181101 and 080501: B/De23/De23.HTM

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DIN-test charts according to DIN 33872-1 to -6 and additional remarks to the file size and the preview images in the file format JPG (JPEG).

The file format JPG has been produced from the PS-test files by different software products. The preview images may give an impression about the different output properties on monitors and printers.

DIN-test files according to DIN 33872-1
Colorimetric specification of the output

24 colour rows with 17 step colour scales

PDF- and PS-test file 1 according to DIN 33872-1 with the PS-Operator rgb setrgbcolor
test file 1 (A4L, 3 pages, 120 kByte) L11e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 1 (A4L, 3 pages, 60 kByte) L11e00NA.PS
PDF-test file 1 (A4P, 3 pages, 120 kByte) P11e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 1 (A4P, 3 pages, 60 kByte) P11e00NA.PS

PDF- and PS-test file 2 according to DIN 33872-1 with the PS-Operator cmy0 setcmykcolor
test file 2 (A4L, 3 pages, 120 kByte) L21e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 2 (A4L, 3 pages, 60 kByte) L21e00NA.PS
PDF-test file 2 (A4P, 3 pages, 120 kByte) P21e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 2 (A4P, 3 pages, 60 kByte) P21e00NA.PS

Example output of test file 1, page 1 of DIN 33872-1, orientation A4L

24 colour rows with 17 step colour scales with CIELAB data of the offset reflexion system ORS18 and orientation A4L.
Image file L11e01N1.JPG produced from the PS-test file 1 L11e01N1.PS with the software Ghostscript.

Example output of test file 1, page 1 of DIN 33872-1, orientation A4P

24 colour rows with 17 step colour scales and orientation A4P.
Image file P11e01N2.PS produced from the PS-test file 1 P11e01N2.PS with the software Mac Preview 3.0.9 and the operating system Mac OS 10.4.9

The output of the preview images is different with the software Ghostscript and Mac Preview 3.0.9 and Mac OS 10.4.9. For example the software Ghostscript produces four equal grey scales in the columns U to X of the DIN-test chart 1. The software Mac Preview produces four different grey scales. There are different reasons for these differences:

ICC-colour management according to ISO 15076-1 uses usually only rgb colour coordinates. Therefore the colours defined by rgb coodinates are changed if colour management is active.

Many software versions use a special rgb to cmy transformation of a special professional printing process which is different to the colorimetric "1-minus-relation" between rgb and cmy, for example c = 1 - r. Therefore the colours defined by cmy coodinates are changed depending on the software used.

Therefore colour management and different rgb- to cmy-transformations produce different output colours.

For example the software Ghostscript which uses the colorimetric relations between the colour coordinates 000n, w, rgb and cmy0 produces equal preview images for the four grey scales and for all DIN test files 1 (rgb) and 2 (cmy0) of DIN 33872-1, -2, -5, and -6. Additionally the output of the colours with up to four equivalent colorimetric coordinates of DIN 33872-3 and -4 are usually equal.

Similar and in general the different computer operating systems which use Display PostScript, for example Mac OS 10.0, Silicon Graphics, DecWrite VAX VMS, Nextstep, Openstep and others, produce equal preview images for the four grey scales and for all DIN test files 1 (rgb) and 2 (cmy0) of DIN 33872-1, -2, -5, and -6. Additionally the output of the colours with up to four equivalent colorimetric coordinates of DIN 33872-3 and -4 are usually equal.

DIN-test files according to DIN 33872-2
5 and 16 step colour series for the test of discriminability (YES/NO desision)

5 and 16 step adjacent colours of 10 hues (OYLCVMRJGB)

PDF- and PS-test file 1 according to DIN 33872-2 with PS operator rgb setrgbcolor
test file 1 (A4L, 11 pages, 370 kByte) L12e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 1 (A4L, 11 pages, 150 kByte) L12e00NA.PS
PDF-test file 1 (A4P, 11 pages, 370 kByte) P12e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 1 (A4P, 11 pages, 150 kByte) P12e00NA.PS

PDF- and PS-test file 1 according to DIN 33872-2 with PS operator cmy0 setcmykcolor
test file 2 (A4L, 11 pages, 370 kByte) L22e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 2 (A4L, 11 pages, 150 kByte) L22e00NA.PS
PDF-test file 2 (A4P, 11 pages, 370 kByte) P22e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 2 (A4P, 11 pages, 150 kByte) P22e00NA.PS

Example output of test file 1, page 1 of DIN 33872-2, orientation A4L

5 steps for ORS18 (left) and 16 steps for ORS18 (right) with orientation A4L.
Image file L12e01N1.JPG produced from the PS-test file 1 L12e01N1.PS with the software Ghostscript

Example output of test file 2, page 1 of DIN 33872-2, orientation A4L

5 steps for ORS18 (left) and 16 steps for ORS18 (right) with orientation A4P
Image file L22e01N2.JPG produced from the PS-test file 2 L22e01N2.PS with the software Mac Preview 3.0.9 and Mac OS10.4.9

DIN-test files according to DIN 33872-3
Equivalent grey definition for the test of
1. Equal output with four grey definitions (YES/NO decision)
2. Discriminability of 16 step grey series (YES/NO decision)

16 step grey series for four standard PS operators

PDF- and PS-test file 1 according to DIN 33872-3 with four PS operators
w setgray, 000n setcmykcolor, nnn0 setcmykcolor and www setrgbcolor
test file 1 (A4L, 2 pages, 70 kByte) L13e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 1 (A4L, 2 pages, 100 kByte) L13e00NA.PS
PDF-test file 1 (A4P, 2 pages, 70 kByte) P13e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 1 (A4P, 2 pages, 100 kByte) P13e00NA.PS

Example output of test file 1, page 1 of DIN 33872-3, orientation A4L

16 step equivalent grey series defined by fourPS- operators for ORS18 with orientation A4L.
Image file L13e01N1.JPG produced from the PS-test file 1 L13e01N1.PS with the software Ghostscript..
In this case all four grey series appear equal on the monitor.

Example output of test file 1, page 1 of DIN 33872-3, orientation A4L

16 step equivalent grey series defined by fourPS- operators for ORS18 with orientation A4L.
Image file L13e01N3.JPG produced from the PS-test file 1 L13e01N3.PS with the software Adobe Illustrator CS2 and the operating system Mac OS 10.4.9
In this case the four grey series on the monitor are not equal.

The print of the draft standard E DIN 33872-3:2007 has produced four different grey series with different colour tints and spacing. By output on black and white and colour printers and on colour monitors all variations are produced between the two extrem possibilities "all four grey series are equal and are equally spaced" and "all four grey series are different and differently spaced". In general the colour monitor drivers and printer drivers work independently. Therefore on the monitor all outputs may be equal and on the printer all outputs may be different or vice versa.


DIN-test files according to DIN 33872-4
Equivalent colour definition for the test of equal output of 5 and 16 step colour series with two colour definitions (YES/NO decision)

5 and 16 step adjacent colours for 10 hues (OYLCVMRJGB) and for two standard PS operators

PDF- and PS-test file 1 according to DIN 33872-4 with two PS operators
rgb setrgbcolor (Umfeld), cmy0 setcmykcolor (Infeld)
test file 1 (A4L, 11 pages, 70 kByte) L14e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 1 (A4L, 11 pages, 100 kByte) L14e00NA.PS
PDF-test file 1 (A4P, 11pages, 70 kByte) P14e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 1 (A4P, 11 pages, 100 kByte) P14e00NA.PS

Example output of test file 1, page 1 of DIN 33872-4, orientation A4L

5 steps for ORS18 (left) and 16 steps for ORS18 (right) with orientation A4L.
Image file L14e01N1.JPG produced from the PS-test file 1 L14e01N1.PS with the software Ghostscript.
In this case on the monitor the colour steps appear equal with the two PS operators.

Example output of test file 1, page 1 of DIN 33872-4, orientation A4L

5 steps for ORS18 (left) and 16 steps for ORS18 (right) with orientation A4L.
Image file L14e01N3.JPG produced from the PS-test file 1 L14e01N3.PS with the software Adobe Illustrator CS2 and the operating system Mac OS 10.4.9
In this case on the monitor the colour steps appear not equal with the two PS operators.

The print of the draft standard DIN E 33872-4:2007 has produced two different and differently spaced colour series. For the output on black and white and colour printers and on monitors all variations are produced between the two extrem possibilities "all two colour series equal and equally spaced" and "all two colour series are different and differently spaced". In general the monitor drivers and printer drivers work independent. Therefore on the monitor all outputs may be equal and on the printer all outputs may be different or vice versa.


DIN-test files according to DIN 33872-5
20 hues of maximum chroma for the test of
1. Elementary hue agreement (YES/NO decision)
2. Discriminability of colours of 20 hues (YES/NO decision)

20 step symmetric hue circle of the four elementary colours (RJGB)

PDF- and PS-test file 1 according to DIN 33872-5 with PS operator rgb setrgbcolor
test file 1 (A4L, 2 pages, 80 kByte) L15e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 1 (A4L, 2 pages, 140 kByte) L15e00NA.PS
PDF-test file 1 (A4P, 2 pages, 80 kByte) P15e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 1 (A4P, 2 pages, 140 kByte) P15e00NA.PS

PDF- and PS-test file 1 according to DIN 33872-5 with PS operator cmy0 setcmykcolor
test file 2 (A4L, 2 pages, 80 kByte) L25e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 2 (A4L, 2 pages, 140 kByte) L25e00NA.PS
PDF-test file 2 (A4P, 2 pages, 80 kByte) P25e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 2 (A4P, 2 pages, 140 kByte) P25e00NA.PS

Example output of test file 1, page 1 of DIN 33872-5, orientation A4L

20 steps for ORS18 (left) and 20steps for ORS18 (right) with orientation A4L.
Image file L15e01N1.JPG produced from the PS-test file 1 L15e01N1.PS with the software Ghostscript

Example output of test file 2, page 1 of DIN 33872-5, orientation A4L

20 steps for ORS18 (left) and 20steps for ORS18 (right) with orientation A4L.
Image file L25e01N3.JPG produced from the PS-test file 2 L25e01N3.PS with the software Adobe Illustrator CS2 and the operating system Mac OS 10.4.9

DIN-test files according to DIN 33872-6
9x9 colour steps of the planes O-C, Y-V and L-M for the test of
1. equivalent spacing (YES/NO decision)
2. regular chromatic spacing (YES/NO decision)

6 times 9x9 colours

PDF- and PS-test file 1 according to DIN 33872-6 with PS operator rgb setrgbcolor
test file 1 (A4L, 2 pages, 90 kByte) L16e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 1 (A4L, 2 pages, 60 kByte) L16e00NA.PS
PDF-test file 1 (A4P, 2 pages, 90 kByte) P16e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 1 (A4P, 2 pages, 60 kByte) P16e00NA.PS

PDF- and PS-test file 2 according to DIN 33872-6 with PS operator cmy0 setcmykcolor
test file 2 (A4L, 2 pages, 90 kByte) L26e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 2 (A4L, 2 pages, 60 kByte) L26e00NA.PS
PDF-test file 2 (A4P, 2 pages, 90 kByte) P26e00NP.PDF
PS-test file 2 (A4P, 2 pages, 60 kByte) P26e00NA.PS

Example output of test file 1, page 1 of DIN 33872-6, orientation A4L

3x9x9 separate steps (top) and adjacend (bottom) with orientation A4L.
Image file L16e01N1.JPG produced from the PS-test file 1 L16e01N1.PS with the software Ghostscript

Example output of test file 1, page 1 of DIN 33872-6, orientation A4L

3x9x9 separate steps (top) and adjacend (bottom) with orientation A4L.
Image file L16e01N2.JPG produced from the PS-test file 1 L16e01N2.PS with the software Mac Preview 3.0.9 and Mac OS 10.4.9

Beispieldatei DIN 33872-6, test file 2, Seite 1, A4L

3x9x9 separate steps (top) and adjacend (bottom) with orientation A4L.
Image file L26e01N2.JPG produced from the PS-test file 2 L26e01N2.PS with the software Mac Preview 3.0.9 and Mac OS 10.4.9

go to the start page for the standard series DIN 33872 in english

We have produced a special html file of this page which allows to study further the JPEG preview images produced from three identical files ending with the letters "N1.PS, N2.PS, N3.PS". There are large viewing differences of the JPEG preview images in the html file, see

We have opened the above (special) web page with Microsoft Internet Explorer and have produced a special (s) PDF document of this web page. Mac print was used to produce the PDF file. One can study the colour output of the different JPEG preview images in this PDF file. The viewing differences of the JPEG images in the PDF file seem to be larger compared to the html file.

For an introduction (archive 2000-2009) to all folders compared to this folder De23, see
../De.HTM in English or ../Dg.HTM in German.

For information (archive 2000-2009) about International and National Standards, Technical Reports, and Meetings, see
../../A/4STAE.html in English or ../../A/4STAG.html in German.

For information (archive 2000-2009) about colour test charts and colorimetric calculations, see
../../A/indexAE.html in English or ../../A/indexAG.html in German.

For publications (archive 2000-2009) of the BAM research group, see
../../A/XY91AE.html in English or ../../A/XY91AG.html in German.

Back to the main page of the TU web site (not archive), see
../../index.html in English or ../../indexDE.html in German.

The last link may not work, if you have visited directly this archive site.
Then go to the main page of one of the two TU web sites in a new window, see
http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/index.html or