110401: OE46/OE46.HTM

For this page, see OE46 in English or OG46 in German.
For the previous page, see OE45 in English or OG45 in German.
For the next page, see OE47 in English or OG47 in German.
Back to the main page of this colour series, see ../OE in English or ../OG in German.

TUB-test chart no. OE46; Linearization Method (LM)
Transfers 1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device to
Elementary Hue (DEH); File and Whole Device Output (WDO)

Colour Reproduction, Colour Vision or Colour Workflow (CW)
by the input operator rgb setrgbcolor and
different output PS operators

Fig. L0N1: Output layout of page 1 of all the files in this folder in five files formats and the output size A6, see
OE46L0N1. EPS / TXT / tiff / jpg / PDF
All other files in this folder have the output size A4, see all files in the following tables.

Remark: The following pictures of the above pages may have different sizes between 5,4 cm x 4,0 cm and 25 cm x 17 cm. Some pictures may produce a blank (white) page.

Four single pictures (left side) Four single pictures (right side)

Remark: The following pictures of the above pages may have different sizes between 5,4 cm x 4,0 cm and 25 cm x 17 cm. Some pictures may produce a blank (white) page.

Two single pictures (left side) Two single pictures (right side)
OE460-3N. PS / TXT / PDF
OE460-7N. PS / TXT / PDF
OE460-7A. PS / TXT / PDF
OE461-3N. PS / TXT / PDF
OE461-7N. PS / TXT / PDF

For this page in different languages, see
OE in English, OG in German .

For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "ps.bam.de" (2000-2018) about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

Back to the main page of this TUB web site (not archive), see
index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.