Displays, Printers, and Offset Print (63 pages, 1,4 MB, Format A4), see
for more information see

Publications 2012
121101: Richter, Klaus und Arne Valberg, Colour and Colour Vision
Elementary Colours in Image Technology, 44 pages, format A4.
color/index.html. For order see

121005: Palm, Klaus and Klaus Richter, Farbe in Kunst und Wissenschaft, 50 Jahre Deutsches Farbenzentrum (Colour in Art and Science, 50 Years German Colour Center, only in German), see (13 pages, 4 MB)

Oral presentations 2012
121005: Palm, Klaus and Klaus Richter, Farbe in Kunst und Wissenschaft, 50 Jahre Deutsches Farbenzentrum (Colour in Art and Science, 50 Years German Colour Center, only in German), Berlin, 5 Oktober 2012.

Publications 2011
110901: Richter, Klaus, CIE TC 1-81: Validity of Formulae for Predicting Small Colour Differences, CIE Divison 1 meeting, Sun City, July 2011 (9 slides, 140 KB), see

110901: Richter, Klaus, CIE TC 1-63: Validity of the range of CIE DE2000, CIE Divison 1 meeting, Sun City, July 2011 (9 slides, 90 KB), siehe

110901: Richter, Klaus, Proposal for a Reportership in CIE Division 1 Colour border: luminous - blackish colours in white D65 surround, CIE Divison 1 meeting, Sun City, July 2011 (10 slides, 200 KB), see

110901: Richter, Klaus, Proposal for a Reportership in CIE Division 8: Output Linearization Methods for Devices in Image Technology, CIE Divison 8 meeting, Sun City, July 2011 (14 slides, 610 KB), see

110901: Richter, Klaus, Proposal for use of available test samples for CIE TC1-69 "Color Rendering", CIE Division 1 Workshop "Colour rendering", Sun City, July 2011 (18 slides, 400 KB), see

Publications 2010
100926: Richter, Klaus, Advantages of elementary and affine colour reproduction with rgb* coordinates, (11 pages, 500 KB), see

100701: Richter, Klaus, Data and Material for the Description of Colour Thresholds using the Report CIE R1-47:2009, (18 slides, 400 KB, Similar to CIE_ISO_10.PDF), see

100701: Richter, Klaus, ISO-CIE Trend for Color Output of equally spaced Color Series and Elementary Hues RJGB on Displays for Eight Ambient Reflections of ISO 9241-306:2008, (33 slides, 550 KB), see

100531: Richter, Klaus, Efficient Colour Workflow for Display and Printer Output in Offices based on the Hue Angles of Elementary Colours of CIE R1-47:2009, (30 slides, 300 KB, Similar to CIE_ECW_10.PDF), see

100531: Richter, Klaus, Efficient Colour Workflow for Display and Printer Output in Offices based on the Hue Angles of Elementary Colours of CIE R1-47, (15 pages, 300 KB), see

100523: Richter, Klaus, 16 Step Elementary Color Circle: olv*, rgb*, and CIE Data for a sRGB Display in Offices, (20 slides, 300 KB), see

100523: Richter, Klaus, 16 Step Elementary Color Circle: rgb*, CIELAB, and Spectral Reflectance Factor R(lambda), (13 slides, 200 KB), see

100513: Richter, Klaus, ISO-CIE trend for the description of colour threshold data by new coordinates based on the device independent elementary colour coordinates of the report CIE R1-47:2009, (18 pages, 500 KB), see

100510: Kittelmann, Philipp, Visuelle Beurteilung von kleinen und grossen Farbunterschieden und Beschreibung mit Farbabstandsformeln (Visual Assessment of Small and Large Colour Differences and and Description with Colour Difference Formulas) (only in German with english abstract), Dissertation, Berlin University of Technology, Fakulty IV, Elektrotechnik and Informatik, the URL (132 pages, 9,8 MB, PDF format), see

100101: Richter, Klaus, ISO-CIE trend for Color Output of equally spaced Color Series and Elementary Hues RJGB on Displays for Eight Ambient Reflections of ISO 9241-306:2008, (abstract, 1 page, 50 KB), see

Oral presentations 2011
110901: Richter, Klaus, CIE TC 1-81: Validity of Formulae for Predicting Small Colour Differences, CIE Divison 1 meeting, Sun City, July 2011 (9 slides, 140 KB), see

110901: Richter, Klaus, CIE TC 1-63: Validity of the range of CIE DE2000, CIE Divison 1 meeting, Sun City, July 2011 (9 slides, 90 KB), siehe

110901: Richter, Klaus, Proposal for a Reportership in CIE Division 1 Colour border: luminous - blackish colours in white D65 surround, CIE Divison 1 meeting, Sun City, July 2011 (10 slides, 200 KB), see

110901: Richter, Klaus, Proposal for a Reportership in CIE Division 8: Output Linearization Methods for Devices in Image Technology, CIE Divison 8 meeting, Sun City, July 2011 (14 slides, 610 KB), see

110901: Richter, Klaus, Proposal for use of available test samples for CIE TC1-69 "Color Rendering", CIE Division 1 Workshop "Colour rendering", Sun City, July 2011 (18 slides, 400 KB), see

Oral presentations 2010
100701: Richter, Klaus, Efficient Colour Workflow for Display and Printer Output in Offices based on the Hue Angles of Elementary Colours of CIE R1-47, Rochester Instiute of Technology (RIT), Munsell Color Science Laboratory, June 11, 2007, slide file CIE_ECWG_10.PDF.

100701: Richter, Klaus, ISO-CIE Trend for Color Output of equally spaced Color Series and Elementary Hues RJGB on Displays for Eight Ambient Reflections of ISO 9241-306:2008, Tagung ASTM, Inter Society Color Council (ISCC), CIE Princeton University, Princeton, USA, June 17, 2010, slide file CIE_ISCCG_10.PDF.

100615: Kittelmann, Philipp, Threshold Experiments, for CIE TC1-63 Meeting, June 2010, (PDF, 7,8MB, 22 slides) KIT_10_EN_CIE_100615.PDF or (ppt, 2,7MB, 22 slides)

Publications 2009
090301: Richter, Klaus, Relative colorimetric system (RCS) based on device and elementary colours, Paper number N156, 4 pages in Proceedings: Colour - Effects & Affects, Interim Meeting of the International Colour Association (AIC), Stockholm 2008, see all papers (20 MB, Rar-format)
or only N156 (580 MB, 4 pages)

090301: Richter, Klaus, 10 years equally spaced colour output in CIELAB for equally spaced rgb-colour input and elementary colour output according to DIN 33872; Extended abstract, 1 page, 100 MB, RECS09K.PDF.

090815: Richter, Klaus, 10 years equally spaced colour output in CIELAB for equally spaced rgb-colour input and elementary colour output according to DIN 33872, 10 pages, 800 MB, RECS09.PDF.

090215: CIE Technical Report, Indoor Daylight Illuminants, CIE 184:2009, Produced by CIE TC1-66 , 14 pages, (German expert in TC1-66: Klaus Richter)

090601: Richter, Klaus, Output Linearization in CIELAB for visual displays with 8 different luminance reflections of indoor illuminants, Light and Lighting Conference with special emphasis on LEDs and Solid state lighting, Programme and Abstracts, Budapest, 2009, Pages 227-229.

090801: Richter, Klaus, Output Linearization in CIELAB for visual displays with 8 different Luminance reflections of indoor illuminants, Light and Lighting Conference with special emphasis on LEDs and Solid state lighting, Proceedings, Budapest 2009, 10 Seiten, no. PwDaS-39 on CD.

090815: Wagenknecht, Hans, Farbmetrische Verarbeitung von Bilddaten von Scanner-Systemen mit geeigneten Pruefvorlagen und Druckerausgabe (only in German with english abstract), Dissertation, Berlin University of Technology, Fakulty IV, Elektrotechnik and Informatik, see the URL (132 pages, 6,3 MB, PDF format)

090907: Richter, Klaus, Bericht über die CIE-Sitzungen in Budapest 2009 (only in German), 22 pages, 600 MB

090907: Richter, Klaus, DIN 33872 "Relative Farbbildwiedergabe" sowie Trends und Daten für einen visuellen RGB-Elementarfarbraum (only in German), 23 pages, 2 MB

091027: Richter, Klaus, Output Linearization of visual displays based on a human visual RGB* colour space, 29 pages, 1,2 MB

Oral presentations/Workshops 2009
090601: Richter, Klaus, Output Linearization in CIELAB for visual displays with 8 different Luminance reflections of indoor illuminants, Light and Lighting Conference with special emphasis on LEDs and Solid state lighting, Programme and Abstracts, Budapest, May 28, 2009.

090820: Richter, Klaus (Leader), Seminar Farbmetrik, Richtiger Farbton am Arbeitsplatz (only in German), Berlin University of Technology, Section Lighting Technology, Berlin, March 23, and October 9, 2009, see under "Veranstaltungen" (2 pages, 100 MB)

090820: Richter, Klaus (Leader), Workshop Colorimetry, Color at work places with displays, printers, and data projectors ­ problems and solutions, Berlin University of Technology, Section Lighting Technology, December 15, 2009, see under "Veranstaltungen" or (2 pages, 100 MB)

090820: Richter, Klaus, Visual experiment for the definition of a visual RGB colour space, Anual Meeting Deutsches Farbenzentrum, "Farbentausch", September 26-27, 2009, Berlin.

090820: Richter, Klaus, Bericht über die CIE Sitzungen in Budapest 2009 (nur in deutsch), DfwG-Jahrestagung, BAM, Berlin, October 7, 2009

090820: Richter, Klaus, DIN 33872 "Relative Farbbildwiedergabe" sowie Trends und Daten für einen visuellen RGB-Elementarfarbraum (nur in deutsch), DfwG Anual Meeting, BAM, Berlin, October 8, 2009

Publications 2008
081115: ISO 9241-306, Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 306: Field assessment methods for electronic visual displays (ISO-editor of part306: Klaus Richter)

081121: Richter, Klaus, Perceived and device black and white as reference colours in image technology, 25 presentation sheets, SCC Special Topics Meeting Black & White, Nov. 15, Portland, Oregon, USA, see

081121: Richter, Klaus, Perceived and device black and white as reference colours in image technology, page 17-18, Abstract, ISCC Special Topics Meeting Black & White, Nov. 15, Portland, Oregon, USA

081121: Richter, Klaus, Ergonomic color image technology with high visual and material efficiency based on elementary (unique) hues, Interactive paper, 2 pages, Sixteenth Color Imaging Conference, Nov. 10-15, Portland, Oregon, USA, see

081121: Richter, Klaus, Ergonomic color image technology with high visual and material efficiency based on elementary (unique) hues, pages 259-264, Sixteenth Color Imaging Conference, Final Programm and Proceedings 2008, Nov. 10-15, Portland, Oregon, USA

081121: Richter, Klaus, Farbatlas digital und analog für Informationstechnik und Gestaltung auf der Basis von Elementarfarben, 25 overhead sheets, Meeting FARBINFO 2008 of the German Colour Center, 24.10.2008, Berlin, see

081121: Richter, Klaus, Colour management reference circle: Scan - File - Print - Scan using a CIELAB camera and standard offset printing, pages 204-208, Proceedings of the CIE Expert Symposium on "Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry", July 7-8, Turin (Italy), CIE x033:2008

080601: Richter, Klaus, Relative colorimetric system (RCS) based on device and elementary colours, pages 271-272, Number N156, Colour - Effects & Affects, Interim Meeting of the International Colour Association (AIC), Book of abstracts, Stockholm 2008

080601: Stephan Lander, Visual and material efficiency for the colorimetric printer output, diploma work, TU Berlin, 2008, Institute for Lighting Technology (only in German with the german title: Visuelle und Material-Effizienz bei farbmetrischer Farbdruckerausgabe), 183 pages, 16 MB)

080510: Klaus Richter, Colorimetric supplement to DIN 33872-1 to -6, see the URL (1 MB, 41 pages)

080201: Klaus Richter, Colorimetric model of logarithmic colour spaces LMSLAB, Part II, The Proceedings of the 26th Session of the CIE, 2007, Beijing, Proceedings Volume 2.pdf, 199-230

Oral presentations 2008
081121: Richter, Klaus, Perceived and device black and white as reference colours in image technology, 25 presentation sheets, SCC Special Topics Meeting Black & White, Nov. 15 , Portland, Oregon (USA)

081121: Richter, Klaus, Ergonomic color image technology with high visual and material efficiency based on elementary (unique) hues, Sixteenth Color Imaging Conference, Nov. 12, Portland, Oregon (USA)

081121: Richter, Klaus, Farbatlas digital und analog für Informationstechnik und Gestaltung auf der Basis von Elementarfarben (only in German), Meeting FARBINFO 2008, Oct. 24, Berlin.

081121: Richter, Klaus, Colour management reference circle: Scan - File - Print - Scan using a CIELAB camera and standard offset printing, CIE Expert Symposium on "Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry", July 7, Turin (Italy).

080614: Kittelmann, Philipp, Visual assessment of small and large colour differences and characterisation with colour difference formulas, For CIE TC1-63 meeting, June 2008, Budapest, (PDF, 7,3 MB, 20 slides)
or (ppt, 700KB, 20 slides)

080601: Richter, Klaus, Relative colorimetric system (RCS) based on device and elementary colours, Colour - Effects & Affects, Interim Meeting of the International Colour Association (AIC), June 16, Stockholm (Sweden)

Publications 2007
080110: Klaus Richter, Neues relatives farbmetrisches Elementarfarbensystem für die Bildverarbeitung, siehe die URL (only in German, 35 pages, 1,1 MB, similar to the following paper in English "Colour definition and workflow for relative affine colour image reproduction in offices")

080110: Klaus Richter, Colour definition and workflow for relative affine colour image reproduction in offices, see the URL (34 pages, 1,1 MB)

Oral presentations 2007
080110: Klaus Richter, Neues relatives farbmetrisches Elementarfarbensystem für die Bildverarbeitung, Kolloqium of optical and lighting questions, TU Berlin, 7. Dez. 2008.

080110: Klaus Richter, Colour definition and workflow for relative affine colour image reproduction in offices, BAM-DIN-Workshop on Image Technology, BAM, Berlin, Dec. 3. 2007.

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