MF50IMAL.TXT (Farbfernsehen) showde %0MK500-1 00000 (colour television) showen %1MK500-1 00001 (televisi\363n en color) showes %3MK500-1 00003 (t\351l\351vision couleur) showfr %2MK500-1 00002 (televisione a colori) showit %4MK500-1 00004 (fargefjernsyn) showno %5MK500-1 00005 (t\351l\351vision couleur) showpt %6MK500-1 00006 (colour television) showx1 %7MK500-1 00007 (colour television) showy1 %8MK500-1 00008 (colour television) showz1 %9MK500-1 00009 E (Mehrfarbendruck) showde %0MK500-1 01000 (multicolour printing) showen %1MK500-1 01001 (impresi\363n multicolor) showes %3MK500-1 01003 (impression polychrome) showfr %2MK500-1 01002 (stampa a colori) showit %4MK500-1 01004 (flerfargetrykk) showno %5MK500-1 01005 (impression polychrome) showpt %6MK500-1 01006 (multicolour printing) showx1 %7MK500-1 01007 (multicolour printing) showy1 %8MK500-1 01008 (multicolour printing) showz1 %9MK500-1 01009 E (Farbfotografie) showde %0MK500-1 02000 (colour photography) showen %1MK500-1 02001 (fotograf\355a en color) showes %3MK500-1 02003 (photographie des couleurs) showfr %2MK500-1 02002 (fotografia a colori) showit %4MK500-1 02004 (fargefotografi) showno %5MK500-1 02005 (photographie des couleurs) showpt %6MK500-1 02006 (colour photography) showx1 %7MK500-1 02007 (colour photography) showy1 %8MK500-1 02008 (colour photography) showz1 %9MK500-1 02009 E (Farbreproductionen von) showde %0MK500-1 03000 (colour reproductions) showen %1MK500-1 03001 (colour reproductions) showes %3MK500-1 03003 (colour reproductions) showfr %2MK500-1 03002 (colour reproductions) showit %4MK500-1 03004 (colour reproductions) showno %5MK500-1 03005 (colour reproductions) showpt %6MK500-1 03006 (colour reproductions) showx1 %7MK500-1 03007 (colour reproductions) showy1 %8MK500-1 03008 (colour reproductions) showz1 %9MK500-1 03009 E (combinaciones de color) showes %3MK500-1 03003 (reproductions en couleur) showfr %2MK500-1 03002 (riproduzioni di colore) showit %4MK500-1 03004 (fargereproduksjoner av) showno %5MK500-1 03005 (reproductions en couleur) showpt %6MK500-1 03006 (colour reproductions) showx1 %7MK500-1 03007 (colour reproductions) showy1 %8MK500-1 03008 (colour reproductions) showz1 %9MK500-1 03009 E (Film in andere Medien:) showde %0MK500-1 04000 (film to other media:) showen %1MK500-1 04001 (film to other media:) showes %3MK500-1 04003 (film to other media:) showfr %2MK500-1 04002 (film to other media:) showit %4MK500-1 04004 (film to other media:) showno %5MK500-1 04005 (film to other media:) showpt %6MK500-1 04006 (film to other media:) showx1 %7MK500-1 04007 (film to other media:) showy1 %8MK500-1 04008 (film to other media:) showz1 %9MK500-1 04009 E (de pel\355cula a otros medios:) showes %3MK500-1 04003 (from film aux autres m\351dias:) showfr %2MK500-1 04002 (combinazioni di colore) showit %4MK500-1 04004 (film til andre media:) showno %5MK500-1 04005 (from film aux autres m\351dias:) showpt %6MK500-1 04006 (film to other media:) showx1 %7MK500-1 04007 (film to other media:) showy1 %8MK500-1 04008 (film to other media:) showz1 %9MK500-1 04009 E (Farbfilm - Fernsehen) showde %0MK500-1 05000 (film - television) showen %1MK500-1 05001 (pel\355cula - televisi\363n) showes %3MK500-1 05003 (film - t\351l\351vision) showfr %2MK500-1 05002 (film - televisione) showit %4MK500-1 05004 (film - fjernsyn) showno %5MK500-1 05005 (film - t\351l\351vision) showpt %6MK500-1 05006 (film - television) showx1 %7MK500-1 05007 (film - television) showy1 %8MK500-1 05008 (film - television) showz1 %9MK500-1 05009 E (Farbfilm-Farbdruck) showde %0MK500-1 06000 (film - printing) showen %1MK500-1 06001 (pel\355cula - impresi\363n) showes %3MK500-1 06003 (film - impression) showfr %2MK500-1 06002 (film - stampa) showit %4MK500-1 06004 (film - trykk) showno %5MK500-1 06005 (film - impression) showpt %6MK500-1 06006 (film - printing) showx1 %7MK500-1 06007 (film - printing) showy1 %8MK500-1 06008 (film - printing) showz1 %9MK500-1 06009 E (Farbfilm - Hardkopie) showde %0MK500-1 07000 (film - hardcopy) showen %1MK500-1 07001 (pel\355cula - hardcopy) showes %3MK500-1 07003 (film - hardcopy) showfr %2MK500-1 07002 (film - copia) showit %4MK500-1 07004 (film - hardkopi) showno %5MK500-1 07005 (film - hardcopy) showpt %6MK500-1 07006 (film - hardcopy) showx1 %7MK500-1 07007 (film - hardcopy) showy1 %8MK500-1 07008 (film - hardcopy) showz1 %9MK500-1 07009 E (Farbgrafik) showde %0MK500-1 08000 (colour graphics) showen %1MK500-1 08001 (color en gr\341ficos) showes %3MK500-1 08003 (graphiques couleurs) showfr %2MK500-1 08002 (grafiche a colori) showit %4MK500-1 08004 (fargegrafikk) showno %5MK500-1 08005 (graphiques couleurs) showpt %6MK500-1 08006 (colour graphics) showx1 %7MK500-1 08007 (colour graphics) showy1 %8MK500-1 08008 (colour graphics) showz1 %9MK500-1 08009 E (Optimierung) showde %0MK500-1 09000 (optimization) showen %1MK500-1 09001 (optimizaci\363n) showes %3MK500-1 09003 (optimisation) showfr %2MK500-1 09002 (ottimizzazione) showit %4MK500-1 09004 (optimering) showno %5MK500-1 09005 (optimisation) showpt %6MK500-1 09006 (optimization) showx1 %7MK500-1 09007 (optimization) showy1 %8MK500-1 09008 (optimization) showz1 %9MK500-1 09009 E (\(Kosten, Qualit\344t\)) showde %0MK500-1 10000 (\(expenses, quality\)) showen %1MK500-1 10001 (\(costes, calidad\)) showes %3MK500-1 10003 (\(co\373ts, qualit\351\)) showfr %2MK500-1 10002 (\(costi, qualit\340\)) showit %4MK500-1 10004 (\(kostnader, kvalitet\)) showno %5MK500-1 10005 (\(co\373ts, qualit\351\)) showpt %6MK500-1 10006 (\(expenses, quality\)) showx1 %7MK500-1 10007 (\(expenses, quality\)) showy1 %8MK500-1 10008 (\(expenses, quality\)) showz1 %9MK500-1 10009 E (Rechentechnik) showde %0MK500-1 11000 (computer technic) showen %1MK500-1 11001 (tecnolog\355a de compu\255) showes %3MK500-1 11003 (informatique) showfr %2MK500-1 11002 (tecnica del computer) showit %4MK500-1 11004 (computerteknikk) showno %5MK500-1 11005 (informatique) showpt %6MK500-1 11006 (computer technic) showx1 %7MK500-1 11007 (computer technic) showy1 %8MK500-1 11008 (computer technic) showz1 %9MK500-1 11009 E (\(Hardware,) showde %0MK500-1 12000 (\(hardware,) showen %1MK500-1 12001 (\(hardware,) showes %3MK500-1 12003 (\(hardware,) showfr %2MK500-1 12002 (\(hardware,) showit %4MK500-1 12004 (\(hardware,) showno %5MK500-1 12005 (\(hardware,) showpt %6MK500-1 12006 (\(hardware,) showx1 %7MK500-1 12007 (\(hardware,) showy1 %8MK500-1 12008 (\(hardware,) showz1 %9MK500-1 12009 E (tadores, ) showes %3MK500-1 12003 (\(hardware,) showes %3MK500-1 12003 (\(hardware,) showfr %2MK500-1 12002 (\(hardware,) showit %4MK500-1 12004 (\(hardware,) showno %5MK500-1 12005 (\(hardware,) showpt %6MK500-1 12006 (\(hardware,) showx1 %7MK500-1 12007 (\(hardware,) showy1 %8MK500-1 12008 (\(hardware,) showz1 %9MK500-1 12009 E (software\)) showde %0MK500-1 13000 (software\)) showen %1MK500-1 13001 (software\)) showes %3MK500-1 13003 (software\)) showfr %2MK500-1 13002 (software\)) showit %4MK500-1 13004 (software\)) showno %5MK500-1 13005 (software\)) showpt %6MK500-1 13006 (software\)) showx1 %7MK500-1 13007 (software\)) showy1 %8MK500-1 13008 (software\)) showz1 %9MK500-1 13009 E (visuelle Eigenschaften) showde %0MK500-1 14000 (visual qualities) showen %1MK500-1 14001 (visuales cualidades) showes %3MK500-1 14003 (qualit\351s visuelles) showfr %2MK500-1 14002 (qualit\340 visive) showit %4MK500-1 14004 (visuelle kvaliteter) showno %5MK500-1 14005 (qualit\351s visuelles) showpt %6MK500-1 14006 (visual qualities) showx1 %7MK500-1 14007 (visual qualities) showy1 %8MK500-1 14008 (visual qualities) showz1 %9MK500-1 14009 E (\(Farbmetrik,) showde %0MK500-1 15000 (\(colour metric,) showen %1MK500-1 15001 (\(m\351trica del color) showes %3MK500-1 15003 (\(colorim\351trie,) showfr %2MK500-1 15002 (\(metriche del colore,) showit %4MK500-1 15004 (\(fargemetrikk,) showno %5MK500-1 15005 (\(colorim\351trie,) showpt %6MK500-1 15006 (\(colour metric,) showx1 %7MK500-1 15007 (\(colour metric,) showy1 %8MK500-1 15008 (\(colour metric,) showz1 %9MK500-1 15009 E (Lichttechnik\)) showde %0MK500-1 16000 (lighting technic\)) showen %1MK500-1 16001 (tecnolog\355a de ilumina\255) showes %3MK500-1 16003 (technologie de lumi\350re\)) showfr %2MK500-1 16002 (tecniche di) showit %4MK500-1 16004 (lysteknologi\)) showno %5MK500-1 16005 (technologie de lumi\350re\)) showpt %6MK500-1 16006 (lighting technic\)) showx1 %7MK500-1 16007 (lighting technic\)) showy1 %8MK500-1 16008 (lighting technic\)) showz1 %9MK500-1 16009 E () showde %0MK500-1 17000 () showen %1MK500-1 17001 (ci\363n\)) showes %3MK500-1 17003 () showfr %2MK500-1 17002 (illuminazione\)) showit %4MK500-1 17004 () showno %5MK500-1 17005 () showpt %6MK500-1 17006 () showx1 %7MK500-1 17007 () showy1 %8MK500-1 17008 () showz1 %9MK500-1 17009 E (visuelle) showde %0MK500-3 00000 (visual) showen %1MK500-3 00001 (imagen) showes %3MK500-3 00003 (attributs) showfr %2MK500-3 00002 (immagine) showit %4MK500-3 00004 (visuelle) showno %5MK500-3 00005 (attributs) showpt %6MK500-3 00006 (visual) showx1 %7MK500-3 00007 (visual) showy1 %8MK500-3 00008 (visual) showz1 %9MK500-3 00009 E (Eigenschaften:) showde %0MK500-3 01000 (properties:) showen %1MK500-3 01001 (propiedades:) showes %3MK500-3 01003 (visuel:) showfr %2MK500-3 01002 (propriet\340:) showit %4MK500-3 01004 (egenskaper:) showno %5MK500-3 01005 (visuel:) showpt %6MK500-3 01006 (properties:) showx1 %7MK500-3 01007 (properties:) showy1 %8MK500-3 01008 (properties:) showz1 %9MK500-3 01009 E (Farbe und) showde %0MK500-3 02000 (color and) showen %1MK500-3 02001 (color y) showes %3MK500-3 02003 (couleur et) showfr %2MK500-3 02002 (colore e) showit %4MK500-3 02004 (farge og) showno %5MK500-3 02005 (couleur et) showpt %6MK500-3 02006 (color and) showx1 %7MK500-3 02007 (color and) showy1 %8MK500-3 02008 (color and) showz1 %9MK500-3 02009 E (Farbsehen:) showde %0MK500-3 03000 (color vision:) showen %1MK500-3 03001 (visi\363n en color:) showes %3MK500-3 03003 (vision de couleur:) showfr %2MK500-3 03002 (visione di colore:) showit %4MK500-3 03004 (fargesyn:) showno %5MK500-3 03005 (vision de couleur:) showpt %6MK500-3 03006 (color vision:) showx1 %7MK500-3 03007 (color vision:) showy1 %8MK500-3 03008 (color vision:) showz1 %9MK500-3 03009 E (Farbordnung) showde %0MK500-3 04000 (color order) showen %1MK500-3 04001 (la orden de color) showes %3MK500-3 04003 (ordre de couleur) showfr %2MK500-3 04002 (ordine di colore) showit %4MK500-3 04004 (fargeordning) showno %5MK500-3 04005 (ordre de couleur) showpt %6MK500-3 04006 (color order) showx1 %7MK500-3 04007 (color order) showy1 %8MK500-3 04008 (color order) showz1 %9MK500-3 04009 E (Farbmerkmale) showde %0MK500-3 05000 (color attributes) showen %1MK500-3 05001 (atributos de color) showes %3MK500-3 05003 (attributs de couleur) showfr %2MK500-3 05002 (gli attributi di colore) showit %4MK500-3 05004 (fargekjennetegn) showno %5MK500-3 05005 (attributs de couleur) showpt %6MK500-3 05006 (color attributes) showx1 %7MK500-3 05007 (color attributes) showy1 %8MK500-3 05008 (color attributes) showz1 %9MK500-3 05009 E (Farbstufung) showde %0MK500-3 06000 (color scaling) showen %1MK500-3 06001 (color que escala) showes %3MK500-3 06003 (couleur qui gradue) showfr %2MK500-3 06002 (colore che scala) showit %4MK500-3 06004 (fargeskalering) showno %5MK500-3 06005 (couleur qui gradue) showpt %6MK500-3 06006 (color scaling) showx1 %7MK500-3 06007 (color scaling) showy1 %8MK500-3 06008 (color scaling) showz1 %9MK500-3 06009 E (Farbmessung) showde %0MK500-3 07000 (measurement) showen %1MK500-3 07001 (medida) showes %3MK500-3 07003 (mesure) showfr %2MK500-3 07002 (misura) showit %4MK500-3 07004 (fargem\345ling) showno %5MK500-3 07005 (mesure) showpt %6MK500-3 07006 (measurement) showx1 %7MK500-3 07007 (measurement) showy1 %8MK500-3 07008 (measurement) showz1 %9MK500-3 07009 E (Farbwiedergabe) showde %0MK500-3 08000 (color reproduction) showen %1MK500-3 08001 (reproducci\363n en color) showes %3MK500-3 08003 (reproduction couleur) showfr %2MK500-3 08002 (riproduzione di colore) showit %4MK500-3 08004 (fargereproduksjon ) showno %5MK500-3 08005 (reproduction couleur) showpt %6MK500-3 08006 (color reproduction) showx1 %7MK500-3 08007 (color reproduction) showy1 %8MK500-3 08008 (color reproduction) showz1 %9MK500-3 08009 E (Optimierung mit:) showde %0MK500-3 09000 (optimization with:) showen %1MK500-3 09001 (optimizaci\363n con:) showes %3MK500-3 09003 (optimisation avec:) showfr %2MK500-3 09002 (ottimizzazione con:) showit %4MK500-3 09004 (optimering med:) showno %5MK500-3 09005 (optimisation avec:) showpt %6MK500-3 09006 (optimization with:) showx1 %7MK500-3 09007 (optimization with:) showy1 %8MK500-3 09008 (optimization with:) showz1 %9MK500-3 09009 E (CIE\255Farbmessung und) showde %0MK500-3 10000 (CIE\255color measurement) showen %1MK500-3 10001 (CIE\255color la medida) showes %3MK500-3 10003 (CIE\255color mesure) showfr %2MK500-3 10002 (CIE\255color misura) showit %4MK500-3 10004 (CIE\255fargem\345ling) showno %5MK500-3 10005 (CIE\255color mesure) showpt %6MK500-3 10006 (CIE\255color measurement) showx1 %7MK500-3 10007 (CIE\255color measurement) showy1 %8MK500-3 10008 (CIE\255color measurement) showz1 %9MK500-3 10009 E (CIE\255Farbkoordinaten) showde %0MK500-3 11000 (CIE\255color coordinates) showen %1MK500-3 11001 (CIE\255color la coordenadas) showes %3MK500-3 11003 (CIE\255color coordonn\351es) showfr %2MK500-3 11002 (CIE\255color coordinate) showit %4MK500-3 11004 (CIE\255fargekoordinater) showno %5MK500-3 11005 (CIE\255color coordonn\351es) showpt %6MK500-3 11006 (CIE\255color coordinates) showx1 %7MK500-3 11007 (CIE\255color coordinates) showy1 %8MK500-3 11008 (CIE\255color coordinates) showz1 %9MK500-3 11009 E (technische) showde %0MK500-3 12000 (technical) showen %1MK500-3 12001 (t\351cnico) showes %3MK500-3 12003 (attributs) showfr %2MK500-3 12002 (tecnico) showit %4MK500-3 12004 (tekniske) showno %5MK500-3 12005 (attributs) showpt %6MK500-3 12006 (technical) showx1 %7MK500-3 12007 (technical) showy1 %8MK500-3 12008 (technical) showz1 %9MK500-3 12009 E (Eigenschaften:) showde %0MK500-3 13000 (properties:) showen %1MK500-3 13001 (propiedades:) showes %3MK500-3 13003 (technique:) showfr %2MK500-3 13002 (propriet\340:) showit %4MK500-3 13004 (egenskaper:) showno %5MK500-3 13005 (technique:) showpt %6MK500-3 13006 (properties:) showx1 %7MK500-3 13007 (properties:) showy1 %8MK500-3 13008 (properties:) showz1 %9MK500-3 13009 E (Farbreproduktions\255) showde %0MK500-3 14000 (color reproduction) showen %1MK500-3 14001 (reproduction procesa) showes %3MK500-3 14003 (processus de repro\255) showfr %2MK500-3 14002 (reproduc di colore\255) showit %4MK500-3 14004 (fargereproduksjons\255) showno %5MK500-3 14005 (processus de repro\255) showpt %6MK500-3 14006 (color reproduction) showx1 %7MK500-3 14007 (color reproduction) showy1 %8MK500-3 14008 (color reproduction) showz1 %9MK500-3 14009 E (prozesse:) showde %0MK500-3 15000 (processes:) showen %1MK500-3 15001 (en color:) showes %3MK500-3 15003 (duction couleur\255:) showfr %2MK500-3 15002 (tion elabora:) showit %4MK500-3 15004 (prosesser:) showno %5MK500-3 15005 (duction couleur\255:) showpt %6MK500-3 15006 (processes:) showx1 %7MK500-3 15007 (processes:) showy1 %8MK500-3 15008 (processes:) showz1 %9MK500-3 15009 E (Farbfernsehen) showde %0MK500-3 16000 (color television) showen %1MK500-3 16001 (televisi\363n en color) showes %3MK500-3 16003 (t\351l\351vision couleur) showfr %2MK500-3 16002 (televisore a colori) showit %4MK500-3 16004 (fargefjernsyn) showno %5MK500-3 16005 (t\351l\351vision couleur) showpt %6MK500-3 16006 (color television) showx1 %7MK500-3 16007 (color television) showy1 %8MK500-3 16008 (color television) showz1 %9MK500-3 16009 E (Farbfotografie) showde %0MK500-3 17000 (color photography) showen %1MK500-3 17001 (fotograf\355a en color) showes %3MK500-3 17003 (photographie couleur) showfr %2MK500-3 17002 (fotografia a colori) showit %4MK500-3 17004 (fargefotografi) showno %5MK500-3 17005 (photographie couleur) showpt %6MK500-3 17006 (color photography) showx1 %7MK500-3 17007 (color photography) showy1 %8MK500-3 17008 (color photography) showz1 %9MK500-3 17009 E (Mehrfarbendruck) showde %0MK500-3 18000 (multicolor printing) showen %1MK500-3 18001 (impresi\363n multicolor) showes %3MK500-3 18003 (impression multicolore) showfr %2MK500-3 18002 (stampa multicolore) showit %4MK500-3 18004 (flerfargetrykk) showno %5MK500-3 18005 (impression multicolore) showpt %6MK500-3 18006 (multicolor printing) showx1 %7MK500-3 18007 (multicolor printing) showy1 %8MK500-3 18008 (multicolor printing) showz1 %9MK500-3 18009 E (Drei Ziele:) showde %0MK500-5 00000 (three aims:) showen %1MK500-5 00001 (tres objetivos:) showes %3MK500-5 00003 (trois buts:) showfr %2MK500-5 00002 (tre scopi:) showit %4MK500-5 00004 (tre m\345l:) showno %5MK500-5 00005 (trois buts:) showpt %6MK500-5 00006 (three aims:) showx1 %7MK500-5 00007 (three aims:) showy1 %8MK500-5 00008 (three aims:) showz1 %9MK500-5 00009 E (Pr\374fung) showde %0MK500-5 01000 (testing) showen %1MK500-5 01001 (probando) showes %3MK500-5 01003 (test) showfr %2MK500-5 01002 (testando) showit %4MK500-5 01004 (testing) showno %5MK500-5 01005 (test) showpt %6MK500-5 01006 (testing) showx1 %7MK500-5 01007 (testing) showy1 %8MK500-5 01008 (testing) showz1 %9MK500-5 01009 E (Forschung und) showde %0MK500-5 02000 (research and) showen %1MK500-5 02001 (investigaci\363n y) showes %3MK500-5 02003 (recherche et) showfr %2MK500-5 02002 (ricerca e) showit %4MK500-5 02004 (forskning og) showno %5MK500-5 02005 (recherche et) showpt %6MK500-5 02006 (research and) showx1 %7MK500-5 02007 (research and) showy1 %8MK500-5 02008 (research and) showz1 %9MK500-5 02009 E (Entwicklung) showde %0MK500-5 03000 (development) showen %1MK500-5 03001 (el desarrollo) showes %3MK500-5 03003 (d\351veloppement) showfr %2MK500-5 03002 (sviluppo) showit %4MK500-5 03004 (utvikling) showno %5MK500-5 03005 (d\351veloppement) showpt %6MK500-5 03006 (development) showx1 %7MK500-5 03007 (development) showy1 %8MK500-5 03008 (development) showz1 %9MK500-5 03009 E (Beratung und) showde %0MK500-5 04000 (advice and) showen %1MK500-5 04001 (el consejo y) showes %3MK500-5 04003 (conseil et) showfr %2MK500-5 04002 (consulenza e) showit %4MK500-5 04004 (r\345dgiving og) showno %5MK500-5 04005 (conseil et) showpt %6MK500-5 04006 (advice and) showx1 %7MK500-5 04007 (advice and) showy1 %8MK500-5 04008 (advice and) showz1 %9MK500-5 04009 E (Information) showde %0MK500-5 05000 (information) showen %1MK500-5 05001 (informaci\363n) showes %3MK500-5 05003 (informations) showfr %2MK500-5 05002 (informazioni) showit %4MK500-5 05004 (informasjon) showno %5MK500-5 05005 (informations) showpt %6MK500-5 05006 (information) showx1 %7MK500-5 05007 (information) showy1 %8MK500-5 05008 (information) showz1 %9MK500-5 05009 E (BAM\255Laboratorium:) showde %0MK500-5 06000 (BAM laboratory:) showen %1MK500-5 06001 (el laboratorio de BAM:) showes %3MK500-5 06003 (laboratoire de BAM:) showfr %2MK500-5 06002 (laboratorio di BAM:) showit %4MK500-5 06004 (BAM laboratorium:) showno %5MK500-5 06005 (laboratoire de BAM:) showpt %6MK500-5 06006 (BAM laboratory:) showx1 %7MK500-5 06007 (BAM laboratory:) showy1 %8MK500-5 06008 (BAM laboratory:) showz1 %9MK500-5 06009 E ( Farbwiedergabe) showde %0MK500-5 07000 (color reproduction) showen %1MK500-5 07001 (reproducci\363n en color) showes %3MK500-5 07003 (reproduction couleur) showfr %2MK500-5 07002 (riproduzione di colore) showit %4MK500-5 07004 (fargereproduksjon) showno %5MK500-5 07005 (reproduction couleur) showpt %6MK500-5 07006 (color reproduction) showx1 %7MK500-5 07007 (color reproduction) showy1 %8MK500-5 07008 (color reproduction) showz1 %9MK500-5 07009 E (Kennzeichnung und) showde %0MK500-5 08000 (specification and) showen %1MK500-5 08001 (especificaci\363n y) showes %3MK500-5 08003 (sp\351cification et) showfr %2MK500-5 08002 (descrizione e) showit %4MK500-5 08004 (spesifikasjon og) showno %5MK500-5 08005 (sp\351cification et) showpt %6MK500-5 08006 (specification and) showx1 %7MK500-5 08007 (specification and) showy1 %8MK500-5 08008 (specification and) showz1 %9MK500-5 08009 E (Beurteilung der) showde %0MK500-5 09000 (judgement of) showen %1MK500-5 09001 (juicio de) showes %3MK500-5 09003 (jugement de la qualit\351) showfr %2MK500-5 09002 (giudizio di) showit %4MK500-5 09004 (vurdering av farge\255) showno %5MK500-5 09005 (jugement de la qualit\351) showpt %6MK500-5 09006 (judgement of) showx1 %7MK500-5 09007 (judgement of) showy1 %8MK500-5 09008 (judgement of) showz1 %9MK500-5 09009 E (Farbwiedergabe\255Qualit\344t) showde %0MK500-5 10000 (color rendering\255quality) showen %1MK500-5 10001 (en el color ) showes %3MK500-5 10003 (de la reproduction couleur) showfr %2MK500-5 10002 (colore rendering\255quality) showit %4MK500-5 10004 (gjengivelses\255kvalitet) showno %5MK500-5 10005 (de la reproduction couleur) showpt %6MK500-5 10006 (color rendering\255quality) showx1 %7MK500-5 10007 (color rendering\255quality) showy1 %8MK500-5 10008 (color rendering\255quality) showz1 %9MK500-5 10009 E (Simulation der) showde %0MK500-5 11000 (simulation of) showen %1MK500-5 11001 (simulaci\363n de) showes %3MK500-5 11003 (simulation de) showfr %2MK500-5 11002 (simulazione di) showit %4MK500-5 11004 (simulering av) showno %5MK500-5 11005 (simulation de) showpt %6MK500-5 11006 (simulation of) showx1 %7MK500-5 11007 (simulation of) showy1 %8MK500-5 11008 (simulation of) showz1 %9MK500-5 11009 E (Reproduktion) showde %0MK500-5 12000 (reproduction) showen %1MK500-5 12001 (simulaciones) showes %3MK500-5 12003 (reproduction) showfr %2MK500-5 12002 (riproduzione) showit %4MK500-5 12004 (reproduksjon) showno %5MK500-5 12005 (reproduction) showpt %6MK500-5 12006 (reproduction) showx1 %7MK500-5 12007 (reproduction) showy1 %8MK500-5 12008 (reproduction) showz1 %9MK500-5 12009 E (Farboriginal ->) showde %0MK500-5 13000 (color original ->) showen %1MK500-5 13001 (original en color ->) showes %3MK500-5 13003 (original en couleur ->) showfr %2MK500-5 13002 (originale di colore ->) showit %4MK500-5 13004 (fargeoriginal ->) showno %5MK500-5 13005 (original en couleur ->) showpt %6MK500-5 13006 (color original ->) showx1 %7MK500-5 13007 (color original ->) showy1 %8MK500-5 13008 (color original ->) showz1 %9MK500-5 13009 E (Farbfilm) showde %0MK500-5 14000 (color film) showen %1MK500-5 14001 (pel\355cula de color) showes %3MK500-5 14003 (film couleur) showfr %2MK500-5 14002 (pellicola a colori) showit %4MK500-5 14004 (fargefilm) showno %5MK500-5 14005 (film couleur) showpt %6MK500-5 14006 (color film) showx1 %7MK500-5 14007 (color film) showy1 %8MK500-5 14008 (color film) showz1 %9MK500-5 14009 E (Farbfilm ->) showde %0MK500-5 15000 (color film ->) showen %1MK500-5 15001 (pel\355cula de color ->) showes %3MK500-5 15003 (film couleur ->) showfr %2MK500-5 15002 (pellicola a colori ->) showit %4MK500-5 15004 (fargefilm ->) showno %5MK500-5 15005 (film couleur ->) showpt %6MK500-5 15006 (color film ->) showx1 %7MK500-5 15007 (color film ->) showy1 %8MK500-5 15008 (color film ->) showz1 %9MK500-5 15009 E (Farbdruck) showde %0MK500-5 16000 (color printing) showen %1MK500-5 16001 (color que imprime) showes %3MK500-5 16003 (impression couleur) showfr %2MK500-5 16002 (colore che stampa) showit %4MK500-5 16004 (fargetrykk) showno %5MK500-5 16005 (impression couleur) showpt %6MK500-5 16006 (color printing) showx1 %7MK500-5 16007 (color printing) showy1 %8MK500-5 16008 (color printing) showz1 %9MK500-5 16009 E (Farboriginal ->) showde %0MK500-5 17000 (color original ->) showen %1MK500-5 17001 (original en color ->) showes %3MK500-5 17003 (original en couleur ->) showfr %2MK500-5 17002 (originale di colore ->) showit %4MK500-5 17004 (fargeoriginal ->) showno %5MK500-5 17005 (original en couleur ->) showpt %6MK500-5 17006 (color original ->) showx1 %7MK500-5 17007 (color original ->) showy1 %8MK500-5 17008 (color original ->) showz1 %9MK500-5 17009 E (Farbdruck) showde %0MK500-5 18000 (color printing) showen %1MK500-5 18001 (color que imprime) showes %3MK500-5 18003 (impression couleur) showfr %2MK500-5 18002 (colore che stampa) showit %4MK500-5 18004 (fargetrykk) showno %5MK500-5 18005 (impression couleur) showpt %6MK500-5 18006 (color printing) showx1 %7MK500-5 18007 (color printing) showy1 %8MK500-5 18008 (color printing) showz1 %9MK500-5 18009 E (Einflu\337parameter auf) showde %0MK500-7 00000 (influence parameters) showen %1MK500-7 00001 (par\341metros de influencia) showes %3MK500-7 00003 (param\350tres d'influence) showfr %2MK500-7 00002 (parametri di influenza) showit %4MK500-7 00004 (parametre som influerer) showno %5MK500-7 00005 (param\350tres d'influence) showpt %6MK500-7 00006 (influence parameters) showx1 %7MK500-7 00007 (influence parameters) showy1 %8MK500-7 00008 (influence parameters) showz1 %9MK500-7 00009 E (die Farbwiedergabe\255) showde %0MK500-7 01000 (on color reproduction) showen %1MK500-7 01001 (en la reproducci\363n en color) showes %3MK500-7 01003 (sur reproduction en couleur) showfr %2MK500-7 01002 (sulla riproduzione di colore) showit %4MK500-7 01004 (p\345 fargereproduksjons\255) showno %5MK500-7 01005 (sur reproduction en couleur) showpt %6MK500-7 01006 (on color reproduction) showx1 %7MK500-7 01007 (on color reproduction) showy1 %8MK500-7 01008 (on color reproduction) showz1 %9MK500-7 01009 E (Qualit\344t der) showde %0MK500-7 02000 (quality of the) showen %1MK500-7 02001 (calidad del) showes %3MK500-7 02003 (qualit\351 du rang) showfr %2MK500-7 02002 (qualit\340 del) showit %4MK500-7 02004 (kvaliteten i) showno %5MK500-7 02005 (qualit\351 du rang) showpt %6MK500-7 02006 (quality of the) showx1 %7MK500-7 02007 (quality of the) showy1 %8MK500-7 02008 (quality of the) showz1 %9MK500-7 02009 E (Reproduktionskette:) showde %0MK500-7 03000 (reproduction row:) showen %1MK500-7 03001 (fila de reproducci\363n:) showes %3MK500-7 03003 (de reproduction:) showfr %2MK500-7 03002 (fila di riproduzione:) showit %4MK500-7 03004 (reproduksjonskjeden:) showno %5MK500-7 03005 (de reproduction:) showpt %6MK500-7 03006 (reproduction row:) showx1 %7MK500-7 03007 (reproduction row:) showy1 %8MK500-7 03008 (reproduction row:) showz1 %9MK500-7 03009 E (Farboriginal ->) showde %0MK500-7 04000 (color original ->) showen %1MK500-7 04001 (original en color ->) showes %3MK500-7 04003 (original en couleur ->) showfr %2MK500-7 04002 (originale di colore ->) showit %4MK500-7 04004 (fargeoriginal ->) showno %5MK500-7 04005 (original en couleur ->) showpt %6MK500-7 04006 (color original ->) showx1 %7MK500-7 04007 (color original ->) showy1 %8MK500-7 04008 (color original ->) showz1 %9MK500-7 04009 E (Farbfilmmaterial) showde %0MK500-7 05000 (color film) showen %1MK500-7 05001 (pel\355cula de color) showes %3MK500-7 05003 (film couleur) showfr %2MK500-7 05002 (pellicola a colori) showit %4MK500-7 05004 (fargefilm) showno %5MK500-7 05005 (film couleur) showpt %6MK500-7 05006 (color film) showx1 %7MK500-7 05007 (color film) showy1 %8MK500-7 05008 (color film) showz1 %9MK500-7 05009 E (\(Test\255\)Farboriginal und Beleuchtung) showde %0MK500-7 06000 (\(test\255\)color original and illumination) showen %1MK500-7 06001 (\(test\255\)color original e iluminaci\363n) showes %3MK500-7 06003 (\(test\255\)original en couleur et illumination) showfr %2MK500-7 06002 (\(test\255\)color l'originale e l'illuminazione) showit %4MK500-7 06004 (\(test\255\)fargeoriginal og belysning) showno %5MK500-7 06005 (\(test\255\)original en couleur et illumination) showpt %6MK500-7 06006 (\(test\255\)color original and illumination) showx1 %7MK500-7 06007 (\(test\255\)color original and illumination) showy1 %8MK500-7 06008 (\(test\255\)color original and illumination) showz1 %9MK500-7 06009 E (Kamera, Aufnahmefilter, Belichtung) showde %0MK500-7 07000 (camera, taking filters, exposure) showen %1MK500-7 07001 (c\341mara, tomando filtros, la exposici\363n) showes %3MK500-7 07003 (appareil photo, filtres, exposition) showfr %2MK500-7 07002 (fotografica, portando dei filtri, l'esposizione) showit %4MK500-7 07004 (kamera, opptaksfiltre, belysning) showno %5MK500-7 07005 (appareil photo, filtres, exposition) showpt %6MK500-7 07006 (camera, taking filters, exposure) showx1 %7MK500-7 07007 (camera, taking filters, exposure) showy1 %8MK500-7 07008 (camera, taking filters, exposure) showz1 %9MK500-7 07009 E (Filmmaterial und Entwicklung) showde %0MK500-7 08000 (film material and development) showen %1MK500-7 08001 (material y desarrollo cinematogr\341ficos) showes %3MK500-7 08003 (mat\351riel de film et d\351veloppement) showfr %2MK500-7 08002 (materiale di film e lo sviluppo) showit %4MK500-7 08004 (filmmateriell og fremkalling) showno %5MK500-7 08005 (mat\351riel de film et d\351veloppement) showpt %6MK500-7 08006 (film material and development) showx1 %7MK500-7 08007 (film material and development) showy1 %8MK500-7 08008 (film material and development) showz1 %9MK500-7 08009 E (Weiterbehandlung und Projektion) showde %0MK500-7 09000 (further treatment and projection) showen %1MK500-7 09001 (tratamiento y proyecci\363n adicionales) showes %3MK500-7 09003 (traitement plus ample et projection) showfr %2MK500-7 09002 (trattamento ulteriori e la proiezione) showit %4MK500-7 09004 (viderebehandling og projeksjon) showno %5MK500-7 09005 (traitement plus ample et projection) showpt %6MK500-7 09006 (further treatment and projection) showx1 %7MK500-7 09007 (further treatment and projection) showy1 %8MK500-7 09008 (further treatment and projection) showz1 %9MK500-7 09009 E (\(spektrale Reflexion und Strahlung\)) showde %0MK500-7 10000 (\(spectral reflection and radiation\)) showen %1MK500-7 10001 (\(spectral reflejo y radiaci\363n\)) showes %3MK500-7 10003 (\(reflet spectral et rayonnement\)) showfr %2MK500-7 10002 (\(spectral la riflessione e la radiazione\)) showit %4MK500-7 10004 (\(spektral refleksjon og str\345ling\)) showno %5MK500-7 10005 (\(reflet spectral et rayonnement\)) showpt %6MK500-7 10006 (\(spectral reflection and radiation\)) showx1 %7MK500-7 10007 (\(spectral reflection and radiation\)) showy1 %8MK500-7 10008 (\(spectral reflection and radiation\)) showz1 %9MK500-7 10009 E (\(spektrale Reflexion und Strahlung\)) showde %0MK500-7 11000 (\(spectral reflection and radiation\)) showen %1MK500-7 11001 (\(spectral reflejo y radiaci\363n\)) showes %3MK500-7 11003 (\(reflet spectral et rayonnement\)) showfr %2MK500-7 11002 (\(spectral la riflessione e la radiazione\)) showit %4MK500-7 11004 (\(spektral refleksjon og str\345ling\)) showno %5MK500-7 11005 (\(reflet spectral et rayonnement\)) showpt %6MK500-7 11006 (\(spectral reflection and radiation\)) showx1 %7MK500-7 11007 (\(spectral reflection and radiation\)) showy1 %8MK500-7 11008 (\(spectral reflection and radiation\)) showz1 %9MK500-7 11009 E (\(spektrale und absolute Empfindlichkeit\)) showde %0MK500-7 12000 (\(spectral and absolute sensitivity\)) showen %1MK500-7 12001 (\(spectral y la sensibilidad absoluta\)) showes %3MK500-7 12003 (\(sensibilit\351 spectral et absolue\)) showfr %2MK500-7 12002 (\(spectral e la sensibilit\340 assoluta\)) showit %4MK500-7 12004 (\(spektral og absolutt f\370lsomhet\)) showno %5MK500-7 12005 (\(sensibilit\351 spectral et absolue\)) showpt %6MK500-7 12006 (\(spectral and absolute sensitivity\)) showx1 %7MK500-7 12007 (\(spectral and absolute sensitivity\)) showy1 %8MK500-7 12008 (\(spectral and absolute sensitivity\)) showz1 %9MK500-7 12009 E (\(Rahmung, spektrale Strahlung\)) showde %0MK500-7 13000 (\(framing, spectral radiation\)) showen %1MK500-7 13001 (\(framing, radiaci\363n espectral\)) showes %3MK500-7 13003 (\(framing, rayonnement spectral\)) showfr %2MK500-7 13002 (\(framing, la radiazione spettrale\)) showit %4MK500-7 13004 (\(innramning, spektral str\345ling\)) showno %5MK500-7 13005 (\(framing, rayonnement spectral\)) showpt %6MK500-7 13006 (\(framing, spectral radiation\)) showx1 %7MK500-7 13007 (\(framing, spectral radiation\)) showy1 %8MK500-7 13008 (\(framing, spectral radiation\)) showz1 %9MK500-7 13009 E (Einflu\337parameter auf) showde %0MK501-1 00000 (influence parameters) showen %1MK501-1 00001 (par\341metros de influencia) showes %3MK501-1 00003 (param\350tres d'influence) showfr %2MK501-1 00002 (parametri di influenza) showit %4MK501-1 00004 (parametre som influerer) showno %5MK501-1 00005 (param\350tres d'influence) showpt %6MK501-1 00006 (influence parameters) showx1 %7MK501-1 00007 (influence parameters) showy1 %8MK501-1 00008 (influence parameters) showz1 %9MK501-1 00009 E (die Farbwiedergabe\255) showde %0MK501-1 01000 (on color reproduction) showen %1MK501-1 01001 (en la reproducci\363n en color) showes %3MK501-1 01003 (sur reproduction en couleur) showfr %2MK501-1 01002 (sulla riproduzione di colore) showit %4MK501-1 01004 (p\345 fargereproduksjons\255) showno %5MK501-1 01005 (sur reproduction en couleur) showpt %6MK501-1 01006 (on color reproduction) showx1 %7MK501-1 01007 (on color reproduction) showy1 %8MK501-1 01008 (on color reproduction) showz1 %9MK501-1 01009 E (Qualit\344t der) showde %0MK501-1 02000 (quality of the) showen %1MK501-1 02001 (calidad del fila) showes %3MK501-1 02003 (qualit\351 du rang) showfr %2MK501-1 02002 (qualit\340 del fila) showit %4MK501-1 02004 (kvaliteten i) showno %5MK501-1 02005 (qualit\351 du rang) showpt %6MK501-1 02006 (quality of the) showx1 %7MK501-1 02007 (quality of the) showy1 %8MK501-1 02008 (quality of the) showz1 %9MK501-1 02009 E (Reproduktionskette:) showde %0MK501-1 03000 (reproduction row:) showen %1MK501-1 03001 (de reproducci\363n:) showes %3MK501-1 03003 (de reproduction:) showfr %2MK501-1 03002 (di riproduzione:) showit %4MK501-1 03004 (reproduksjonskjeden:) showno %5MK501-1 03005 (de reproduction:) showpt %6MK501-1 03006 (reproduction row:) showx1 %7MK501-1 03007 (reproduction row:) showy1 %8MK501-1 03008 (reproduction row:) showz1 %9MK501-1 03009 E (Farboriginal ->) showde %0MK501-1 04000 (color original ->) showen %1MK501-1 04001 (original en color ->) showes %3MK501-1 04003 (original en couleur ->) showfr %2MK501-1 04002 (originale di colore ->) showit %4MK501-1 04004 (fargeoriginal ->) showno %5MK501-1 04005 (original en couleur ->) showpt %6MK501-1 04006 (color original ->) showx1 %7MK501-1 04007 (color original ->) showy1 %8MK501-1 04008 (color original ->) showz1 %9MK501-1 04009 E (Mehrfarbendruck) showde %0MK501-1 05000 (multicolor printing) showen %1MK501-1 05001 (impresi\363n multicolor) showes %3MK501-1 05003 (impression multicolore) showfr %2MK501-1 05002 (stampa multicolore) showit %4MK501-1 05004 (flerfargetrykk) showno %5MK501-1 05005 (impression multicolore) showpt %6MK501-1 05006 (multicolor printing) showx1 %7MK501-1 05007 (multicolor printing) showy1 %8MK501-1 05008 (multicolor printing) showz1 %9MK501-1 05009 E (Farbfilmvorlage und Beleuchtung) showde %0MK501-1 06000 (color film original and illumination) showen %1MK501-1 06001 (original e iluminaci\363n cinematogr\341ficas) showes %3MK501-1 06003 (original de film couleur et illumination) showfr %2MK501-1 06002 (originale pellicola a colori e illuminazione) showit %4MK501-1 06004 (fargefilmoriginal og belysning) showno %5MK501-1 06005 (original de film couleur et illumination) showpt %6MK501-1 06006 (color film original and illumination) showx1 %7MK501-1 06007 (color film original and illumination) showy1 %8MK501-1 06008 (color film original and illumination) showz1 %9MK501-1 06009 E (Farb\255Abtastsignal\255Erzeugung) showde %0MK501-1 07000 (production of color scan signal) showen %1MK501-1 07001 (producci\363n de se\361al esc\341ner en color) showes %3MK501-1 07003 (production de signale scanner en couleur) showfr %2MK501-1 07002 (produzione segnale di scansione di colore) showit %4MK501-1 07004 (produksjon av fargescannings\255signal) showno %5MK501-1 07005 (production de signale scanner en couleur) showpt %6MK501-1 07006 (production of color scan signal) showx1 %7MK501-1 07007 (production of color scan signal) showy1 %8MK501-1 07008 (production of color scan signal) showz1 %9MK501-1 07009 E (Farb\255Abtastsignal\255Verarbeitung) showde %0MK501-1 08000 (processing of color scan signal) showen %1MK501-1 08001 (procesando de se\361al esc\341ner en color) showes %3MK501-1 08003 (traitant de signale scanner en couleur) showfr %2MK501-1 08002 (elaborando segnale di scansione di colore) showit %4MK501-1 08004 (bearbeidelse av fargescannings\255signal) showno %5MK501-1 08005 (traitant de signale scanner en couleur) showpt %6MK501-1 08006 (processing of color scan signal) showx1 %7MK501-1 08007 (processing of color scan signal) showy1 %8MK501-1 08008 (processing of color scan signal) showz1 %9MK501-1 08009 E (Mehrfarbendruck\255Reproduktion) showde %0MK501-1 09000 (reproduction of multicolor printing) showen %1MK501-1 09001 (reproducci\363n de impresi\363n multicolor) showes %3MK501-1 09003 (reproduction d'impression multicolore) showfr %2MK501-1 09002 (riproduzione di stampa multicolore) showit %4MK501-1 09004 (reproduksjon av flerfargetrykk) showno %5MK501-1 09005 (reproduction d'impression multicolore) showpt %6MK501-1 09006 (reproduction of multicolor printing) showx1 %7MK501-1 09007 (reproduction of multicolor printing) showy1 %8MK501-1 09008 (reproduction of multicolor printing) showz1 %9MK501-1 09009 E (\(spektrale Transmission und Strahlung\)) showde %0MK501-1 10000 (\(spectral transmission and radiation \)) showen %1MK501-1 10001 (\(transmisi\363n spectral y radiaci\363n \)) showes %3MK501-1 10003 (\(transmission spectrale et rayonnement \)) showfr %2MK501-1 10002 (\(trasmissione spectral e radiazione \)) showit %4MK501-1 10004 (\(spektral transmisjon og str\345ling \)) showno %5MK501-1 10005 (\(transmission spectrale et rayonnement \)) showpt %6MK501-1 10006 (\(spectral transmission and radiation \)) showx1 %7MK501-1 10007 (\(spectral transmission and radiation \)) showy1 %8MK501-1 10008 (\(spectral transmission and radiation \)) showz1 %9MK501-1 10009 E (\(spektrale absolute Empfindlichkeit\)) showde %0MK501-1 11000 (\(spectral and absolute sensitivity \)) showen %1MK501-1 11001 (\(sensibilidad spectral y absoluta\)) showes %3MK501-1 11003 (\(sensibilit\351 spectrale et absolue \)) showfr %2MK501-1 11002 (\(sensibilit\340 spectral e assoluta \)) showit %4MK501-1 11004 (\(spektral og absolutt f\370lsomhet \)) showno %5MK501-1 11005 (\(sensibilit\351 spectrale et absolue \)) showpt %6MK501-1 11006 (\(spectral and absolute sensitivity \)) showx1 %7MK501-1 11007 (\(spectral and absolute sensitivity \)) showy1 %8MK501-1 11008 (\(spectral and absolute sensitivity \)) showz1 %9MK501-1 11009 E (\(Rechenprogramm Druckaufbereitung\)) showde %0MK501-1 12000 (\(calculation program for print preparation\)) showen %1MK501-1 12001 (\(programa c\341lculo para impressi\363n\)) showes %3MK501-1 12003 (\(programme de calcul pour l'impression\)) showfr %2MK501-1 12002 (\(programma di calculo per stampa\)) showit %4MK501-1 12004 (\(regneprogram for trykkeforberedelse\)) showno %5MK501-1 12005 (\(programme de calcul pour l'impression\)) showpt %6MK501-1 12006 (\(calculation program for print preparation\)) showx1 %7MK501-1 12007 (\(calculation program for print preparation\)) showy1 %8MK501-1 12008 (\(calculation program for print preparation\)) showz1 %9MK501-1 12009 E (\(Rasterung, Winkelung, Druckfarben\)) showde %0MK501-1 13000 (\(halftoning, orientation, printing inks\)) showen %1MK501-1 13001 (\(halftoning, orientaci\363n, impresi\363n tintas\)) showes %3MK501-1 13003 (\(halftoning, orientation, impression encre\)) showfr %2MK501-1 13002 (\(halftoning, orientation, printing inks\)) showit %4MK501-1 13004 (\(rastering, vinkelinnstilling, trykkblekk\)) showno %5MK501-1 13005 (\(halftoning, orientation, impression encre\)) showpt %6MK501-1 13006 (\(halftoning, orientation, printing inks\)) showx1 %7MK501-1 13007 (\(halftoning, orientation, printing inks\)) showy1 %8MK501-1 13008 (\(halftoning, orientation, printing inks\)) showz1 %9MK501-1 13009 E (Einflu\337parameter auf) showde %0MK501-3 00000 (influence parameters) showen %1MK501-3 00001 (par\341metros de influencia) showes %3MK501-3 00003 (param\350tres d'influence) showfr %2MK501-3 00002 (parametri di influenza) showit %4MK501-3 00004 (parametre som influerer) showno %5MK501-3 00005 (param\350tres d'influence) showpt %6MK501-3 00006 (influence parameters) showx1 %7MK501-3 00007 (influence parameters) showy1 %8MK501-3 00008 (influence parameters) showz1 %9MK501-3 00009 E (die Farbwiedergabe\255) showde %0MK501-3 01000 (on color reproduction) showen %1MK501-3 01001 (en la reproducci\363n en color) showes %3MK501-3 01003 (sur reproduction en couleur) showfr %2MK501-3 01002 (sulla riproduzione di colore) showit %4MK501-3 01004 (p\345 fargereproduksjons\255) showno %5MK501-3 01005 (sur reproduction en couleur) showpt %6MK501-3 01006 (on color reproduction) showx1 %7MK501-3 01007 (on color reproduction) showy1 %8MK501-3 01008 (on color reproduction) showz1 %9MK501-3 01009 E (Qualit\344t der) showde %0MK501-3 02000 (quality of the) showen %1MK501-3 02001 (calidad del fila) showes %3MK501-3 02003 (qualit\351 du rang) showfr %2MK501-3 02002 (qualit\340 del fila) showit %4MK501-3 02004 (kvaliteten i) showno %5MK501-3 02005 (qualit\351 du rang) showpt %6MK501-3 02006 (quality of the) showx1 %7MK501-3 02007 (quality of the) showy1 %8MK501-3 02008 (quality of the) showz1 %9MK501-3 02009 E (Reproduktionskette:) showde %0MK501-3 03000 (reproduction row:) showen %1MK501-3 03001 (de reproducci\363n:) showes %3MK501-3 03003 (de reproduction:) showfr %2MK501-3 03002 (di riproduzione:) showit %4MK501-3 03004 (reproduksjonskjeden:) showno %5MK501-3 03005 (de reproduction:) showpt %6MK501-3 03006 (reproduction row:) showx1 %7MK501-3 03007 (reproduction row:) showy1 %8MK501-3 03008 (reproduction row:) showz1 %9MK501-3 03009 E (Farboriginal ->) showde %0MK501-3 04000 (color original ->) showen %1MK501-3 04001 (original en color ->) showes %3MK501-3 04003 (original en couleur ->) showfr %2MK501-3 04002 (originale di colore ->) showit %4MK501-3 04004 (fargeoriginal ->) showno %5MK501-3 04005 (original en couleur ->) showpt %6MK501-3 04006 (color original ->) showx1 %7MK501-3 04007 (color original ->) showy1 %8MK501-3 04008 (color original ->) showz1 %9MK501-3 04009 E (Farbfilmmaterial ->) showde %0MK501-3 05000 (color film ->) showen %1MK501-3 05001 (pel\355cula de color ->) showes %3MK501-3 05003 (film couleur ->) showfr %2MK501-3 05002 (pellicola a colori ->) showit %4MK501-3 05004 (fargefilm->) showno %5MK501-3 05005 (film couleur ->) showpt %6MK501-3 05006 (color film ->) showx1 %7MK501-3 05007 (color film ->) showy1 %8MK501-3 05008 (color film ->) showz1 %9MK501-3 05009 E (Mehrfarbendruck) showde %0MK501-3 06000 (multicolor printing) showen %1MK501-3 06001 (impresi\363n multicolor) showes %3MK501-3 06003 (impression multicolore) showfr %2MK501-3 06002 (stampa multicolore) showit %4MK501-3 06004 (flerfargetrykk) showno %5MK501-3 06005 (impression multicolore) showpt %6MK501-3 06006 (multicolor printing) showx1 %7MK501-3 06007 (multicolor printing) showy1 %8MK501-3 06008 (multicolor printing) showz1 %9MK501-3 06009 E (Aufnahmelichtart und Belichtung) showde %0MK501-3 07000 (mode of taking light and exposure) showen %1MK501-3 07001 (el modo de tomar la luz y la exposici\363n) showes %3MK501-3 07003 (mode de prendre lumi\350re et exposition) showfr %2MK501-3 07002 (modo di portare la luce e l'esposizione) showit %4MK501-3 07004 (opptakslystype og belysningsbetingelser) showno %5MK501-3 07005 (mode de prendre lumi\350re et exposition) showpt %6MK501-3 07006 (mode of taking light and exposure) showx1 %7MK501-3 07007 (mode of taking light and exposure) showy1 %8MK501-3 07008 (mode of taking light and exposure) showz1 %9MK501-3 07009 E (Farbfilmmaterial) showde %0MK501-3 08000 (color film material) showen %1MK501-3 08001 (color material cinematogr\341fico) showes %3MK501-3 08003 (mat\351riel de film couleur) showfr %2MK501-3 08002 (materiale di pellicola a colori) showit %4MK501-3 08004 (fargefilmmateriale) showno %5MK501-3 08005 (mat\351riel de film couleur) showpt %6MK501-3 08006 (color film material) showx1 %7MK501-3 08007 (color film material) showy1 %8MK501-3 08008 (color film material) showz1 %9MK501-3 08009 E (Farbabtastsignal\255Eigenschaften) showde %0MK501-3 09000 (properties of color scan signal) showen %1MK501-3 09001 (propiedades de se\361al de esc\341ner en color) showes %3MK501-3 09003 (attributs de signal scanner de couleur) showfr %2MK501-3 09002 (propriet\340 di segnale di scansione di colore) showit %4MK501-3 09004 (egenskaper til fargescannings\255signal) showno %5MK501-3 09005 (attributs de signal scanner de couleur) showpt %6MK501-3 09006 (properties of color scan signal) showx1 %7MK501-3 09007 (properties of color scan signal) showy1 %8MK501-3 09008 (properties of color scan signal) showz1 %9MK501-3 09009 E (Reproduktionsmodell und Druckfarben) showde %0MK501-3 10000 (reproduction model and printing inks) showen %1MK501-3 10001 (modelo reproducci\363n y impressi\363n tintas) showes %3MK501-3 10003 (mod\350le de reproduction impression encres) showfr %2MK501-3 10002 (inchiostri modello di riproduzione e stampa) showit %4MK501-3 10004 (reproduksjonsmodell og trykkblekk) showno %5MK501-3 10005 (mod\350le de reproduction impression encres) showpt %6MK501-3 10006 (reproduction model and printing inks) showx1 %7MK501-3 10007 (reproduction model and printing inks) showy1 %8MK501-3 10008 (reproduction model and printing inks) showz1 %9MK501-3 10009 E (\(spektrale, absolute Empfindlichkeit\)) showde %0MK501-3 11000 (\(spectral and absolute sensitivity\)) showen %1MK501-3 11001 (\(sensibilidad spectral y absoluta\)) showes %3MK501-3 11003 (\(sensibilit\351 spectral et absolue\)) showfr %2MK501-3 11002 (\(sensibilit\340 spectral e assoluta\)) showit %4MK501-3 11004 (\(spektral og absolutt f\370lsomhet\)) showno %5MK501-3 11005 (\(sensibilit\351 spectral et absolue\)) showpt %6MK501-3 11006 (\(spectral and absolute sensitivity\)) showx1 %7MK501-3 11007 (\(spectral and absolute sensitivity\)) showy1 %8MK501-3 11008 (\(spectral and absolute sensitivity\)) showz1 %9MK501-3 11009 E (\(Signal\255Verarbeitung, CIE\255Farbskala\)) showde %0MK501-3 12000 (\(signal processing, CIE colour scale\)) showen %1MK501-3 12001 (\(procesamiento se\361al, escala de color CIE\)) showes %3MK501-3 12003 (\(traitement signal, \351chelle de couleur CIE\)) showfr %2MK501-3 12002 (\(elaborazione signal, scala di colore CIE\)) showit %4MK501-3 12004 (\(signalbearbeidelse, CIE\255fargeskala\)) showno %5MK501-3 12005 (\(traitement signal, \351chelle de couleur CIE\)) showpt %6MK501-3 12006 (\(signal processing, CIE colour scale\)) showx1 %7MK501-3 12007 (\(signal processing, CIE colour scale\)) showy1 %8MK501-3 12008 (\(signal processing, CIE colour scale\)) showz1 %9MK501-3 12009 E (Farbdiamaterial\255Scanner:) showde %0MK501-7 00000 (scanner for color slide material:) showen %1MK501-7 00001 (esc\341ner para material resbaladero:) showes %3MK501-7 00003 (scanner pour mat\351riel diapositif:) showfr %2MK501-7 00002 (scanner per materiale diapositiva:) showit %4MK501-7 00004 (scanner til fargediasmateriell:) showno %5MK501-7 00005 (scanner pour mat\351riel diapositif:) showpt %6MK501-7 00006 (scanner for color slide material:) showx1 %7MK501-7 00007 (scanner for color slide material:) showy1 %8MK501-7 00008 (scanner for color slide material:) showz1 %9MK501-7 00009 E (drei lichtelektrische Empf\344nger) showde %0MK501-7 01000 (three photoelectric sensors) showen %1MK501-7 01001 (tres sensores fotoel\351ctricos) showes %3MK501-7 01003 (trois d\351tecteurs photo-\351lectriques) showfr %2MK501-7 01002 (tre sensori fotoelettrici) showit %4MK501-7 01004 (tre fotoelektriske sensorer) showno %5MK501-7 01005 (trois d\351tecteurs photo-\351lectriques) showpt %6MK501-7 01006 (three photoelectric sensors) showx1 %7MK501-7 01007 (three photoelectric sensors) showy1 %8MK501-7 01008 (three photoelectric sensors) showz1 %9MK501-7 01009 E (0,01mm Bildpunktdurchmesser) showde %0MK501-7 02000 (0,01mm image point diameter) showen %1MK501-7 02001 (0,01mm di\341metro punto de imagen) showes %3MK501-7 02003 (0,01mm diam\350tre point d'image) showfr %2MK501-7 02002 (0,01mm diametro di punto di immagine) showit %4MK501-7 02004 (0,01mm billedpunkts\255diameter) showno %5MK501-7 02005 (0,01mm diam\350tre point d'image) showpt %6MK501-7 02006 (0,01mm image point diameter) showx1 %7MK501-7 02007 (0,01mm image point diameter) showy1 %8MK501-7 02008 (0,01mm image point diameter) showz1 %9MK501-7 02009 E (4096 \(12 bit\) Leuchtdichtewerte) showde %0MK501-7 03000 (4096 \(12 bit\) luminance range) showen %1MK501-7 03001 (4096 \(12 bit\) gama de luminancia) showes %3MK501-7 03003 (4096 \(12 bit\) gamme de brillance) showfr %2MK501-7 03002 (4096 \(12 bit\) gamma di splendore) showit %4MK501-7 03004 (4096 \(12 bit\) luminansomr\345de) showno %5MK501-7 03005 (4096 \(12 bit\) gamme de brillance) showpt %6MK501-7 03006 (4096 \(12 bit\) luminance range) showx1 %7MK501-7 03007 (4096 \(12 bit\) luminance range) showy1 %8MK501-7 03008 (4096 \(12 bit\) luminance range) showz1 %9MK501-7 03009 E (Messung an jedem Farbbildpunkt:) showde %0MK501-7 04000 (measurement at each pixel:) showen %1MK501-7 04001 (medida en cada bitio:) showes %3MK501-7 04003 (mesure \340 chaque pixel:) showfr %2MK501-7 04002 (misura a ogni pixel:) showit %4MK501-7 04004 (m\345ling av hver pixel:) showno %5MK501-7 04005 (mesure \340 chaque pixel:) showpt %6MK501-7 04006 (measurement at each pixel:) showx1 %7MK501-7 04007 (measurement at each pixel:) showy1 %8MK501-7 04008 (measurement at each pixel:) showz1 %9MK501-7 04009 E (drei Farbwerte) showde %0MK501-7 05000 (3 color values) showen %1MK501-7 05001 (3 valores en color) showes %3MK501-7 05003 (3 valeurs de couleur) showfr %2MK501-7 05002 (3 valori di colore) showit %4MK501-7 05004 (3 fargeverdier) showno %5MK501-7 05005 (3 valeurs de couleur) showpt %6MK501-7 05006 (3 color values) showx1 %7MK501-7 05007 (3 color values) showy1 %8MK501-7 05008 (3 color values) showz1 %9MK501-7 05009 E ( R, G und B) showde %0MK501-7 06000 ( R, G and B) showen %1MK501-7 06001 ( R, G y B) showes %3MK501-7 06003 ( R, G et B) showfr %2MK501-7 06002 ( R, G e B) showit %4MK501-7 06004 ( R, G og B) showno %5MK501-7 06005 ( R, G et B) showpt %6MK501-7 06006 ( R, G and B) showx1 %7MK501-7 06007 ( R, G and B) showy1 %8MK501-7 06008 ( R, G and B) showz1 %9MK501-7 06009 E (Entwicklungsziel:) showde %0MK501-7 07000 (development intent:) showen %1MK501-7 07001 (intenci\363n de desarrollo:) showes %3MK501-7 07003 (intention de d\351veloppement: con\255) showfr %2MK501-7 07002 (intento di sviluppo:) showit %4MK501-7 07004 (utviklingsintensjon:) showno %5MK501-7 07005 (intention de d\351veloppement: con\255) showpt %6MK501-7 07006 (development intent:) showx1 %7MK501-7 07007 (development intent:) showy1 %8MK501-7 07008 (development intent:) showz1 %9MK501-7 07009 E (farbmetrischer Ger\344tetreiber:) showde %0MK501-7 08000 (colorimetric device driver:) showen %1MK501-7 08001 (conductor de dispositivo colorimetric:) showes %3MK501-7 08003 (ducteur d'appareil colorim\351trique:) showfr %2MK501-7 08002 (autista di dispositivo colorimetrico:) showit %4MK501-7 08004 (fargemetrisk apparatdriver:) showno %5MK501-7 08005 (ducteur d'appareil colorim\351trique:) showpt %6MK501-7 08006 (colorimetric device driver:) showx1 %7MK501-7 08007 (colorimetric device driver:) showy1 %8MK501-7 08008 (colorimetric device driver:) showz1 %9MK501-7 08009 E (Umwandlung dreier Farbwerte) showde %0MK501-7 09000 (conversion of three color values) showen %1MK501-7 09001 (conversi\363n de tres valores en color) showes %3MK501-7 09003 (conversion de trois valeurs de couleur) showfr %2MK501-7 09002 (conversione di tre valori di colore) showit %4MK501-7 09004 (konvertering av tre fargeverdier) showno %5MK501-7 09005 (conversion de trois valeurs de couleur) showpt %6MK501-7 09006 (conversion of three color values) showx1 %7MK501-7 09007 (conversion of three color values) showy1 %8MK501-7 09008 (conversion of three color values) showz1 %9MK501-7 09009 E (R, G und B) showde %0MK501-7 10000 (R, G and B) showen %1MK501-7 10001 (R, G y B) showes %3MK501-7 10003 (R, G et B) showfr %2MK501-7 10002 (R, G e B) showit %4MK501-7 10004 (R, G og B) showno %5MK501-7 10005 (R, G et B) showpt %6MK501-7 10006 (R, G and B) showx1 %7MK501-7 10007 (R, G and B) showy1 %8MK501-7 10008 (R, G and B) showz1 %9MK501-7 10009 E ( in Farbheiten) showde %0MK501-7 11000 ( in colorness) showen %1MK501-7 11001 ( en el colorness) showes %3MK501-7 11003 ( dans colorness) showfr %2MK501-7 11002 ( nel colorness) showit %4MK501-7 11004 ( til fargehetene) showno %5MK501-7 11005 ( dans colorness) showpt %6MK501-7 11006 ( in colorness) showx1 %7MK501-7 11007 ( in colorness) showy1 %8MK501-7 11008 ( in colorness) showz1 %9MK501-7 11009 E (L*, a* und b*) showde %0MK501-7 12000 (L*, a* and b*) showen %1MK501-7 12001 (L*, a* y b*) showes %3MK501-7 12003 (L*, a* et b*) showfr %2MK501-7 12002 (L*, a* e b*) showit %4MK501-7 12004 (L*, a* og b*) showno %5MK501-7 12005 (L*, a* et b*) showpt %6MK501-7 12006 (L*, a* and b*) showx1 %7MK501-7 12007 (L*, a* and b*) showy1 %8MK501-7 12008 (L*, a* and b*) showz1 %9MK501-7 12009 E ( \(CIELAB\255System\)) showde %0MK501-7 13000 ( \(CIELAB system\)) showen %1MK501-7 13001 ( \(sistema de CIELAB\)) showes %3MK501-7 13003 ( \(syst\350me de CIELAB\)) showfr %2MK501-7 13002 ( \(sistema di CIELAB\)) showit %4MK501-7 13004 ( \(CIELAB\255system\)) showno %5MK501-7 13005 ( \(syst\350me de CIELAB\)) showpt %6MK501-7 13006 ( \(CIELAB system\)) showx1 %7MK501-7 13007 ( \(CIELAB system\)) showy1 %8MK501-7 13008 ( \(CIELAB system\)) showz1 %9MK501-7 13009 E (Probleme:) showde %0MK501-7 14000 (problems:) showen %1MK501-7 14001 (problemas:) showes %3MK501-7 14003 (probl\350mes:) showfr %2MK501-7 14002 (problemi:) showit %4MK501-7 14004 (problemer:) showno %5MK501-7 14005 (probl\350mes:) showpt %6MK501-7 14006 (problems:) showx1 %7MK501-7 14007 (problems:) showy1 %8MK501-7 14008 (problems:) showz1 %9MK501-7 14009 E (sehr gro\337e Bildpunktanzahl:) showde %0MK501-7 15000 (large pixel amount:) showen %1MK501-7 15001 (cantidad grande de bitio:) showes %3MK501-7 15003 (grande quantit\351 de pixel:) showfr %2MK501-7 15002 (grand'ammontare di pixel:) showit %4MK501-7 15004 (meget stort antall pixler:) showno %5MK501-7 15005 (grande quantit\351 de pixel:) showpt %6MK501-7 15006 (large pixel amount:) showx1 %7MK501-7 15007 (large pixel amount:) showy1 %8MK501-7 15008 (large pixel amount:) showz1 %9MK501-7 15009 E (etwa 3000 \327 2000 Bildpunkte pro) showde %0MK501-7 16000 (approximately 3000\3272000 pixels) showen %1MK501-7 16001 (aproximadamente 3000\3272000 bitios) showes %3MK501-7 16003 (environ 3000 \327 2000 pixels) showfr %2MK501-7 16002 (avicina a 3000 \327 2000 pixel) showit %4MK501-7 16004 (omtrent 3000 \327 2000 pixler) showno %5MK501-7 16005 (environ 3000 \327 2000 pixels) showpt %6MK501-7 16006 (approximately 3000\3272000 pixels) showx1 %7MK501-7 16007 (approximately 3000\3272000 pixels) showy1 %8MK501-7 16008 (approximately 3000\3272000 pixels) showz1 %9MK501-7 16009 E (Farbdia 36mm \327 24mm,) showde %0MK501-7 17000 (within a color slide 36mm \327 24mm) showen %1MK501-7 17001 (dentro de diapositive 36mm \327 24mm) showes %3MK501-7 17003 (dans une diapositiv 36mm \327 24mm) showfr %2MK501-7 17002 (dentro un diapositive 36mm \327 24mm) showit %4MK501-7 17004 (i en fargedias p\345 36 mm \327 24 mm) showno %5MK501-7 17005 (dans une diapositiv 36mm \327 24mm) showpt %6MK501-7 17006 (within a color slide 36mm \327 24mm) showx1 %7MK501-7 17007 (within a color slide 36mm \327 24mm) showy1 %8MK501-7 17008 (within a color slide 36mm \327 24mm) showz1 %9MK501-7 17009 E (oft Vorlagenfl\344chen gr\366\337er) showde %0MK501-7 18000 (often original size larger than) showen %1MK501-7 18001 (a menudo original calibra m\341s grande) showes %3MK501-7 18003 (souvent taille original plus grand) showfr %2MK501-7 18002 (spesso originale misura pi\371 grande di) showit %4MK501-7 18004 (ofte er originalst\370rrelsen st\370rre enn) showno %5MK501-7 18005 (souvent taille original plus grand) showpt %6MK501-7 18006 (often original size larger than) showx1 %7MK501-7 18007 (often original size larger than) showy1 %8MK501-7 18008 (often original size larger than) showz1 %9MK501-7 18009 E (DIN\255A2 bei Trommelscannern) showde %0MK501-7 19000 (DIN\255A2 with drum scanners) showen %1MK501-7 19001 (que DIN\255A2 con esc\341neres de bater\355a) showes %3MK501-7 19003 (que DIN\255A2 avec scanner tambour) showfr %2MK501-7 19002 (DIN\255A2 con scanner di tamburo) showit %4MK501-7 19004 (DIN\255A2 ved trommelscannere) showno %5MK501-7 19005 (que DIN\255A2 avec scanner tambour) showpt %6MK501-7 19006 (DIN\255A2 with drum scanners) showx1 %7MK501-7 19007 (DIN\255A2 with drum scanners) showy1 %8MK501-7 19008 (DIN\255A2 with drum scanners) showz1 %9MK501-7 19009 E (Drei Verfahren zur Optimierung) showde %0MK501-7 20000 (three procedures for optimization) showen %1MK501-7 20001 (3 procedimientos para optimizaci\363n) showes %3MK501-7 20003 (3 proc\351dures pour optimisation de) showfr %2MK501-7 20002 (tre procedure per l'ottimizzazione di) showit %4MK501-7 20004 (tre optimeringsprosedyrer) showno %5MK501-7 20005 (3 proc\351dures pour optimisation de) showpt %6MK501-7 20006 (three procedures for optimization) showx1 %7MK501-7 20007 (three procedures for optimization) showy1 %8MK501-7 20008 (three procedures for optimization) showz1 %9MK501-7 20009 E (von farbmetrischem Ger\344tetreiber:) showde %0MK501-7 21000 (of colorimetric device driver:) showen %1MK501-7 21001 (conductor dispositivo colorimetric:) showes %3MK501-7 21003 (conducteur appareil colorim\351trique:) showfr %2MK501-7 21002 (autista di dispositivo colorimetrico:) showit %4MK501-7 21004 (for fargemetriske apparatdrivere:) showno %5MK501-7 21005 (conducteur appareil colorim\351trique:) showpt %6MK501-7 21006 (of colorimetric device driver:) showx1 %7MK501-7 21007 (of colorimetric device driver:) showy1 %8MK501-7 21008 (of colorimetric device driver:) showz1 %9MK501-7 21009 E (Anpassung der spektralen) showde %0MK501-7 22000 (adaptation of the spectral) showen %1MK501-7 22001 (adaptaci\363n de las tres) showes %3MK501-7 22003 (adaptaci\363n de trois) showfr %2MK501-7 22002 (adattamento delle tre) showit %4MK501-7 22004 (tilpasning av spektral\255) showno %5MK501-7 22005 (adaptaci\363n de trois) showpt %6MK501-7 22006 (adaptation of the spectral) showx1 %7MK501-7 22007 (adaptation of the spectral) showy1 %8MK501-7 22008 (adaptation of the spectral) showz1 %9MK501-7 22009 E (Empfindlichkeiten an die drei) showde %0MK501-7 23000 (sensitivities at the three) showen %1MK501-7 23001 (sensibilidades espectrales en tres) showes %3MK501-7 23003 (sensibilit\351s spectrales aux trois) showfr %2MK501-7 23002 (sensibilit\340 spettrali sur tres) showit %4MK501-7 23004 (f\370lsomhetene til tre) showno %5MK501-7 23005 (sensibilit\351s spectrales aux trois) showpt %6MK501-7 23006 (sensitivities at the three) showx1 %7MK501-7 23007 (sensitivities at the three) showy1 %8MK501-7 23008 (sensitivities at the three) showz1 %9MK501-7 23009 E (Normspektralwertfunktionen) showde %0MK501-7 24000 (tristimulus value functions) showen %1MK501-7 24001 (valores de tristimulus) showes %3MK501-7 24003 (valeur de tristimulus) showfr %2MK501-7 24002 (valor de tristimulus) showit %4MK501-7 24004 (tristimulusverdi\255funksjoner) showno %5MK501-7 24005 (valeur de tristimulus) showpt %6MK501-7 24006 (tristimulus value functions) showx1 %7MK501-7 24007 (tristimulus value functions) showy1 %8MK501-7 24008 (tristimulus value functions) showz1 %9MK501-7 24009 E (Optimierung von 3 \327 3\255 oder) showde %0MK501-7 25000 (optimization of 3 \327 3\255 or) showen %1MK501-7 25001 (optimizaci\363n de 3 \327 3\255 o) showes %3MK501-7 25003 (optimisation de 3 \327 3\255 ou) showfr %2MK501-7 25002 (ottimizzazione di 3 \327 3\255 o) showit %4MK501-7 25004 (optimering av 3 \327 3\255 eller) showno %5MK501-7 25005 (optimisation de 3 \327 3\255 ou) showpt %6MK501-7 25006 (optimization of 3 \327 3\255 or) showx1 %7MK501-7 25007 (optimization of 3 \327 3\255 or) showy1 %8MK501-7 25008 (optimization of 3 \327 3\255 or) showz1 %9MK501-7 25009 E (3 \327 6\255Ger\344tematrix zur Umrech\255) showde %0MK501-7 26000 (3 \327 6\255device matrices for) showen %1MK501-7 26001 (3 \327 6\255matrices de dispositivo para) showes %3MK501-7 26003 (3 \327 6\255matrices d'appareil pour) showfr %2MK501-7 26002 (3 \327 6\255matrici di dispositivo per) showit %4MK501-7 26004 (3 \327 6\255apparatmatriser for) showno %5MK501-7 26005 (3 \327 6\255matrices d'appareil pour) showpt %6MK501-7 26006 (3 \327 6\255device matrices for) showx1 %7MK501-7 26007 (3 \327 6\255device matrices for) showy1 %8MK501-7 26008 (3 \327 6\255device matrices for) showz1 %9MK501-7 26009 E (nung von) showde %0MK501-7 27000 (conversion from) showen %1MK501-7 27001 (conversi\363n de) showes %3MK501-7 27003 (conversion de) showfr %2MK501-7 27002 (conversione da) showit %4MK501-7 27004 (konvertering fra) showno %5MK501-7 27005 (conversion de) showpt %6MK501-7 27006 (conversion from) showx1 %7MK501-7 27007 (conversion from) showy1 %8MK501-7 27008 (conversion from) showz1 %9MK501-7 27009 E ( RGB nach L*a*b*) showde %0MK501-7 28000 ( RGB to L*a*b*) showen %1MK501-7 28001 ( RGB a L*a*b*) showes %3MK501-7 28003 ( RGB \340 L*a*b*) showfr %2MK501-7 28002 ( RGB a L*a*b*) showit %4MK501-7 28004 ( RGB til L*a*b*) showno %5MK501-7 28005 ( RGB \340 L*a*b*) showpt %6MK501-7 28006 ( RGB to L*a*b*) showx1 %7MK501-7 28007 ( RGB to L*a*b*) showy1 %8MK501-7 28008 ( RGB to L*a*b*) showz1 %9MK501-7 28009 E (mit 17 CIE\255Testfarben) showde %0MK501-7 29000 (with 17 CIE\255test colors) showen %1MK501-7 29001 (con 17 color de prueba de CIE) showes %3MK501-7 29003 (avec 17 test couleurs de CIE) showfr %2MK501-7 29002 (con 17 test colori de CIE) showit %4MK501-7 29004 (med 17 CIE\255testfarger) showno %5MK501-7 29005 (avec 17 test couleurs de CIE) showpt %6MK501-7 29006 (with 17 CIE\255test colors) showx1 %7MK501-7 29007 (with 17 CIE\255test colors) showy1 %8MK501-7 29008 (with 17 CIE\255test colors) showz1 %9MK501-7 29009 E (Berechnung der spektralen) showde %0MK501-7 30000 (calculation of the spectral color) showen %1MK501-7 30001 (c\341lculo de reflexi\363n) showes %3MK501-7 30003 (calcul de reflet ou de) showfr %2MK501-7 30002 (calcolo della riflessione o la) showit %4MK501-7 30004 (beregning av den spektrale) showno %5MK501-7 30005 (calcul de reflet ou de) showpt %6MK501-7 30006 (calculation of the spectral color) showx1 %7MK501-7 30007 (calculation of the spectral color) showy1 %8MK501-7 30008 (calculation of the spectral color) showz1 %9MK501-7 30009 E (Farbmaterial\255Reflexion oder Trans\255) showde %0MK501-7 31000 (reflection or transmission) showen %1MK501-7 31001 (o transmisi\363n spectral en cada) showes %3MK501-7 31003 (transmission spectral) showfr %2MK501-7 31002 (trasmissione spectral ogni) showit %4MK501-7 31004 (refleksjon eller transmisjon ved ) showno %5MK501-7 31005 (transmission spectral) showpt %6MK501-7 31006 (reflection or transmission) showx1 %7MK501-7 31007 (reflection or transmission) showy1 %8MK501-7 31008 (reflection or transmission) showz1 %9MK501-7 31009 E (mission an jeder Bildstelle, z. B.) showde %0MK501-7 32000 (at each image position, for example) showen %1MK501-7 32001 (posici\363n de imagen, por ejemplo) showes %3MK501-7 32003 (\340 chaque position d'image, p. ex.) showfr %2MK501-7 32002 (posizione di immagine, per esempio) showit %4MK501-7 32004 (hver billedposisjon, for eksempel) showno %5MK501-7 32005 (\340 chaque position d'image, p. ex.) showpt %6MK501-7 32006 (at each image position, for example) showx1 %7MK501-7 32007 (at each image position, for example) showy1 %8MK501-7 32008 (at each image position, for example) showz1 %9MK501-7 32009 E (mit drei Dichten von drei bekannten) showde %0MK501-7 33000 (with three densities of three known) showen %1MK501-7 33001 (con tres densidades de tres conocido) showes %3MK501-7 33003 (avec trois densit\351s de trois tein\255) showfr %2MK501-7 33002 (con tre densit\340 di tre conosciuto) showit %4MK501-7 33004 (med tre tettheter av tre kjente) showno %5MK501-7 33005 (avec trois densit\351s de trois tein\255) showpt %6MK501-7 33006 (with three densities of three known) showx1 %7MK501-7 33007 (with three densities of three known) showy1 %8MK501-7 33008 (with three densities of three known) showz1 %9MK501-7 33009 E (Farbstoffen \(Farbpigmenten\),) showde %0MK501-7 34000 (dyes \(color pigments\),) showen %1MK501-7 34001 (tintes \(pigmentos de colores\),) showes %3MK501-7 34003 (tures connu \(pigments en couleur\),) showfr %2MK501-7 34002 (coloranti \(i pigmenti di colore\),) showit %4MK501-7 34004 (fargestoffer \(fargepigmenter\), ) showno %5MK501-7 34005 (tures connu \(pigments en couleur\),) showpt %6MK501-7 34006 (dyes \(color pigments\),) showx1 %7MK501-7 34007 (dyes \(color pigments\),) showy1 %8MK501-7 34008 (dyes \(color pigments\),) showz1 %9MK501-7 34009 E (nur m\366glich bei) showde %0MK501-7 35000 (only possible for) showen %1MK501-7 35001 (s\363lo posible para) showes %3MK501-7 35003 (seulement possible pour) showfr %2MK501-7 35002 (solo possibile per ) showit %4MK501-7 35004 (bare mulig for) showno %5MK501-7 35005 (seulement possible pour) showpt %6MK501-7 35006 (only possible for) showx1 %7MK501-7 35007 (only possible for) showy1 %8MK501-7 35008 (only possible for) showz1 %9MK501-7 35009 E (homogenem Material) showde %0MK501-7 36000 (homogeneous material) showen %1MK501-7 36001 (material homogeneos) showes %3MK501-7 36003 (mat\351riel homogeneos) showfr %2MK501-7 36002 (materiale homogeneos \(materiale) showit %4MK501-7 36004 (homogent materiale) showno %5MK501-7 36005 (mat\351riel homogeneos) showpt %6MK501-7 36006 (homogeneous material) showx1 %7MK501-7 36007 (homogeneous material) showy1 %8MK501-7 36008 (homogeneous material) showz1 %9MK501-7 36009 E (\(Diamaterial, Druckmaterial\)) showde %0MK501-7 37000 (\(slide material, printing material\)) showen %1MK501-7 37001 (\(slide material, imprimiendo material\)) showes %3MK501-7 37003 (\(mat\351riel diapositif, impression\)) showfr %2MK501-7 37002 (diapositive, materiale stampa\)) showit %4MK501-7 37004 (\(diasmateriale, trykkemateriale\)) showno %5MK501-7 37005 (\(mat\351riel diapositif, impression\)) showpt %6MK501-7 37006 (\(slide material, printing material\)) showx1 %7MK501-7 37007 (\(slide material, printing material\)) showy1 %8MK501-7 37008 (\(slide material, printing material\)) showz1 %9MK501-7 37009 E