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Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology

Some basic colorimetric and colour vision data for thresholds, and for antichromatic optimal Ostwald colours.

Figures and data of "Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology" are in the folders UEXX (colour series U, E=English, XX=00 to 99).

Folder and Title
Development of a device independent visual RGB* colour space for colour vision and image technology

Information about test charts of ISO, IEC, CEN, and DIN
according to ISO CEN 9241-306:2018 for the test of display output, and for eight contrast steps in english (E), german (G), and french (F).
The test charts are on the ISO Standards Maintenance Portal in the file formats PDF, and PostScript (PS, TXT), see

See also the booklet of K. Richter (2015, 80 pages, 2,5 MB) Colour, Colour Vision and Elementary Colours in Colour Information Technology

For the application of "antichromatic Ostwald optimal colours"
download the following two reports. The following two alternative links are in the standard MLA format. If the first link to a CIE web site is not working then the second link may be used for the download from an archive server. .

Thorstein Seim, Reportership Report CIE R1-47, Hue angles of elementary colours, 2009, see (35 pages),
[http://files.cie.co.at/526.pdf]._Internet Archive_.[ http://web.archive.org/web/20160304130704/http://files.cie.co.at/526.pdf].

Thorstein Seim, Reportership Report CIE R1-57, Border between Blackish and Luminous Colours, 2013, see (23 pages),
[ http://files.cie.co.at/716_CIE%20R1-57%20Report%20Jul-13%20v.2.pdf]._Internet Archive_.[ http://web.archive.org/web/20150413002133/http://files.cie.co.at/716_CIE%20R1-57%20Report%20Jul-13%20v.2.pdf].

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1988); tp=26s
UE00: 4 observers, 3 repeats, data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.
UE01: 4 observers, average, data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.
UE02: 4 observers, average, data and potential A3-pc-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.
UE03: average of all observers data and potential A3-pc-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.

Threshold experiments: Richter (1985) and Kittelmann (2010); tp=5s
UE04: average of 9 observer data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminance 60 cd/m**2.
UE05: average of 41 observer data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminance 60 cd/m**2.

Examples of threshold data for luminance change of achromatic and chromatic central field colours; tp=0,1s and 26s
UE06: Luminance change for achromatic chromaticity of central field; 4 constants Ai, exponential functions, adaptation to 5 surround luminances by function shifts.
UE07: Luminance change for chromatic chromaticity of central field; 4 constants Ai, exponential functions, adaptation to 5 surround luminances by function shifts.

Colour thresholds, colour spaces, and colour metric for colour threshold differences
UE08: Colour spaces LABJND 1985, ABY 1985, CIELAB 1976 and condition and results of colour threshold experiments
UE09: 16 step elementary hue circle of optimal Ostwald colours and 5 grey steps XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh colour data
UE10: LABJNDs, oRGBe, tRGBe, and line elements for luminance and chromaticity differences
UE11: LABJNDs & ABY, and modifications for luminance and chromaticity differences
UE12: least square fit with potential functions and three constants A1, A2, and A3
UE13: LABJNDs 1985 and three modifications LABJND 2014 for complementary colours
UE14: Hyperbolic and potential response curves CIE luminance contrast sensitivity and difference threshold
UE15: Hyperbolic and logarithmic response curves CIE luminance contrast sensitivity and difference threshold

Intended Standardization of the visual device-independent colour space RGB*
UE16: Under development
UE17: Colour spaces sRGB and RGB*; Development of the colour space RGB*; Colorimetric CIE data of optimal colours
UE18: Colour threshold and scaling; Differences and V-shape functions; Data as function of luminance and chromaticity

Examples of colour metric
UE19: Examples of colour metric I; Application: User coordinates and device calibration; Hue output of multifunctional devices
UE20: Examples of colour metric II; Application: User coordinates and device calibration; Output - Input - Output loop with devices

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1989 and 1988); tp=0,1s and 26s
hyperbolic A2-fit and A3-fit; A3=0,8 and variable; central fields AYBRG in achromatic surround A
UE21: tp=0,1s, average of 4 observers, hyperbolic A2-fit, A3=0,8; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE22: tp=0,1&26s, average of 4 observers, hyperbolic A2-fit, A3=0,8; adaptation to grey surround luminance 6,3cd/m**2
UE23: tp=26s, average of 4 observers, hyperbolic A2-fit, A3=0,8; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE24: tp=0,1s, average of 4 observers, hyperbolic A3-fit; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE25: tp=0,1&26s, average of 4 observers, hyperbolic A3-fit; adaptation to grey surround luminance 6,3cd/m**2
UE26: tp=26s, average of 4 observers, hyperbolic A3-fit; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE27: tp=0,1&26s, average of 4 observers, hyperbolic A2-fit, A3=0,8; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE28: tp=0,1&26s, average of 4 observers, hyperbolic A3-fit, A3=0,8; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE29: tp=0,1s, A&YBRG, average of 4 observers, hyperbolic A2-fit, A3=0,8; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE30: tp=26s, A&YBRG, average of 4 observers, hyperbolic A2-fit, A3=0,8; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2

UE31: Under development
UE32: Under development
UE33: Under development
UE34: Under development
UE35: Under development
UE36: Under development
UE37: Under development

Threshold experiments: Richter (1985) and Kittelmann (2010); tp=5s
UE38: Data table for series WN, RG, YB, average of 9 observers, adaptation to grey surround luminance 60 cd/m**2.
UE39: average of 9 observer data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminance 60 cd/m**2.
UE40: average of 30 observer data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminance 60 cd/m**2.

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1989 and 1988); tp=0,1s and 26s
potential A3-fit; A4=1 and A4=10; central fields AYBRG in achromatic surround A
UE41: tp=0,1s, average of 4 observers, potential A3-fit; A4=1; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE42: tp=0,1&26s, average of 4 observers, potential A3-fit; A4=1; adaptation to grey surround luminance 6,3cd/m**2
UE43: tp=26s, average of 4 observers, potential A3-fit; A4=1; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE44: tp=0,1s, average of 4 observers, potential A4-fit; A4=10; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE45: tp=0,1&26s, average of 4 observers, potential A4-fit; A4=10; adaptation to grey surround luminance 6,3cd/m**2
UE46: tp=26s, average of 4 observers, potential A4-fit; A4=10; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE47: tp=0,1&26s, average of 4 observers, potential A3-fit; A4=1; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE48: tp=0,1&26s, average of 4 observers, potential A4-fit; A4=10; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE49: tp=0,1s, A&YBRG, average of 4 observers, potential A3-fit; A4=1; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
UE50: tp=26s, A&YBRG, average of 4 observers, potential A3-fit; A4=1; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2

Colour threshold data: Richter, Kittelmann, Avramopoulos; tp=26s
bipartite field, 3,5 degree viewing field; grey surround with Y=18; L=60 cd/m**2
UE51: Threshold data: Richter (1985), 330 pairs for D65 and P40
UE52: Threshold data: Kittelmann (2009), 392 pairs for D65
UE53: Threshold data: Avramopoulos (1988), 132 pairs for D65

Colour scaling data: Different data sets; calculated data for colour differences delta_E*CIELAB and CIE DE2000 =1
UE54: WITT data set, 418 colour pairs for D65
UE55: RIT-DUPONT data set, 312 colour pairs for D65
UE56: LEEDS data set, 307 colour pairs for D65
UE57: BFD.01 data set, 2776 colour pairs for D65
UE58: Under development: calculated CIELAB data set for delta_E*CIELAB=1, 392 colour pairs
UE59: Under development: calculated CIE DE2000 data set for delta_E*DE2000=1, 392 colour pairs

Colour threshold data: Richter; tp=26s; bipartite field, 3,5 degree viewing field; grey surround with Y=18; L=60 cd/m**2
UE60: Threshold data: Richter (1985), 258 pairs for D65, with LABJND 1985
UE61: Threshold data: Richter (1985), 258 pairs for D65, with LABJND 20XX
UE62: Under development
UE63: Under development

Colour difference formulae, Colour difference data sets and performance of formulae
UE64 Colour difference data, Witt data set, 418 sample pairs, visual data normalized to 1
UE65 Colour difference data, RIT_DuPont data set, 312 sample pairs, vis. data normalized to 1
UE66 Colour difference data, LEEDS data set, 307 sample pairs, visual data normalized to 1
UE67 Colour difference data, BFD.01 data set, 2776 sample pairs, visual data normalized to 1
UE68 Colour difference formulae
One delta_E*-unit of CIELAB, CIEDE2000, Power Correction, long time presentation tp>=25s, grey suround
UE69: Colour threshold data, Tables: data set, amount of colour pairs, performance
of colour difference formulae CIELAB, CIE DE2000, ...

Colour threshold data: Richter+Kittelmann, Richter, Kittelmann; tp=26s
bipartite field, 3,5 degree viewing field; grey surround with Y=18; L=60 cd/m**2, least square fit, comparison with CIELAB and CIEDE2000
UE70: Colour threshold data Richter (1985) + Kittelmann (2009) data, 650 sample pairs, raw data, not normalized to parametric values
UE71: Colour threshold data of Richter (1985) data, 258 sample pairs, least square fit delta_T*=1 for achromatic colours (page 1&2)
UE72: Threshold data of Kittelmann (2009), 392 sample pairs, least square fit delta_T*=1 for achromatic colours (page 1&2)
UE73: Under development
UE74: Under development
UE75: Under development
UE76: Under development
UE77: Under development

Colour difference data and units, Eperimental data of Avramopoulos for 5 chromaticities
8 optimal colours and mixtures with White W and Black N,
Result comparison with CIELAB and CIEDE2000 formulae
UE78: Colour difference data and units,
Eperimental data of Avramopoulos for 5 chromaticities,
Result comparison with CIELAB and CIEDE2000 formulae
UE79: Colour difference data and units,
8 optimal colours and mixtures with White W and Black N,
Result comparison with CIELAB and CIEDE2000 formulae

Colour difference data, different data set, delta_E*XX=1, 309 sample pairs
UE80: CIELCH(CIELAB) data set, delta_E*CH=1
UE81: CIE94 data set, delta_E*94=1
UE82: CMC(l:c=1:1) data set, delta_E*CM=1
UE83: CIEDE2000 data set, delta_E*00=1
UE84: LABJND 1985 data set, delta_E*85=1
UE85: CIELCH(CIELAB) data set, delta_E*CH=1
UE86: CMC(l:c=1:2) data set, delta_E*M2=1
UE87: LABHNU_77 data set, delta_E*77=1
UE88: LABHNU1_78 data set, delta_E*78=1
UE89: LABHNU2_79 data set, delta_E*79=1
UE90: Original colour difference data
CIELCH(CIELAB) data set, delta_E*CH=1

Threshold data, data set of different observers, 309 sample pairs
calculated cilour differences: CIELCH(CIELAB), CIE94, CMC, CIEDE2000, LABJND85
UE91: Threshold data of Richter (1985), 330 sample pairs
UE92: Threshold data of Kittelmann (2010), 392 sample pairs
UE93: Threshold data of Avramopoulos (1988), 132 sample pairs
UE94: Colour difference data of Witt, 418 sample pairs
UE95: Colour difference data of RIT_DuPont, 312 sample pairs
UE96: Colour difference data of LEEDS, 307 sample pairs
UE97: Colour difference data of BFD.01, 2776 sample pairs

Original colour difference data, CIELAB data set with delta_E*CIELAB=1
CIEDE2000 data set with delta_E*CIEDE2000=1, 309 sample pairs

UE98: CIELAB data set, delta_E*CIELAB=1
UE99: CIEDE2000 data set, delta_E*CIEDE2000=1.


Examples of test charts and/or colorimetric experiments and calculations

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1988); tp=26s
UE00: 4 observers, 3 repeats, data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminances 6,3 & 63 & 630 cd/m**2.
example file (9 pages, 1,5 MB) UE00/UE00L0NP.PDF

Threshold experiments: Richter (1985) and Kittelmann (2010); tp=5s
UE04: average of 9 observer data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminance 60 cd/m**2..
example file (3 pages, 1 MB) UE04/UE04L0NP.PDF

Examples of threshold data for luminance change of achromatic and chromatic central field colours; tp=0,1s and 26s
UE06: Luminance change for achromatic chromaticity of central field; 4 constants Ai, exponential functions, adaptation to 5 surround luminances by function shifts.
example file (3 pages, 1 MB) UE06/UE06L0NP.PDF

Colour thresholds, colour spaces, and colour metric for colour threshold differences
UE08: Colour spaces LABJND 1985, ABY 1985, CIELAB 1976 and condition and results of colour threshold experiments
example file (1 page, 100 KB) UE08/UE08L0NP.PDF

UE09: 16 step elementary hue circle of optimal Ostwald colours and 5 grey steps XYZ, LabCh*, and YABCh colour data
example file (1 page, 200 KB) UE09/UE09L0NP.PDF

UE10: LABJNDs, oRGBe, tRGBe, and line elements for luminance and chromaticity differences
example file (1 page, 100 KB) UE10/UE10L0NP.PDF

UE13: LABJNDs 1985 and three modifications LABJND 2013 for complementary colours
example file (1 page, 100 KB) UE13/UE13L0NP.PDF

UE14: Hyperbolic and potential response curves CIE luminance contrast sensitivity and difference threshold
example file (1 page, 100 KB) UE14/UE14L0NP.PDF

Intended Standardization of the visual device-independent colour space RGB*
UE17: Colour spaces sRGB and RGB*; Development of the colour space RGB*; Colorimetric CIE data of optimal colours
example file (1 page, 100 KB) UE17/UE17L0NP.PDF

UE18: Colour threshold and scaling; Differences and V-shape functions; Data as function of luminance and chromaticity
example file (1 page, 100 KB) UE18/UE18L0NP.PDF

Examples of colour metric
UE19: Examples of colour metric I; Application: User coordinates and device calibration; Hue output of multifunctional devices
example file (1 page, 100 KB) UE19/UE19L0NP.PDF

UE20: Examples of colour metric II; Application: User coordinates and device calibration; Output - Input - Output loop with devices
example file (1 page, 100 KB) UE20/UE20L0NP.PDF

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1989 and 1988); tp=0,1s amd 26s; A3=0,8 and variable;
UE21: tp=0,1s, average of 4 observers, hyperbolic A2-fit, A3=0,8; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
example file (4 pages, 400 KB) UE21/UE21L0NP.PDF

UE25: tp=0,1s and 26s, average of 4 observers, hyperbolic A3-fit; adaptation to grey surround luminance 6,3cd/m**2
example file (4 pages, 400 KB) UE25/UE25L0NP.PDF

UE29: tp=0,1s, A&YBRG, average of 4 observers, hyperbolic A2-fit; adaptation to grey surround luminance 630, 63, and 6,3cd/m**2
example file (4 pages, 400 KB) UE29/UE29L0NP.PDF

Threshold experiments: Richter (1985) and Kittelmann (2010); tp=5s
UE38: Data table for series WN, RG, YB, average of 9 observers, adaptation to grey surround luminance 60 cd/m**2.
example file (4 pages, 400 KB) UE38/UE38L0NP.PDF

UE39: average of 9 observer data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminance 60 cd/m**2.
example file (4 pages, 400 KB) UE39/UE39L0NP.PDF

UE40: average of 30 observer data and potential A3-fit, adaptation to grey surround luminance 60 cd/m**2.
example file (4 pages, 400 KB) UE40/UE40L0NP.PDF

Threshold experiments: Avramopoulos (1989 and 1988); tp=0,1s amd 26s; potential A3-fit; A4=1 and A4=10
UE41: tp=0,1s, average of 4 observers, potential A3-fit; A4=1; adaptation to grey surround luminances 630 & 63 & 6,3cd/m**2
example file (4 pages, 400 KB) UE41/UE41L0NP.PDF

UE45: tp=0,1s and 26s, average of 4 observers, potential A4-fit; A4=10; adaptation to grey surround luminance 6,3cd/m**2
example file (4 pages, 400 KB) UE45/UE45L0NP.PDF

UE49: tp=0,1s, A&YBRG, average of 4 observers, potential A3-fit; A4=1; adaptation to grey surround luminance 630, 63, and 6,3cd/m**2
example file (4 pages, 400 KB) UE49/UE49L0NP.PDF

Colour threshold data: Richter
tp=26s; bipartite field, 3,5 degree viewing field; grey surround with Y=18; L=60 cd/m**2
UE51: Threshold data: Richter data set, 258 colour pairs
example file (53 pages, 400 KB) UE51/UE51L0NP.PDF

Colour scaling data: Different data sets; calculated data for colour differences delta_E*CIELAB and CIE DE2000 =1
UE54: Scaling data: WITT data set, 418 colour pairs
example file (53 pages, 400 KB) UE54/UE54L0NP.PDF

Colour threshold data: Richter+Kittelmann, Richter, Kittelmann; tp=26s; bipartite field, 3,5 degree viewing field;
grey surround with Y=18; L=60 cd/m**2, Least square fit, comparison with CIELAB and CIE DE2000
UE72: Kittelmann (2009), 392 Farbmuster-Paare
example file (3 pages, 400 KB) UE72/UE72L0NP.PDF

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