181212 and 030101: A/IE80/IE801.HTM
For the start page, see IE80 in English or IG80 in German.
For this page with MTL code for OL with:
CIEXYZ data of luminous colours, see
IE801 in English and IG801 in German,
CIELAB data of surface colours, see
DE801 in English and DG801 in German,
For additional Information, see
IE802 in English and IG802 in German,
DE802 in English and DG802 in German.
1. Figures and ISO/IEC-test charts with a mixture (m) of different input PS operators and discussion The following links lead to different directories which include Figures and ISO/IEC-test charts with a mixture (m) of different input PS operators and different output PS operators
Fig. C2 of the achromatic ISO/IEC-test
chart no. 3 (input PS operators
no. 0 to 5), see IE80
Fig. C3 of achromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 3 (input
PS operators no. 0 to 3), see IE81
Fig. C2 of achromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 3 (input PS operators
no. 0 to 3), see IE83
Discussion of Colour
Workflow (CW) of figuers of the achromatic ISO/IEC-test charts
no. 3, see IE811
Fig. B4 to B7 of the chromatic ISO/IEC-test
chart no. 2 (input PS operators
no. 0 to 1), see IE84
Fig. D4 to D7 of the chromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 4
(input PS operators no. 0 to 1), see IE85
Discussion of Colour
Workflow (CW) of figuers of the chromatic ISO/IEC-test charts
no. 2 and 4, see IE841
2. One ISO/IEC-test charts no. 2 to 4 for one input and different output PS operators
The following links lead to different directories which include ISO/IEC-test charts with one input PS and different output PS operators
The achromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 3 (input PS operator no. 5), see IE82
The achromatic ISO/IEC-test chart
no. 3 (input PS operator no.
0), see IE86
The achromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 3 (input PS operator
no. 1), see IE87
The achromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 3 (input PS operator
no. 2), see IE88
The achromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 3 (input PS operator
no. 3), see IE89
The achromatic ISO/IEC-test chart
no. 1 (input PS operator no.
5), see IE91
The achromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 3 (input PS operator
no. 5), see IE93
The chromatic ISO/IEC-test chart
no. 2 (input PS operator no.
5), see IE92
The chromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no.
4 (input PS operator no. 5),
see IE94
Fig. B1 and D1 of the chromatic ISO/IEC-test
charts no. 2 and 4
(input PS operators no. 0, cmy0*
setcmykcolor and 000n* setcmykcolor), see IE95
The chromatic ISO/IEC-test chart
no. 2 (input PS operator no.
0), see IE96
The chromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 2 (input PS operator
no. 1), see IE97
The chromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 4 (input PS operator
no. 2), see IE98
The chromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 4 (input PS operator
no. 3), see IE99
3. Different ISO/IEC-test charts no. 2 to 4 for different input and different output PS operators
The following link lead to one directory which includes ISO/IEC-test charts with different input PS and different output PS operators
Achromatic and chromatic ISO/IEC-test charts no. 2 to 4 (each with one of the input PS operators no. 1 to 5), see IE803
For an introduction (archive 2000-2009) to all folders, see
../DE.HTM in English or
../DG.HTM in German.
For information (archive 2000-2009) about International and
National Standards, Technical Reports, and Meetings, see
../4STAE.html in English or
../4STAG.html in German.
For information (archive 2000-2009) about colour test charts
and colorimetric calculations, see
../indexAE.html in English or
../indexAG.html in German.
For publications (archive 2000-2009) of the BAM research group, see
../XY91AE.html in English or
../XY91AG.html in German.
Back to the main page of the TU web site
(not archive), see
../../index.html in English or
../../indexDE.html in German.
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directly this archive site.
Then go to the main page of one of the
two TU web sites in a new window, see
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