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[/Title (PostScript pictures: farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/eez4/eez4.HTM)
 /Author (compare K. Richter "Computergrafik ...": ISBN 3-8007-1775-1)
 /Subject (goto: http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de)
 /Keywords (image reproduction, colour devices)
 /Creator (klaus.richter@mac.com)
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/setcmyk_olvcolor %transfer cmyk to olv
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72 90 translate

0.010 MM dup scale

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closepath fill
0 setgray
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0 setgray
150  /Times-ISOL1 FS
150 -140 moveto
kchartl 0 eq {(eez40-7a) show}
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20 setlinewidth

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%  xchartl    5 eq { 6150 04480 translate} if
%  xchartl    6 eq {  100 00220 translate} if
%  xchartl    7 eq { 6150 00220 translate} if

0 setgray
150  /Times-ISOL1 FS
050 -140 moveto
kchartl 0 eq {(eez40-) show}
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xchartl 1 add cvishow0
(a) show %a

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25 setlinewidth
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0 0 moveto xwidth     0 rlineto 0 ywidth rlineto
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0 setgray
0 0 moveto xwidth     0 rlineto 0 ywidth rlineto
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%  xchartl    0 eq {  100 neg 04480 neg translate} if
%  xchartl    1 eq { 6150 neg 04480 neg translate} if
%  xchartl    2 eq {  100 neg 00220 neg translate} if
%  xchartl    3 eq { 6150 neg 00220 neg translate} if

%  xchartl    4 eq {  100 neg 04480 neg translate} if
%  xchartl    5 eq { 6150 neg 04480 neg translate} if
%  xchartl    6 eq {  100 neg 00220 neg translate} if
%  xchartl    7 eq { 6150 neg 00220 neg translate} if


} for %xchartl=0,7

