121201: color/colorT.html
Translation of the book Colour and Colour Vision
For this page in German see
Help is searched for the improvement of the present translation and new translations:
Your help in Your mother language for the translation of the English or German original book is
supported by a free book Colour and Colour Vision or Farbe und Farbsehen. For order see
Help needed for the improvement of the present translation and new translations
I seach for help to support a large distribution of the basics about Colour and colour vision.
Any suggestion for the improvement of the text or the translations of the files
in the folders MX52 (X= G, E, S, F, I, J) is welcomed.
Any help for new translations of MXYY (X=S, F, I, J; YY=53-59, 96-99, 50-51) is appreciated.
In addition I will be glad for translations in further european and asian languages for example from English to Russian, to Chinese or to Japanese. In that case the starting files "MJ52" with the text in English are recommended.
Examples for the intended translations of HTML-files MX52 (X=S, F, I, J):
The actual HTML-programming code of the four web pages in the four languages
can be downloaded as HTML-text, see
The correction within an email window (with an editor) may be preferred.
The correction or new translation may take about 30 minutes. Please send the corrected HTML-Text, for example MJ52.TXT
to the email address:
klausrichter@me.com (please not to klaus.richter@mac.com).
The HTML-Text includes and needs the HTML-code of special characters in the different languages,
for example e-acent = é. The PS-text needs for e-acent the code \351 in ISOL1 (ISO-Latin-1),
see the table for HTML- and PS-Codes:
However, every editor may show different characters in the output, see for the correct view:
The editor BBEdit on Macintosh X 10.6 shows the correct interpretation in the tiff-file and the same in the txt-file.
After correction of the HTML-code in one language the file extension .TXT may be changed to .html.
Any web browser (Explorer, Safari, Firefox) views the original or corrected HTML-Code.
So failures may be recognized by the translator. The web picture is not viewed, see below.
Examples for the intended translations of only the PostScript-(PS)-program code MX52 (X=S, F, I, J)
of the 16 colour images on one page. There are files with the text of all (AL) languages and a single (SL) language (X=GESFIJ):
The actual PS-programming code of the image page "MX52" in all languages is in the file:
The actual PS-programming code of the image page "MX52" in a single language is in the files:
Most simple is a correction of the PS-text in the email window (with an editor)
which may take about 30 minutes. Please send the corrected PS-text, for example, for example MJ52IMSL.TXT, to the email address:
klausrichter@me.com (please not to klaus.richter@mac.com).
Production of a new PDF file with 16 colour figures and new text
In some case teachers in the area of colour may like to produce there one PDF file in a new mother language or with different colour terms. In this case the above corrected text must be included in one of the following files:
The actual PDF files are:
The PS-program code can be downloaded as text
One can include a corrected text file MX52IMSL.TXT (X=SFIJ, see above) at the
appropriate lines with equal line code with an editor.
Most simple may be a search of the equal line code, for example MJ520-1, and a correction of the PS-text with any editor. The time for this correction may be about 60 minutes. After a change
of the extention .TXT into .PS for example the software Mac Preview or
Adobe Distiller will produce from the PS file a new PDF file which may be used for teaching in the preferred language.
You may send the corrected PS-programming text to the email address:
klausrichter@me.com (please not to klaus.richter@mac.com).
Additional informationen for translators of the PS text
All language specific PS-texts are in brackets ( ... ) before the PS-operators:
showen, showde, showes, showfr, showit, and showjp.
It is easy to find the PS-operators, for example showfr, with an editor.
The PS-text before showjp is allways in english and can be exchanged for the
translation in further languages.
The text in brackets before the PS-operators:
showxx with xx=de, en, es, fr, it, and jp
is in english and in parts already included in the appropriate language
and can be overwritten.
The PS-text can include already PS-special charaters of the different languages,
for example u-umlaut = \374, or e-acent = \351 according to ISOL1 (ISO-Latin-1).
As future steps the PS-image texts in the 13 PostScript-files
with usually 16 colour figures, and with the names MEYYL0N1.TXT (YY=53-59, 96-99, 50-51)
may be changed by the translator. The links are similar as above.
The electronic CIE-International Lighting Vocabulary (eILV) in englisch
and the intended terms, expected during 2013 in other languages, may be useful, see "eILV" under
For the proof of the correction of the PS-code the file extension
.TXT may be changed by the extension .PS.
The following proofs are possible:
1. For the operating system Macintosh OS X 10 and later versions
a double klick of the PS-file produces a PDF-File and shows the colour image.
2. The copy of the PS-text to a PS-printer produces the colour image.
3. The software Adobe Distiller, Version 3 and later versions, changes the PS-file to a PDF-file,
and the software Adobe Reader shows the colour image belonging to the PDF-file.
In addition I need help for the translation of the book text (about 20 pages),
either from the German or English version,
into the three languages S, F, I and further languages. The following book text in German (DE=D) and English (EN=E)
is prepared for the monitor output with rgb data (mr). It is in the two TXT-files
The coding UTF-8 includes any "umlaut (ü é, ...)" of the different languages. For the english book text the
coding UTF-8 and ASCII is almost the same, except for a few umlauts within the section "references".
In this section any umlaut appears as a question mark (?) within ASCII-coding. Therefore the following file
with the ASCII coding can also be used for the start of the translation.
However, most of the intended languages need different umlauts for coding and therefore the start of the
the translation with the UTF-8 coding seems more appropriate. Email windows usually allow UTF-8 coding and
use soft wrap text (automatic line break within paragraphs).
A raw translation in the web (see freetranslate and others)
and a following correction of a translator with the corresponding
mother language (ES, FR, IT) or another languages and in addition good english knowledge is useful.
My goal is a large distribution of basic knowledge about Colour and colour vision
with appropriate CIE-terms of colour and light.
For the application in technic, design, art, computer grafik and colour image technology
the printed versions of Colour and colour vision in Englisch and German are a nice help.
or go to the home page of the section:
Lighting Technology of the Berlin University of Technology
or go to the home page of this server
Colour Image Technology and Colorimetry.
or go to the home page of the archive BAM server
(2000-2009) on this TU-web site
Colour Image Technology and Colorimetry.