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ISO-CIE trend to a device-independent, and elementary visual RGB* colour space

The relative elementary colour system RECS serves as reference system of the visual RGB* colour system, see RECS.html
For output examples according to the visual RGB* colour system, see (900 KB, 10 pages) RECS09.PDF

Figures and data of this page "of the elementary visual RGB* colour system" are in the folders IEXX (colour series I, E=English, XX=00 to 99).

Folder and title

­ IE00 to IE04, 1080 standard colours in 9x9-colour grids and with 9 and 16 grey steps
­ IE05 to IE09, Evaluation of relative blackness n* or brilliance i* and chroma c* of CIE, NCS and < colours

­ IE10 to IE11, Reflexion factors of surface colours and optimal colours
­ IE12 to IE14, Visual evaluation of relative blackness n* and chroma c*
­ IE15 to IE16, Coordinates rgb*d, rgb*h, rgb*e and cmy*d, cmy*h, cmy*e and relations

­ IE17 to IE26, Cone sensitivities PDT (LMS) for thresholds ta=0, 0,01, 0,02, 0,04, 0, ­ IE27 to IE29, Visual evaluation of relative blackness n* and whiteness w*

­ IE30 to IE33, Presentation and Measurement of 57 and 1080 colours with displays
­ IE34 to IE35, Display Measurement of 8 basic colour; all device colours with CIE data for 8 reflections
­ IE36 to IE37, Display Measurement of a 48 step hue circle and a 9 step grey scale; all device colours in the CIELAB (a*,b*) di ­ IE38 to IE40, 5 and 16 step colour scales for 10 hues and/or 8 ambient reflections: 8 Systems TLSxx

­ IE41 to IE47, 7 TUB-test charts for visual displays: System TLS18 with output questions on last pa ­ IE48 to IE50, 20 step hue circle with rgb->olv* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TLS00, TLS18, and TLS70

­ IE51 to IE53, 20 step elementary hue circle with rgb->rgb* interpretation for Television Luminous ­ IE54 to IE56, 5- and 16-step device colour scales for 16 hues with rgb->olv* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TL ­ IE57 to IE59, 5- and 16-step elementary colour scales for 16 hues with rgb->rgb* interpretation for Television Luminous System ­ IE54 to IE56, 5- and 16-step device colour scales for 16 hues with rgb->olv* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TL ­ IE57 to IE59, 5- and 16-step elementary colour scales for 16 hues with rgb->rgb* interpretation for Television Luminous System ­ IE60 to IE63, Data calculation of television reflective and luminous systems; user friendly colou ­ IG64 to IE65, Different display reflections and material consumption of ink and toner
­ IE66 to IE69, Relative colour reproduction 8 colorimetric c*-transformations and olv*/olv'* colour and text output

­ IE70 to IE79, Test elements similar to chart no. 2 and 4 according to ISO/IEC 15775 and ISO/IEC TR ­ IE80 to IE83, Test elements similar to chart no. 2 and 4 according to ISO/IEC 15775 and ISO/IEC TR ­ IE84 to IE87; Interpretation rgb -> rgb* setrgbcolor
­ IE88 to IE89, Interpretation rgb -> olv*/rgb* setrgbcolor

­ IE90 to IE93, Relative colour reproduction 8 colorimetric c*-transformations and olv*/olv'* colour ­ IE94 to IE97, Relative colour reproduction 8 colorimetric c*-transformations; olv*/cmyn'* and olv*/cmyn'*e text output
­ IE98 to IE99 Relative colour reproduction 8 viewing situations; olv*/olv'* and olv*/rgb'* output.


1080 standard colours in 9x9-colour grids and with 9 and 16 grey steps and 5 output methods

For device outputs on monitors and printers, standard grid G
Interpretation of colour data rgb as colour data olv*
, IE00
Example file (2 pages, 200 KB) IE00/IE00L0NP.PDF

Interpretation of colour data rgb as colour data cmy0*, IE01
Example file (2 pages, 200 KB) IE01/IE01L0NP.PDF

Interpretation of colour data rgb as colour data cmyn4*, IE02
Example file (2 pages, 200 KB) IE02/IE02L0NP.PDF

Interpretation of colour data rgb as colour data cmyn5*, IE03
Example file (2 pages, 200 KB) IE03/IE03L0NP.PDF

Interpretation of colour data rgb as colour data cmy0n6*, IE04
Example file (2 page, 200 KB) IE04/IE04L0NP.PDF

Evaluation of relative blackness n* or brilliance i* and chroma c* of CIE, NCS and RECS-test colours: folders IE05 to IE09

Evaluation of blackness n* and chroma c* of CIE and NCS-test colours, IE05
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE05/IE05L0NP.PDF

Evaluation of blackness n* and chroma c* of RECS-test colours, IE06
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE06/IE06L0NP.PDF

Evaluation of blackness n* and chroma c* of CIE -test colours, IE07
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE07/IE07L0NP.PDF

Evaluation of brilliance i* and chroma c* of RECS-test colours, IE08
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE08/IE08L0NP.PDF

Evaluation of brilliance i* and chroma c* of CIE -test colours, IE09
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE09/IE09L0NP.PDF

Reflexion factors of surface colours and optimal colours: folders IE10 to IE11

Reflexion factors of surface colours and optimal colours, IE10
Example file (1 page, 100 KB) IE10/IE10L0NP.PDF

Reflexion factors of optimal colours, IE11
Example file (1 page, 100 KB) IE11/IE11L0NP.PDF

Visual evaluation of relative blackness n* and chroma c* compare, IE27 to IE29

Visual evaluation of relative elementary hue text u*e, relative blackness n* and relative chroma c* IE12
Example file (3 pages, 300 KB) IE12/IE12L0NP.PDF

Visual evaluation of relative elementary hue text u*e, relative blackness n* and relative chroma c* without observer data, IE13
Example file (1 page, 100 KB) IE13/IE13L0NP.PDF

Visual evaluation of relative elementary hue text u*e, relative blackness n* and relative chroma c* with observer data, IE14
Example file (1 page, 100 KB) IE14/IE14L0NP.PDF

Form CIE TC1-63 (File IE140-7X.PDF) for the visual evaluation of relative elementary hue text u*e, relative blackness n* and relative chroma c* with observer data. The experiment requires the original elementary hue circle with 16 colour samples of the RECS colour system. The colour samples are produced in standard offset on standard offset paper (System ORS18 according to ISO/IEC 15775). The elementary hue text is according to CIE R1-47 (1 page, 100 KB) IE14/IE140-7X.PDF

Coordinates rgb*d, rgb*h, rgb*e and cmy*d, cmy*h, cmy*e and relations: folders IE15 to IE16

Coordinates rgb*d, rgb*h, rgb*e and cmy*d, cmy*h, cmy*e and relations, IE15
Example file (1 page, 100 KB) IE15/IE15L0NP.PDF

Coordinates rgb*d, rgb*h, rgb*e and cmy*d, cmy*h, cmy*e and relations, IE16
Example file (1 page, 100 KB) IE16/IE16L0NP.PDF

Cone sensitivities PDT (LMS) for thresholds ta=0, 0,01, 0,02, and 0,04: folders IE17 to IE26

Cone sensitivities PDT (LMS) for thresholds ta=0,0, IE17
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE17/IE17L0NP.PDF

Cone sensitivities PDT (LMS) for thresholds ta=0,0, IE18
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE18/IE18L0NP.PDF

Cone sensitivities PDT (LMS) for thresholds ta=0,01, IE19
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE19/IE19L0NP.PDF

Cone sensitivities PDT (LMS) for thresholds ta=0,01, IE20
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE20/IE20L0NP.PDF

Cone sensitivities PDT (LMS) for thresholds ta=0,02, IE21
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE21/IE21L0NP.PDF

Cone sensitivities PDT (LMS) for thresholds ta=0,02, IE22
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE22/IE22L0NP.PDF

Cone sensitivities PDT (LMS) for thresholds ta=0,04, IE23
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE23/IE23L0NP.PDF

Cone sensitivities PDT (LMS) for thresholds ta=0,04, IE24
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE24/IE24L0NP.PDF

Cone sensitivities PDT (LMS) for thresholds ta=0,007, IE25
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE25/IE25L0NP.PDF

Cone sensitivities PDT (LMS) for thresholds ta=0,007, IE26
Example file (1 page, 200 KB) IE26/IE26L0NP.PDF

Visual evaluation of relative blackness n* and whiteness w*: folders IE27 to IE29, compare IE12 to IE14

Visual Evaluation of the relative elementary hue text u*e, of relative blackness n* and of relative whiteness w*, IE27
Example file (1 page, 100 KB) IE27/IE27L0NP.PDF

Visual evaluation of the relative elementary hue text u*e, of relative blackness n* and of relative whiteness w* without observer data, IE28
Example file (1 page, 100 KB) IE28/IE28L0NP.PDF

Visual evaluation of the relative elementary hue text u*e, of relative blackness n* and of relative whiteness w* with observer data, IE29
Example file (1 page, 100 KB) IE29/IE29L0NP.PDF

Form CIE TC1-63 (File IE290-7X.PDF) for the visual evaluation of relative elementary hue text u*e, relative blackness n* and relative whitness w* with observer data. The experiment requires the original elementary hue circle with 16 colour samples of the RECS colour system. The colour samples are produced in standard offset on standard offset paper (System ORS18 according to ISO/IEC 15775). The elementary hue text is according to CIE R1-47 (1 page, 100 KB) IE29/IE290-7X.PDF

Presentation and Measurement of 57 colours with LCD and CRT monitor and LCD projector

Presentation of 57 colours with LCD and CRT monitor and LCD projector for measurement, IE30
(57 pages, 150 KB) IE30/IE30L0NP.PDF

Presentation of 1080 colours with LCD and CRT monitor, and LCD projector for measurement, IE31
Example file (1080 pages, 600 KB) IE31/IE31L0NP.PDF

For device outputs on monitors and printers, opponent grid O
Interpretation of colour data rgb as colour data olv*
, IE32
Example file (4 pages, 232 KB) IE32/IE32L0NP.PDF

Display Measurement of a 48 step hue circle and a 9 step grey scale; all device colours in the CIELAB (a*,b*) diagram

Measurement data of 57 colours with LCD and CRT monitor and LCD projector; all device colours in the CIELAB (a*,b*) diagram IE33
Example file (6 pages, 200 KB) IE33/IE33L0NP.PDF

Standard sRGB colour data of eight standard colours based on the Television Luminous Systems TLS00 and TLS18

Standard sRGB colour data of eight standard colours based on the Television Luminous System TLS00a=TLS00 IE34
Example file (3 pages, 200 KB) IE34/IE34L0NP.PDF

Standard sRGB colour data of eight standard colours based on the Television Luminous System TLS18a=TLS18 IE35
Example file (3 pages, 200 KB) IE35/IE35L0NP.PDF

Display Measurement of a 48 step hue circle and a 9 step grey scale

Measurement data of 57 colours with LCD and CRT monitor and LCD projector and CIELAB (a*, b*) diagram IE36
Example file (66 pages, 1.8 MB) IE36/IE36L0NP.PDF

Measurement data of 57 colours with LCD and CRT monitor and LCD projector; 8 main data IE37
Example file (66 pages, 1,8 MB) IE37/IE37L0NP.PDF

5 and 16 step colour scales for 10 hues and/or 8 ambient reflections: 8 Systems TLSxx

5 and 16 step colour scales for 10 hues and 8 ambient reflections: 8 Systems TLSxx IE38
Example file (80 pages, 2,6 MB) IE38/IE38L0NP.PDF

5 and 16 step colour scales for 8 ambient reflections and 10 hues: 8 Systems TLSxx IE39
Example file (80 pages, 2,6 MB) IE39/IE39L0NP.PDF

5 and 16 step colour scales for 10 hues: System TLS00 with output questions on page 11 IE40
Example file (11 pages, 500 KB) IE40/IE40L0NP.PDF

7 TUB-test charts for visual displays: System TLS18 with output questions on last page

TUB-colorimetric specification of TUB-test chart IE41 for System TLS18 IE41
Example file (3 pages, 200 KB) IE41/IE41L0NP.PDF

5 and 16 step colour scales for 10 hues: System TLS18 with output questions on page 11 IE42
Example file (11 pages, 500 KB) IE42/IE42L0NP.PDF

Four grey scales by four PS operators: System TLS18 with output questions on page 2 IE43
Example file (2 pages, 200 KB) IE43/IE43L0NP.PDF

5 and 16 step colour scales for 10 hues: System TLS18 with output questions on page 11 IE44
Example file (11 pages, 500 KB) IE44/IE44L0NP.PDF

16 step elementary hue circle: System TLS18 with output questions on page 2 IE45
Example file (2 pages, 200 KB) IE45/IE45L0NP.PDF

9 step colour scales separate and adjacent: System TLS18 with output questions on page 2 IE46
Example file (2 pages, 200 KB) IE46/IE46L0NP.PDF

17 step colour scales for colorimetric specification: System TLS18 IE47
Example file (3 pages, 300 KB) IE47/IE47L0NP.PDF

20 step hue circle with rgb->olv* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TLS00, TLS18, and TLS70; Folders IE48 to IE50

20 step device hue circle with rgb->olv* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TLS00a IE48
Example file (3 pages, 200 KB) IE48/IE48L0NP.PDF

20 step device hue circle with rgb->olv* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TLS18a IE49
Example file (3 pages, 200 KB) IE49/IE49L0NP.PDF

20 step device hue circle with rgb->olv* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TLS70a IE50
Example file (3 pages, 200 KB) IE50/IE50L0NP.PDF

20 step elementary hue circle with rgb->rgb* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TLS00, TLS18, and TLS70; Folders IE51 to IE53

20 step elementary hue circle with rgb->rgb* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TLS00a IE51
Example file (3 pages, 200 KB) IE51/IE51L0NP.PDF

20 step elementary hue circle with rgb->rgb* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TLS18a IE52
Example file (3 pages, 200 KB) IE52/IE52L0NP.PDF

20 step elementary hue circle with rgb->rgb* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TLS70a IE53
Example file (3 pages, 200 KB) IE53/IE53L0NP.PDF

5- and 16-step device colour scales for 16 hues with rgb->olv* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TLS00a, TLS18a, and TLS70a; Folders IE54 to IE56

5- and 16-step device colour scales for 16 hues with rgb->olv* interpretation for Television Luminous System TLS00a IE54
Example file (10 pages, 500 KB) IE54/IE54L0NP.PDF

5- and 16-step device colour scales for 16 hues with rgb->olv* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TLS18a IE55
Example file (10 pages, 500 KB) IE55/IE55L0NP.PDF

5- and 16-step device colour scales for 16 hues with rgb->olv* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TLS70a IE56
Example file (10 pages, 500 KB) IE56/IE56L0NP.PDF

5- and 16-step elementary colour scales for 16 hues with rgb->rgb* interpretation for Television Luminous Systems TLS00a, TLS18a, and TLS70a; Folders IE57 to IE59

5- and 16-step elementary colour scales for 16 hues with rgb->rgb*-Interpretation for Television Luminous System TLS00a IE57
Example file (10 pages, 500 KB) IE57/IE57L0NP.PDF

5- and 16-step elementary colour scales for 16 hues with rgb->rgb*-Interpretation for Television Luminous System TLS18a IE58
Example file (10 pages, 500 KB) IE58/IE58L0NP.PDF

5- and 16-step elementary colour scales for 16 hues with rgb->rgb*-Interpretation for Television Luminous System TLS70a IE59
Example file (10 pages, 500 KB) IE59/IE59L0NP.PDF

­ Data calculation of television reflective and luminous systems; user friendly colour notation and MTL workflow, folders IG60 to IG63

Systems TRS18, TLS00, and TLS18 Data calculation of Television Reflective and Luminous Systems IE60
Example file (1 page, 30 KB) IE60/IE60L0NP.PDF

Colorimetric systems; MTL code: Measurement, Transfer, and Linearization; User friendly colorimetric colour notation IE61
Example file (1 page, 100 KB) IE61/IE61L0NP.PDF

Colorimetric systems; All CIE data of Television Luminous Systems TLS(00/18)a including standard and relative CIELAB data IE62
Example file (1 page, 100 KB) IE62/IE62L0NP.PDF

Colour transfer and workflow; Colours with CIELAB (a*, b*) and (C*, L*) data and transfer from monitor to printer output IE63
Example file (1 page, 100 KB) IE63/IE63L0NP.PDF

No, 2,5% and 5% display reflection D65 display and mixed illumination D65, D50, and A IE64
Example file (1 page, 100 KB) IE64/IE64L0NP.PDF

Different display reflections and material consumption of ink and toner; folders IG64 to IG65

Material consumption; Transformation of relative chroma c*; Change of ink and toner consumption IE65
Example file (1 page, 80 KB) IE65/IE65L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction 8 colorimetric c*-transformations and olv*/olv'* colour and text output; Folders IE66 to IE69

Relative colour reproduction; Colorimetric c*-transformation and olv*/olv'* colour output; Formula c*i = a c*^b; six colours OYLCVM IE66
Example file (6 pages, 800 KB) IE66/IE66L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction; Colorimetric c*-transformation and olv*/olv'* text output; Formula c*i = a c*^b; six colours OYLCVM with rgb data IE67
Example file (6 pages, 900 KB) IE67/IE67L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction; Colorimetric c*-transformation and cmy0*/olv'* colour output; Formula c*i = a c*^b; six colours OYLCVM IE68
Example file (6 pages, 800 KB IE68/IE68L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction; Colorimetric c*-transformation and cmy0*/olv'* text output; Formula c*i = a c*^b; six colours OYLCVM with rgb data IE69
Example file (6 pages, 900 KB) IE69/IE69L0NP.PDF

Test elements similar to chart no. 2 and 4 according to ISO/IEC 15775 and ISO/IEC TR 24705 Interpetation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor; Folders IE70 to IE79

Similar to chart no. 2; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor white background; xchart=0 IE70
Example file (1 page, 2,6 MB) IE70/IE70L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 2; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor; black and grey background; xchart=0 IE71
Example file (1 page, 400 KB) IE71/IE71L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 4; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor white background; xchart=0 IE72
Example file (1 page, 2,6 MB) IE72/IE72L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 4; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor; black and grey background; xchart=0 IE73
Example file (1 page, 400 KB)) IE73/IE73L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 2; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor white background; xchart=0 IE74
Example file (1 page, 2,6 MB) IE74/IE74L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 2; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor; black and grey background; xchart=0 IE75
Example file (1 page, 400 KB)) IE75/IE75L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 4; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor white background; xchart=0 IE76
Example file (1 page, 2,6 MB) IE76/IE76L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 4; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor; black and grey background; xchart=0 IE77
Example file (1 page, 400 KB)) IE77/IE77L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 2 and 4; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor; white background; xchart=0; large A0-layout with 9 pages IE78
Example file (1 page, 8,2 MB) IE78/IE78L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 2 and 4; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor; white background; xchart=0; large A0-layout with 9 pages IE79
Example file (1 page, 2,5 KB) IE79/IE79L0NP.PDF

Test elements similar to chart no. 2 and 4 according to ISO/IEC 15775 and ISO/IEC TR 24705 Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor: Folders IE80 to IE83; Interpretation rgb -> rgb* setrgbcolor: Folders IE84 to IE87; Interpretation rgb -> olv*/rgb* setrgbcolor: Folders IE88 to IE89

Similar to chart no. 2; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor white background; xchart=1 IE80
Example file (1 page, 2,6 MB) IE80/IE80L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 2; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor black and grey background; xchart=1 IE81
Example file (1 page, 400 KB)) IE81/IE81L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 4; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor white background; xchart=1 IE82
Example file (1 page, 2,6 MB) IE82/IE82L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 4; Interpretation rgb -> olv* setrgbcolor black and grey background; xchart=1 IE83
Example file (1 page, 400 KB)) IE83/IE83L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 2; Interpretation rgb -> rgb* setrgbcolor white background; xchart=1 IE84
Example file (1 page, 2,6 MB) IE84/IE84L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 2; Interpretation rgb -> rgb* setrgbcolor white background; xchart=1 IE85
Example file (1 page, 400 KB)) IE85/IE85L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 4; Interpretation rgb -> rgb* setrgbcolor white background; xchart=1 IE86
Example file (1 page, 2,6 MB) IE86/IE86L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 4; Interpretation rgb -> rgb* setrgbcolor white background; xchart=1 IE87
Example file (1 page, 400 KB)) IE87/IE87L0NP.PDF

Similar to charts no. 2 and 4; Interpretation rgb -> olv*/rgb* setrgbcolor three backgrounds; xchart=1; large A0-layout with 9 pages IE88
Example file (1 page, 8,2 MB) IE88/IE88L0NP.PDF

Similar to chart no. 2; Interpretation rgb -> olv*/rgb* setrgbcolor three backgrounds; xchart=1; large A0-layout with 9 pages IE89
Example file (1 page, 2,5 MB) IE89/IE89L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction 8 colorimetric c*-transformations and olv*/olv'* colour and text output; Folders IE90 to IE93

Relative colour reproduction; Colorimetric c*-transformation and olv*/rgb'* colour output; Formula c*i = a c*^b; six colours OYLCVM IE90
Example file (6 pages, 800 KB) IE90/IE90L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction; Colorimetric c*-transformation and olv*/rgb'* text output; Formula c*i = a c*^b; six colours OYLCVM with rgb data IE91
Example file (6 pages, 900 KB) IE91/IE91L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction; Colorimetric c*-transformation and cmy0*/rgb'* colour output; Formula c*i = a c*^b; six colours OYLCVM IE92
Example file (6 pages, 800 KB) IE92/IE92L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction; Colorimetric c*-transformation and cmy0*/rgb'* text output; Formula c*i = a c*^b; six colours OYLCVM with rgb data IE93
Example file (6 pages, 900 KB) IE93/IE93L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction 8 colorimetric c*-transformations; olv*/cmyn'* and olv*/cmyn'*e text output; Folders IE94 to IE97

Relative colour reproduction; Colorimetric c*-transformation and olv*/cmyn'* colour output; Formula c*i = a c*^b; colours OYLCVM IE94
Example file (6 pages, 800 KB) IE94/IE94L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction; Colorimetric c*-transformation and olv*/cmyn'* text output; Formula c*i = a c*^b; colours OYLCVM with rgb-data IE95
Example file (6 pages, 900 KB) IE95/IE95L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction; Colorimetric c*-transformation olv*/cmyn'*e colour output; Formula c*i = a c*^b; colours OYLCVM IE96
Example file (6 pages, 800 KB) IE96/IE96L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction; Colorimetric c*-transformation olv*/cmyn'*e text output; Formula c*i = a c*^b; colours OYLCVM with rgb data IE97
Example file (6 pages, 900 KB) IE97/IE97L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction 8 viewing situations; olv*/olv'* and olv*/rgb#* text output; Folders IE94 to IE97

Relative colour reproduction; eight viewing situations; colorimetric rgb-transformation for olv'* output; colours OYLCVM with rgb data IE98
Example file (6 pages, 900 KB) IE98/IE98L0NP.PDF

Relative colour reproduction; eight viewing situations; colorimetric rgb-transformation for rgb'* output; colours OYLCVM with rgb data IE99
Example file (6 pages, 900 KB) IE99/IE99L0NP.PDF

For this page without additional image information, see
IE in English, IG in German.
For this page with additional image information (internet speed > 1MB/s recommended), see
IEI in English, IGI in German.

For the preceding page without additional image information, see
HE in English, HG in German.
For the preceding page with additional image information, see
HEI in English, HGI in German.

For the next page without additional image information, see
JE in English, JG in German.
For the next page with additional image information, see
JEI in English, JGI in German.

For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

Back to the main page of this TUB web site (not archive), see
index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.