%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/DGB0/DGB01-5N %%BoundingBox: 70 85 226 206 %START PDFDE011.EPS /pdfmark15 where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark15 /cleartomark load put} ifelse /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt { userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put userdict (>>) cvn (]) cvn load put} if [/Title (PostScript pictures: farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/DGB0/DGB0.HTM) /Author (compare K. Richter "Computergrafik ...": ISBN 3-8007-1775-1) /Subject (goto: http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de) /Keywords (image reproduction, colour devices) /Creator (klaus.richter@mac.com) /CreationDate (D:2021080112200) /ModDate (D:20210801112200) /DOCINFO pdfmark15 [ /View [ /Fit ] /DOCVIEW pdfmark15 %END PDFDE011 /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /Times-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Italic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesI-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Bold findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesB-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-BoldItalic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict 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/Courier-BoldOblique FS} bind def /CBIM {300 /Courier-BoldOblique FS} bind def /CBIG {350 /Courier-BoldOblique FS} bind def /nGs {350 /Times-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /kGs {350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /bGs {350 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /jGs {350 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /sGs {350 /Symbol FS show} bind def /iGs {300 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -90 rmoveto show 0 90 rmoveto} bind def /eGs {300 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 200 rmoveto show 0 -200 rmoveto} bind def /ibGb {300 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 -90 rmoveto show 0 90 rmoveto} bind def /ebGb {300 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 200 rmoveto show 0 -200 rmoveto} bind def /ipG {300 /Times-ISOL1 FS 50 50 rmoveto (\267) show 50 -50 rmoveto} bind def %20% kleiner /nMs {300 /Times-ISOL1 FS show TM} bind def /kM2 {300 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show TM} bind def /bM2 {300 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show TM} bind def /jm2 {300 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show TM} bind def /sMs {300 /Symbol FS show TM} bind def /ims {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -70 rmoveto show 0 70 rmoveto TM} bind def /eMs {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 160 rmoveto show 0 -160 rmoveto TM} bind def /ibMs {250 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 -70 rmoveto show 0 70 rmoveto TM} bind def /ebMs {250 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 160 rmoveto show 0 -160 rmoveto TM} bind def /ipM {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 40 40 rmoveto (\267) show 40 -40 rmoveto TM} bind def %40% kleiner /nKs {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS show TK} bind def /kKs {250 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show TK} bind def /bKs {250 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show TK} bind def /jKs {250 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show TK} bind def /sKs {250 /Symbol FS show TK} bind def /iKs {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -60 rmoveto show 0 60 rmoveto TK} bind def /eKs {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 130 rmoveto show 0 -130 rmoveto TK} bind def /ibKs {200 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 -60 rmoveto show 0 60 rmoveto TK} bind def /ebKs {200 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 130 rmoveto show 0 -130 rmoveto TK} bind def /ipK {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 30 30 rmoveto (\267) show 30 -30 rmoveto TK} bind def %60% kleiner /nLs {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS show TS} bind def /kLs {200 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show TS} bind def /bLs {200 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show TS} bind def /jLs {200 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show TS} bind def /sLs {200 /Symbol FS show TS} bind def /iLs {160 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -50 rmoveto show 0 50 rmoveto TS} bind def /eLs {160 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 110 rmoveto show 0 -110 rmoveto TS} bind def /ibLs {160 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 -50 rmoveto show 0 50 rmoveto TS} bind def /ebLs {160 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 110 rmoveto show 0 -110 rmoveto TS} bind def /ipL {160 /Times-ISOL1 FS 25 25 rmoveto (\267) show 25 -25 rmoveto TS} bind def %XCHA02.PS BEG /rec %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch def /width exch def moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colrecfi %x y width heigth c m y k {setrgbcolor rec fill} bind def /colrecst %x y width heigth c m y k {setrgbcolor rec stroke} bind def /rem %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch 0.5 mul def /width exch 0.5 mul def /yleftb exch heigth 0.5 mul add def /xleftb exch width 0.5 mul add def xleftb yleftb moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colremfi %x y width heigth c m y k {setrgbcolor rem fill} bind def /colremst %x y width heigth c m y k {setrgbcolor rem stroke} bind def /tzr {1 0 0} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tzg {0 1 0} bind def /tzb {0 0 1} bind def /tzc {0 1 1} bind def /tzm {1 0 1} bind def /tzy {1 1 0} bind def /tzo {1 0 0} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tzl {0 1 0} bind def /tzv {0 0 1} bind def /tzn {0.00} bind def %Graureihe /tzd {0.25} bind def /tzz {0.50} bind def /tzh {0.75} bind def /tzw {1.00} bind def /tfr {1 0 0 setrgbcolor} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tfg {0 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfb {0 0 1 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfc {0 1 1 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfm {1 0 1 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfy {1 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfo {1 0 0 setrgbcolor} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tfl {0 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfv {0 0 1 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfrn {0.5 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tfgn {0.0 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfbn {0.0 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfcn {0.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfmn {0.5 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfyn {0.5 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfon {0.5 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tfln {0.0 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfvn {0.0 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor} bind def /tfn {0.00 setgray} bind def %Graureihe /tfd {0.25 setgray} bind def /tfz {0.50 setgray} bind def /tfh {0.75 setgray} bind def /tfw {1.00 setgray} bind def /cvishowr {dup 0 ge {0.5 add} {0.5 sub} ifelse cvi 6 string cvs show} def /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show ( ) show} def /cvsshow1 {10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 9 string cvs show ( ) show} def /cvsshow2 {100 mul cvi 0.01 mul 9 string cvs show ( ) show} def /cvsshow3 {1000 mul cvi 0.001 mul 9 string cvs show ( ) show} def /cvsshow4 {10000 mul cvi 0.0001 mul 9 string cvs show ( ) show} def /cvsshow5 {100000 mul cvi 0.00001 mul 9 string cvs show ( ) show} def /cvishow0 {cvi 6 string cvs show} def /cvsshow10 {10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 9 string cvs show} def /cvsshow20 {100 mul cvi 0.01 mul 9 string cvs show} def /cvsshow30 {1000 mul cvi 0.001 mul 9 string cvs show} def /cvsshow40 {10000 mul cvi 0.0001 mul 9 string cvs show} def /cvsshow50 {100000 mul cvi 0.00001 mul 9 string cvs show} def /cvsshow0r {10 mul 0.5 add cvi 0.1 mul 10 string cvs show} def /cvsshow1r {10 mul 0.5 add cvi 0.1 mul %new980310 dup 0 ge {( ) show} if dup abs 10 lt {( ) show} if 10 string cvs show} def /cvsshow2r {100 mul 0.5 add cvi 0.01 mul %new980310 dup 0 ge {( ) show} if dup abs 10 lt {( ) show} if 10 string cvs show} def /cvsshow3r {1000 mul 0.5 add cvi 0.001 mul 10 string cvs show} def %now with cvishow0 instead of cvishow /cvsshow1x {/nxx exch def %example nxx=99.1/99.0 nxx 10 mul cvi /nxi exch def %nxi=991/990 nxi 10 idiv /nxa exch def %nxa=99 nxi nxa 10 mul sub /nxb exch def %nxb=1/0 nxa cvishow0 (,) show %nxa=99 nxb cvishow0 %nxb=1/0 } def /cvsshow2x {/nxx exch def %example nxx=99.12/99,02/99,00 nxx 100 mul cvi /nxi exch def %nxi=9912/9902/00 nxi 100 idiv /nxa exch def %nxa=99 nxi nxa 100 mul sub /nxb exch def %nxb=12/02/00 nxa cvishow0 (,) show %nxb=99, nxb 10 ge {nxb cvishow0} if %nxb=12 nxb 1 ge nxb 9 le and {(0) show nxb cvishow0} if %nxb=02 nxb 0 eq {(00) show} if %nxb=00 } def /cvsshow3x {/nxx exch def %example nxx=99.123/99.012/99.001/99.000 nxx 1000 mul cvi /nxi exch def %nxi=99123/99012/99001/99000 nxi 1000 idiv /nxa exch def %nxa=99 nxi nxa 1000 mul sub /nxb exch def %nxb=123/012/001/000 nxa cvishow0 (,) show %nxb=99, nxb 100 ge {nxb cvishow0} if %nxb=123/012/001/000 nxb 10 ge nxb 99 le and {(0) show nxb cvishow0} if %nxb=012 nxb 1 ge nxb 9 le and {(00) show nxb cvishow0} if %nxb=001 nxb 0 eq {(000) show} if %nxb=000 } def %*************************************************** %%EndProlog gsave /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (F) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showjp {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showea {1 lanind le {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def} {/lanind1 0 def /lanind2 0 def} ifelse /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colormd colormdf def} {/colorm1 0 def} ifelse /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def} {/deintp1 0 def} ifelse /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def} {/xcolor1 3 def} ifelse /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchart2f xchart1f sub 1 add def} {/xchart1 0 def /xchartm 1 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} {/xchart3 0 def} ifelse /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} {/xchart4 0 def} ifelse /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def} {/pchart1 3 def} ifelse /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def} {/colsep1 0 def} ifelse /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetamd pmetamdf def} {/pmetam1 0 def} ifelse %either defaul values for xchart=0 or values for xchart=1 /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % /ioute 0 def /ifunc 0 def /idevi 0 def /imevi 0 def /expnr 1 def colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if %always independent of intended output 5 /Times-ISOL1 FS /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def %75 85 moveto %lanind cvishow (-) show %colorm cvishow %deintp cvishow %xcolor cvishow %xchart cvishow %pchart cvishow %colsep cvishow (-L) show pmetam cvishow gsave %XCHA01.PS END 4 /Times-ISOL1 FS %74 86 moveto (DGB01-5R) show %xchart 0 eq {(R) show} % {deintp colorm 2 mul add cvishow} ifelse 72 90 translate 0.01 MM dup scale 20 setlinewidth %0 0 11220 17100 1.0 1.0 1.0 colrecfi %area white grey %0 0 11220 17100 0.0 0.0 0.0 colrecst %Rahmen Schwarz %/ifunc 0 def %ifunc 0 eq {Yi_L*i_dYi_L_0} if %ifunc 1 eq {Yi_L*i_dYi_C_0} if %Yi_Yxyi /xchartl 1 def %0 1 07 {/xchartl exch def %xchartl=0,07 gsave %from BEA81-5N.PS % xchartl 0 eq { 100 13000 translate} if % xchartl 1 eq { 5700 13000 translate} if % xchartl 2 eq { 100 08740 translate} if % xchartl 3 eq { 5700 08740 translate} if % xchartl 4 eq { 100 04480 translate} if % xchartl 5 eq { 5700 04480 translate} if % xchartl 6 eq { 100 00220 translate} if % xchartl 7 eq { 5700 00220 translate} if 100 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 setgray 50 -150 moveto (DGB01-5N) show %from 'dnc0'Y10-2A.EPS %xchartl 1 add cvishow %(A) show %A %(_) show xchart 1 add cvishow /xwidth 5400 def /ywidth 4000 def 25 setlinewidth 0.5 setgray 0 0 moveto xwidth 0 rlineto 0 ywidth rlineto xwidth neg 0 rlineto closepath fill 0 0 moveto xwidth 0 rlineto 0 ywidth rlineto xwidth neg 0 rlineto closepath clip 0 setgray 0 0 moveto xwidth 0 rlineto 0 ywidth rlineto xwidth neg 0 rlineto closepath stroke tfn %tfw /xtr0 380 def /ytr0 350 def xtr0 ytr0 translate %********************************************************************* tfw 30 setlinewidth 0 0 moveto 4750 0 rlineto stroke 0 0 moveto 0 3250 rlineto stroke 4750 100 sub 50 moveto 100 -50 rlineto -100 -50 rlineto stroke -50 3250 100 sub moveto 50 100 rlineto 50 -100 rlineto stroke /tx [(-4) (-3) (-2) (-1) ( 0) ( 1) ( 2) ( 3) ( 4)] def /ty [(-3) (-2) (-1) ( 0) ( 1) ( 2) ( 3)] def %!x-Achse: 1 log-Einheiten = 500 Skalen-Einheiten TBL 0 1 9 {/i exch def /ixt { -150 i 0500 mul add} def /ixl { 000 i 0500 mul add} def i 7 le {ixt -250 moveto tx i get exec show} if ixl 75 moveto 0 -150 rlineto stroke } for %!y-Achse: 1 log-Einheiten = 500 Skalen-Einheiten TBL 0 1 6 {/i exch def /iyt {-100 i 0500 mul add} def /iyl { 000 i 0500 mul add} def -350 iyt moveto ty i get exec show -75 iyl moveto 150 0 rlineto stroke } for 3650 -280 moveto (x) TBIL tfw show 30 0 rmoveto (=) TBL tfw show 30 0 rmoveto (ln) TBL tfw show 30 0 rmoveto (L) TBIL tfw show TBL (-) show (ln) TBL tfw show 30 0 rmoveto (L) TBIL tfw show TBS 0 -40 rmoveto (u) show 0 40 rmoveto 1900 200 moveto (L) TBIL tfw show TBS 20 -80 rmoveto (u) show 50 80 rmoveto 3700 0200 moveto (L) TBIL tfw show TBS 20 -80 rmoveto (u) show 50 80 rmoveto (= 28 cd) TBL tfw show 20 0 rmoveto (/) TBL tfw show 10 0 rmoveto (m) TBL tfw show TBS 20 100 rmoveto (2) show 0 -100 rmoveto tfl 40 setlinewidth 1600 0 moveto 800 0 rlineto stroke 2200 350 moveto TBL (range office) showen (Bereich B\374ro-) showde 2200 150 moveto (luminance) showen (Leuchtdichte) showde xtr0 neg ytr0 neg translate %******************************************************** %BEG C01_C08 ******************************************** %original square tfn %tfw 050 3725 moveto xchartl 07 le {%xchartl=00 tfw TBIK (F) show -50 -80 rmoveto TBL (ab) show 0 80 rmoveto TBIK ((x)) show TBK ioute 0 eq {%ioute=0 ( = tangens hyperbolicus (tanh)) showde ( = tangens hyperbolicus (tanh)) showen } {%ioute=1 ( = \344hnlich tanh) showde ( = similar tanh) showen } ifelse } if %xchartl=00 xchartl 01 ge {%xchartl>=1 tfy TBK ( & modified) showen ( & modifiziert) showde } if %xchartl>=1 tfn %tfw %********************************************************************* %BEG Common text xtr0 ytr0 translate TBIK /iyt0 3000 def %top text line /iyt1 2300 def %lower yellow text line /ixt2 2750 def %right red text line /iyt2 1150 def %right red text line /ix0 100 def /ix1 750 def %for F(x) /ix1a 850 def %for Fn(x) /ix2 2200 def %text e /ix3 1400 def ifunc 0 eq {/x_zp (x) def /x_zm (-x) def} {/x_zp (z) def /x_zm (-z) def /lne_10d 1 10 ln div def} ifelse ioute 0 eq {/e_10 (e) def /lne_10 1 def} {/e_10 (10) def /lne_10 10 ln def} ifelse /expnp 10 array def % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /expnp [1.0 1.0 0.7 0.5 1.0 0.7 0.5 1.0 0.7 0.5] def /expnk 10 array def % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /expnk [(1,0) (1,0) (0,7) (0,5) (1,0) (0,7) (0,5) (1,0) (0,7) (0,5)] def %**************************************** tfw 30 setlinewidth /jm1 0 def /jm2 3 def /iytj 0 def jm1 1 jm2 {/j exch def %j=0,jm j 0 eq {/iyta 0 def} if j 1 eq {/iyta 0 def} if j 2 eq {/iyta -500 def} if j 3 eq {/iyta -500 def} if 0 1 1 {/k exch def %k=0,1 k 0 eq {%k=0 j 0 eq {[ ] 0 setdash tfw} if j 1 eq {[ ] 0 setdash tfy} if j 2 eq {[ ] 0 setdash tfb} if j 3 eq {[ ] 0 setdash tfg} if } if %k=0 k 1 eq {%k=1 j 0 eq {[100 100] 0 setdash tfn} if j 1 eq {[100 100] 0 setdash tfn} if j 2 eq {[100 100] 0 setdash tfw} if j 3 eq {[100 100] 0 setdash tfn} if } if %k=1 j 0 eq j 2 eq or {%j=0,2 ix0 800 add iyt0 50 add iyta add moveto 950 0 rlineto stroke } if j 1 eq j 3 eq or {%j=1,3 ixt2 800 add iyt2 50 add iyta add moveto 950 0 rlineto stroke } if } for %k=0,1 %font colour j 0 eq {tfw} if j 1 eq {tfy} if j 2 eq {tfb} if j 3 eq {tfg} if j 0 eq j 2 eq or {%j=0,2 j 0 eq {/iyta 0 def} if j 2 eq {/iyta -500 def} if ix0 iyt0 iyta add moveto TBIL (F) show -40 -80 rmoveto TBS (ab) show 0 80 rmoveto TBIL ((x)) show 20 0 rmoveto TBL 30 0 (=b) ashow ix0 850 add iyt0 100 add iyta add moveto TBL e_10 show 0 100 rmoveto TBIS x_zp show TBS (/a) show 0 -100 rmoveto TBL ( - ) show TBL e_10 show 0 100 rmoveto TBIS x_zm show TBS (/a) show 0 -100 rmoveto ix0 850 add iyt0 180 sub iyta add moveto TBL e_10 show 0 100 rmoveto TBIS x_zp show TBS (/a) show 0 -100 rmoveto TBL ( + ) show TBL e_10 show 0 100 rmoveto TBIS x_zm show TBS (/a) show 0 -100 rmoveto } if %j=0,2 j 1 eq j 3 eq or {%j=1&3 j 1 eq {/iyta 0 def} if j 3 eq {/iyta -500 def} if ixt2 iyt2 iyta add moveto TBIL (F) show -40 -80 rmoveto TBS (ab) show 0 80 rmoveto TBIL ((x)) show 20 0 rmoveto TBL 30 0 (=b) ashow ixt2 850 add iyt2 100 add iyta add moveto TBL e_10 show 0 100 rmoveto TBIS x_zp show TBS (/a) show 0 -100 rmoveto TBL ( - ) show TBL e_10 show 0 100 rmoveto TBIS x_zm show TBS (/a) show 0 -100 rmoveto ixt2 850 add iyt2 180 sub iyta add moveto TBL e_10 show 0 100 rmoveto TBIS x_zp show TBS (/a) show 0 -100 rmoveto TBL ( + ) show TBL e_10 show 0 100 rmoveto TBIS x_zm show TBS (/a) show 0 -100 rmoveto } if %j=1&3 TBL j 0 eq {ix3 600 add iyt0 50 add moveto (a=1, b=1, e=2,718282) show} if j 2 eq {ix3 600 add iyt0 50 add iyta add moveto (a=1, b=2) show} if j 1 eq {ixt2 1800 add iyt2 100 add moveto ((a=2)) show} if j 1 eq {ixt2 1800 add iyt2 150 sub moveto ((b=1)) show} if j 3 eq {ixt2 1800 add iyt2 100 add iyta add moveto ((a=2)) show} if j 3 eq {ixt2 1800 add iyt2 150 sub iyta add moveto ((b=2)) show} if } for %j=0,jm tfw 0 1500 moveto 4500 0 rlineto stroke TBL 2400 2050 moveto (W) show tfn 1500 150 sub 0800 moveto (N) show xtr0 neg ytr0 neg translate %********************************************************************* /C03_FX3{%BEG C03_FX3 xtr0 ytr0 translate /xi 51 array def %range -4 bis +4 in steps of /yi 51 array def %range -1 to +1 /epxi 51 array def /emxi 51 array def /esxi 51 array def /Frui 51 array def /MULX 500 def /MULY 500 def ioute 0 eq {/e 2.7182818 def} {/e 10.0 def } ifelse /im 45 def jm1 1 jm2 {/j exch def %j=0,jm j 0 eq {/ai 1.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 1.0 def} if j 1 eq {/ai 2.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 1.0 def} if j 2 eq {/ai 1.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 2.0 def} if j 3 eq {/ai 2.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 2.0 def} if 0 1 50 {/i exch def %i=0,50 xi i -4 i 0.2 mul add put epxi i e xi i get ai div exp put emxi i e xi i get ai div neg exp put esxi i epxi i get emxi i get add put Frui i epxi i get emxi i get sub epxi i get emxi i get add div bi mul put } for %i=0,50 40 setlinewidth [ ] 0 setdash 0 1 1 {/k exch def %k=0,1 k 0 eq {%k=0 j 0 eq {[ ] 0 setdash tfw} if j 1 eq {[ ] 0 setdash tfy} if j 2 eq {[ ] 0 setdash tfb} if j 3 eq {[ ] 0 setdash tfg} if } if %k=0 k 1 eq {%k=1 j 0 eq {[100 100] 0 setdash tfn} if j 1 eq {[100 100] 0 setdash tfn} if j 2 eq {[100 100] 0 setdash tfw} if j 3 eq {[100 100] 0 setdash tfn} if } if %k=1 0 1 im {/i exch def %i=0,im i 0 eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frui i get MULY mul 1500 add moveto} if i 1 ge i im 1 sub le and {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frui i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto} if i im eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frui i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto stroke} if } for %i=0,im } for %k=0,1 idevi 1 eq {%idevi=1 %integral dx/(a^2+x^2) = (1/a) arctan (x/a) /edxi 51 array def /Frudi 51 array def /ai 1 def %special case 0 1 50 {/i exch def %i=0,50 xi i -4 i 0.2 mul add put edxi i 1 ai dup mul xi i get dup mul add div put Frudi i edxi i get put } for %i=0,50 50 setlinewidth /im 45 def 0 1 1 {/j exch def %j=0,1 j 0 eq {tfg [ ] 0 setdash} if j 1 eq {tfn [100 100] 0 setdash} if 0 1 im {/i exch def %i=0,im i 0 eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frudi i get MULY mul 1500 add moveto} if i 1 ge i im 1 sub le and {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frudi i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto} if i im eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frudi i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto stroke} if } for %i=0,im } for %j=0,1 [ ] 0 setdash 20 setlinewidth } if %idevi=1 %slope /m0 Frui 21 get Frui 19 get sub xi 21 get xi 19 get sub div def %font colour j 0 eq {tfw} if j 1 eq {tfy} if j 2 eq {tfb} if j 3 eq {tfg} if 2100 1300 j 200 mul sub moveto TBIS (m) show 0 -70 rmoveto TBV ai cvishow bi cvishow 0 70 rmoveto TBS (=) show m0 cvsshow2x } for %j=0,jm tfl 30 setlinewidth 1600 0 moveto 1600 Frui 16 get MULY mul 1500 add lineto stroke 2400 500 moveto 2400 Frui 24 get MULY mul 1500 add lineto stroke [ ] 0 setdash 20 setlinewidth xtr0 neg ytr0 neg translate } def %C03_FX3{%BEG C03_FX3 %********************************************************************* /C0i_FXi{%BEG C0i_FXi xtr0 ytr0 translate %xchartl=0 in top lines %xchartl 1 eq {/a 1.0 expnp expnr get exp def % /ai 1.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 2.0 def} if % /ai 2.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 2.0 def} if %xchartl 2 eq {/a 2.0 expnp expnr get exp def % /ai 2.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 1.0 def} if %xchartl 3 eq {/a 0.5 expnp expnr get exp def % /ai 0.5 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 1.0 def} if %xchartl 4 eq {/a 2.0 expnp expnr get exp def % /ai 2.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 2.0 def} if %xchartl 5 eq {/a 0.5 expnp expnr get exp def % /ai 0.5 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 2.0 def} if %xchartl 6 eq {/a 1.0 expnp expnr get exp def % /ai 1.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 0.5 def} if %xchartl 7 eq {/a 0.5 expnp expnr get exp def % /ai 0.5 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 0.5 def} if 0 1 1 {/j exch def %j=0,1 j 0 eq {/ai 1.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 2.0 def} if j 1 eq {/ai 2.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 2.0 def} if 0 1 50 {/i exch def %i=0,50 xi i -4 i 0.2 mul add put epxi i e xi i get ai div exp put emxi i e xi i get ai div neg exp put esxi i epxi i get emxi i get add put Frui i epxi i get emxi i get sub epxi i get emxi i get add div bi mul put } for %i=0,50 40 setlinewidth 0 1 1 {/k exch def %k=0,1 k 0 eq {[ ] 0 setdash tfy} if k 1 eq {[100 100] 0 setdash tfn} if 0 1 im {/i exch def %i=0,im i 0 eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frui i get MULY mul 1500 add moveto} if i 1 ge i im 1 sub le and {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frui i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto} if i im eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frui i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto stroke} if } for %i=0,im } for %k=0,1 } for %j=0,1 %tfl %30 setlinewidth %1600 0 moveto 1600 Frui 16 get MULY mul 1500 add lineto stroke %2400 500 moveto 2400 Frui 24 get MULY mul 1500 add lineto stroke imevi 1 eq {%imevi=1 %integral dx/(a^2+x^2) = (1/a) arctan (x/a) /emxi 51 array def /Frumi 51 array def 0 1 50 {/i exch def %i=0,50 xi i -4 i 0.2 mul add put emxi i 1 a dup mul xi i get dup mul add div put Frumi i emxi i get bi mul put } for %i=0,50 40 setlinewidth /im 45 def 0 1 0 {/j exch def %j=0,1 j 0 eq {tfg [ ] 0 setdash} if j 1 eq {tfn [100 100] 0 setdash} if 0 1 im {/i exch def %i=0,im i 0 eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frumi i get MULY mul 1500 add moveto} if i 1 ge i im 1 sub le and {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frumi i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto} if i im eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frumi i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto stroke} if } for %i=0,im } for %j=0,1 [ ] 0 setdash 20 setlinewidth } if %imevi=1 tfy xchartl 1 ge {%xchartl>=1 %slope /m0 Frui 21 get Frui 19 get sub xi 21 get xi 19 get sub div def 2000 1300 moveto TBIL (m) show 0 -100 rmoveto TBS (0) show 0 100 rmoveto TBL (=) show m0 cvsshow2x } if %xchartl>=1 xtr0 neg ytr0 neg translate } def %END C0i_FXi %********************************************************************* /C0i_Qxi{%BEG C0i_Qxi xtr0 ytr0 translate %xchartl=0 in top lines xchartl 1 eq {/a 1.0 expnp expnr get exp def /ai 1.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 2.0 def} if xchartl 2 eq {/a 2.0 expnp expnr get exp def /ai 2.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 1.0 def} if xchartl 3 eq {/a 0.5 expnp expnr get exp def /ai 0.5 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 1.0 def} if xchartl 4 eq {/a 2.0 expnp expnr get exp def /ai 2.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 2.0 def} if xchartl 5 eq {/a 0.5 expnp expnr get exp def /ai 0.5 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 2.0 def} if xchartl 6 eq {/a 1.0 expnp expnr get exp def /ai 1.0 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 0.5 def} if xchartl 7 eq {/a 0.5 expnp expnr get exp def /ai 0.5 expnp expnr get exp lne_10 mul def /bi 0.5 def} if /lnW2 2 sqrt ln def %a=1, l=1, m=1, b=1, k=1/a=1 0 1 50 {/i exch def %i=0,50 xi i -4 i 0.2 mul add put eqxi i e xi i get ai div exp put /q1 eqxi i get 2 sqrt mul 1 add def /q2 1 q1 div 1 add def /q3 q2 ln lnW2 div 1 sub def Fqui i q3 neg put } for %i=0,50 40 setlinewidth tfb [100 100] 0 setdash 0 1 im {/i exch def %i=0,im i 0 eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Fqui i get MULY mul 1500 add moveto} if i 1 ge i im 1 sub le and {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Fqui i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto} if i im eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Fqui i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto stroke} if } for %i=0,im %a=1, l=1, m=1, b=2, k=1/a=1 0 1 50 {/i exch def %i=0,50 xi i -4 i 0.2 mul add put eoxi i e xi i get ai div exp put /q1 eoxi i get 2 sqrt mul 1 add def /q2 1 q1 div 1 add def /q3 q2 ln lnW2 div 1 sub def Foui i q3 neg 2 mul put } for %i=0,50 40 setlinewidth tfb [100 100] 0 setdash 0 1 im {/i exch def %i=0,im i 0 eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Foui i get MULY mul 1500 add moveto} if i 1 ge i im 1 sub le and {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Foui i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto} if i im eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Foui i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto stroke} if } for %i=0,im %tfl %30 setlinewidth %1600 0 moveto 1600 Fqui 16 get MULY mul 1500 add lineto stroke %2400 500 moveto 2400 Fqui 24 get MULY mul 1500 add lineto stroke imevi 1 eq {%imevi=1 %integral dx/(a^2+x^2) = (1/a) arctan (x/a) /emxi 51 array def /Frumi 51 array def 0 1 50 {/i exch def %i=0,50 xi i -4 i 0.2 mul add put emxi i 1 a dup mul xi i get dup mul add div put Frumi i emxi i get bi mul put } for %i=0,50 40 setlinewidth /im 45 def 0 1 0 {/j exch def %j=0,1 j 0 eq {tfg [ ] 0 setdash} if j 1 eq {tfn [100 100] 0 setdash} if 0 1 im {/i exch def %i=0,im i 0 eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frumi i get MULY mul 1500 add moveto} if i 1 ge i im 1 sub le and {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frumi i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto} if i im eq {xi i get MULX mul 2000 add Frumi i get MULY mul 1500 add lineto stroke} if } for %i=0,im } for %j=0,1 [ ] 0 setdash 20 setlinewidth } if %imevi=1 tfy xchartl 1 ge {%xchartl>=1 %slope /mq Fqui 21 get Fqui 19 get sub xi 21 get xi 19 get sub div def 2000 1000 moveto TBIL (m) show 0 -100 rmoveto TBS (q) show 0 100 rmoveto TBL (=) show mq cvsshow2x %slope /mo Foui 21 get Foui 19 get sub xi 21 get xi 19 get sub div def 2000 0700 moveto TBIL (m) show 0 -100 rmoveto TBS (o) show 0 100 rmoveto TBL (=) show mo cvsshow2x } if %xchartl>=1 xtr0 neg ytr0 neg translate } def %END C0i_Qxi %********************************************************* C03_FX3 %********************************************************* %special space for 'xm03'PROZ0.COM 2x before/after xchartl % xchartl 0 eq { 100 neg 13000 neg translate} if % xchartl 1 eq { 5700 neg 13000 neg translate} if % xchartl 2 eq { 100 neg 08740 neg translate} if % xchartl 3 eq { 5700 neg 08740 neg translate} if % xchartl 4 eq { 100 neg 04480 neg translate} if % xchartl 5 eq { 5700 neg 04480 neg translate} if % xchartl 6 eq { 100 neg 00220 neg translate} if % xchartl 7 eq { 5700 neg 00220 neg translate} if grestore %} for %xchartl=0,07 showpage grestore %%Trailer