%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/ggm8/ggm80-7n 20240701 %%BoundingBox: 70 82 795 577 %START PDFDE011.EPS /pdfmark07 where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark07 /cleartomark load put} ifelse /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt { userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put userdict (>>) cvn (]) cvn load put} if [/Title (PostScript pictures: farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/ggm8/ggm8.HTM) /Author (compare K. Richter "Computergrafik ...": ISBN 3-8007-1775-1) /Subject (goto: http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de or http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de) /Keywords (image reproduction, colour devices) /Creator (klaus.richter@mac.com) /CreationDate (D:2024070112000) /ModDate (D:2024070112000) /DOCINFO pdfmark07 [ /View [ /Fit ] /DOCVIEW pdfmark07 %END PDFDE011 %BEG ggm8 EARLY BINDING IMAGE FILE (G) 1MR-0000F 200301 %BEG 1MR-0000F.TXT, 1MR & relative gamma change 200301 /gammaFi 21 array def /gammaFi %rel. gamma according to ISO 9241-306:2018 %0/8 1/9 2/10 3/11 4/12 5/13 6/14 7/15 [0.475 0.550 0.625 0.700 0.775 0.849 0.924 1.000 1.000 1.081 1.176 1.290 1.428 1.600 1.818 2.105 %16 17 18 19 20 2.000 0.500 1.500 0.666 1.000] def /1MR-0000F {%BEG procedure 1MR-0000F /FF_LM_setgrayF0 {setgray} bind def /FF_LM_setrgbcolorF0 {setrgbcolor} bind def /FF_LM_setcmykcolorF0 {setcmykcolor} bind def /FF_LM_transferF0 {settransfer} bind def /FF_LM_colortransferF0 {setcolortransfer} bind def /FF_LM_xchartg_gammaF {gammaFi xchart get exp} def /FF_LM_setrgbcolorF {%BEG FF_LM_setrgbcolorF /FF_LM_b0L exch def /FF_LM_g0L exch def /FF_LM_r0L exch def FF_LM_r0L 0 le {/FF_LM_r0L 0.0001 def} if FF_LM_g0L 0 le {/FF_LM_g0L 0.0001 def} if FF_LM_b0L 0 le {/FF_LM_b0L 0.0001 def} if /FF_LM_r1F FF_LM_r0L FF_LM_xchartg_gammaF def /FF_LM_g1F FF_LM_g0L FF_LM_xchartg_gammaF def /FF_LM_b1F FF_LM_b0L FF_LM_xchartg_gammaF def FF_LM_r1F FF_LM_g1F FF_LM_b1F FF_LM_setrgbcolorF0} def %END FF_LM_setrgbcolorF /setgray {%BEG procedure setgrayF dup dup FF_LM_setrgbcolorF %STOPs } def %END procedure setgrayF %part2 /setcmykcolor {%BEG procedure setcmykcolorF /FF_LM_k exch def /FF_LM_y exch def /FF_LM_m exch def /FF_LM_c exch def FF_LM_k 0 eq {1 FF_LM_c sub 1 FF_LM_m sub 1 FF_LM_y sub FF_LM_setrgbcolorF} {1 FF_LM_k sub dup dup FF_LM_setrgbcolorF} ifelse %STOPc } def %END procedure setcmykcolorF /setrgbcolor {%BEG procedure setrgbcolorF /FF_LM_b exch def /FF_LM_g exch def /FF_LM_r exch def FF_LM_r FF_LM_g FF_LM_b FF_LM_setrgbcolorF %STOPr } def %BEG procedure setrgbcolorF /FF_LM_transferF {%BEG FF_LM_transferF {FF_LM_xchartg_gammaF} FF_LM_transferF0} def %END FF_LM_transferF /settransfer {FF_LM_transferF} def /FF_LM_colortransferF {%BEG FF_LM_colortransferF {FF_LM_xchartg_gammaF} {FF_LM_xchartg_gammaF} {FF_LM_xchartg_gammaF} FF_LM_colortransferF0} def %END FF_LM_colortransferF /setcolortransfer {FF_LM_colortransferF} def } def %END procedure 1MR-0000F /iproc1MR 1 def %/1MR-0000G where {pop 1MR-0000G}{1MR-0000F} ifelse iproc1MR 1 eq {1MR-0000F} if %1MR-0000G %END 1MR-0000F.TXT, 1MR & relative gamma change 200301 %END ggm8 EARLY BINDING IMAGE FILE (G) 1MR-0000F 200301 %****************************************************************** %/xchart1f 07 def /xchart2f 07 def /xchartdf 01 def /xchartmf 08 def %/xchartf xchart1f def %****************************************************************** /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def /str {8 string } bind def /A4querL {598 0 translate 90 rotate} def /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse /PSL12 exch def /dictende {counttomark 2 idiv dup dict begin {def} repeat pop currentdict end} bind def /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse } forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /Times-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Italic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse } forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesI-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Bold findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse } forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesB-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-BoldItalic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse } forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesBI-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Courier findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /Courier-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Courier-Bold findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /CourierB-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /tgv {0 0 1 setrgbcolor} def %********************************************************** /rec %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch def /width exch def moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /rem %x0, y0 width heigth {/heigth exch def /width exch def /y0 exch def /x0 exch def x0 width 0.5 mul add y0 heigth 0.5 mul add moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colrecrgbfi %x y width heigth r g b {setrgbcolor rec fill} bind def /colrecrgbst %x y width heigth r g b {setrgbcolor rec stroke} bind def /cviht {dup 0 ge {0.49 add}{0.49 sub} ifelse cvi} def /cvishow {dup 0 ge {0.5 add} {0.5 sub} ifelse cvi 6 string cvs show} def /cvsshow1 {dup 0 ge {0.05 add} {0.05 sub} ifelse 10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow2 {dup 0 ge {0.005 add} {0.005 sub} ifelse 100 mul cvi 0.01 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow3 {dup 0 ge {0.0005 add} {0.0005 sub} ifelse 1000 mul cvi 0.001 mul 7 string cvs show} def %/cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def %/cvsshow1 {10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 7 string cvs show ( ) show} def %/cvsshow2 {100 mul cvi 0.01 mul 7 string cvs show ( ) show} def %/cvsshow3 {1000 mul cvi 0.001 mul 7 string cvs show ( ) show} def /cvsshow1g {/nxx exch def %example nxx=99.1/99.0 nxx 10 mul cvi /nxi exch def %nxi=991/990 nxi 10 idiv /nxa exch def %nxa=99 nxi nxa 10 mul sub /nxb exch def %nxb=1/0 nxa cvishow (,) show %nxa=99 nxb cvishow %nxb=1/0 } def /cvsshow2g {/nxx exch def %example nxx=99.12/99,02/99,00 nxx 100 mul cvi /nxi exch def %nxi=9912/9902/00 nxi 100 idiv /nxa exch def %nxa=99 nxi nxa 100 mul sub /nxb exch def %nxb=12/02/00 nxa cvishow (,) show %nxb=99, nxb 10 ge {nxb cvishow} if %nxb=12 nxb 1 ge nxb 9 le and {(0) show nxb cvishow} if %nxb=02 nxb 0 eq {(00) show} if %nxb=00 } def /cvsshow3g {/nxx exch def %example nxx=99.123/99.012/99.001/99.000 nxx 1000 mul cvi /nxi exch def %nxi=99123/99012/99001/99000 nxi 1000 idiv /nxa exch def %nxa=99 nxi nxa 1000 mul sub /nxb exch def %nxb=123/012/001/000 nxa cvishow (,) show %nxb=99, nxb 100 ge {nxb cvishow} if %nxb=123/012/001/000 nxb 10 ge nxb 99 le and {(0) show nxb cvishow} if %nxb=012 nxb 1 ge nxb 9 le and {(00) show nxb cvishow} if %nxb=001 nxb 0 eq {(000) show} if %nxb=000 } def /1080col {%BEG procedure 1080col %from top to down % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 /w09n [(w16n)(w14n)(w12n)(w10n)(w08n)(w06n)(w04n)(w02n)(w00n)] def /w17n [(w00n)(w01n)(w02n)(w03n)(w04n)(w05n)(w06n)(w07n)(w08n) (w09n)(w10n)(w11n)(w12n)(w13n)(w14n)(w15n)(w16n)] def /p09w [(p00w)(p02w)(p04w)(p06w)(p08w)(p10w)(p12w)(p14w)(p16w)] def /w17u [(w00u)(w01u)(w02u)(w03u)(w04u)(w05u)(w06u)(w07u)(w08u) (w09u)(w10u)(w11u)(w12u)(w13u)(w14u)(w15u)(w16u)] def /u17n [(u00n)(u01n)(u02n)(u03n)(u04n)(u05n)(u06n)(u07n)(u08n) (u09n)(u10n)(u11n)(u12n)(u13n)(u14n)(u15n)(u16n)] def %from top to down % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 /N09w [(N00w)(N02w)(N04w)(N06w)(N08w)(N10w)(N12w)(N14w)(N16w)] def /N17w [(N16w)(N15w)(N14w)(N13w)(N12w)(N11w)(N10w)(N09w)(N08w) (N07w)(N06w)(N05w)(N04w)(N03w)(N02w)(N01w)(N00w)] def /W09p [(W16p)(W14p)(W12p)(W10p)(W08p)(W06p)(W06p)(W02p)(W00p)] def /U17w [(U16w)(U15w)(U14w)(U13w)(U12w)(U11w)(U10w)(U09w)(U08w) (U07w)(U06w)(U05w)(U04w)(U03w)(U02w)(U01w)(U00w)] def /N17u [(N16u)(N15u)(N14u)(N13u)(N12u)(N11u)(N10u)(N09u)(N08u) (N07u)(N06u)(N05u)(N04u)(N03u)(N02u)(N01u)(N00u)] def tfw 120 /Times-ISOL1 FS 050 -100 moveto xchartl 7 le {(ggm80-) show}{(ggm81-) show} ifelse xchartl 1 add cvishow (a) show %a /ioutg 1 def ioutg 1 eq {%ioutg=1 /kheigh 120 def /kheigk 100 def /TIKN {kheigh /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIKI {kheigh /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /RIKN {kheigh /Times-Roman FS} bind def /TIKK {kheigk /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def TIKN (, gamma ) showde (, gamma ) showen TIKI (g) show TIKK 0 -25 rmoveto (a) show 0 25 rmoveto TIKN (=) show gammaFi xchart get 2.4 mul cvsshow3g (, ) show TIKI (g) show 0 -25 rmoveto TIKK (P) show 0 25 rmoveto TIKN (=) show gammaFi xchart get cvsshow3g (, ) show TIKI (C) show /xchartP xchart xchart 7 le {1 add} if def /xchartN 16 xchart xchart 7 le {1 add} if sub def TIKK 0 -25 rmoveto (YP) show xchartP cvishow 0 25 rmoveto TIKN (=) show TIKI (C) show TIKK 0 -25 rmoveto (YN) show 8 xchartP 8 sub sub cvishow 0 25 rmoveto } if %ioutg=1 30 setlinewidth [ ] 0 setdash tfy 0 0 moveto 5400 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5400 0 rlineto closepath fill 0 setgray 150 /Times-ISOL1 FS gsave %start because of clip 0.084 MM dup scale 40 setlinewidth /ymax1 16900 def /xmax1 24600 def tfu 0 0 moveto xmax1 0 rlineto 0 ymax1 rlineto xmax1 neg 0 rlineto closepath fill tfn 0 0 moveto xmax1 0 rlineto 0 ymax1 rlineto xmax1 neg 0 rlineto closepath stroke /fakt 1 def /iyt 32 fakt mul def %text size /iyd 35 fakt mul def %line difference /xs 900 3 div 2 mul def /ys xs def /d2 xs 2 div def /d8 xs 8 div def /xmin 650 3 div 2.2 mul def /ymax 15800 def %xcharx 0 eq {/xd 800 3 div 2 mul def /yd 800 3 div 2 mul def} % {/xd 900 3 div 2 mul def /yd 900 3 div 2 mul def} ifelse /xd 900 3 div 2 mul def /yd 900 3 div 2 mul def /xsd xs xd sub 0.5 mul def /ysd xs xd sub 0.5 mul def /xd2 xd 0.50 mul def /xd4 xd 0.25 mul def 20 setlinewidth 500 3 div 2 mul /Times-ISOL1 FS tfw 1 1 27 {/i exch def %i=1,27 /x xs 0.15 mul def /y 27.6 ys mul ys i mul sub def x y moveto nr1 i 1 sub get show } for %i=1,27 1 1 40 {/i exch def %i=1,36 /x xs i mul 000 add def /y 27.5 ys mul def x y moveto tx1 i 1 sub get show } for %i=1,36 %( # ) show tfn /RGB*R0 1080 array def /RGB*G0 1080 array def /RGB*B0 1080 array def /rgbcmyk 10000 array def %8640=8*1080: n rgb, cmyk /n00 -1 def TS /IMODE 0 def %input rgb for output LAB* %row no.1 and 2: 9xrgb /imax 08 def /jmax 08 def /kmax 08 def /TKK2 {200 3 div 2 mul /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def TKK2 0 1 kmax {/k exch def %beg k=0,08 /k0 k 3 idiv def /k1 k k0 3 mul sub def /xadd k1 xs 9 mul mul def /yadd k0 xs 9 mul mul def 0 1 jmax {/j exch def %beg j=0,jmax 0 1 imax {/i exch def %beg i=0,imax /n1079 i j 9 mul add k 81 mul add def /xa xmin j xs mul add xadd add xsd add def /ya ymax i ys mul sub yadd sub ysd add def /r k kmax div def /g j jmax div def /b i imax div def RGB*R0 n1079 r put RGB*G0 n1079 g put RGB*B0 n1079 b put xcharx 0 eq {%xcharx=0 r g b setrgbcolor xa ya xd dup rec fill 1 r sub 1 g sub 1 b sub 0 setcmykcolor xa xd4 add ya xd4 add xd2 dup rec fill } if %xcharx=0 xcharx 1 eq {%xcharx=1 r g b setrgbcolor xa ya xd dup rec fill } if %xcharx=1 } for %end i=0,jmax } for %end j=0,jmax } for %end k=0,kmax %3x rgbcmy /id 1 8 div def /rijn 81 array def %for intermediate storage /gijn 81 array def /bijn 81 array def /lmax 2 def /n1079 728 def 0 1 lmax {/l exch def %beg k=0,kmax /xadd 3 xs 9 mul mul def /yadd l ys 9 mul mul def %for intermediate storage of l=0,lmax 0 1 01 {/jchart exch def %jchart=0,1 /xcharxj l jchart 3 mul add def 0 1 08 {/j exch def %j=0,7 /im 8 j sub def jchart 1 im {/i exch def %i=0,8 /ia 1 id j mul sub def /argb ia def /brgb ia i id mul sub def xcharxj 0 eq {/r argb def /g brgb def /b brgb def} if xcharxj 1 eq {/r argb def /g argb def /b brgb def} if xcharxj 2 eq {/r brgb def /g argb def /b brgb def} if xcharxj 3 eq {/r brgb def /g argb def /b argb def} if xcharxj 4 eq {/r brgb def /g brgb def /b argb def} if xcharxj 5 eq {/r argb def /g brgb def /b argb def} if jchart 0 eq {/in i j add def /jn j def} {/in j def /jn i j add def} ifelse rijn in 9 mul jn add r put gijn in 9 mul jn add g put bijn in 9 mul jn add b put } for %i=0,7 } for %j=0,8 } for %jchart=0,1 %for output of l=0,lmax 0 1 08 {/j exch def %j=0,8 0 1 08 {/i exch def %i=0,8 /n1079 n1079 1 add def /r rijn i j 9 mul add get def /g gijn i j 9 mul add get def /b bijn i j 9 mul add get def /xa xmin xs j mul add xadd add xsd add def /ya ymax xs i mul sub yadd sub ysd add def xcharx 0 eq {%xcharx=0 r g b setrgbcolor xa ya xd dup rec fill 1 r sub 1 g sub 1 b sub 0 setcmykcolor xa xd4 add ya xd4 add xd2 dup rec fill } if %xcharx=0 xcharx 1 eq {%xcharx=1 r g b setrgbcolor xa ya xd dup rec fill } if %xcharx=1 } for %i=0,7 } for %j=0,8 } for %end l=0,lmax /istep 0 def %0: 9+4=13 steps, 1:17+8=25 steps istep 0 eq {%istep=0 9+4=13 steps %6wrgbcmy top to down %0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 /argb1 [0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 1.000 0.875 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.375 0.250 0.125 0.000] def /argb2 [1.500 1.375 1.250 1.125 1.000 0.875 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.375 0.250 0.125 0.000] def /argb3 [0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000 0.875 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.375 0.250 0.125 0.000] def % 0/5 1/6 2/7 3/8 4/9 10 11 12 %/w13n [(w08n)(w06n)(w04n)(w02n)(w00n) % (w02n)(w04n)(w06n)(w08n)(w10n)(w12n)(w14n)(w16n)] def % 0/5 1/6 2/7 3/8 4/9 10 11 12 %/p13n [(p00w)(p02w)(p04w)(p06w)(p08w) % (w02n)(w04n)(w06n)(w08n)(w10n)(w12n)(w14n)(w16n)] def % 0/5 1/6 2/7 3/8 4/9 10 11 12 /N13w [(N08w)(N10w)(N12w)(N14w) (N16w)(N14w)(N12w)(N10w)(N08w)(N06w)(N04w)(N02w)(N00w)] def % 0/5 1/6 2/7 3/8 4/9 10 11 12 /N13p [(W08p)(W06p)(W04p)(W02p) (W00p)(N14w)(N12w)(N10w)(N08w)(N06w)(N04w)(N02w)(N00w)] def /n1079 971 def /lmax 02 def %2 rows with greys /kmax 00 def %13 steps /ysk ys 25 mul 26 div 2 mul def 0 1 kmax {/k exch def % /jmax 12 def 0 2 lmax {/l exch def %beg l=0,lmax /xadd 36 l add xs mul def % /yadd k 9 xs mul mul def %yadd=0 for k=0 /j1 l 36 add def /j1$ tx1 j1 get def 0 1 jmax {/j exch def %j=0,12 /n1079 n1079 1 add def /i1 j k 9 mul add 1 add def %13 steps P-N /argb l 0 eq {argb1 j get} {argb3 j get} ifelse def /xa xmin xadd add def /ya ymax ysk j 0.5 add mul sub def /r argb def /g argb def /b argb def xcharx 0 eq {%xcharx=0 l 0 eq {0 0 0 1 r sub setcmykcolor} if l 1 eq {r setgray} if l 2 eq {1 r sub 1 g sub 1 b sub 0 setcmykcolor} if l 3 eq {r g b setrgbcolor} if xa ya xd dup rec fill 1 r sub 1 g sub 1 b sub 0 setcmykcolor xa xd4 add ya xd4 add xd2 dup rec fill } if %xcharx=0 xcharx 1 eq {%xcharx=1 /xd2m xd 2 mul def /yd2m yd 2 mul 25 mul 26 div def r g b setrgbcolor xa ya xd2m xd2m rec fill l 2 eq j 3 le and {0.5 dup dup setrgbcolor xa ya xd2m xd2m rec fill 1.0 dup dup setrgbcolor xa ya xd2m xd2m rec stroke} if } if %xcharx=1 TL /xsm xs 2.4 mul def /ysm ys 0.9 mul def tfw l lmax eq {%l=lmax xa xsm add ya ysm add moveto N13w j get show xa xsm add 900 add ya ysm add moveto j 4 ne {N13p j get show} {0 150 rmoveto N13p j get show -700 -240 rmoveto (N16w) show} ifelse } if %l=lmax } for %j=0,jmax } for %l=0,lmax } for %k=0,kmax } if %istep=0 9+4=13 steps istep 1 eq {%istep=1 17+8=25 steps %6wrgbcmy %0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 %9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 /argb1 [0.500 0.563 0.625 0.688 0.750 0.813 0.875 0.938 1.000 0.938 0.875 0.813 0.750 0.688 0.625 0.563 0.500 0.438 0.375 0.313 0.250 0.188 0.125 0.063 0.000] def /argb2 [1.500 1.438 1.375 1.313 1.250 1.188 1.125 1.063 1.000 0.938 0.875 0.813 0.750 0.688 0.625 0.563 0.500 0.438 0.375 0.313 0.250 0.188 0.125 0.063 0.000] def /argb3 [0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000 0.938 0.875 0.813 0.750 0.688 0.625 0.563 0.500 0.438 0.375 0.313 0.250 0.188 0.125 0.063 0.000] def %0/9/17 1/10/18 2/11/19 3/12/20 4/13/21 5/14/22 6/15/23 7/16/24 8 %/w25n %[(w08n) (w07n) (w06n) (w05n) (w04n) (w03n) (w02n) (w01n) (w00n) % (w01n) (w03n) (w03n) (w04n) (w05n) (w06n) (w07n) (w08n) % (w09n) (w10n) (w11n) (w12n) (w13n) (w14n) (w15n) (w16n)] def %0/9/17 1/10/18 2/11/19 3/12/20 4/13/21 5/14/22 6/15/23 7/16/24 8 %/p25n %[(p00w) (p01w) (p02w) (p03w) (p04w) (p05w) (p06w) (p07w) (p08w) % (w01n) (w03n) (w03n) (w04n) (w05n) (w06n) (w07n) (w08n) % (w09n) (w10n) (w11n) (w12n) (w13n) (w14n) (w15n) (w16n)] def %0/9/17 1/10/18 2/11/19 3/12/20 4/13/21 5/14/22 6/15/23 7/16/24 8 /N25w %w25n [(N08w) (N09w) (N10w) (N11w) (N12w) (N13w) (N14w) (N15w) (N16w) (N15w) (N14w) (N13w) (N12w) (N11w) (N10w) (N09w) (N08w) (N07w) (N06w) (N05w) (N04w) (N03w) (N02w) (N01w) (N00w)] def %0/9/17 1/10/18 2/11/19 3/12/20 4/13/21 5/14/22 6/15/23 7/16/24 8 /N25p %p25n [(W08p) (W07p) (W06p) (W05p) (W04p) (W03p) (W02p) (W01p) (W00p) (N15w) (N14w) (N13w) (N12w) (N11w) (N10w) (N09w) (N08w) (N07w) (N06w) (N05w) (N04w) (N03w) (N02w) (N01w) (N00w)] def /n1079 971 def /lmax 02 def %2 rows with greys /kmax 00 def %13 steps 0 1 kmax {/k exch def % /jmax 24 def 0 2 lmax {/l exch def %beg l=0,lmax /xadd 36 l add xs mul def /j1 l 36 add def /j1$ tx1 j1 get def 0 1 jmax {/j exch def %j=0,12 /n1079 n1079 1 add def /i1 j k 9 mul add 1 add def %25 steps P2-N /argb l 0 eq {argb1 j get} {argb3 j get} ifelse def /xa xmin xadd add def /ya ymax ys j 1 add mul sub def /r argb def /g argb def /b argb def xcharx 0 eq {%xcharx=0 l 0 eq {0 0 0 1 r sub setcmykcolor} if l 1 eq {r setgray} if l 2 eq {1 r sub 1 g sub 1 b sub 0 setcmykcolor} if l 3 eq {r g b setrgbcolor} if xa ya xd dup rec fill 1 r sub 1 g sub 1 b sub 0 setcmykcolor xa xd4 add ya xd4 add xd2 dup rec fill } if %xcharx=0 xcharx 1 eq {%xcharx=1 /xd2m xd 2 mul def /yd2m yd def r g b setrgbcolor xa ya xd2m yd2m rec fill l 2 eq j 7 le and {0.5 dup dup setrgbcolor xa ya xd2m yd2m rec fill 1.0 dup dup setrgbcolor xa ya xd2m yd2m rec stroke} if } if %xcharx=1 TL /xsm xs 2.4 mul def /ysm ys 1.4 mul def tfw l lmax eq {%l=lmax xa xsm add ya ysm add moveto N25w j get show xa xsm add 900 add ya ysm add moveto j 8 ne {N25p j get show} {0 150 rmoveto N25p j get show -700 -240 rmoveto (N16w) show} ifelse } if %l=lmax } for %j=0,jmax } for %l=0,lmax } for %k=0,kmax } if %istep=1 17+8=25 steps TK tfw %/ymax1 16900 def %/xmax1 24600 def xmax1 100 add ymax1 250 sub moveto (Code) showde (code) showen xmax1 100 add ymax1 600 sub moveto TK (N-P) show TL 0 -90 rmoveto (2) show 0 90 rmoveto %basic colours 1072 - 1080 /basrgb 24 array def /basrgb [0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ] def /n1079 1071 def 0 1 07 {/i exch def %i=0,7 /n1079 n1079 1 add def /i3 i 3 mul def /xadd 36 xs mul def /yadd 25 xs mul def i 0 eq {/l 0 def /j 0 def /j1$ (k) def /i1 26 def} if i 1 eq {/l 0 def /j 1 def /j1$ (k) def /i1 27 def} if i 2 eq {/l 1 def /j 0 def /j1$ (l) def /i1 26 def} if i 3 eq {/l 1 def /j 1 def /j1$ (l) def /i1 27 def} if i 4 eq {/l 2 def /j 0 def /j1$ (m) def /i1 26 def} if i 5 eq {/l 2 def /j 1 def /j1$ (m) def /i1 27 def} if i 6 eq {/l 3 def /j 0 def /j1$ (n) def /i1 26 def} if i 7 eq {/l 3 def /j 1 def /j1$ (n) def /i1 27 def} if /xa xmin xs l mul add xadd add xsd add def /ya ymax xs j mul sub yadd sub ysd add def /r basrgb i3 get def /g basrgb i3 1 add get def /b basrgb i3 2 add get def xcharx 0 eq {%xcharx=0 r g b setrgbcolor xa ya xd dup rec fill 1 r sub 1 g sub 1 b sub 0 setcmykcolor xa xd4 add ya xd4 add xd2 dup rec fill } if %xcharx=0 xcharx 1 eq {%xcharx=1 r g b setrgbcolor xa ya xd dup rec fill } if %xcharx=1 } for %i=0,7 %special red frame xchart 4 eq xchart 7 eq or xchart 8 eq or {%xchart=4/7/8 120 setlinewidth 1 0 0 setrgbcolor /xtransr 0000 def /ytransr 0650 def /xwdtr 24600 xtransr 2 mul add def /ywdtr ymax1 ytransr add xtransr add def xchart 4 eq {[400] 400 setdash} if xtransr neg ytransr neg moveto xwdtr 0 rlineto 0 ywdtr rlineto xwdtr neg 0 rlineto closepath stroke xchart 4 eq {[ ] 0 setdash} if } if %xchart=4/7/8 } def %END procedure 1080col %******************************************************************* %%EndProlog gsave /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (F) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showjp {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showea {1 lanind le {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showm {6 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /nr1 27 array def /tx1 52 array def /nr1 [(01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27)] def /tx1 [(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N) (O) (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T) (U) (V) (W) (X) (Y) (Z) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) (u) (v) (w) (x) (y) (z)] def /lanind1 0 def /lanind2 0 def /lanindd 01 def /lanindm 01 def /colorm1 00 def /colorm2 00 def /colormd 01 def /colormm 01 def /deintp1 00 def /deintp2 00 def /deintpd 01 def /deintpm 01 def /xcolor1 00 def /xcolor2 00 def /xcolord 01 def /xcolorm 01 def /xchart1 07 def /xchart2 07 def /xchartd 01 def /xchartm 01 def /pchart1 00 def /pchart2 00 def /pchartd 01 def /pchartm 03 def /colsep1 00 def /colsep2 00 def /colsepd 01 def /colsepm 01 def /pmetam1 00 def /pmetam2 00 def /pmetamd 01 def /pmetamm 01 def /xchart3 00 def %free /xchart4 00 def %test charts ISO/IEC 3, 2, 4; CIE R8-09 G, O, H /xchart5 00 def %free /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def /lanindm lanindmf def} if /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colormd colormdf def /colormm colormmf def} if /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def /deintpm deintpmf def} if /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def /xcolorm xcolormf def} if /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchartmf def} {/xchart1 7 def /xchart2 7 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} if /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} if /xchart5f where {pop /xchart5 xchart5f def} if /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def /pchartm pchartmf def} if /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def /colsepm colsepmf def} if /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetamd pmetamdf def /pmetamm pmetamf def} if /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % /GSS$ where {pop /LSS$ GSS$ def} {/LSS$ (1) def} ifelse /GSC$ where {pop /LSC$ GSC$ def} {/LSC$ (N) def} ifelse /GSX$ where {pop /LSX$ GSX$ def} {/LSX$ (0) def} ifelse /GSY$ where {pop /LSY$ GSY$ def} {/LSY$ (0) def} ifelse /GEX$ where {pop /LEX$ GEX$ def} {/LEX$ (P.PS./PDF) def} ifelse /GEY$ where {pop /LEY$ GEY$ def} {/LEY$ (P.DAT) def} ifelse /IMES where {pop %/IMES IMES def } {/IMES 0 def} ifelse %A4querL /xcharx 1 def %fix page 1 of test chart /colorml colorm def /xcolorl xcolor def /xchartl xchart def /pchartl pchart def colorml 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/TxS () def /Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if colorml 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/TxS () def /Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if colorml 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/TxS () def /Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if colorml 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/TxS () def /Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if /TK {400 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TL {300 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TS {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /tfn {0 setgray} bind def /tfw {1 setgray} bind def /tfu {0.5 setgray} bind def /tfb {0 0.5 1 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfy {1 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def %*********************************************************************************** 72 90 translate %gsave 0.01 MM dup scale 20 setlinewidth %0 0 25300 17100 1.0 1.0 1.0 colrecrgbfi %area white W 0 0 25300 17100 0.5 0.5 0.5 colrecrgbfi %area grey U 0 0 25300 17100 0.0 0.0 0.0 colrecrgbst %Rahmen Schwarz N TK tfw /xbtex0 0 def xbtex0 1 eq {%xbtex0=1 120 3 mul /Times-ISOL1 FS 050 -300 moveto (ggm80-7n-) show %(n) show %n xchart 1 add cvishow } if %xbtex0=1 20 setlinewidth /xt2 060 def /yt2 750 def xt2 yt2 translate 4.0 dup scale 1080col grestore %end because of clip xt2 neg yt2 neg translate gsave /xbil2 1 def xbil2 1 eq {%xbil2=1 /xt3 xt2 000 add def /yt3 yt2 def xt3 yt3 translate %0 0 moveto (START) show 10 setlinewidth tfu /fact1 2.05 def %/x0t 3980 def %/y0t 2760 def /x0t 450 0.25 mul def /y0t 200 0.25 mul def /l0x 1880 fact1 mul def /l0y 1250 fact1 mul def x0t y0t moveto l0x 0 rlineto 0 l0y rlineto l0x neg 0 rlineto closepath fill tfw x0t y0t moveto l0x 0 rlineto 0 l0y rlineto l0x neg 0 rlineto closepath stroke %translate within new frame /x1t x0t 060 fact1 mul add def /y1t y0t 060 fact1 mul add def x1t y1t translate 0.25 1.15 mul fact1 mul dup scale /xchart 19 def 1080col x1t neg y1t neg translate xt3 neg yt3 neg translate } if %xbil2=1 grestore showpage grestore %} for %output with langind end %%Trailer