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Colour difference data sets and performance of colour difference formulae

Properties for adjacent and separated samples and for small and large differences

Figures and data of "Colour difference data sets and performance of colour difference formulae" are in the folders YEXX (colour series Y, E=English, XX=00 to 99).

Folder and Title
Development of colour difference data sets
Many of the folders XEXX (XX=00 to 99) include colour difference data sets in the PS files. The files create a standard PDF output format which is used as standard input format in the folders YEXX (XX=00 to 99).
In the folders XEXX (XX=00 to 99) the input data of the colour difference data sets are from different sources. Any data set is described by 8 characters, for example OS_L0128.
1. O is for the name OSA, M is for the name Munsell, etc.
2. A or S describes the sample viewing condition: Adjacent (A) or Separate (S).
3. V, T, S, L, E is for the size of the mean colour difference in the data set
- V = VTCD Visual Threshold Colour Differences (0 < dE*ab <= 1)
- T = TCD Threshold Colour Differences (0 < dE*ab <= 2)
- S = SCD Small Colour Differences (0 < dE*ab <= 5)
- L = LCD Large Colour Differences (5 < dE*ab <= 20)
- E = ELCD Extra Large Colour Differences (20 < dE*ab <= 99).
4. 0, W, V, C, or D (0 = no pair comparison data used, or data from WANG or VIK experimental data used, or data from CIELAB or CIEDE2000 formula used).
5-8. number of colour difference pairs in the data set.

For basic information on colour, see also the booklet Colour and Colour Vision - Elementary Colours in Image Technology
in 6 languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Norwegian (2015, 85 pages, 2,5 MB, PDF, format A5 also for mobil reading).

CIELAB and LABJND lightness formulae and mathematical derivation
for dY, Y-based contrast dY/Y, and Y-based sensitivity Y/dY
YE00: CIELAB and LABJND threshold lightness L* and derivation dL*/dY
YE01: CIELAB and LABJND_1 threshold lightness L* and derivation dL*/dY
YE02: LABJND and LABJND_1 threshold lightness L* and derivation dL*/dY

Relative visual pair comparison; Data of colour difference experiments of VIK_EV098
YE03: Data sequence ordered according to VIK
YE04: Data sequence ordered according to BAM1
YE05: Data sequence ordered according to BAM2

Relative visual pair comparison; Data of colour difference experiments and relative calculation
YE06: Colour difference experiments ELCD_E, VA_EE069=VIK_ADJACENT_EE
YE07: Colour difference experiments ELCD_E, KA_EE069=KIT_ADJACENT_EE
YE08: Colour difference experiments ELCD_E, KS_EE069=KIT_SEPARATE_EE
YE09: Colour difference experiments ELCD_E, MA_EE049=MEL_ADJACENT_EE

Relative visual pair comparison
YE10: Colour difference pairs VA_EC098

Relative visual pair comparison; Data of colour difference experiments WA_EW098, no Power Function (PF)
YE11: Parameters xchart3=0, xchart4=0, original and CIELAB data, no transfer of DV data
YE12: Parameters xchart3=1, xchart4=0, original and CIELAB data, transfer of DV data
YE13: Parameters xchart3=0, xchart4=0, original data, no transfer of DV data
YE14: Parameters xchart3=1, xchart4=0, original data, transfer of DV data
YE15: Parameters xchart3=0, xchart4=0, xchartDVTR=0, older version compared to YE13

Five colour difference formulae, STRESS-value performance of colour difference data sets
YE16: LCD & ELCD (Large and Extra Large Colour differences)
YE17: ELCD (Extra Large Colour differences)

Colour difference data sets; delta_E*-distribution and performance (STRESS values)
Tables for Small Colour Differences (SCD), 6 LCD ranges 5 < delta_E* < 199
YE18: Tables for the datasets WA_S, RA_S, LA_S, BA_S, SA_S
YE19: PF-Tables for the same data sets

Colour difference data sets; delta_E*-distribution and performance (STRESS values)
Tables and PF_Tables for Visual Threshold Colour Differences (VTCD), 6 TCD ranges 0 < delta_E* < 2
YE20: Tables for the data sets RA_V, KA_V, AA_V
YE21: PF-Tables for the same data sets

Colour difference data sets; delta_E*-distribution and performance (STRESS values)
Tables and PF_Tables for Threshold Colour Differences (TCD), 6 TCD ranges 0 < delta_E* < 2
YE22: Tables for the data sets WA_T, SA_T, MA_T, SA_T, GA_T
YE23: PF-Tables for the same data sets

Colour difference data sets; delta_E*-distribution and performance (STRESS values)
Tables and PF_Tables for Small Colour Differences (SCD), 6 TCD ranges 0 < delta_E* < 2
YE24: Tables for the data sets WA_S, RA_S, LA_S, BA_S, SA_S
YE25: PF-Tables for the same data sets

Colour difference data sets; delta_E*-distribution and performance (STRESS values)
Tables and PF_Tables for 6 Large Colour Differences (LCD) and 3 Extra Large Colour DIfferences (ELCD),
3 LCD ranges 5 < delta_E* <= 199
YE26: Tables for the 9 data sets OS_L, MS_L, PA_L, GA_L, ZA_L, BA_L, RS_ER(032/160/192)
YE27: PF-Tables for the same data sets

Colour difference data sets; delta_E*-distribution and performance (STRESS values)
Tables and PF_Tables for Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
YE28: Tables for the 8 data sets Va_EW, Ka_EW, Ks_EW, Ma_EW, Va_EV, Ka_EV, Ks_EV, Ma_EV
YE29: PF-Tables for the same data sets

YE30: Tables for the 8 data sets VA_EC, KA_EC, KS_EC, MA_EC, VA_ED, KA_ED, KS_ED, MA_ED
YE31: PF-Tables for the same data sets

YE32: Tables for the 9 data sets VA_EW, KA_EW, KS_EW, MA_EW, VA_EV, KA_EV, KS_EV, MA_EV, RS_ER160
YE33: PF-Tables for the same data sets

YE34: Tables for the 8 data sets VA_EC, KA_EC, KS_EC, MA_EC, VA_EW, KA_EW, KS_EW, MA_EW
YE35: PF-Tables for the same data sets

Colour difference data sets; delta_E*-distribution and performance (STRESS values)
Tables and PF_Tables for 6 Large and 3 Extra Large Colour Differences (LCD and ELCD), 3 LCD ranges 5 < delta_E* <= 199
YE36: Tables for the 9 data sets OS_L, MS_L, PA_L, GA_L, ZA_L, BA_L, WA_EW, VA_EV, RS_ER032
YE37: PF-Tables for the same data sets

Colour difference data sets; delta_E*-distribution and performance (STRESS values)
Tables and PF_Tables for Threshold and Extra Large Colour Differences (VTCD and ELCD), 3 LCD ranges 5 < delta_E* <= 199
YE38: Tables for the 9 data sets RS_E(I/P)096, RS_E(I/P)080, RS_ER160, WA_EW060, VA_EV098, RS_ER(032/192)
YE39: PF-Tables for the same data sets

Colour difference formulae; Performance by STRESS values for five colour difference formulae
YE40: Data sets LCD & ELCD (Extra Large Colour Differences); Single figures for data sets, for grouped data sets see YE16 & YE17

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
Use of pair comparison data of CIEDE2000 formula
YE41: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set Va_EW098=VIK_EW
YE42: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set Ka_EW098=KITTELMANN_EW
YE43: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set Ks_EW098=KITTELMANN_EW
YE44: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set Ma_EW098=MELGOSA_EW
YE45: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set Va_EV098=VIK_EV
YE46: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set Ka_EV098=KITTELMANN_EV
YE47: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set Ks_EV098=KITTELMANN_EV
YE48: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set Ma_EV098=MELGOSA_EV

YE49 to YE50: Under development

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
Use of pair comparison data of CIELAB formula
YE51: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set VA_EC098=VIK_EC
YE52: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set KA_EC098=KITTELMANN_EC
YE53: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set KS_EC098=KITTELMANN_EC
YE54: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set MA_EC098=MELGOSA_EC
YE55: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set VA_ED098=VIK_ED
YE56: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set KA_ED098=KITTELMANN_ED
YE57: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set KS_ED098=KITTELMANN_ED
YE58: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set MA_ED098=MELGOSA_ED

YE59: Under development

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD),
Use of pair comparison data of CIELAB formula

YE60: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, (visual) CIELAB data and delta_E* data for data set TC_EC112=TEST CIELAB

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD),
Use of visual pair comparison data of WANG (W)

YE61: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set VA_EW098=VIK_EW
YE62: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set KA_EW098=KITTELMANN_EW
YE63: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set KS_EW098=KITTELMANN_EW
YE64: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set MA_EW098=MELGOSA_EW
YE65: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set VA_EV098=VIK_EV
YE66: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set KA_EV098=KITTELMANN_EV
YE67: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set KS_EV098=KITTELMANN_EV
YE68: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set MA_EV098=MELGOSA_EV

YE69: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set RS_ER160=RICHTER_ER
YE70: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set RS_ER192=RICHTER_ER

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Threshold Colour Differences (TCD)
YE71: Threshold Colour Differences (TCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set WA_T0100=WANG
YE72: Threshold Colour Differences (TCD), XYZ, visuelle und delta_E*-Daten für Datensatz 1S_T0890=BIGC_T1_SG
YE73: Threshold Colour Differences (TCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set 2M_T0399=BIGC_T2_M
YE74: Threshold Colour Differences (TCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set 2S_T0446=BIGC_T2_SG
YE75: Threshold Colour Differences (TCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set 2G_T0379=BIGC_T2_G

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
YE76: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set RS_EI096=RICHTER_EI
YE77: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set RS_EP096=RICHTER_EP
YE78: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set RS_EI080=RICHTER_EI
YE79: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set RS_EP080=RICHTER_EP
YE80: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set RS_ER160=RICHTER_ER

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Large Colour Differences (LCD)
YE81: Large Colour Differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set OS_L0128=OSA_L
YE82: Large Colour Differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set MS_L0844=MUNSELL_L
YE83: Large Colour Differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set PA_L1308=POINTER_L
YE84: Large Colour Differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set GA_L0292=GUAN_L
YE85: Large Colour Differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set ZA_L0144=ZHU_L
YE86: Large Colour Differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set BA_L0238=BADU_L

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
YE87: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set WA_EW060=WANG_EW
YE88: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set VA_EV098=VIK_EV
YE89: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set RS_ER032=RICHTER_ER
YE90: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set RS_ER192=RICHTER_ER

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Visual Threshold Colour Differences (VTCD)
YE91: Visual Threshold Coulor Differences (VTCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set RI_V0330=RICHTER
YE92: Visual Threshold Coulor Differences (VTCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set KI_V0392=KITTELMANN
YE93: Visual Threshold Coulor Differences (VTCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set AV_V0132=AVRAMOPOULOS

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Small Colour Differences (SCD)
YE94: Small Colour Differences (SCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set WI_S0418=WITT
YE95: Small Colour Differences (SCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set RD_S0312=RIT_DUPONT
YE96: Small Colour Differences (SCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set LE_S0317=LEEDS
YE97: Small Colour Differences (SCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set BF_S2776=BFD_ALL
YE98: Small Colour Differences (SCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set SS_S0446=BIGC_S_SG

YE99: Under development


Relative and scaled colour differences

CIELAB and LABJND lightness formulae and mathematical derivation
for dY, Y-based contrast dY/Y, and Y-based sensitivity Y/dY
YE00: CIELAB and LABJND threhold lightness L* and derivation dL*/dY
example file (1 page, 200 KB) YE00/YE00L0NP.PDF

Relative visual pair comparison; Data of colour difference experiments of VIK_EV098
YE03: Data sequence ordered according to VIK
example file (2 pages, 50 KB) YE03/YE03L0NP.PDF

Relative visual pair comparison; Data of colour difference experiments
YE06: Colour difference experiments ELCD_E, VA_EE069=VIK_ADJACENT_EE
example file (2 pages, 50 KB) YE06/YE06L0NP.PDF

Relative visual pair comparison and relative calculation
YE10: Colour difference pairs VA_EC114
example file (6 pages, 200 KB) YE10/YE10L0NP.PDF

Relative visual pair comparison; Data of colour difference experiments WA_EW06
no Power Function (PF)
YE11: Parameters xchart3=0, xchart4=0, original and CIELAB data, no transfer of DV data
example file (6 pages, 200 KB) YE11/YE11L0NP.PDF

Five colour difference formulae, STRESS-value performance of colour difference data sets
YE17: ELCD (Extra Large Colour differences)
example file (1 page, 200 KB) YE17/YE17L0NP.PDF

Colour difference data sets; delta_E*-distribution and performance (STRESS values)
Tables and PF_Tables for Visual Threshold Colour Differences (VTCD), 6 TCD ranges 0 < delta_E* < 2
YE20: Tables for the data sets RA_V, KA_V, AA_V
example file (6 pages, 200 KB) YE20/YE20L0NP.PDF

YE21: PF-Tables for the same data sets
example file (3 pages, 100 KB) YE21/YE21L0NP.PDF

Colour difference data sets; delta_E*-distribution and performance (STRESS values)
Tables and PF_Tables for Small Colour Differences (SCD), 6 TCD ranges 0 < delta_E* < 2
YE24: Tables for the data sets WA_S, RA_S, LA_S, BA_S, SA_S
example file (3 pages, 100 KB) YE24/YE24L0NP.PDF

YE25: PF-Tables for the same data sets
example file (3 pages, 100 KB) YE25/YE25L0NP.PDF

Colour difference data sets; delta_E*-distribution and performance (STRESS values)
Tables and PF_Tables for Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), 3 LCD ranges 5 < delta_E* <= 199
YE32: Tables for the 8 data sets VA_EW, KA_EW, KS_EW, MA_EW, VA_EV, KA_EV, KS_EV, MA_EV, RS_ER160
example file (3 pages, 100 KB) YE32/YE32L0NP.PDF

YE33: PF-Tables for the same data sets
example file (3 pages, 100 KB) YE33/YE33L0NP.PDF

Colour difference data sets; delta_E*-distribution and performance (STRESS values)
Tables and PF_Tables for 6 Large and 3 Extra Large Colour Differences (LCD and ELCD), 3 LCD ranges 5 < delta_E* <= 199
YE36: Tables for the 9 data sets OS_L, MS_L, PA_L, GA_L, ZA_L, BA_L, WA_EW, VA_EV, RS_ER032
example file (3 pages, 100 KB) YE36/YE36L0NP.PDF

YE37: PF-Tables for the same data sets
example file (3 pages, 100 KB) YE37/YE37L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae; Performance by STRESS values for five colour difference formulae
YE40: Data sets LCD & ELCD (Extra Large Colour Differences); Single figures for data sets, for grouped data sets see YE16 & YE17
example file (1 page, 100 KB) YE40/YE40L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
Use of pair comparison data of WANG (W)
YE41: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set Va_EW098=VIK_EW
example file (3 pages, 100 KB) YE41/YE41L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
Use of pair comparison data of the CIELAB formula
YE51: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set VA_EC098=VIK_EC
example file (3 pages, 100 KB) YE51/YE51L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD)
Use of pair comparison data of WANG (W)
YE61: Extra Large Colour Differences (ELCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set VA_EW098=VIK_EW
example file (3 pages, 100 KB) YE61/YE61L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Threshold Colour Differences (TCD)
YE71: Threshold Colour Differences (TCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set WA_T0100=WANG
example file (3 pages, 100 KB) YE71/YE71L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Large or Extra Large Colour Differences (LCD or ELCD)
YE81: Large Colour Differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set OS_L0128=OSA
example file (4 pages, 100 KB) YE81/YE81L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Visual Threshold Colour Differences (VTCD)
YE91: Visual Threshold Coulor Differences (VCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set RI_V0330=RICHTER
example file (8 pages, 200 KB) YE91/YE91L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Small Colour Differences (SCD)
YE94: Small Colour Differences (SCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data set WI_S0418=WITT
example file (9 pages, 200 KB) YE94/YE94L0NP.PDF

For this page without additional image information, see
YE in English, YG in German.
For this page with additional image information (internet speed > 1MB/s recommended), see
YEI in English, YGI in German.

For the preceding page without additional image information, see
XE in English, XG in German.
For the preceding page with additional image information, see
XEI in English, XGI in German.

For the next page without additional image information, see
ZE in English, ZG in German.
For the next page with additional image information, see
ZEI in English, ZGI in German.

For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

Back to the main page of this TUB web site (not archive), see
index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.