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[/Title (PostScript pictures: farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/ggl4/ggl4.htm)
 /Author (compare K. Richter "Computergrafik ...": ISBN 3-8007-1775-1)
 /Subject (goto: http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de)
 /Keywords (image reproduction, colour devices)
 /Creator (klaus.richter@mac.com)
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/cvsshow2g {/nxx exch def                              %example nxx=99.12/99,02/99,00
             nxx 0 lt {(-) show /nxx nxx abs def} if
             nxx 100 mul cvi /nxi exch def             %nxi=9912/9902/00
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             nxa cvishow (,) show                      %nxb=99,
             nxb 10 ge {nxb cvishow} if                %nxb=12
             nxb  1 ge
             nxb  9 le and {(0) show nxb cvishow} if   %nxb=02
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/cvsshow3g {/nxx exch def                              %example nxx=99.123/99.012/99.001/99.000
             nxx 0 lt {(-) show /nxx nxx abs def} if
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             nxb 100 ge {nxb cvishow} if               %nxb=123/012/001/000
             nxb  10 ge
             nxb  99 le and {(0) show nxb cvishow} if  %nxb=012
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             nxb   9 le and {(00) show nxb cvishow} if %nxb=001
             nxb   0 eq {(000) show} if                %nxb=000
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/tfw {1 setgray} def
/tfn {0 setgray} def
/tfo {1 0 0 setrgbcolor} def
/tfl {0 1 0 setrgbcolor} def
/tfv {0 0 1 setrgbcolor} def
/tfc {0 1 1 setrgbcolor} def
/tfm {1 0 1 setrgbcolor} def
/tfy {1 1 0 setrgbcolor} def

/lanind 0 def
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/showm {6 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def
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/xcolorg where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorg def /xcolor2 xcolorg def}
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/xchartg where {pop /xchart1 xchartg def /xchart2 xchartg def}
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0 setgray
/xchart 0 def
/pchart 1 def
/ifarb 0 def %0_6:W-NRGBCMYn %7_9:RGB_W, default 0:W
/greu 0.5 def
/expu 2.0 def %0:1.0, 1:2.0 2:0.5 3:1.5 surround U colour
/expa 2.0 def %0:1.0, 1:2.0 2:0.5 3:1.5 all colours

%/ufield 1 def %0:N, 1:U, 2:W
%/utexte 1 def %0:ohne, 1:mit utexte
%/surrou 0 def %0:mean grey, 1:dark grey, 2:light grey

72 90 translate

0.01 MM dup scale

20 setlinewidth
/ydm 400 def %with larger grey frame
greu expu exp setgray
0 ydm neg moveto 25400 0 rlineto 0 4000 ydm add rlineto
                -25400 0 rlineto closepath fill

0.0 setgray
0 0 moveto 25400 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto
          -25400 0 rlineto closepath stroke

%ufield 0 eq {0.5 setgray /tnw {tfw} def} if
%ufield 1 eq {0.0 setgray /tnw {tfw} def} if
%ufield 2 eq {1.0 setgray /tnw {tfn} def} if %not realized yet
%25400 1800 sub 0 moveto 1800 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto
%                       -1800 0 rlineto closepath fill

expu 1 ge {/tfnw {tfw} def}
          {/tfnw {tfn} def} ifelse

200 /Times-Roman FS
100 -200 moveto
(ggl40-3n, ) show

200 /Times-ISOL1 FS
xchart 0 eq
{(Pr\374fmuster: )      showde (Test samples: )     showen}
{(Bewertungsbogen: ) showde (Evaluation sheet: ) showen} ifelse

(3, 5 und 9 Farbstufen) showde
(3, 5 and 9 colour steps) showen
(, greu=) show greu cvsshow3g
(, expu=) show expu cvsshow3g
(, expa=) show expa cvsshow3g

%%%%%%%%%%%   oberer Schriftzug %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
/xshift 1100 1100 sub def
/fatr 0 def
/x0 00100 def
/x1 03000 xshift sub def %delta=5600
/x2 x1  6.0 1400 mul add def
/x00 00400 def
/x01 05000 def
/x02 12400 def
/xt   400 200 add def
/yte  100 def

/y00t 150 def
/y01t 450 def

/sd  1400 def
/sd0 000 def
/dd0 270 def
/sda 0200 def

/colte1g [%ifarb=0,9
(Schwarz N00w - Schwarz N16w = Wei\337 W)
(Schwarz N00r - Schwarz N16r = Rot R)
(Schwarz N00g - Schwarz N16g = Gr\374n G)
(Schwarz N00b - Schwarz N16b = Blau B)
(Schwarz N00c - Schwarz N16c = Cyan C)
(Schwarz N00m - Schwarz N16m = Magenta M)
(Schwarz N00y - Schwarz N16y = Gelb Y)
(Rot R00w - Rot R16w = Wei\337 W)
(Gr\374n G00w - G\374n G16w = Wei\337 W)
(Blau B00w - Blau B16w = Wei\337 W)
(Cyan C00w - Cyan C16w = Wei\337 W)
(Magenta M00w - Magenta M16w = Wei\337 W)
(Gelb Y00w - Gelb Y16w = Wei\337 W)
] def

/colte1e [%ifarb=0,9
(Black N00w - Black N16w = White W)
(Black N00r - Black N16r = Red R)
(Black N00g - Black N16g = Green G)
(Black N00b - Black N16b = Blue B)
(Black N00c - Black N16c = Cyan C)
(Black N00m - Black N16m = Magenta M)
(Black N00y - Black N16y = Yellow Y)
(Red R00w - Red R16w = White W)
(Green G00w - Green G16w = White W)
(Blue B00w - Blue B16w = White W)
(Cyan C00w - Cyan C16w = White W)
(Magenta M00w - Magenta M16w = White W)
(Gelb Y00w - Gelb Y16w = White W)
] def 

/x02t 9500 def
/y02t 3400 def
00200 y02t moveto
(Drei, 5 und 9 Farbstufen) showde
(Three, 5 and 9 colour steps) showen
pchart 0 eq {( f\374r visuelle Beurteilung) showde
             ( for visual evaluation) showen} if
pchart 1 eq {(, numerische Kennzeichnung) showde
             (, numeric specification) showen} if
pchart 2 eq {(, numerische Berechnung) showde
             (, numeric calculation) showen} if
pchart 3 eq {(, numerisches Berechnungsbeispiel) showde
             (, numeric calculation example) showen} if

x02t y02t moveto
colte1g ifarb get showde
colte1e ifarb get showen
x02t y02t moveto
colte1g ifarb get showde
colte1e ifarb get showen

%0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
/colort [

(Y00w)(Y02w)(Y04w)(Y06w)(Y08w)(Y10w)(Y12w)(Y14w)(Y16w)] def

/y00t 0100 def
/y01t 1600 def
0 4 8 {/i exch def %i=0,4,8
       x00 sd0 add sd i mul 4 div add dd0 add y01t moveto
       colort ifarb 9 mul i add get show
      } for %i=0,4,8
%grey surround
%       x0 sd0 add sd 10 mul 4 div add dd0 add y01t moveto
%       surrou 0 eq {(N08w) show} if
%       surrou 1 eq {(N04w) show} if
%       surrou 2 eq {(N12w) show} if

0 2 8 {/i exch def %i=0,2,8
       i 4 eq {tfl} if
       x01 sd0 add sd i mul 2 div add dd0 add y01t moveto
       colort ifarb 9 mul i add get show
      } for %i=0,2,8
%grey surround
%       x01 sd0 add sd 10 mul 2 div add dd0 add y01t moveto
%       surrou 0 eq {(N08w) show} if
%       surrou 1 eq {(N04w) show} if
%       surrou 2 eq {(N12w) show} if

0 1 8 {/i exch def %i=0,1,8
       i 2 eq
       i 4 eq or
       i 6 eq or {tfl} if
       x02 sd0 add sd i mul add       dd0 add y01t moveto
       colort ifarb 9 mul i add get show
      } for %i=0,1,8 
%          0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
/L*TUBLOG [(   0)(  12)(  25)(  37)(  50)(  62)(  75)(  87)( 100)] def
%          0     1     2      3     4      5     6      7     8
/tquest3  [(0,00)(0,5?)(1,00)] def
/tquest5  [(0,00)(0,5?)(1 / 0)(0,5?)(1,00)] def
/tquest9  [(0,00)(0,5?)(1 / 0)(0,5?)(1 / 0)(0,5?)(1 / 0)(0,5?)(1,00) ] def 

/sd2 200 def
1 1 0 setrgbcolor
0 4 8 {/i exch def %i=0,4,8
        x00 sd0 add sd  i mul 4 div add dd0 add y00t moveto
        pchart 1 eq {tquest3 i 4 idiv get show} 
                    {L*TUBLOG i get show} ifelse %pchart=1
       } for %i=0,4,8
0 2 8 {/i exch def %i=0,2,8
        x01 sd0 add sd  i mul 2 div add dd0 add y00t moveto
        pchart 1 eq {tquest5 i 2 idiv get show}
                    {L*TUBLOG i get show} ifelse %pchart=1
       } for %i=0,2,8
%grey surround
%        x01 sd0 add sd 10 mul 2 div add dd0 add y00t moveto
%        surrou 0 eq {(  50) show} if
%        surrou 1 eq {(  25) show} if
%        surrou 2 eq {(  75) show} if
0 1 8 {/i exch def %i=0,1,8
       x02 sd0 add sd i mul add       dd0 add y00t moveto
        pchart 1 eq {tquest9 i get show}
                    {L*TUBLOG i get show} ifelse %pchart=1
      } for %i=0,1,8

%xchart 0 eq {%xchart=0
%             1 1 0 setrgbcolor
%             100 y00t moveto
%             TBIG
%             (L*) show
%             0 -80 rmoveto TBM (TUBLOG) show 0 80 rmoveto
%            } if %xchart=0

%xchart 0 eq {%xchart=0
%  tfw
%  100 2850 moveto
%  (sich be\255) showde
%  (adjacent) showen
%  100 2550 moveto
%  (r\374hrende) showde
%  (samples) showen
%  100 2250 moveto
%  (Muster) showde
%  100 1250 moveto
%  (separate) showde
%  (separate) showen
%  100 0950 moveto
%  (Muster) showde
%  (samples) showen
%            } if %xchart=0

%xchart 1 eq {%xchart=1
%  tfw
%  100 2900 moveto
%  (Beurteilung:) showde
%  (Evaluation:) showen
%  100 2600 moveto
%  TBG
%  (anteil) showde
%  (Amount) showen
%  100 1250 moveto
%  (Beurteilung:) showde
%  (Evaluation:) showen
%  100 0950 moveto
%  TBG
%  (anteil) showde
%  (Amount) showen
%} if %xchart=1

%x0t neg y0t neg translate
%x1t y1t translate

/cvs1 {10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 7 string cvs} def

/rgb 9 array def
0 1 8 {/i exch def %i=0,8
       /id8 0.125 i mul def
       rgb i id8 expa exp put
      } for %i=0,8

/cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def
x02t 3600 y00t add moveto
0 1 8 {/i exch def %i=0,8
       rgb i get 1000 mul cvishow
       i 7 le {(, ) show} if
      } for %i=0,8

ifarb 0 eq {%ifarb=0 N_W
/colors2 [{rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 1 get rgb 1 get rgb 1 get}
          {rgb 2 get rgb 2 get rgb 2 get}
          {rgb 3 get rgb 3 get rgb 3 get}
          {rgb 4 get rgb 4 get rgb 4 get}
          {rgb 5 get rgb 5 get rgb 5 get}
          {rgb 6 get rgb 6 get rgb 6 get}
          {rgb 7 get rgb 7 get rgb 7 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}]def
           } if %ifarb=0

ifarb 1 eq {%ifarb=1 N_R
/colors2 [{rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 1 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 2 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 3 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 4 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 5 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 6 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 7 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}]def
           } if %ifarb=1

ifarb 2 eq {%ifarb=2 N_G
/colors2 [{rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 1 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 2 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 3 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 4 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 5 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 6 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 7 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 8 get rgb 0 get}]def
           } if %ifarb=2

ifarb 3 eq {%ifarb=3 N_B
/colors2 [{rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 1 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 2 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 3 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 4 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 5 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 6 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 7 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 8 get}]def
           } if %ifarb=3

ifarb 4 eq {%ifarb=4 N_C
/colors2 [{rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 1 get rgb 1 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 2 get rgb 2 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 3 get rgb 3 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 4 get rgb 4 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 5 get rgb 5 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 6 get rgb 6 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 7 get rgb 7 get}
          {rgb 0 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}]def
           } if %ifarb=4

ifarb 5 eq {%ifarb=5 N_M
/colors2 [{rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 1 get rgb 0 get rgb 1 get}
          {rgb 2 get rgb 0 get rgb 2 get}
          {rgb 3 get rgb 0 get rgb 3 get}
          {rgb 4 get rgb 0 get rgb 4 get}
          {rgb 5 get rgb 0 get rgb 5 get}
          {rgb 6 get rgb 0 get rgb 6 get}
          {rgb 7 get rgb 0 get rgb 7 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 0 get rgb 8 get}]def
           } if %ifarb=5

ifarb 6 eq {%ifarb=6 N_Y
/colors2 [{rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 1 get rgb 1 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 2 get rgb 2 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 3 get rgb 3 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 4 get rgb 4 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 5 get rgb 5 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 6 get rgb 6 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 7 get rgb 7 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 0 get}]def
           } if %ifarb=6

ifarb 7 eq {%ifarb=7 R_W
/colors2 [{rgb 8 get rgb 0 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 1 get rgb 1 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 2 get rgb 2 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 3 get rgb 3 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 4 get rgb 4 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 5 get rgb 5 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 6 get rgb 6 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 7 get rgb 7 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}]def
           } if %ifarb=7

ifarb 8 eq {%ifarb=8 G_W
/colors2 [{rgb 0 get rgb 8 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 1 get rgb 8 get rgb 1 get}
          {rgb 2 get rgb 8 get rgb 2 get}
          {rgb 3 get rgb 8 get rgb 3 get}
          {rgb 4 get rgb 8 get rgb 4 get}
          {rgb 5 get rgb 8 get rgb 5 get}
          {rgb 6 get rgb 8 get rgb 6 get}
          {rgb 7 get rgb 8 get rgb 7 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}]def
           } if %ifarb=8

ifarb 9 eq {%ifarb=9 B_W
/colors2 [{rgb 0 get rgb 0 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 1 get rgb 1 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 2 get rgb 2 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 3 get rgb 3 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 4 get rgb 4 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 5 get rgb 5 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 6 get rgb 6 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 7 get rgb 7 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}]def
           } if %ifarb=9

ifarb 10 eq {%ifarb=10 C_W
/colors2 [{rgb 0 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 1 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 2 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 3 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 4 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 5 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 6 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 7 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}]def
           } if %ifarb=10

ifarb 11 eq {%ifarb=11 M_W
/colors2 [{rgb 8 get rgb 0 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 1 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 2 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 3 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 4 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 5 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 6 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 7 get rgb 8 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}]def
           } if %ifarb=11

ifarb 12 eq {%ifarb=12 Y_W
/colors2 [{rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 0 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 1 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 2 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 3 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 4 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 5 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 6 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 7 get}
          {rgb 8 get rgb 8 get rgb 8 get}]def
           } if %ifarb=12

%       W00n   W08n     W16n
%       N00w   N08w     N16w
/ntu3  [(0,00) (0, . .) (1,00)] def
/ntv3  [()     (0,50)   ()    ] def

%       W00n   W04n     W08n     W12n     W16n
%       N00w   N04w     N08w     N12w     N16w
/ntu5  [(0,00) (0, . .) (1,00)   ()       ()    ] def
/ntu5a [()     ()       (0,00)   (0, . .) (1,00)] def
/ntv5  [(0,00) (0,50)   (1,00)   ()       ()    ] def
/ntv5a [()     ()       (0,00)   (0,50)   (1,00)] def

%      W00n  W02n    W04n  W06n    W08n  W10n    W12n  W14n    W16n
%      N00w  N02w    N04w  N06w    N08w  N10w    N12w  N14w    N16w
/ntu9 [(0,00)(0, . .)(1,00)()      (0,00)(0, . .)(1,00)()      ()    ] def 
/ntu9a[()    ()      (0,00)(0, . .)(1,00)()      (0,00)(0, . .)(1,00)] def
/ntv9 [(0,00)(0,50)  (1,00)()      (0,00)(0,50)  (1,00)()      ()    ] def
/ntv9a[()    ()      (0,00)(0,50)  (1,00)()      (0,00)(0,50)  (1,00)] def

/idat3 [0.00 0.50 1.00] def
/idat5 [0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00] def
/idat9 [0.00 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.50 0.625 0.75 0.875 1.00] def
/edat3 3 array def
/edat5 5 array def
/edat9 9 array def
0 1 2 {/icol exch def %icol=0,2
       edat3 icol idat3 icol get expa exp put
      } for %icol=0,2
0 1 4 {/icol exch def %icol=0,4
       edat5 icol idat5 icol get expa exp put
      } for %icol=0,4
0 1 8 {/icol exch def %icol=0,8
       edat9 icol idat9 icol get expa exp put
      } for %icol=0,4

ntv3 1 edat3 1 get edat3 0 get sub
       edat3 2 get edat3 0 get sub div put

ntv5  1 edat5 1 get edat5 0 get sub
        edat5 2 get edat5 0 get sub div put 
ntv5a 3 edat5 3 get edat5 2 get sub
        edat5 4 get edat5 2 get sub div put

ntv9  1 edat9 1 get edat9 0 get sub
        edat9 2 get edat9 0 get sub div put
ntv9a 3 edat9 3 get edat9 2 get sub
        edat9 4 get edat9 2 get sub div put
ntv9  5 edat9 5 get edat9 4 get sub
        edat9 6 get edat9 4 get sub div put
ntv9a 7 edat9 7 get edat9 6 get sub
        edat9 8 get edat9 6 get sub div put 

/y00r 0400 def
/y01r 1900 def
20 setlinewidth
0 1 1 {/l exch def %l=0,1 %small and large square
       l 0 eq {/s 1000 def /sa 200 def /iy0 y00r def}
              {/s 1400 def /sa 000 def /iy0 y01r def} ifelse

0 1 2 {/k exch def %k=0,2 %three series 3,5,9 steps
       k 0 eq {/jd 4 def /ixk x00 def /jm 1 def} if
       k 1 eq {/jd 2 def /ixk x01 def /jm 2 def} if
       k 2 eq {/jd 1 def /ixk x02 def /jm 4 def} if

00 jd 08 {/j exch def %j=0,jd,8
          /jcol j jd idiv def
          /ix0 jcol 1400 mul ixk add sa add def
          pchart 0 eq {colors2 j get exec setrgbcolor
                          ix0 iy0 s s rec fill} if
          pchart 1 eq 
          pchart 2 eq or
          pchart 3 eq or {tfw ix0 iy0 s s rec fill
                          tfn ix0 iy0 s s rec stroke
                          /ix0t jcol 1400 mul ixk add 350 add def
                          /iy0t iy0 200 add 300 add l 1 eq {200 add} if def
                         } if %pchart=1 or 2
          pchart 1 eq        
          pchart 2 eq or {%xchart=2
                       k 0 eq {ix0t iy0t         moveto ntu3  jcol get show} if
                       k 1 eq {ix0t iy0t 200 add moveto ntu5  jcol get show
                               ix0t iy0t 100 sub moveto ntu5a jcol get show} if
                       k 1 eq {pchart 2 ge {ix0t iy0t 400 sub moveto
                                            j 0 eq {(0,00) show} if
                                            j 2 eq
                                            j 4 eq or
                                            j 6 eq or {(0, . .) show} if
                                            j 8 eq {(1,00) show} if
                                           } if
                              } if
                       k 2 eq {ix0t iy0t 200 add moveto ntu9  jcol get show
                               ix0t iy0t 100 sub moveto ntu9a jcol get show} if
                       k 2 eq {pchart 2 eq {%pchart=2
                                            ix0t iy0t 400 sub moveto
                                            j 0 eq {(0,00) show} if
                                            j 8 eq {(1,00) show} if
                                            j 0 gt
                                            j 8 lt and {(0, . .) show} if
                                           } if %pchart=2
                              } if
                      } if %pchart=2
          pchart 3 eq {%xchart=3
                       k 0 eq {%k=0 
                               jcol 0 eq
                               jcol 2 eq or {ix0t iy0t moveto
                                                 ntu3 jcol get show
                                             ix0t iy0t 400 sub moveto
                                                 ntu3 jcol get show} if
                               jcol 1 eq    {ix0t iy0t moveto
                                             tfv ntv3 jcol get cvsshow2g tfn
                                            } if
                               jcol 1 eq    {ix0t iy0t 400 sub moveto tfo
                                             edat3 jcol get cvsshow2g tfn} if
                              } if %k=0
                        k 1 eq {%k=1
                                jcol 0 eq 
                                jcol 2 eq or {ix0t iy0t 200 add moveto
                                                  ntu5 jcol get show} if
                                jcol 1 eq    {ix0t iy0t 200 add moveto tfv
                                              ntv5 jcol get cvsshow2g tfn} if
                                jcol 2 eq
                                jcol 4 eq or {ix0t iy0t 100 sub moveto
                                                  ntv5a  jcol get show} if
                                jcol 3 eq    {ix0t iy0t 100 sub moveto tfv
                                              ntv5a jcol get cvsshow2g tfn} if
                               } if %k=1
                       k 1 eq {
                               ix0t iy0t 400 sub moveto
                               jcol 0 eq {(0,00) show} if
                               jcol 4 eq {(1,00) show} if
                               jcol 0 gt
                               jcol 4 lt and {edat5 jcol get cvsshow2g} if
                              } if
                       k 2 eq {%k=2
                                jcol 0 eq
                                jcol 2 eq or 
                                jcol 4 eq or
                                jcol 6 eq or {ix0t iy0t 200 add moveto
                                                   ntu9 jcol get show} if
                                jcol 1 eq    
                                jcol 5 eq or {ix0t iy0t 200 add moveto tfv
                                              ntv9 jcol get cvsshow2g tfn} if
                                jcol 2 eq
                                jcol 4 eq or
                                jcol 6 eq or 
                                jcol 8 eq or {ix0t iy0t 100 sub moveto
                                                   ntv9a jcol get show} if
                                jcol 3 eq
                                jcol 7 eq or {ix0t iy0t 100 sub moveto tfv
                                              ntv9a jcol get cvsshow2g tfn} if
                              } if
                       k 2 eq {tfn
                               ix0t iy0t 400 sub moveto
                               jcol 0 eq {(0,00) show} if
                               jcol 8 eq {(1,00) show} if
                               jcol 0 gt
                               jcol 8 lt and {edat9 jcol get cvsshow2g} if
                              } if
         } if %pchart=3
         } for %j=0,jd,8

        pchart 0 eq {%pchart=0
%        ifarb 0 eq
%        ifarb 6 eq or {%ifarb=0,6 (W-N,Y-N)
%                       surrou 0 eq {/jcol 2 def} if
%                       surrou 1 eq {/jcol 4 def} if
%                       surrou 2 eq {/jcol 6 def} if 
%                       /ix0 jcol jd div 1400 mul ixk add def
%                       tfw
%                       ix0 iy0 s s rec stroke
%                       } if %ifarb=0,6
%grey surround
        /ix0 jm 1400 mul ixk add sa add def
        l 0 eq {ix0 iy0 s s rec stroke}
               {ix0 iy0       moveto s 0 rlineto stroke
                ix0 iy0 s add moveto s 0 rlineto stroke} ifelse
                    } if %xchart=0 

      } for %k=0,2 %three series 3,5,9 steps

      } for %l=0,1 %small and large square

/xpos 16300 def
/ypos 03600 def

xpos ypos moveto
1 1 0 setrgbcolor
(L*) show
0 -80 rmoveto TBM (TUBLOG,U) show 0 80 rmoveto
( =50 log\050) show
(Y / ) show TBG (5) show 20 0 rmoveto TBIG (Y) show
0 -80 rmoveto TBM (U) show 40 80 rmoveto
(\051 +50, ) show

(Y) show
0 -80 rmoveto TBM (N) show 40 80 rmoveto
(=4, ) show

(Y) show
0 -80 rmoveto TBM (U) show 40 80 rmoveto
(=20, ) show

(Y) show
0 -80 rmoveto TBM (W) show 40 80 rmoveto
(=100) show
