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Information Technology ­ Office machines ­

Material and result of start and linearized printer output equidistant in CIE lightness L*
of DIN-test charts according to DIN 33870:2001-01

Requirements and tests for the preparation of refilled toner modules
for electrophotographical printers, copiers and facsimile machines

The DIN-test charts according to DIN 33870:2001-01 with german text: DG02

For a proposal of DIN-test charts for a future version of DIN 33870, see
1. with english text: DE22

2. with german text: DG22

1. Version and changes
New improved version 1.6 of this material for the test with tables and figures of the results in step S4

20011020: New improved workflow diagram for the test of the toner yield,
File only available in German: WFG33870.PDF

2. Test goal and short description of the test procedure

Step S1: Start output of 16 grey steps for measurement of CIE lightness L*

Step S2: Linearized output of 16 equidistant grey steps in CIE lightness L*

Step S3: Output of 10 printer series with 1/10 of the declared OEM yield with 5% area coverage black.

Step S4: Two tables and two figures for the specification of the reproduction properties (CIE lightness differences L* ) of the 16 grey steps in the L* device output range according to the method given in Annex G of DIN 33866-1:2000-08 and ISO/IEC 15775:1999-12.

To see the test procedure the workflow diagram may be studied: WFG33870.PDF

Short description of the method according to DIN 33870 using PDF output:

1. The file X10ES1P.PS is used, transferred to a PDF file by Acrobat Distiller and printed on a printer.
2. The lightnesses L* of the 2 x 16 grey steps (without Z) of the output S1 are measured in the sequence F to 0.
3. The 2 x 16 L*-lightness data of output S1 are included in the files S2, S3 and S4.
4. The file X10ES2P.PS is used, transferred to a PDF file by Acrobat Distiller and printed on a printer.
5. The lightnesses L* of the 2 x 16 grey steps (without Z) of the output S2 are measured in the sequence F to 0.
6. The 2 x 16 L*-lightness data of output S2 are included in the files S4.
7. The file X10ES4PN.PS is transferred to a PDF file by Acrobat Distiller and printed on a printer. The output shows the specification of the start and linearized output.
8. The file X10ES3N.PS is used, transferred to a PDF file by Acrobat Distiller and printed on a printer. For the splitting of the test in 1/10 of the declared OEM yield e. g.10 series (scount1=1, scount2=10) with 500 pages (pcount1=1, pcount2=500) are printed (without text). The blackness of the printed areas corresponds to the area "F" of step S2 which was produced by the file X10ES2P.PDF

3. Test files
Digital DIN-test charts
according to DIN 33870:2000-01
Remarks for use Text and PostScript format
File type A.PS for 16 grey steps
and AN.PS for 16 black (N) colours
Text and PostScript format
File type P.PS for 16 grey steps
and PN.PS for 16 black (N) colours
Step S1: Start output of 16 grey steps for a first output and measurement of the non equidistant 16 grey steps with text

 X10ES1A(.TXT / .PS)
15 kByte

X10ES1P(.TXT / .PS)
15 kByte
Step S2: Linearized output of 16 equidistant grey steps for the second output and measurement of the equidistant 16 grey steps with text

X10ES2A(.TXT / .PS)
15 kByte

X10ES2P(.TXT / .PS)
15 kByte
Step S3: Linearized output of 10 printer series each of 1/10 of the declared OEM yield for the linearized output of the output with 5% black content

X10ES3AN(.TXT  / .PS)
16 kByte

X10ES3PN(.TXT / .PS)
16 kByte
Step S4: Specification of reproduction properties of the start and linearized output for comparison of the 16 grey steps of the start and linearized output (measurements of step S1 and S2) and the reference grey steps

X10ES4AN(.TXT / .PS)
65 kByte

X10ES4PN(.TXT / .PS)
65 kByte
Table 1: Test files according to DIN 33870:2001-01 for a device X (normal lightness range) using the PS operator w* setgray

Remark 1: The files with the extention .TXT are recommended for viewing by the web browser, the files with the extention .PS are recommended for download.
Remark 2: The file with the extention N.PS produces a 5% black (=N) area coverage with 33 black areas. Instead of the 16 grey steps in step S2 here only the black colour "F" of step S2 is used.
Remark 3: The relative whiteness w* is identicaql the relative CIELAB lightness L*. It is valid w* = l*relative = L* / (L*w ­ L*n)

Remarks to the files:
There are three identical PostScript-files with the file extensions "A.TXT", "A.PS" and "P.PS" and one "P.PDF" file.

The file with the extention "A.TXT" is used to show directly the PostScript-program code in the browser window.

The file with the extention "A.PS" is used for download to the local drive and is used for the PS-output on a PostScript printer or a Display PostScript System.

With the PS files the best reproduction in colour and resolution may be reached. One can use by the operating system Windows "copy" and by the operating system Macintosh "download" to print the PS file by a PostScript printer.The PS file can be viewed directly on a colour monitor by a Display Postscript system (e. g. Nextstep, Openstep on Windows, Yap on Macintosh OS X server).

The internet file with the extention "P.PDF" may be downloaded to the local disk and transfered to a P.PDF file by the local software Adobe Acrobat Distiller or or an equivalent software.

If the PDF file test is used, then the local P.PS files must be transfered to local P.PDF files all with the same version of Adobe Acrobat Distiller or an equivalent software.

The transformation from a P.PS file to a P.PDF file may depend on the Distiller version or the version of the equivalent sofrtware.

The test results are independend of the Distiller version or the version of the equivalent software.

One can use the PDF file to view the digital DIN-test charts on any monitor and to print on any colour or black and white printer (not only PS-printers) by Adobe Acrobat Reader (or Exchange) Version 2.1, 3.0 or 4.0.

The results of the tests are independend of the version as long as all outputs of the steps S1 to S3 are made with the same version of Adobe Acrobat Reader , e. g. version 3.0.

Additional remarks for the PDF files on the BAM server:
The internet file with the extention "P.PDF" is viewed in the browser window if AdobePDFviewer is installed as browser plugIn. This PDF file may be downloaded to the local drive and viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Die PDF-Datei kann auch auf den lokalen Speicher heruntergeladen und mit Adobe Acrobat Reader angezeigt werden.

The files X10ES2P.PDF, X10E3PN.PDF and X10ES4PN.PDF which may be downloaded from the BAM server (see Table 3 to 7) are only intended for viewing. It is not allowed to use the PDF filesfrom the BAM server for the test of the yield!

4. Description of the test method according to DIN 33870:2001-01

Basic material:
There are 16 files, 4 as Text (A.TXT), 4 as PostScript (A.PS), 4 as PostScript (P.PS), and additonally 4 as Portable Document (P.PDF) only in Tables 3 to 7.

Test method:
There are 4 test methods which leads to approximately to the same result. The smal differences are only based on the reproduction properties of the grey step output.

For PostScript(PS) printers and Display-PostScript(DPS) systems one should use the A.PS files. The transfer of the P.PS files to the P.PDF files allows the output on any printer.

1. P.PDF-file output on any printer
If the test uses not a PS printer and not a DPS system then the software Adobe Acrobat Distiller or an equivalent software is necessary to transfer the P.PS file to the P.PDF file. The P.PDF file is normaly viewed on the monitor and printed by the printer driver.

2. A.PS-file output on a PS printers
If the test uses a PostScript (PS) printer then the software Adobe Acrobat Distiller or an equivalent is not necessary. The A.PS files is used by the PS interpreter in the printer to make the PS output on the printer.

3. A.PS-file output on a DPS system (e. g. Mac OS X Server, Application Yap)
If the test uses a Display PostScript (DPS) system then the software Adobe Acrobat Distiller or an equivalent is not necessary. The A.PS files is used by the PS interpreter of the DPS system to view the file on the monitor and to make the output by the printer driver of the DPS system on any printer (PS and other printers).

4. P.PDF-file output on a PDF printer
If the test uses a Portable Document (PDF) printer then the software Adobe Acrobat Distiller or an equivalent is necessary to transfer the P.PS file to a P.PDF file. This PDF file is used by the PDF interpreter in the printer to make the output on the printer.

There is the same test result independent of the four above test methods used. The test result is independent of the Adobe Acrobat Distller Software version and the PostScript version.

Test Intention:
A 16step equidistant grey scale with equidistant CIE lightness L* differences must be produced on a colour or black and white printer, a copier or a facsimile machine.

The 16 lightnesses L* steps should be equidistant in the offset lightness range between L*N=18 and L*W=95 (N=Black and W=White). In this case the offset process range defines the reference process range.

The 16 lightnesses L* steps should be equidistant in the device lightness range between L*N=x and L*W=y (N=Black und W=White). In this case the device process range defines the reference process range. In the files the device process range is the default reference process range.

The output intention "equidistant steps in comparison to the reference process" can be always reached in the device range. The output intention can be reached for the offset lightness range, if the L*-lightness gamut of the output device includes the lightness range of the offset process.

An L*-output movement is useful and possible, e. g. from between L*N=18 and L*W=95 to between L*N=14 and L*W=91 if the output device allows a maximum lightness of only L*W=91.

The test report (output of the file X10ES4PN.PS /.PDF) includes the L*-lightness gamut of the reference and the output device as well as the L*-lightness differences of the start and linearized output according to Annex G of DIN 33866-1:2000-08 or ISO/IEC 15775:1999-12.

Remark: For copiers and facsimile machines a special original must be produced with the same method (e. g. a photo printer), to reach the intended equidistant copier or facsimile machine output for the choosen device mode.

Test files according to DIN 33870:2001-01
There are 4 files and 4 steps for the test (Steps S1 to S4) according to DIN 33870:
For the PS output there are files with the extentions A.PS and A.TXT.
For the PDF output there are files with the extentions P.PS and P.PDF.
The used file names appear with the output.

Step S1:
The files X10ES1A.PS or X10ES1P.PS (produce 1P.PDF) are used to produce the start output of the 2 x 16 (not equidistant) grey steps with text (file name bottom left ). The CIE lightness L* data of the 2 x 16 grey steps (without Z) of output S1 must be measured and included in the files X10ES2A.PS, X10ES3AN.PS and X10ES4AN.PS for the PS output or X10ES2P.PS X10ES3PN.PS and X10ES4PN.PS for the PDF output.

Step S2:
After inclusion of the measured lightness L* data of step S1 the files X10ES2A.PS or X10ES2P.PS (produce 2P.PDF) are used to produce the linearized output of the 2 x 16 equidistant grey steps with text (file name bottom left ). The CIE lightness L* data of the 2 x 16 grey steps (without Z) of output S2 must be measured and included in the files X10ES4AN.PS for the PS output or X10ES4PN.PS for the PDF output.

Step S3:
After inclusion of the measured lightness L* data of step S1 the files X10ES3AN.PS or X10ES3PN.PS (produce 3PN.PDF) are used to produce the linearized output with a black area coverage of 5% without text (file name bottom left). The produced amount of sheets of 10 printer series each series determined by 1/10 of the declared OEM yield is determined for the toner module.

For the determination of the measurement intervals one may search the line number 92 in the file X10ES3PN.PS:

/pcount 1 def /pcount2 500 def

The number 500 must be replaced by 1/10 of the life time declared by the OEM.
The measurement interval (e. g. 400 instead of 500) may be included by any editor.

Step S4:
After inclusion of the measured lightness L* data of the step S1 (start output) and S2 (linearized output) the file X10ES4AN.PS or X10ES4PN.PS (produce 4PN.PDF) is used to produce 2 tables and 2 figures with the CIE lightness and the lightness differences of the reference output and the start output as well as the linearized output according to DIN 33866-1:2000-08 or ISO/IEC 15775:1999-12.


Area coverage:
The output of the file 3AN.PS or 3PN.PDF leads for black "F" to the area coverage 5% in comparison to the A4 area.
Because of the different lightness range of the printers for the output of the file 3A.PS or 3P.PDF the vertical square size is chnaged slightly depending on the printer. Then always the 5% coverage value is reached in step S3.

Accuracy of linearized output compared to the start output
The output of the file X10ES4AN.PS for the PS output or X10ES4PN.PDF for the PDF output shows the reached accuracy for the start output and the linearized output

CIE Lightness measurement:
The CIE lightness L* of 2 x 16 grey steps in the start putput of the file X10ES1A.PS or X10ES1P.PDF must be measured:
The 2 x 16 equidistant grey steps of the second output may be reached with:
1. Visual lightness measurement (by comparison of the lightnesses L* of the grey steps with the defined lightnesses L* of the grey steps of the test chart no. 1 or no. 3 of DIN 33866-1:2000-08)
2. Device colour measurement of the CIE lightnesses L*

Inclusion of the 2 x 16 lightness L* data of the start output S1 in the files of step S2, S3 and S4:
The 2 x 16 lightness L* data of the first output must be included in the files X10ES2A.PS, X10ES3AN.PS and X10ES4AN.PS for the PS output or X10ES2P.PS, X10ES3PN.PS and X10ES4PN.PS for the PDF output. For this
"/outputarrayS1" arround line 25 of the files must be searched.

(www.ps.bam.de/DE02/10X/X10ES1) def %File name measured in step S1
/CDeviceS1 (Device: (X); ) def %Device name and file measured
/CMeasS1 (Meas.: X10ES1) def %File name measured in step S1
/CDateS1 (Date: M010301) def %Date of calculation/measurement

[0 17 34 51 68 85 102 119 136 153 170 187 204 221 238 255] bind def
[%ouptut series F...0 (Black to White) = 32 colours
23.23 26.26 34.72 41.39 44.18 47.94 55.38 57.63
62.21 68.83 72.58 76.89 80.58 85.63 89.78 93.43
23.23 26.26 34.72 41.39 44.18 47.94 55.38 57.63
62.21 68.83 72.58 76.89 80.58 85.63 89.78 93.43
] bind def %ouptut series F...0

/L*NgS1 outputarrayS1 0 get outputarrayS1 16 get add 0.5 mul 0.01 add def
/L*WgS1 outputarrayS1 15 get outputarrayS1 31 get add 0.5 mul 0.01 sub def
/L*NS1 L*NgS1 def /L*WS1 L*WgS1 def
%/L*NgS1 18.01 def /L*WgS1 95.41 def

The actual lightness data (here between 23.23 and 93.43) must be included with a appropiate editor. The 16 mean values are calculated by the file using the PS program code of the file. As lightness limits here the first and last mean divice lightness output of black and white are used. If no PS printer is used for the output then finally Adobe Acrobat Distiller or an equivalent software is necessary to produce the P.PDF file from the P.PS file.

If the lightness limitsL*N and L*W are specificly choosen, then they must be within the lightness limits of the device (see example for device F). In that case the % characters must be deleted. This case is only of importance if the lightness limits are larger compared to the reference offset range (L*N=18 und L*W=95).

Inclusion of the 2 x 16 lightness L* data of the linearized output S2 in the file of step S4:
The 2 x 16 lightness L* data of the linearized output must be included in the file X10ES4AN.PS for the PS output or X10ES4PN.PS for the PDF output. For this
"/outputarrayS2" arround line 50 of the files must be searched.

(www.ps.bam.de/DE02/10X/X10ES2) def %File name measured in step S2
/CDeviceS2 (Device: (X); ) def %Device name and file measured
/CMeasS2 (Meas.: X10ES2) def %File name measured in step S2
/CDateS2 (Date: M010203) def %Date of calculation/measurement

[0 17 34 51 68 85 102 119 136 153 170 187 204 221 238 255] bind def
[%ouptut series F...0 (Black to White) = 32 colours
22.62 27.38 32.74 38.52 41.37 47.80 52.43 53.76
60.46 66.70 69.01 74.15 78.97 84.42 88.62 93.51
22.62 27.38 32.74 38.52 41.37 47.80 52.43 53.76
60.46 66.70 69.01 74.15 78.97 84.42 88.62 93.51
] bind def %ouptut series F...0

/L*NgS2 outputarrayS2 0 get outputarrayS2 16 get add 0.5 mul 0.01 add def
/L*WgS2 outputarrayS2 15 get outputarrayS2 31 get add 0.5 mul 0.01 sub def
/L*NS2 L*NgS2 def /L*WS2 L*WgS2 def
%/L*NgS2 18.01 def /L*WgS2 95.41 def

As lightness limits here the first and last device lightness data of black and white are used. If the lightness limitsL*N and L*W are specificly choosen, then they must be within the lightness limits of the device (see example for device F). In that case the % characters must be deleted. This case is only of importance if the lightness limits are larger compared to the reference offset range (L*N=18 und L*W=95).

On the output S1, S2, S4 and S4 appear the data:
CFilenameS1, CDeviceS1 , CMeasS1,CDateS1 and CFilenameS2, CDeviceS2 , CMeasS2, CDateS2.
The user may change these data according to his wishes (at the beginning of the file, e. g. arround line 40 to 80), e.g. change Date: M010203 to Date: M010401.

5. No remarks and notes

6. Example test results for the start output and the linearized output:

Specification according to Annex G DIN 33866-1 or ISO/IEC 15775 Device A
Black and white printer
Device F
Foto colour printer
Device O
Laser colour printer
Device T
Laser colour printer
Mean lightness difference (16 colours), Start output S5 and linearized output S4 1.9 for start output
0.7 for linearized output
2.5 for start output
0.4 for linearized output
4.8 for start output
0.7 for linearized output
5.4 for start output
0.8 for linearized output
Regularity (5 colours), Start output S5 and linearized output S4 77.1 for start output
90.2 for linearized output
67.0 for start output
92.0 for linearized output
33.7 for start output
94.1 for linearized output
49.3 for start output
89.9 for linearized output

Table 2: Specification of reproduction properties of the black and white output on four different printers using the PS operator w* setgray (w* = relative whiteness)

For additional reproduction properties in table and graphic form see the files in step S4 in the tables 3 to 7.


Digital DIN-test charts
according to DIN 33870:2000-01
Remarks for use Text, PS and PDF format
File type A.PS for 16 grey steps
and AN.PS for 16 black (N) colours
Text, PS and PDF format
File type P.PS for 16 grey steps
and PN.PS for 16 black (N) colours
Step S1: Start output of 16 grey steps for a first output and measurement of the non equidistant 16 grey steps with text

 X10ES1A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte

X10ES1P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte
Step S2: Linearized output of 16 equidistant grey steps for the second output and measurement of the equidistant 16 grey steps with text

X10ES2A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte

X10ES2P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte
Step S3: Linearized output of 10 printer series each of 1/10 of the declared OEM yield for the linearized output of the output with 5% black content of 16 grey samples in file 3A.PS and only black samples in file 3AN.PS

X10ES3A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
X10ES3AN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
16 / 16 / 850 kByte

X10ES3P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
X10ES3PN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
16 / 16 / 850 kByte
Step S4: Specification of reproduction properties of the start and linearized output for comparison of the 16 grey steps of the start and linearized output (measurements of step S1 and S2) and the reference grey steps

X10ES4A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
X10ES4AN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
65 / 65 / 28 kByte

X10ES4P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
X10ES4PN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
65 / 65 / 28 kByte
Table 3: Example files for device X (normal L*-lightness range) using PS operator w* setgray

Remark 1: Additionally to Table 1 here also the files with the extention .PDF are included. For the test of the yield the files of Table 1 must be used. Especially the PDF file must be produced by the local Adobe Acrobat Distiller or an equivalent software.
Remark 2: The files with the extention .TXT are recommended for viewing by the web browser, the files with the extention .PS are recommended for download.
Remark 3: The file with the extention N.PS produces a 5% black (=N) area coverage with 33 black areas. Instead of the 16 grey steps in step S2 here only the black colour "F" of S2 is used.
Remark 4: The relative whiteness w* is identical the relative CIELAB lightness L*. It is valid w* = l*relative = L* / (L*w ­ L*n)


Digital DIN-test charts
according to DIN 33870:2000-01
Remarks for use Text, PS and PDF format
File type A.PS for 16 grey steps
and AN.PS for 16 black (N) colours
Text, PS and PDF format
File type P.PS for 16 grey steps
and PN.PS for 16 black (N) colours
Step S1: Start output of 16 grey steps for a first output and measurement of the non equidistant 16 grey steps with text

 A10ES1A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte

A10ES1P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte
Step S2: Linearized output of 16 equidistant grey steps for the second output and measurement of the equidistant 16 grey steps with text

A10ES2A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte

A10ES2P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte
Step S3: Linearized output of 10 printer series each of 1/10 of the declared OEM yield for the linearized output of the output with 5% black content of 16 grey samples in file 3A.PS and only black samples in file 3AN.PS

A10ES3A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
A10ES3AN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
16 / 16 / 850 kByte

A10ES3P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
A10ES3PN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
16 / 16 / 850 kByte
Step S4: Specification of reproduction properties of the start and linearized output for comparison of the 16 grey steps of the start and linearized output (measurements of step S1 and S2) and the reference grey steps

A10ES4A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
A10ES4AN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
65 / 65 / 28 kByte

A10ES4P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
A10ES4PN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
65 / 65 / 28 kByte
Table 4: Example files for device A (normal L*-lightness range) using PS operator w* setgray

Digital DIN-test charts
according to DIN 33870:2000-01
Remarks for use Text, PS and PDF format
File type A.PS for 16 grey steps
and AN.PS for 16 black (N) colours
Text, PS and PDF format
File type P.PS for 16 grey steps
and PN.PS for 16 black (N) colours
Step S1: Start output of 16 grey steps for a first output and measurement of the non equidistant 16 grey steps with text

 F10ES1A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte

F10ES1P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte
Step S2: Linearized output of 16 equidistant grey steps for the second output and measurement of the equidistant 16 grey steps with text

F10ES2A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte

F10ES2P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte
Step S3: Linearized output of 10 printer series each of 1/10 of the declared OEM yield for the linearized output of the output with 5% black content of 16 grey samples in file 3A.PS and only black samples in file 3AN.PS

F10ES3A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
F10ES3AN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
16 / 16 / 850 kByte

F10ES3P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
F10ES3PN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
16 / 16 / 850 kByte
Step S4: Specification of reproduction properties of the start and linearized output for comparison of the 16 grey steps of the start and linearized output (measurements of step S1 and S2) and the reference grey steps

F10ES4A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
F10ES4AN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
65 / 65 / 28 kByte

F10ES4P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
F10ES4PN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
65 / 65 / 28 kByte
Table 5: Example files for device F (very high L*-lightness range) using PS operator w* setgray

Digital DIN-test charts
according to DIN 33870:2000-01
Remarks for use Text, PS and PDF format
File type A.PS for 16 grey steps
and AN.PS for 16 black (N) colours
Text, PS and PDF format
File type P.PS for 16 grey steps
and PN.PS for 16 black (N) colours
Step S1: Start output of 16 grey steps for a first output and measurement of the non equidistant 16 grey steps with text

 O10ES1A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte

O10ES1P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte
Step S2: Linearized output of 16 equidistant grey steps for the second output and measurement of the equidistant 16 grey steps with text

O10ES2A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte

O10ES2P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte
Step S3: Linearized output of 10 printer series each of 1/10 of the declared OEM yield for the linearized output of the output with 5% black content of 16 grey samples in file 3A.PS and only black samples in file 3AN.PS

O10ES3A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
O10ES3AN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
16 / 16 / 850 kByte

O10ES3P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
O10ES3PN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
16 / 16 / 850 kByte
Step S4: Specification of reproduction properties of the start and linearized output for comparison of the 16 grey steps of the start and linearized output (measurements of step S1 and S2) and the reference grey steps

O10ES4A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
O10ES4AN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
65 / 65 / 28 kByte

O10ES4P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
O10ES4PN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
65 / 65 / 28 kByte
Table 6: Example files for device O (mean L*-lightness range) using PS operator w* setgray

Digital DIN-test charts
according to DIN 33870:2000-01
Remarks for use Text, PS and PDF format
File type A.PS for 16 grey steps
and AN.PS for 16 black (N) colours
Text, PS and PDF format
File type P.PS for 16 grey steps
and PN.PS for 16 black (N) colours
Step S1: Start output of 16 grey steps for a first output and measurement of the non equidistant 16 grey steps with text

 T10ES1A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte

T10ES1P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte
Step S2: Linearized output of 16 equidistant grey steps for the second output and measurement of the equidistant 16 grey steps with text

T10ES2A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte

T10ES2P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
15 / 15 / 10 kByte
Step S3: Linearized output of 10 printer series each of 1/10 of the declared OEM yield for the linearized output of the output with 5% black content of 16 grey samples in file 3A.PS and only black samples in file 3AN.PS

T10ES3A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
T10ES3AN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
16 / 16 / 850 kByte

T10ES3P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
T10ES3PN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
16 / 16 / 850 kByte
Step S4: Specification of reproduction properties of the start and linearized output for comparison of the 16 grey steps of the start and linearized output (measurements of step S1 and S2) and the reference grey steps

T10ES4A(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
T10ES4AN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
65 / 65 / 28 kByte

T10ES4P(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
T10ES4PN(.TXT / .PS / .PDF)
65 / 65 / 28 kByte
Table 7: Example files for device T (high L*-lightness range) using PS operator w* setgray

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