110301: OE10/OE10.HTM

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TUB-test chart OE10; Output of test chart (2 x 3 pages)
User Frame File Colour Management (FF_CM) without and with the use of the
1-minus-relation (1MR) and the transfer of device hues to device-independent elementary hues (DEH)

Colour Workflow (CW) by three CM-Methods with the use of the PS input operators rgb setrgbcolor, w setgray, and cmyk setcmykcolor
and the PS output operator rgb setrgbcolor

Fig. L2N1: Output layout of page 1 of all the files in this folder in five files formats and the output size A6, see
OE10L2N1. EPS / TXT / tiff / jpg / PDF
All other files in this folder have the output size A4, see all files in the following tables.

Table 1: Two and 6 pages for FF_CM without application pages
Image file, orientation A4L,
intended for PS or PDF output
Image file, orientation A4L,
intended for PS or PDF output.
Remark: The files produce the format A4L (orientation L=Landscsape).
The Frame File OE10L2FF.PS (2FF=two Frame File pages) produces 3 empty frame pages.
The Frame File OE10LMFF.PS (MFF=multi Frame File pages) produces here 6 empty frame pages.

Table 2: Two and 6 pages for FF_CM with example application pages
Image file, orientation A4L and A4P
intended for PS or PDF output
Image file, orientation A4L and A4P
intended for PS or PDF output
Remark: The file OE10L2NA.PS (2NA=two final pages) is based on the Frame File OE10L2FF.PS of Table 1. The file OE10LMNA.PS (MNA=multi final pages) is based on the Frame File OE10LMFF.PS of Table 1.
Different files (1MR-0001.TXT, DEH-0000.TXT, FAD-0001.TXT, see below) for colour management and the file of the test chart (File OE100-71.PS or OE100-7M.PS, see below) are included at special lines (see below) in the above Frame File OE10L2FF.PS or OE10LMFF.PS of Table 1.
The intended output with colour management uses the 1-minus relation and the transfer from the device hue output to the device-independent elementary hue output. The file OE10L2NA.PS produces two pages and the file OE10LMNA.PS 6 pages. In this case the output is based at first on a PS file. This PS file may by interpreted without additional software by a printer or a display PS interpreter system. If no PS system is available then a PDF file may be produced on Windows, Mac and Unix for example by the software "Adobe Distiller" or the free available software "Ghostscript". The recommended PDF files have the format A4L for display output and the PS files have the format A4P for PS printer output which is the printer default (both in bold).

Table 3: Two and 6 pages for FF_CM for any user application PS page in format A4L.
Image file, orientation A4L and A4P
intended for PS or PDF output
Image file, orientation A4L and A4P
intended for PS or PDF output
OE10L2N0. PS / TXT / PDF
OE10P2N0. PS / TXT / PDF
Remark: The files include colour management data but not an application test chart, for example The file OE10L2N0.PS may be used to include any user PS file of one page after the former line 239 in OE10L2FF.PS (find %line 239). The PS or PDF output shows no colour management on page 1 and the intended colour management on page two (compare page 1 and 2 of OE10L2NA.PS / .PDF in Table 2). The recommended PDF file has the format A4L for display output and the PS file has the format A4P for PS printer output (both in bold).

Table 4: Application pages for FF_CM with one and 3 pages in format A4L.
One page (left) 3 pages (right)
OE100-7N. PS / TXT / PDF
compare the test chart of one page PS / TXT / PDF
OE100-7A. PS / TXT / PDF
compare the test chart of 3 pages PS / TXT / PDF
Remark: The files* of Table 4 produce the original test charts in the format A4L. The left file produces the first page of the 3 pages.

Table 5: Modified application pages for FF_CM with one and 3 pages in format A4L.
One page (left) 3 pages (right)
OE100-71. PS / TXT / PDF OE100-7M. PS / TXT / PDF
Remark: For a multi page CM output a few lines of the PS files of Table 4 are modified. This modification produces no output change but allows a multi page FF_CM. The left file produces the first page of the 3 right pages.
The file OE100-71.PS is included after line 239 in the Frame File OE10L2FF.PS. The file OE100-7M.PS is included after line 239 in the Frame File OE10LMFF.PS, compare Table 1 and 2.

Table 6: PS code for 1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device Hue to Elementary Hue (DEH)
1-minus relation (left) Device to Elementary Hue (right)
1MR-0001. TXT DEH-0000. TXT
Remark: Colour Management (CM) uses here the 1-minus-relation (1MR) and the transfer of the device hues to the device-independent elementary hues (DEH) for the output. The two files 1MR-0001.TXT and DEH-0000.TXT are included in the file OE100L2FF.PS or OE100LMFF.PS after line 169, compare Table 1 and 2.

Table 7: PS code of FF_CM for 1MR and DEH (for the example or any user PS file)
File for FF_CM (left) File for DS_CM or DI_CM (right)
FAD-0001. TXT OE10-001. TXT
Remark: For the FF_CM a special file FAD-0001.TXT is included in the file OE10L1FF.PS or OE10LMFF.PS after line 229. The file OE10-001.TXT includes the PS-Code for DS_CM and DI_CM (see below).

Remarks to DS_CM and DI_CM instead of FF_CM:
Instead of Frame File Colour Management (FF_CM) at least two other colour managements methods are possible. They may use a file "Example.ps" in the directory "Distiller Startup" (DS_CM) or the file "Prologue.ps" in the "In-Out" directory of Adobe Acrobat (DI_CM). For different disadvantages and advantages see the section "publications" of this website.
Therefore the file OE10-001.TXT is used instead of "Example.ps" in the Adobe Distiller directory "Distiller Startup" (up to Adobe Acrobat version 5) or instead of "Prologue.ps" in the Adobe Distiller directory "In-Out" (since Adobe Acrobat version 6). The file OE10-001.TXT includes the above three files 1MR-0001.TXT, DEH-0000.TXT (sRGB) and FAD-0001.TXT with a modification. In the file OE10-001.TXT a comment (%) is added to delete the PS loop
%colormf 1 eq {%colormf=1
% } if %colormf=1
(in above file FAD-0001.TXT). This is necessary to apply the two CM methods DS_CM or DI_CM for any user PS file. If DS_CM is applied then the file OE10-001.TXT shall be renamed to "Example.ps" in the "Startup" directory of Adobe Acrobat. If DI_CM is applied then the file OE10-001.TXT shall be renamed to "Prologue.ps" in the "In-Out" directory of Adobe Acrobat. For more information see the Adobe Acrobat Manuals.
In applications any user may use at least two different CM files, for example for output on his user display (for example a sRGB display with a luminance reflection 2,5% of Black N compared to the luminance reflection 100% of the reference white W according to ISO 9241-306:2008) and for output on his user printer (for example a laser printer). If FF_CM is used then a PS or PDF file may be used for the output. If DS_CM or DI_CM is used then always a PDF file is used for the output. FF_CM with the use of PS files needs no additional software, DS_CM and DI_CM require for example the software Adobe Acrobat.

For this page in different languages, see
OE in English, OG in German .

For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "ps.bam.de" (2000-2018) about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

Back to the main page of this TUB web site (not archive), see
index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.