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Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology

Some basic colorimetric and colour vision data for thresholds, and for antichromatic optimal Ostwald colours.

Figures and data of "Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology" are in the folders WEXX (colour series W, E=English, XX=00 to 99).

Folder and Title
Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology

See also the booklet of K. Richter (2015, 80 pages, 2,5 MB) Colour, Colour Vision and Elementary Colours in Colour Information Technology

Examples of affine colorimetry; elementary hues
WE00: rgb* input data and LCh* output data
sRGB- and offset colours; 9 step colour series in CIELAB hue triangles.
WE01: rgb* input data and LCh* output data
Ostwald- and offset colours; 9 step colour series in CIELAB hue triangles.
WE02: ice* input data and ICE* output data
sRGB- and offset colours; 9 step colour series in CIELAB hue triangles.
WE03: ice* input data and ICE* output data
Ostwald- and offset colours; 9 step colour series in CIELAB hue triangles.

Examples of affine colorimetry; colorimetric shifts in hue triangles
WE04: colorimetric filter transfer rgb* -> rgb*n (n=1 to 8)BR> in six hue planes (1, 0, 0), (1,1,0), ... (1, 0, 1).

Test of colour differences for complementary colour pairs
WE05: 9 step hue circle; grey surround.
WE06: 9 step hue circle; white surround.
WE07: 24 step hue circle; grey surround.
WE08: 24 step hue circle; white surround.

Colour difference formulae CIELAB, CIEDE2000, CIEDE2000_PF_R, CIEDE2000_PF, LABJND
CIE contrast and sensitivity

WE09: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, LABJND, experiment RI in WN-direction.
WE10: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, LABJND, experiment RI in RG-direction.
WE11: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, LABJND, experiment RI in YB-direction.
WE12: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, CIEDE2000_PF_R, experiment RI in WN-direction.
WE13: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, CIEDE2000_PF_R, experiment RI in RG-direction.
WE14: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, CIEDE2000_PF_R, experiment RI in YB-direction.
WE15: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, CIEDE2000_PF, experiment RI in WN-direction.

Colour difference formula, CIELAB Lightness L* and derivation dL*/dY
WE16: Formulae for dY, CIE contrast dY/Y, and CIE sensitivity Y/dY

Colour difference formulae, Test of implementation of CIEDE2000 formula, without Power Function correction
WE17: 10 example pairs with intermediate data calculated by Excel
and with intermediate data calculated with the Postscript programming language

Colour difference formulae, tables with delta_E* distribution and STRESS for data sets VCD, TCD, SCD und LCD
without Power Function correction with CMC formula according to CIE 15
WE18: 418 + 312 + 307 + 2776 + 446 colour pairs with Small colour differences (SCD) for data sets WI, RD, LE, BF und SS, and for LCD range
WE20: 330 + 392 + 132 colour pairs with Visual threshold differences (VCD) for data sets RI, KI, and AV
WE21: 100 + 890 + 399 + 446 + 379 colour pairs with Threshold colour differences (TCD) for data sets WA, 1S, 2M, 2S, and 2G
WE22: 418 + 312 + 307 + 2776 + 446 colour pairs with Small colour differences (SCD) for data sets WI, RD, LE, BF und SS
WE23: 128 + 844 + 1308 + 292 + 244 + 238 + 80 + 624 colour pairs with Large colour differences (LCD) for data sets OS, MU, PO, GU, ZH, BA, RL, and KL

Colour difference formulae, tables with delta_E* distribution and STRESS for data sets VCD, TCD, SCD und LCD
with Power Function correction with CMC formula according to CIE 15
WE19: 418 + 312 + 307 + 2776 + 446 colour pairs with Small colour differences (SCD) for data sets WI, RD, LE, BF und SS, and for LCD range
WE24: 330 + 392 + 132 colour pairs with Visual threshold differences (VCD) for data sets RI, KI, and AV
WE25: 100 + 890 + 399 + 446 + 379 colour pairs with Threshold colour differences (TCD) for data sets WA, 1S, 2M, 2S, and 2G
WE26: 418 + 312 + 307 + 2776 + 446 colour pairs with Small colour differences (SCD) for data sets WI, RD, LE, BF und SS
WE27: 128 + 844 + 1308 + 292 + 244 + 238 + 80 + 624 colour pairs with Large colour differences (LCD) for data sets OS, MU, PO, GU, ZH, BA, RL, and KL

Original colour difference data, CIELAB data set with delta_E*=1
315 regular sample pairs of Kittelmann
WE28: CIELAB data set, delta_E*CIELAB=1
WE29: CIE94 data set, delta_E*CIE94=1
WE30: CIEDE2000 data set, delta_E*CIEDE2000=1
WE31: LABJND data set, delta_E*LABJND=1

Original colour difference data, CIELAB data set with delta_E*=1
with Power function correction (PF); 315 regular sample pairs of Kittelmann
WE32: CIELAB data set, delta_E*CIELAB,PF=1
WE33: CIE94 data set, delta_E*CIE94,PF=1
WE34: CIEDE2000 data set, delta_E*CIEDE2000,PF=1
WE35: LABJND data set, delta_E*LABJND,PF=1

Colour difference formulae CIELAB, CIEDE2000, CIEDE2000_PF, LABJND; CIE contrast and sensitivity
WE36: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, LABJND, experiment KI in WN-direction.
WE37: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, LABJND, experiment KI in RG-direction.
WE38: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, LABJND, experiment KI in YB-direction.
WE39: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, CIEDE2000_PF, experiment KI in WN-direction.

Colour difference experiments
WE40: Viewing situations, colours in chromaticity diagrams; LABJND formulae
WE41: Colour threshold data, RI-experiments, series QPS, TDM, and BDY

Colour threshold experiments of achromatic colours of Kittelmann
17 sample pairs for D65, least square fit of visual threshold data with 4 constants, delta_T*=1 for achromatic colours
WE42: Achromatic colours in WN-direction as function of tristimulus value Y; 4 constants Ai
WE43: Achromatic colours in RC-direction as function of tristimulus value Y and chromaticity a; 4 constants Ai
WE44: Achromatc colours in BY-direction as function of tristimulus value Y and chromaticity b; 4 constants Ai

Colour threshold experiments of achromatic colours of Richter
15 sample pairs for P4000, least square fit of visual threshold data with 2 to 4 constants, delta_T*=1 for achromatic colours
WE45: Achromatic colours in WN-direction as function of tristimulus value Y; 2 to 4 constants Ai
WE46: Achromatic colours in TM-direction as function of tristimulus value Y and chromaticity a; 2 to 4 constants Ai
WE47: Achromtiac colours in BY-direction as function of tristimulus value Y and chromaticity b; 2 to 4 constants Ai
WE48: Achromatic colours in WN-direction as function of tristimulus value Y; 4 constants Ai
WE49: Achromatic colours in TM-direction as function of tristimulus value Y and chromaticity a; 4 constants Ai
WE50: Achromtiac colours in BY-direction as function of tristimulus value Y and chromaticity b; 4 constants Ai

Colour difference experiments; Names and colorimetric properties
WE51: Names, colorimetric properties and download of colour difference data sets SCD, TCD, and VCD
WE52: Names, colorimetric properties and download of colour difference data sets LCD and ELCD

CIELAB and LABJND colour difference formulae; Formulae for dY, CIE contrast dY/Y, and CIE sensitivity Y/dY
WE53: CIELAB and LABJND threshold lightness L* and derivation dL*/dY
WE54: CIELAB and LABJND_1 threshold lightness L* and derivation dL*/dY
WE55: LABJND and LABJND_1 threshold lightness L* and derivation dL*/dY

Colour difference experiments
WE56: Example of SCD data set: WI_0418; LABJND formulae

Colour difference formulae, tables with delta_E* distribution and STRESS for data sets ECD, VCD, TCD, SCD und LCD
without Power Function correction with modified CMC formula
WE57: 128 + 128 colour samples of 3 and 5 step series with Extra large colour differences (ELCD) for data sets VR, KR
WE58: 418 + 312 + 307 + 2776 + 446 colour pairs with Small colour differences (SCD) for data sets WI, RD, LE, BF und SS, and for LCD range
WE60: 330 + 392 + 132 colour pairs with Visual threshold differences (VCD) for data sets RI, KI, and AV
WE61: 100 + 890 + 399 + 446 + 379 colour pairs with Threshold colour differences (TCD) for data sets WA, 1S, 2M, 2S, and 2G
WE62: 418 + 312 + 307 + 2776 + 446 colour pairs with Small colour differences (SCD) for data sets WI, RD, LE, BF und SS
WE63: 128 + 844 + 1308 + 292 + 244 + 238 + 80 + 624 colour pairs with Large colour differences (LCD) for data sets OS, MU, PO, GU, ZH, BA, RL, and KL

Colour difference formulae, tables with delta_E* distribution and STRESS for data sets VCD, TCD, SCD, LCD, and ELCD
with Power Function correction with modified CMC formula
WE59: 418 + 312 + 307 + 2776 + 446 colour pairs with Small colour differences (SCD) for data sets WI, RD, LE, BF und SS, and for LCD range
WE64: 330 + 392 + 132 colour pairs with Visual threshold differences (VCD) for data sets RI, KI, and AV
WE65: 100 + 890 + 399 + 446 + 379 colour pairs with Threshold colour differences (TCD) for data sets WA, 1S, 2M, 2S, and 2G
WE66: 418 + 312 + 307 + 2776 + 446 colour pairs with Small colour differences (SCD) for data sets WI, RD, LE, BF und SS
WE67: 128 + 844 + 1308 + 292 + 244 + 238 + 80 + 624 colour pairs with Large colour differences (LCD) for data sets OS, MU, PO, GU, ZH, BA, RL, and KL
WE68: 128 + 128 colour samples of 3 and 5 step series with Extra large colour differences (ELCD) for data sets VR, KR

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Extra large colour differences (ECD)
WE69: 128 colour pairs with Extra large colour differences (ECD), Calculations I of XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets VR=VIK_Relative
WE70: 128 colour pairs with Extra large colour differences (ECD), Calculations II of XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets VR=VIK_Relative

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Threshold colour differences (T=thresshold) (TCD)
WE71: 100 colour pairs with Threshold colour differences (TCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets WA=WANG
WE72: 890 colour pairs with Threshold colour differences (TCD), XYZ, visuelle und delta_E*-Daten für Datensatz 1S=BIGC_T1_SG
WE73: 399 colour pairs with Threshold colour differences (TCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets 2M=BIGC_T2_M
WE74: 446 colour pairs with Threshold colour differences (TCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets 2S=BIGC_T2_SG
WE75: 379 colour pairs with Threshold colour differences (TCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets 2G=BIGC_T2_G

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Extra large colour differences (ECD)
WE76: 128 colour pairs with Extra large colour differences (ECD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets VR=VIK_Relative
WE77: 128 colour pairs with Extra large colour differences (ECD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets KR=KITTELMANN_Relative

Tables of colour threshold data in CIE spaces Yxy, CIELAB and others; LABJND with constsnts for A, and D65
WE78: RI-experiments: series WPN, GDR, BDY in directions WN, GR, BY; CIE-Yxy- and CIE-Yxy difference data; LABJND with constants for A and D65
WE79: RI-experiments: series WPN, GDR, BDY in directions WN, GR, BY; CIE-Yxy- and CIE-Yxy difference data; LABJND with constants for D65
WE80: RI-experiments: series WPN, GDR, BDY in directions WN, GR, BY; CIE-Yxy- and CIE-Yxy difference data; LABJND with special constants 0,8 1,4 1,1

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with large colour differences (L=large) (LCD)
WE81: 128 colour pairs with large colour differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets OS=OSA
WE82: 844 colour pairs with large colour differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets MU=MUNSELL
WE83: 1308 colour pairs with large colour differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets PO=POINTER
WE84: 292 colour pairs with large colour differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets GU=GUAN
WE85: 144 colour pairs with large colour differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets ZH=ZHU
WE86: 238 colour pairs with large colour differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets BA=BADU_P
WE87: 80 colour pairs with large colour differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets RL=RICHTER_L
WE88: 624 colour pairs with large colour differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets KL=KITTELMANN_L

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Extra large colour differences (ELCD)
WE89: 128 colour pairs with Extra large colour differences (ECD), Calculations I of XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets KR=KITTELMANN_Relative
WE90: 128 colour pairs with Extra large colour differences (ECD), Calculations II of XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets KR=KITTELMANN_Relative

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with Visual threshold colour differences (V=Visual) (VCD)
WE91: 330 colour pairs with Visual threshold differences (VCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets RI=RICHTER
WE92: 392 colour pairs with Visual threshold differences (VCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets KI=KITTELMANN
WE93: 132 colour pairs with Visual threshold differences (VCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets AV=AVRAMOPOULOS

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with small colour differences (S=small) (SCD)
WE94: 418 colour pairs with small colour differences (SCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets WI=WITT
WE95: 312 colour pairs with small colour differences (SCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets RD=RIT_DUPONT
WE96: 307 colour pairs with small colour differences (SCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets LE=LEEDS
WE97: 2776 colour pairs with small colour differences (SCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets BF=BFD_ALL
WE98: 446 colour pairs with small colour differences (SCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets SS=BIGC_S_SG

Colour difference experiments
WE99: Examples of data sets WI_0418 and VR_0128, Relative and scaled visual difference.


Examples of test charts and/or colorimetric experiments and calculations

Examples of affine colorimetry; elementary hues
WE00: rgb* input data and LCh* output data
sRGB- and offset colours; 9 step colour series in CIELAB hue triangles.
example file (1 page, 100 KB) WE00/WE00L0NP.PDF

WE01: rgb* input data and LCh* output data
Ostwald- and offset colours; 9 step colour series in CIELAB hue triangles.
example file (1 page, 100 KB) WE01/WE01L0NP.PDF

Examples of affine colorimetry; colorimetric shifts in hue triangles
WE04: colorimetric filter transfer rgb* -> rgb*n (n=1 to 8)BR> in six hue planes (1, 0, 0), (1,1,0), ... (1, 0, 1).
example file (6 pages, 200 KB) WE04/WE04L0NP.PDF

Test of colour differences for complementary colour pairs
WE05: 9 step hue circle; grey surround.
example file (460 pages, 18 MB) WE05/WE05L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae CIELAB, CIEDE2000, CIEDE2000_PF, CIEDE2000_CUI, LABJND
CIE contrast and sensitivity

WE09: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, LABJND, experiment RI in WN-direction.
example file (5 pages, 200KB) WE09/WE09L0NP.PDF

WE15: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, CIEDE2000_PF, experiment RI in WN-direction.
example file (5 pages, 200KB) WE15/WE15L0NP.PDF

CIELAB and LABJND colour difference formulae
Formulae for dY, CIE contrast dY/Y, and CIE sensitivity Y/dY

WE16: CIELAB and LABJND lightness L* and derivation dL*/dY

example file (1 page1, 200 KB) WE16/WE16L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, Test of implementation of CIEDE2000 formula, without Power Function correction
WE17: 10 example pairs with intermediate data calculated by Excel
and with intermediate data calculated with the Postscript programming language
example file (6 pages, 200 KB) WE17/WE17L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, tables with delta_E* distribution and STRESS
for data sets VCD, TCD, SCD und LCD without Power Function correction with CMC formula according to CIE 15
WE22: 418 + 312 + 307 + 2776 + 446 colour pairs with small colour differences (SCD) for data sets WI, RD, LE, BF und SS
example file (3 pages, 200 KB) WE22/WE22L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, tables with delta_E* distribution and STRESS
for data sets VCD, TCD, SCD und LCD with Power Function correction with CMC formula according to CIE 15
WE26: 418 + 312 + 307 + 2776 + 446 colour pairs with small colour differences (SCD) for data sets WI, RD, LE, BF und SS
example file (3 pages, 200 KB) WE26/WE26L0NP.PDF

Original colour difference data, CIELAB data set with delta_E*=1
315 regular sample pairs of Kittelmann
WE28: CIELAB data set, delta_E*CIELAB=1
example file (8 pages, 200 KB) WE28/WE28L0NP.PDF

Original colour difference data, CIELAB data set with delta_E*PF=1
with Power function correction (PF) 315 regular sample pairs of Kittelmann
WE32: CIELAB data set, delta_E*CIELAB,PF=1
example file (8 pages, 200 KB) WE32/WE32L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae CIELAB, CIEDE2000, CIEDE2000_PF, CIEDE2000_CUI, LABJND
CIE contrast and sensitivity
WE36: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, LABJND, experiment KI in WN-direction.
example file (5 pages, 200KB) WE36/WE36L0NP.PDF

WE39: results with CIELAB, CIEDE2000, CIEDE2000_PF, experiment KI in WN-direction.
example file (5 pages, 200KB) WE39/WE39L0NP.PDF

Colour threshold experiments of achromatic colours of Kittelmann
17 sample pairs for D65, least square fit of visual threshold data with 4 constants, delta_T*=1 for achromatic colours
WE42: Achromatic colours in WN-direction as function of tristimulus value Y; 4 constants Ai
example file (1 page, 200 KB) WE42/WE42L0NP.PDF

Colour threshold experiments of achromatic colours of Richter
15 sample pairs for P4000, least square fit of visual threshold data with 2 to 4 constants, delta_T*=1 for achromatic colours
WE45: Achromatic colours in WN-direction as function of tristimulus value Y; 2 constants Ai
example file (3 pages, 200 KB) WE45/WE45L0NP.PDF

WE49: Achromatic colours in TM-direction as function of tristimulus value Y and chromaticity a; 4 constants Ai
example file (1 page, 200 KB) WE49/WE49L0NP.PDF

Colour difference experiments
WE51: Names, colorimetric properties and download of colour difference data sets SCD, TCD, and VCD
example file (1 page1, 100 KB) WE51/WE51L0NP.PDF

CIELAB and LABJND colour difference formulae
Formulae for dY, CIE contrast dY/Y, and CIE sensitivity Y/dY
WE53: CIELAB and LABJND threshold lightness L* and derivation dL*/dY
example file (1 page1, 200 KB) WE53/WE53L0NP.PDF

Colour difference experiments
WE56: Example of SCD data set: WI_0418; LABJND formulae
example file (1 page1, 200 KB) WE56/WE56L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, tables with delta_E* distribution and STRESS
for data sets VCD, TCD, SCD und LCD without Power Function correction with modified CMC formula
WE62: 418 + 312 + 307 + 2776 + 446 colour pairs with small colour differences (SCD) for data sets WI, RD, LE, BF und SS
example file (3 pages, 200 KB) WE62/WE62L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, tables with delta_E* distribution and STRESS
for data sets VCD, TCD, SCD und LCD with Power Function correction with modified CMC formula
WE66: 418 + 312 + 307 + 2776 + 446 colour pairs with small colour differences (SCD) for data sets WI, RD, LE, BF und SS
example file (3 pages, 200 KB) WE66/WE66L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with threshold (T) colour differences (TCD)
WE71: 100 colour pairs with threshold (T) colour differences (TCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets WA=WANG
example file (3 pages, 100 KB) WE71/WE71L0NP.PDF

Tables of colour threshold data in CIE spaces Yxy, CIELAB and others
WE78: RI-experiments: series WPN, GDR, BDY in directions WN, GR, BY; CIE-Yxy- and CIE-Yxy difference data; LABJND with constants for A and D65
example file (1 pages, 100 KB) WE78/WE78L0NP.PDF

WE79: RI-experiments: series WPN, GDR, BDY in directions WN, GR, BY; CIE-Yxy- and CIE-Yxy difference data; LABJND with constants for D65
example file (1 pages, 100 KB) WE79/WE79L0NP.PDF

WE80: RI-experiments: series WPN, WDN, GDR, BDY in directions WN, GR, BY; CIE-Yxy- and CIE-Yxy difference data; LABJND with special constants 0,8 1,4 1,1
example file (1 pages, 100 KB) WE80/WE80L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with large colour differences (L=large) (LCD)
WE81: 128 colour pairs with large colour differences (LCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets OS=OSA
example file (4 pages, 100 KB) WE81/WE81L0NP.PDF

Colour difference formulae, colour pairs with visual (V) threshold colour differences (VCD)
WE91: 330 colour pairs with visual threshold colour differences (VCD), XYZ, visual and delta_E* data for data sets RI=RICHTER
example file (8 pages, 200 KB) WE91/WE91L0NP.PDF

Colour difference experiments
WE99: Examples of data sets WI_0418 and VR_0128, Relative and scaled visual difference.
Example file (1 pag, 100 KB) WE99/WE99L0NP.PDF

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WE in English, WG in German.
For this page with additional image information (internet speed > 1MB/s recommended), see
WEI in English, WGI in German.

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VE in English, VG in German.
For the preceding page with additional image information, see
VEI in English, VGI in German.

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XE in English, XG in German.
For the next page with additional image information, see
XEI in English, XGI in German.

For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

Back to the main page of this TUB web site (not archive), see
index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.